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Messages - muddman

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Paranet Files preview
« on: May 17, 2012, 10:12:02 PM »
Come on people! Only 6 "likes" away!!! :)

DFRPG / Re: Need a plot twist
« on: April 21, 2012, 11:08:27 PM »
Thanks for the advice, everyone, great ideas! I'm actually going to blend a few suggestions.

During the meeting, word will arrive to the death of a red court representative, apparently at the hand of mortals. The reds freak out and demand the white council reps reign in their 'charge', or else they will. The reds storm out, which will basically end the meeting.

Investigation will reveal a swat team style raid, killing several half vamps and the red court emissary. They knew what they were doing and took their lone casualty away with them before setting the building on fire. Clues will lead the team to a sect of the vinotori ubrorum (I'm sure I misspelled) sect here to respond to an attack on the NY Warden. They travel and find the NY Warden dead, overwhlemed by red court vamps. A few clues lead them to a red court hideout to throw down with the vamps.

Timeline-wise, this will line up with the big throw down between the Red Court and the White Council talked about during Dead Beat. I'm even considering them finding directions to travel to sicily through the ways so they can join in on that cluster mess that cut down 3/4 of the wardens in just a couple of days.

Any more suggestions?

DFRPG / Need a plot twist
« on: April 13, 2012, 02:29:10 AM »
Hello all,

So here is the situation: the group is in Baltimore and the death of the local Warden has thrust them into the role of White Council reps. They are having a huge meeting with the city's other accorded factions to discuss the state of the city.

White court vamps: hate them
Red court: steering clear to avoid breaking the truce
Ghoul clan: love them
Summer court: don't care one way or the other

They're also going to introduce a local werewolf clan leader as a free holding lord.

But that all seems kind of dull, I'd like a twist at the end. I have a few ideas, but I'm curious what other seasoned Dresden Files GMs can come up with  :)

Any suggestions are appreciated!

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