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Messages - Somerset Pierce

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Help a new guy, please
« on: January 10, 2013, 10:51:51 PM »
How would guest stars work in that case? Would I use an NPC in that instance? Or can a character be used twice with different aspects?

DFRPG / Re: Help a new guy, please
« on: January 10, 2013, 08:42:25 PM »
Thanks again guys. I did misunderstand the guest star aspects, I'll give it a re-working. All the other players but one dropped recently, and if I can't find a new player we may have to shelve it. Can you play with just two people?

DFRPG / Re: Help a new guy, please
« on: January 10, 2013, 04:38:45 AM »
So this is what I have so far. I'm very open to suggestions, and input. Let me know what you think:

Matheau Cain
High Concept: “Last Blade of Luccio”
Matheau was recruited into the wardens one year prior to the events of the case “Dead Beat” Captain Luccio temporarily assigned him to guard duty at the council headquarters in Edinburgh Castle.  While here he became friends with Wardens Chandler (“Steed”) and Yoshimo. Luccio completed his sword just prior to the events of “Dead Beat” however it was not presented to him until after the events due to Luccio’s involvement. Due to Captain Luccio’s inability to forge new swords, his friends have christened him the “Last Blade of Luccio”

Trouble: “Absolutely NOT my father’s son!”
Mateau’s mother died when he was six in a car accident. He was sent to live with his father who was an alcoholic, and drug addict. After spending his formative years enduring both mental and physical abuse Virgil grew to hate his father. Vowing to never be anything like him, Matheau follows the straight edge lifestyle, generally looks down upon, sometimes to the point of openly being rude, and dismissive to people who are encountering hardships due to their own drug, or alcohol usage.
Background: “Call me Mat”
Matheau grew up in a life of strict order, and squalor. As such, Matheau has become a bit of a free spirit regarding his lifestyle, and attitude.  He has a strong sense of responsibility despite seeming to take nothing seriously.
Rising Conflict: “Matheau the Red…I don’t want to talk about it.”
Matheau’s first introduction to the Vampire wars was a hard one. During a strike in South America Matheau earned the name “The Red” from a Swiss Warden named Sven Urne, by causing the death of over twenty Red Court vampires, and nearly a dozen of their thralls by detonating  an improvised fuel bomb consisting of three linked fuel takers.  This caused mixed feelings in that the event was a victory for the council in a time where victories are rare, however the weight of the lives lost weigh heavy on Matheau.
First Adventure: “I do what must be done.”
Matheau’s very first duty as a Warden was to arrest a warlock in his hometown who had broken the third law of magic. He met up with a childhood friend who offered several leads. After several dead ends Matheau discovered that it was his friend who was the warlock. The leads he had been given were rivals the friend wanted eliminated. After the arrest, and trial, Captain Luccio allowed the execution to be carried out by Warden Morgan in Cain’s stead.  The fact that he was nearly duped by his friend hardened him a bit, and taught him the lesson that sometimes what you want, and what you need to do are very different.
Guest Star: “Harry Dresden is my boss”
After the events of Dead Beat Warden Dresden became aware of a smallish group of Red Court Vampires attempting to break into the chemical depot in Richmond Kentucky. Upon petition from Harry Captain Luccio assigned Matheau to the case due to both he being from Kentucky, and he being somewhat of a war veteran by this point. After the successful repelling of the break in attempt Warden Dresden assigned Cain to the Kentucky Region, based primarily out of the city of Somerset.
Guest Star: “Yoshimo, Steed, and Cain”
While on leave in New Orleans Matheau encountered a Voodoo priest attempting to revive Voodoo Queen Marie Leveau. Realizing he is a bit over his head Matheau enlists his friends Wardens Yoshimo, and Steed. Together they were able to uncover, and break up a cult devoted to resurrecting the late Voodoo Queen.

DFRPG / Re: Help a new guy, please
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:56:48 AM »
Thanks a lot for the feed back so far guys! I have pre-order versions of both the books. Honestly the problem I have is the same problem I have in all rpg's, too many options. I know, for example, what I want to do, but I either try to do too much, or I make things too complicated. Also, this is my introduction to FATE. I have played D&D, but the community in my town is very limited, to say the least, which is another reason I'm having trouble. The concepts, and aspects I think I have down ok, it's statting out the character I'm having trouble with. Like, how do I determine how good my character is at evocation, for example? Skills are decided by the number of points available at the start, correct? Sorry if these are questions with obvious questions, I'm just trying to get started, lol.

Thanks again!

DFRPG / Help a new guy, please
« on: January 09, 2013, 10:52:55 PM »
Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this. A couple friends and I are wanting to give the RPG a go, but I'm having trouble with initial character creation. We're doing a waist deep game post Dead Beat. I would like to create a Warden, but don't want an exact copy of Carlos.

My idea is to do a sort of "Last Blade of Luccio" concept where my character received the last sword she crafted before her body jump. Him being a Warden in the East Coast (Our game is set in Kentucky) I thought would be a good way to allow Harry to be present without outshining the players.

Anyway, basically what I'm having trouble with is Warden creation, are they  basically just wizards with a warden aspect? Character creation is the hardest part for me in RPG's, so any input is appreciated.

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