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Messages - Marduk

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 19, 2011, 03:05:44 AM »
Mary Jane = Untile recently Spider-Man's girlfriend then wife.

<----Comic Nerd

That was were my confussion came from. I didn't see the similarity from my character to Spidey's MJ.

So any tips for rotes and stunts? Or does someone else have ideas for Aspects too?

DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:43:54 PM »
Mary Jane!!!!
Consider me confused  ???

DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 18, 2011, 12:23:43 PM »
Could tack it on to the Girl Next door - "Cute girl next door"? - Draw on that 'I'm just like you and not one of these wierdo witchy types" to get people to listen to her more 'generously'. Bit of flirting etc.
High concept is what she is "Teenage Monster Hunter"
The trouble is the Job - The monsters coming through the rift in increasing numbers "They just keep coming" May be

Still thinking about it. So besides of this, I can choose some rotes for her, is that right?

DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 18, 2011, 09:53:31 AM »

DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 18, 2011, 03:09:07 AM »
I tend to get Aspects out of the stages of the back grounds.

Back ground
She grew up a normal girl
Aspect "Girl next door"

Rising Conflict
but not long ago her grandma died and told her on the deathbed about her familys secret:
Her family are a kind of guardians which guard the border between the Otherworld and our world against intrusions from the other side. She now inherits that duty.
Aspect: Guardian of the borderlands

First Story
I imagine her as a kind of monster hunter, trying to life a normal life while trying to fight the monsters which strangely start to cross the border in greater numbers then ever before because of some impending cataclysm or such.
So a  good First story would be first time she had to take down a monster and how that effected her life
Aspect:Monster hunting wrecks your social life

Guest Star & Guess Star redux you need to have the other P.C.'s stories so you can see how you will interact with their first stories.
Then the two aspects from those events will come out of that - so they could be anything.

These are great so far. So I only need the High concept and the trouble concept? I was also thinking to link one of the aspects to her looks perhaps or do you think the presence skill is sufficient for that?

DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 18, 2011, 03:06:24 AM »
Alternatively switch something (a skill) out for endurance for a longer physical stress track.  You may try an item of power instead of being a spell caster.  It can be any weapon so guns works as would a melee weapon, but you'd need a different skill...weapons for example.

It is what it is: weapon of some type
One time discount: +2
True aim -1
Inhuman Speed: -2

This leaves room for a stunt and having 1 refresh leftover.

Or two refresh leftover.

Nice idea, but i think I see her more as a spellcaster type. Perhaps the book from her granny can be an item of power?

DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 17, 2011, 07:42:29 PM »
SO 6 Refresh, 20 point on skills
Focused Practitioner or Minor Talent
Powers -
-2 World walker to allow her to pass to and from the Nevernever as needed
-1 Sight - So you can see the beasts for what they are
-2 Channelling - Element=spirit/force - So she has some magical skills to use against them. Granny's book could well be the Focus Item she is using, giving +1 to both Offensive and Defensive control (Because is shows her HOW to do it rather than providing POWER to do it)

Total of -5 which leaves a very low refresh of 1 and no option for stunts.
:( So you might want to drop Sight or World Walker to give a few more options.

skills: Great (2):Rapport(For her wits), Presence (For the good looks),
Good(2): Lore, Gun (For Knowing where to hit and being able to hit there)
Fair (2):Alertness, Athletics (For not getting hit)
Average(2): Conviction, Discipline (For sticking with it when the going gets tough - and because she needs them for her 'magic' but is only just learning to control all that stuff.)

That looks good so far. I think I would drop World Walker for the start to get some stunts.

Any suggestions for Aspects?

DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:19:29 PM »
That's OK, as a beginner myself, I take what I can get  ;)

DFRPG / Re: Request a Character...
« on: May 17, 2011, 11:37:43 AM »
Not sure if I am really at the right place, but I have a request for help putting this character into stats.

The setting is not really the standard Dresden Setting. Think more along the lines of Dresden Files mixed with a good dose of KULT, Silent Hill and Hellraiser. This Settings Version of the Nevernever is a dark and horrific version. A place where the border between that Otherworld and our world is thin is a small town located somewhere in America.

The character is a girl in senior high school/college (not decided yet) who lost her parents early and was raised by her sometimes a bit strange grandma. She grew up a normal girl but not long ago her grandma died and told her on the deathbed about her familys secret:

Her family are a kind of guardians which guard the border between the Otherworld and our world against intrusions from the other side. She now inherits that duty.

I imagine her as a kind of monster hunter, trying to life a normal life while trying to fight the monsters which strangely start to cross the border in greater numbers then ever before because of some impending cataclysm or such. She uses her looks, her wits, some magic she just started to learn out of her grandma's note book and her grandmas trusted old shotgun.

Any help here would be appreciated.

Edit: I forgot: The power level is "Feet in the water" or the next one after that (forgot the name of that)

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