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Messages - Roisin

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: January 24, 2009, 05:45:13 PM »
no, I was browsing my library and they were small, black, and there were lots of them, so I read the little bio thingy and checked one out and bacame addicted. only problem is i started with Dead Beat and didn't understand some of!
Far out! My initiation into Jim Butcherland was almost identical to yours. I picked up Dead Beat at the library and was so impressed I bought every Dresden book I could find and have just finished Back Up...impatiently waiting for this years offering  ;D

I'm quite an anti-fan of books being made into tv programmes or movies - I get totally obsessive about the details...I'm that really annoying person who sits in the cinema going "Helloooo?! His hair is meant to be brown!!" Ha ha! So, even though I love the books, I shan't watch the series. 

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