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Messages - KLC

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Plot Help: Gaining the Council passage through Faerie
« on: September 08, 2008, 08:56:26 PM »
I can tell I'm just getting the tip of the iceberg here, so I will just make a simple suggestion on the sanity issue.  Compare Aurora to Hamlet - we never know whether Hamlet is insane or acting insane for his purposes.  What if your Queen is alternately, to best serve your story:
- actually insane
- acting insane
- poisoned into insanity
- under a spell
- ect.

And therefore at different times and depending on the quest what you / others (the council etc) need accomplished, this could drive many of your access / availability / quest / "who-is-a-good-guy-who-is-a-bad-guy" issues.   

Perhaps I am suggesting that the initial plot is "what's up with the Fae Queen?"  Then "Who did this to her?"  This gets access through Fae.  And you can work through there.

I hope this makes sense and is helpful.


DFRPG / Re: Plot Help: Gaining the Council passage through Faerie
« on: August 04, 2008, 10:39:38 PM »

Not to oversimplify, but there are three options for getting through Faerie:
1) Get through as a reward from one side.
2) Get through by sneaking though (not a long-term solution, I know).
3) Having enough muscle so that it doesn't matter.

I recognize that this seems obvious, but I like to lay things out.  The way that Jim has set up his universe is that the Fae like short term gifts, but that they are long-term strategists.  That's why we never know if they - like Hamlet - are insane.  It sounds like you are asking two questions.  First, how do you notify the Council without being obvious?  Second, how do you get access to Faerie?

For the first, I'd think about having your PC try to be a puppet master.  Try to get him or her to do a bunch of tasks that individually are important, but when you put them together...

For the second, why should either of the courts care if the Council travel through?  Why is it good for them?  Solve a problem for them, make it worth their while (even if you have to invent the problem first).

I hope this helps.


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