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Messages - Alberich

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: loup garou vs Warden Sword
« on: August 09, 2011, 04:43:26 PM »
Part of macfinn's curse was that the bloodline would never die. That doesn't mean that the same thing applies for all loup garou.

True from our only example in the books. But from the universal houserule to gaming it just makes the story better by adding more plot and story options later and of course my personal favorite, Players actions having positive and negative results for the over-all story.

Maybe the players can make amends for their actions by helping break the bloodline curse? or similar deeds.

DFRPG / Re: loup garou vs Warden Sword
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:56:24 PM »
And there we have it...8)
Thanks Serack! I'm still going with the idea that the Inherited Sword was made with enough Silver to do the job as it was made pre-Luccio and also because a Fate Point was spent to make it so. I don't have a huge issue with this as it's current owner is a pure mortal so it's just a really well-made sword with silver in it. I could always have it explode dramatically...8)

Good Luck bringing a Sword to a Loup Garou Fight on a pure mortal. It is breaking alot of already confirmed information for the Dresden universe but then again it is always your game.

My real problem with reading this whole thread is of course, how boring it is.  Your specificly handing your players enemies they are already equiped to defeat. Wheres the fun in that? thats just hack'n slash.  It would be better for them to have to figure out what the Loup Garou is in this encounter and figure a means around it not through it. Perhaps finding another weakness? or a ally who is equiped to defeat one (Knight of the Cross anyone?). Also keep in mind in general Loup Garou are CURSED its not their choices to do what they do. Most from what we know hate it and despise themselves for it but can do little to help themselves. They need help, not being killed as a monster of the week.
What if the Loup garou had powerful allies or friends and seek revenge after the players kill him? and play this up for all its worth. Also remember part of the Loup Garou curse is that the bloodline will never die, this garantees it has a kid somewhere who may hold a grudge against the strangers who came into town and killed their parent.

DFRPG / Re: Technomancer
« on: August 04, 2011, 01:47:26 PM »
Ive actulaly discussed this in another game where I created a Magic Hacker type character.

Its certainly possibly and dependant on the character, as Harry said the side effects of magic like Hexing are constantly evolving and changing.

I personaly found resource material from Shadowrun, and the general cyber-punk mythos to be great help. Of particular note is William Gibsons novel "Neuromancer" I found to be a incredible resource of ideas.

There are some downsides that may not be obviusly appearant. Like in most common cities there sheer amount of electronic "noise" around everything is maddening. Wireless signals of every kind overlapping with everything, Cell Phones, street lights, laser lights, radar, Etc.

DFRPG / Re: Question reguarding the setting.
« on: August 03, 2011, 04:18:36 PM »
Thanks for the replys, I thought it might be malleable like that. Its good to hear.

And yes on the Codex Alera suggestion, My brother and I have read the books and use that as some additional source material for the ideas.

My brother wants to base the game just a little before Julius Caesar began his campaign in Gaul.
Alot of the Faction existed relativly the same as they are now at this time, like the Vampire Courts infiltration into mortal soeciety. The Council of Wizards may need some work as it seems very likly to be alot more split then it is now. I suggested I probably wouldnt want to deal with say Egyptian Necromancers and such in this time period for sure.

DFRPG / Question reguarding the setting.
« on: August 03, 2011, 03:15:28 AM »
Hello, I just recently got the RPG book but havent had a chance to read it cover to cover yet. I did have a question about settings for the community though if I may?

My brother wants to run a game with it but set in Anchient Rome, being that hes a huge history fan and has a passion for all things roman. Is this possible in the game mechanics or is it only a modern day type of setting?

I know how he pitched the idea to me, playing a Roman Soldier Lycanthrope seemed oddly fitting and appropiete.

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