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Messages - ninjadude853

Pages: [1]
One would have to wonder, however, why Eternal Silence's mind-voice was apparently more powerful than Demonreach's mind-voice.

I think that was just because Harry was in spirit form when he heard ES's mind voice, and had a physical body when he heard Demonreach's. Or maybe it was because he was actually on the island when he heard Demonreach's.

Okay, i got and read the book today. As always, it was AWESOME. I think my absolute favorite part was the fight between Molly and the Servitors. Actually, that whole section with Molly, from Lea's lessons to Harry's conversation with her in Denny's. Odd, since I'm not really a fan of Molly. Oh, and even though i've never seen an episode of Star Trek in my life, that mental fight with the Corpsetaker on the bridge of the enterprise was pretty damn sweet.

And of course, the resurrection itself. I'd thought that Demonreach would play a role, but i didn't think it would be so... active. I thought that maybe Harry would use the island, but i didn't expect the island itself to take the initiate to deal with Mab. Also, its "cold satisfaction" when Harry starts standing up to Mab. My god that island is awesome.

One thing that confuses me though. I understand that Harry's body was kept alive and maintained by Mab and Demonreach, but why exactly did his soul go back to it? Did Uriel send him back? or did Mab and Demonreach force it back somehow?

Other highlights include: Daniel's knife fight, Fitz in general, Harry's Flashbacks to DuMorne and He Who Walks Behind, Maggie's new home, and her new guardian (though it disappoints me that Mouse won't be hanging around with Harry anymore). And of course, Murphy's dad, the guy with the stones to hang up on an Archangel. Especially since he apparently does it regularly.

EDIT: And freaking Butters. Who the hell would of thought that Butters + Bob = BADASS

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