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Messages - DonC

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Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: September 12, 2010, 02:16:08 AM »
Great pics, DonC!  You must have been at the Superhero gathering.  I'm sad I missed it...I don't remember what night it was, but there were four or five of us Black Widows posing together. That was a blast.  I hope it gets tagged somewhere so I can have one.  :D

I think the superhero world record attempt was closed to everyone except the attendees. I did go to more than one photo shoot, though. Off the top of my head, they had shoots for Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Teen Titans, Green Lantern, Spider-Man, "Lethal Ladies of Gotham City," steampunk, Star Wars, Star Wars Expanded Universe (books, comics, TV shows and video games), Doctor Who, GI Joe and four Harry Potter shoots.

I didn't go to all of those, but I did go to a number of them.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:11:59 AM »
I usually stay at the Days Inn, too. It's literally almost $100 a night cheaper. But this year a friend of mine was looking for a fourth room mate at the Hyatt. I also read on Live Journal that the Days Inn is renovating and some of the rooms didn't pass the health inspectors.

My pictures from the con:

Georgia Aquarium on Thursday:

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: September 07, 2010, 09:50:40 PM »
LOL!! Agreed!!!  A friend asked me today to tell them about our time at Dragon*Con, and after I got through the first half-dozen stories, he stopped me and said, "Did you do anything at the Con which did NOT involve Jim Butcher???"

Me:  *blink*  Uh........  We saw Browncoats: Redemption?  And... met Laurell K. Hamilton (but Jim Butcher was there too...) ?   ;)

(We did do a lot of other things, but we tried to catch at least a handful of Jim Butcher events.  Succeeded in catching only three, though. :-/  Once Trotfox was dressed as Jareth the Goblin King, going ANYWHERE was next to impossible! ;D )

And yes, several of his panels had to be moved to larger rooms, and the number of people sitting around READING Dresden Files books as fast as they could get their hands on them was staggering!  Makes me wonder if even *HE* had any idea how popular he was going to be!

Was that Browncoats movie any good? I missed the screening, but I thought about buying a copy on Monday, hoping they did a last-day-sale, but they didn't.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: September 07, 2010, 02:41:52 AM »
It did, and around the corner. Most of the people in line for the one-hour autograph session were just there for Jim Butcher, and not the other authors there with him. I hope next time they give him a session to himself, or schedule more than one.  There were a lot of folks that didn't get their books signed at this Con.

The 1pm Saturday line, right? That was just for Jim. Each author had a separate line and each line went to a separate table.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: September 07, 2010, 01:11:17 AM »
I wish I'd known that ahead of time. The line to Jim's autograph session, and the NT Times Authors Panel were both insanely long. Then again, lines for lots of things were insanely long.  :)

The Buzzy signing was canceled. If I had to wager, I'd guess they underestimated the number of fans Jim would bring. I got in line for the 1pm signing at 11:30am and was still like 100 people back, but I did get in and meet Jim. From what someone said, the line for his signing actually went all the way outside the building.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: August 31, 2010, 02:53:34 AM »
I'd sort of hard for me to say what I'm interested in - I like a lot of things, but I'm not sure if I like them enough to see events on them.  I like Star Wars, Star Trek, Eureka, BSG, Buffy, Angel, and a lot of sci-fi/fantasy authors. I'm not into "hard" science... I'm fairly interested in the writing track. I haven't written anything for 10 years or so, but am curious, I guess, and thinking about trying to write again - would like to learn more about it, at least.

I guess I'm mostly interested in humorous panels or events, regardless of topic, with a slant towards writing/author panels.

Check out the program. There are panels for all of those movies and shows just about every day. Most of them aren't real serious.

Any changes to the schedule should be posted online at the Daily Dragon website. They also print copies at the con and pass them out at the information booths. (There's one in each host hotel; be warned, they go fast.) Sometimes they're a little behind. For example, all the Buffy cast panels have been canceled due to James Marsters having to drop out today due to his new TV show starting production early.

If you're really into writing, A.C. Crispin holds a writers workshop or two. But there is an extra charge for them. And it might be too late to sign up for them.

Will they have a public tv at the Marriot or elsewhere that anyone can watch on? I'm in an overflow hotel so no DragonCon tv.  :(

There's an overflow room with a large projection screen. It's usually in the Hyatt in rooms Regency VI-VII.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: August 30, 2010, 11:42:38 PM »
Yeah, I actually have three different things I'm trying to do at 1pm, Saturday. I'm hoping to get out of Jim's signing as early as possible, then go catch the tail end of the Star Wars costume contest. After that I'm supposed to meet a group of friends for our annual Dragon*Con lunch.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: August 30, 2010, 06:48:22 PM »

DonC and I do not share the same feelings on the Dawn contest, though I do have to stand on line for at least 2 hours to get in to that one and get a decent seat.  I've done it most years and enjoy the show and variance in the various contestants costumes, everything from professional dancers to ladies who put way too much into their armor.  That said, I may skip it this year though since there is a conflict. 

The costumes (and the ladies) are beautiful, but the one time I went I wound up near the back and couldn't see a thing. I'm sure it didn't help that I showed up like 15 after the event started, though. I had an event directly before it.

As for the masquerade, if you do go and are going to want pictures of the contestants, then I recommend sitting near the back. After the contest, they have a photo shoot in the back of the room. They partition the room off and have the contestants walk across a small stage. This fills up very fast, though. And the con will take away your badge is you try to shoot photographs in the Hyatt before midnight. (It's a fire marshal thing.)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: August 30, 2010, 01:52:45 AM »
What would you recommend a newbie go see? So many things on the idea where to go when! :)

I take it I should hilite the Bards on my schedule...what else?

What do you like? There's stuff to do pretty much 24/7 starting Thursday night. The only events I don't recommend are the Dawn Look-A-Like Contest and the burlesque show. They may sound interesting, but unless you're in the first three rows, the Dawn show isn't worth the time. The burlesque show isn't worth the time no matter where you sit.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: August 29, 2010, 04:02:34 PM »
We'll have to see if he's going to be in the exhibitor's hall signing at a booth, maybe for the comics?  That would be the other option for signings at Dcon.


I'd love to see something like that, but I don't think organized signings in the exhibit hall are allowed. The convention don't want lines forming all over the place, especially in places where they might impede the flow of foot traffic. There just isn't enough room and the Atlanta fire marshals are very zealous in their duties. (Read: They hate working 24/7 Labor Day weekend and act like douches the entire weekend.) In fact, if I recall correctly, Sherrilyn Kenyon has had a booth in the past where you could buy her books. But there was a sign there saying she couldn't come by and sign them.

Edit: I stand corrected. Exhibitor signings are allowed. A book dealer usually has several signings. However, Jim isn't going to be one of them.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: August 29, 2010, 01:49:09 AM »
Please tell me Saturday at 1pm isn't his only signing. They couldn't have picked a worse time for me if they tried.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: August 28, 2010, 11:56:44 PM »
Hi. My name's Don. I just joined to see if Jim signing schedule was posted here since D*Con still doesn't have the program online. No such luck. (Seriously, they need the Pocket Programs in five days. They must have their printer on stand-by.) But I did see the panel he's doing Sunday morning. That's cool, and fits in with my plans nicely. Anyway, I noticed people were wondering about Centennial I. It isn't the smallest room in the Hyatt, but it isn't the biggest, either. The concerts that use Centennial II-IV supposedly hold 3,000 people (with chairs in II and III), so I'd guess Centennial I can hold maybe 750 people with chairs? Just don't quote me on that. I've only been in that room once and that was at 2am looking for water. I don't know how popular Jim is going to be (honestly, I'm hoping not very; meeting Jim is high up on my to-do list but I don't want to wait two or three hours in line for his autograph if I don't have to ;D ), but that seems like plenty of room to me.

Here's a PDF of the Hyatt floor plan, if you want to check it out yourself.

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