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Messages - pokken

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DFRPG / Re: Aspect collection, searching and tagging database
« on: January 28, 2014, 04:08:15 PM »
I haven't gotten a chance to look at it but, if you want content, there's an "Aspects" list on the Resource collection page.

There was some plan to put them in a spread sheet etc...but it may have fallen through so  your work would be appreciated.  (assuming it was, roughly, the same goal and I've understood the jist of what you're trying to accomplish)

Yep, you got it. I did consider grabbing an aspects list and dumping it but many of the lists I've seen have a lot of..chaff to say the least. I do aim to at least collect new chaff, at least for now :)

DFRPG / Aspect collection, searching and tagging database
« on: January 28, 2014, 07:37:03 AM »
Hey folks, been a long time but I thought I'd share a Dresden files (and Fate) inspired project I've been working on. Now's the time, after a few tens of hours of effort, to find out if someone's already had the same idea and done it better ;)

The pitch: Mobile friendly webapp where users can post Aspects to share, and tag them with single word tags, then browse or search for them.

You can check it out here:

Feel free to PM me feedback, comments, questions, requests. I'm working on it pretty regularly, and will continue to push patches and general upgrades; there should not be any further changes to the data model, so whatever content gets added will persist across any upgrades, which will be UI related primarily.

Current issues
-There's still some clunkiness about the UI while I port the rest of it from Jinja templates with WTForms to Angular.
-Only Google users can log in today, although anyone can browse/search. If there's enough interest I'll set up Oauth for Facebook, MSN and Amazon.
-There ain't no danged content. I seeded it with some top level type tags, but I haven't input but a few aspects as samples.
-User profiles are quite barren. You can't see much except stuff you've liked.
-The URL doesn't match the name and they are both kinda dumb.
-The UI works fine on most mobile devices but is not amazingly polished or anything.
-It's on a free GAE account, so if people love it it might crash - if people use it that much I'll remedy that.

-The only info the tool stores about you is your Google account ID, what you've liked, what you've created and when you've done everything. If you edit something, it'll note that you were the last one to do so (the number of edits you can make are pretty minimal.
-I will almost certainly break stuff from time to time; my programming chops are pretty dull and just about every piece of the technology used is new to me.

Nerd stuff
-Written on Python for Google AppEngine, using the Ferris webapp framework combined with AngularJS and Bootstrap 3, and just a few dollops of Jquery here and there where Angular couldn't get the whole job done.
-Data stored in the Google object datastore.

DFRPG / Re: Characters from supernatural
« on: November 26, 2012, 05:24:23 AM »
Hate to get all Supernatural goony but:

Sam and Dean both have at least 2 in Fists, if not more. Go back to the first episode. And the one with Sam as a kid beating up kids several years older than him with ease. This does seem to fluctuate with plot.

Sam on demon blood would model very very well as some kind of vampire, or sponsored magic.

Dean should be Marked by Power (Michael's vessel).

Sam should be Marked by Power (Lucifer's vessel).

They're definitely not mortals at all for most of the show (though Dean might not pick up his MBP until season 3 or 4 or some odd).

Then there's the constantly coming back from the dead business.

* I'll chime in with "Supernatural would make an awesome Dresden game" for the record. Especially with just a few players.

DFRPG / Re: Large groups and a singular challenge
« on: July 18, 2012, 01:03:45 AM »
The best way to do this, done in other FATE games, is to give the boss multiple actions or make it a "modular" creature-- it's narratively a single creature, but is built like multiple characters and has multiple actions.  A classic example is a Dragon.  You'd build its' tail, it's maw, and each of its arms/claws as separate characters.  They each get an action during each exchange (maintaining action economy) and they (probably) share stress boxes between them (at the cost of remaining in the same, or nearby zones as you'd expect).  Stat the skills of each piece as makes sense. 
Maybe each piece has different Aspects and players can declare which they're attacking for max benefit.  "The tail has the Aspect, 'Not Being Watched,' right?"
Maybe the claws make grapples while the tail maneuvers or establishes blocks and the maw bites or uses a "breath weapon" of some kind.

Dragon (4-part)
Physical Track:
(Claws provide:) [][][][] (Tail provides:) [][] (Maw provides:) [][] (+ Extra for the Endurance skill rating each piece might posess)

Already tougher, and it hasn't even taken Toughness (on any of its pieces), yet.
Perhaps allow people to take out pieces of it as you go along-- after all, if they hack at the tail exclusively, it's gonna get chopped off / wounded beyond use, right?

Be creative -- Think outside the box.

This is awesome. I can't believe I didn't think of that one. I have taken the approach of having my infrequent 'big bad' things have multiple actions as needed (say, claw, bite, breathe fire) to keep things exciting and spread the damage around.

Giving different 'actors' different stress boxes! Great.

In my opinion, in this type of situation, there is still a social conflict going on. What changes are the achievable goals.

For instance, Bob is trying to seduce a glamoured male pixie in chick form. Bob's social goal is to bang the hot chick. Unfortunately, that's not achievable. What is achievable however, are the social consequences associated with the male pixie giving up his identity or being forced to awkwardly go along with the seduction, or being embarrassed, or whatever. He takes social stress from Bob's sexy words if he fails defenses; his consequences are different, instead of "wants to bang Bob" as one of his consequences, he gets "Totally flustered," or "Some barflies know who I am." Or whatever. Similarly, the pixie could plausibly just concede early on and cough up a moderate of "Outmaneuvered in front of his mates."

At least, that's my take; there's almost always some good way of representing social stress and consequences when people are meaningfully interacting, even if they aren't for what the player is trying to accomplish.

With the West Wing example--how soon is the Secret Service going to get there? These guys could really screw me up. Hell, they might find me and come kick my ass later. That's terrifying. Is someone video taping me looking like a chump? Is it going to get posted on the internet? Did copping out and calling the popo make me look bad in front of my lady?

If your character has no fear at all of the consequences of a social situation he'd better have the skills and aspects to back it up. There should be no "but my character's too badass to have hurt feelings." If you don't want your feelings hurt, buy a bunch of presence or empathy and get some supporting aspects and stunts.

DFRPG / Re: Building NPCs - Like a PC, then nerf it?
« on: April 05, 2012, 04:26:30 PM »
Off-topic a little but my tendency with "there are 1000 zombies!" is to make it an aspect that I invoke for effect (usually something like 'everyone suffers a level X attack of some sort') until they counteract it with the appropriate skill challenges or something. Seems more cinematic to me than tracking the exact number of zombies and stress boxes and all that.

Regarding NPCs, I don't feel any compulsion to make fully populated skill pyramids for NPCs. Usually I just pick out the few skills they need and hand-waive the rest until they come up. Aspects are the most important part of NPCs for me and so I focus on that. If they've got a bunch of powers I tend to note the important ones, and if I feel they should have a particular stunt I'll note it and stick with it.

Sometimes I'll do something like "weapons 5, athletics 4, everything else assumed to be 2, roll out!" if I need to short hand something.

Seems like I wind up with maybe a handful of fully statted NPCs at best.

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