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Messages - Talion

Pages: [1]
For values of "pompous coward" equal to "not actually wanting to commit genocide".

He doesn't even have to have humanitarian* reasons for doing so.  It seems entirely possible to me that we will discover in the next couple of books that the consequences of the annihilation of the Red Court are much much worse than the consequences of their existence.

Well, thats pretty much a given since it was due to Harry ;-)

Author Craft / Does Urban Fantasy HAVE to be in First-Person?
« on: July 11, 2011, 05:49:05 PM »
I've been considering trying my hand at an urban fantasy short story (I like to write in my spare time, although none of my fiction has been published yet)

Is it a genre convention at urban fantasy has to be in first person? Or am I just not reading a big enough sample size?

Lately in my search for a pre-ghost story fix, I've read through the Game of Cages novels, assorted other novels by Simon Green, Patricia Briggs, Rob Thurman, etc and all were first-person.

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