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Messages - Poit

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: A few seconds ahead - How strong is it?
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:28:29 PM »
EDIT: Here is how my full write up of those stunts would look:

"See it Comming" You are good at predicting what people are about to do. You may defend against physical attacks with alertness as long as you can see them

"Honeyed Words" Most of your conversations lead people to believe you are honest. You may use deceit as a defense in social conflicts when incorporating lies into your conversation.

"Acrobat" You are skilled at moving your body in ways people dont expect. You may use performance to defend against physical attacks as long as you narate it colorfully.

I believe the Italicized portions are your issue with the power since it doesnt have that, but the nature of the power is to litterally see the future so they dont really need a caveat such as the ones I have stated.

Honeyed Words might be workable. The other two are too strong.

I agree with Sanctaphrax, though I don't really like the wording of it.

For See it Coming, the limitation isn't really a limitation. For attacks you're unaware of, isn't your defense reduced to mediocre? Saying "you can use this skill to defend against attacks except when you can't defend against attacks" is identical to saying "you can use this skill to defend against attacks". More appropriate might be something like "you can use this skill to defend against attacks from enemies you have placed 'Studied' (or a similar aspect) on".

For Honeyed Words, the phrase "when incorporating lies into your conversation" is too nebulous, I think. If the restriction was instead something like "when you have already successfully lied in the current conflict" or "when you have not unsuccessfully lied in the current conflict", that would be better-defined, and either of those fits with the description of the stunt.

Your restriction for "Acrobat" is not a restriction reliant on the character, but rather the player's ability to come up with stunts. I think it'd be more appropriate for the restriction to instead be "as long as you have sufficient room for your acrobatic maneuvers", or something similar.

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