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Messages - Mylessc

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Magically Giving Oneself Powers
« on: September 02, 2010, 10:41:27 PM »
It seems as if everyone is stuck on taking yourself out with a ritual to grant the human body temporary access to inhuman and above level refresh powers. I do not believe this is necessary unless the change you wish to imbue is permanent. I would think temporary ritual duration upgrades to the body would be a much less taxing ritual. There should be a mid session cost for the upgrades of one fate point per refresh(or 1 free compel per FP owed, GM's eat your hearts out!) of power gained as detailed on pg. 92 under the temporary powers sidebar.

Besides everyone is acting like every player is going to spend 4 hours in ritual buffing up before stepping out the door in the morning. When the &^$% is hitting the fan (as it should be in the Dresdenverse) there usually isn't time for that. And Sponsored casters are going to be so horribly in debt as to be NPC's if they go about doing this regularly, not to mention the fact their patron power may deny them access to it's admittedly vast yet limited resources for petty uses.

DFRPG / Re: Magically Giving Oneself Powers
« on: September 02, 2010, 05:38:09 PM »
OK, so I have a really great example of a power being granted via a potion in both the novels and in DFRPG: Victor Sells 3 Eye potions. The potions have the effect of granting the user the effects of the sight (a 1 point refresh power) as listed the potions only require 2 shifts of power to create. The potion is listed on page 226 of OW. Now admittedly the potion does not allow the user real control over the new power (I figure as a GM this creates an easily compellable aspect on any character who chooses to imbue himself or others with a power. [i.e. Inhuman strength: Dude your crushing my hand!/ Eek! That guy just one handed a keg. He must be on PCP!!] Gm's use it make your PC's lives hell and your player's lives a riot.)

Now extrapolating from that that a 1 point refresh power can be mimicked with 2 shifts of power one can argue that it costs 2 shifts of power per refresh point of power that you wish to mimic. Now I will point out that if this is true it presents a game breaking number of possible power combinations when combined with the uses of sponsored magic. To that effect I recommend that GM's limit the users of sponsored magic to effects of complexity no greater than the casters lore for effects with a ritual duration or things can get really out of hand.

Thoughts/Comments/Questions/Arguments are welcome.

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