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Messages - quizboy

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DFRPG / Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
« on: February 10, 2011, 05:28:38 AM »
While I agree that there are a couple of characters that don't get the attention a few others do, I've seen this before.  It's actually one of the big drawbacks for having such a large group.  To be honest, Ian has avoided so many of the pitfalls I've seen so often with large groups; it must be due to his experience.

I know Ian was reluctant to run a game with so many players, and I have gamer friends who won't play in a game with more than six.

With larger groups of players, there are more and more times that players won't be active.  It makes it easier to get bored.  There are some options to work with this.  Take another player aside, and roleplay while you don't have the spotlight.  I'd like to talk about some of the rules during down time.  Try out some little side adventures (get in a bar fight for real!  with consequences, tags (like bruised, and drunk), and maybe a fate point or two.

I've seen lots of crunchy games and lots of story games; DF seems to come down more on the story side to me.  It's got the crunch, but the aspects are a big part of the game.  Other systems have numbers to indicate a characters' statistics, but DFRPG has one sentence stories for stats!

Like many other story games, DFRPG seems to hand over narration to the players more often than most games.  It takes some getting used to, but it's a good thing

I really like our group, and I miss the players who can't make it.  It would be really odd to play with only five now.  We've only been at this a month or so, we're still learning it.

Let me know what I can do to help, and I'll work on it.


DFRPG / Re: Miami; the Makeshift Mermaid and other Yarns
« on: February 04, 2011, 07:18:14 PM »
I want one of these... $40 is steep...may have to talk to a friend of mind who works at a print shop about making something similar for me. I once saw a really cool screen that was magnetized and had customizable magnetic strips you could move around to reflect initiative changes etc...just need an aid to keep track of all the changing aspects on NPCs...8P

  I have quite the collection of RPG supplies, and I might be able to help out with this a bit.  I have a generic (slip in the pages you want) style GM screen that I'll bring to the next session; the only problem I've heard with this type of screen is that they can tear at the joints.  You can try this out to see if you find it useful and still want to pick one up.
  The one I have is in landscape mode, and has three panels; I have Dresden print outs for the outside (copies of the RPG cover artwork), and the two page GM screen printout from the DFRPG website.  I slid in an extra insert for spellcasting, but it's sidewayes (portrait not landscape).

I also have one of the magnetic initiative tracker boards (a bought one, and one I made myself).  We could try them out as well, and see what you like.  I'll also bring a couple of dice towers to see what people thing about them as well...


--Steven (aka. Gavin the Lore Master)

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:56:40 PM »
So I think I got everything all together (though later than I would have liked, damn I'm a slacker). Z said something about his house being a "No Fun Zone" as far as sodas and food go.
So Pluckers wings sound good? I have an "in" at the restaurant so I can get a break in price (I hope)
I still have Woodchucks and Sodas sitting in my kitchen from last time. 

I have the soda's (pepsi and maybe half a 12pack of coke) from last time.  I'm fine with the Pluckers, and I can donate with the cost.  I guess we should have some variety of spicyness for those who like "burn your intestines" as well as the "normal" people.  :)

 Z, if your wife is looking at cooking to entertain, then what can we bring?  I think we have a couple 12 packs of sodas.  Any other snacks that people prefer?


DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 25, 2011, 05:56:18 PM »
  I had a good time as well; I'm glad you guys thought so as well.

  One thing that really stood out to me was the way that there were so many "side role play" things going on.  This is something that I've only rarely seen in the past, and indidates good players.  In my opinion, it's a good habit to get into, and will help Ian (GM, not PC) when he is working with a different group of players.
  We probably need to work on the best way to do handle the side conversations, but it'll help out the game when we can do it well. :)

It would be cool if your character starts developing his guns skill more since he's hanging out with so many long distance types.  In fact, it would be really cool if he had a brace of black powder derringers that he left primed but not loaded.  Then before a fight, he could just load whatever type of ball is appropriate (silver, iron, lead, garlic, etc) and let fly. :)

  You guys may already know this, but my understanding is that pirates kept braces of loaded pistols on strands of rope; this was a primitive way of getting a repeating shot (shoot one pistol, drop, shoot next pistol, repeat).
  This would work great if you decided to load the pistols with different types of ammo:  mundane dangers would all be damaged by silver, iron, or lead.  For supernatural dangers, you'd just have to pick the correct pistol.

Lastly, there have been a couple of discussions regarding aspects and the way we are using them.  What I've seen from the previous games I've played, we aren't using them enough.  They are supposed to be one of the most powerful and unique parts of the system.

The aspect and fate point systems leads to an economy of points going back and forth around the table as bad things happen, and we use fate points to get out of tight spots.  We seemed to use the "free tags" from the maneuvers that were done, but that was about it.

I have one suggestion to try to help this:  how about we all list our aspects for Ian to put into a table/spreadsheet/bookmark?  That way, when we're in the middle of something, he can just glance down at it to compel us.

I'm not certain on the details of how aspects work, so maybe some talk about them will help.
  I'm uncertain if/when players can tag other players aspects.
  Are other players aspects private or public? 
  Does the GM tag positive aspects as well?  (give a player a fate point for playing up an aspect)
    I think the GM does, but players need to point it out when this happens.


--Steven (aka Gavin, aka the coiffed, aka the LoreMaster)

DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:38:29 PM »
I haven't had much of a chance to work on my character; work has kept me very busy.  I plan on finishing everything out on Saturday, and I'll bring it to the game.
I think I've finished my skills and aspects.  I think most of what I have left is refinement of my existing aspects (including back story), and selecting some items.

I miss not having any mortal stunts, and considered stepping down from full Wizard by lowering my Evocation to Channelling.  This would allow me to take a stunt (or more with a catch) so I could be more well rounded.  I'm thinking this probably isn't the way to go, since we are going to have a lot of pure mortals (75%), and only two spellcasters.  I think I'll stick with a full wizard with a refresh of 1.

I have an idea for one item, and I wanted to run it past you, Ian, before I went much further:
My wizard will be focused on Thaumaturgy and knowledge.  I was thinking that rather than having a staff focus item, I would like an arcane tome.  My idea for this tome is to leave a page of it in each library that I have access to; this would form a link with the rest of the book, and allow me to access the books in the library that I leave each page.

I would like to have pages placed in a couple of places already, including my mentor's library and the white council's library in Edinburgh.

I still have a couple more items that I'll have to think of as well.



DFRPG / Re: Miami Game; Blood in the Water (was LFG ATX)
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:18:14 PM »
I'm basing everything off of this and what I am reading in the RPG Book

In Stunts and Powers, if you play as a vanilla Mortal, do you just leave that blank?
Also as far as Skills go, how many is too many? How many is not enough?
I'll try to answer your questions, but others may correct me...
  As a Vanilla Mortal, you actually can still have Stunts; only powers are treated as supernatural.  These stunts are encouraged for Mortals; they are what allows Murphy to be a skilled shot, Butters to be a smart guy, and Marcone to be well connected.
  Just remember that one of the big powers of being a Vanilla Mortal is having extra refresh; more on that below.  Each of the Stunts you buy during character creation causes your refresh to be lower, which will limit the Fate points you start with (and thus your choices in the game).

I'm not certain about the best skill amounts.  I based my skills off the table in the book (listed for 30 skill pts, you can have 2 superb, 2 good, ...).
After we get more used to the system, Ian said we could update our characters some (happens at some milestones anyway).

Also the Stress system is really tripping me up. Like do we change that in game (In pencil)?

As a Mortal I have no Refresh rate, right?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is all Brand new to me.

As a Vanilla Mortal, you still have a refresh rate.  In fact, you get two extra refresh points. 
Your Fate Points (represented by the refresh you get at the beginning of each session) allow you to add to any rolls that you do (so you literally have fate on your side), change a scene (with GM's permission), and other stuff.

I'm uncertain about the stress changing in game.  I haven't seen much on that yet.  What I have seen is that different skills alter your refresh based on the skill level.


DFRPG / Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
« on: January 11, 2011, 07:43:34 PM »
Well, since there are a couple of character concepts thrown out for Sunday's game, I wanted to chime in, as I have a couple of ideas.  I'm getting excited about the game getting off the ground! :)
I will probably wait to flesh out the characters themselves until the group meets so that we can get a feel for what will fit well with the group.

My first idea is an apprentice to Injun Joe--from a Native American background.  ("Council Connections," "inherited item," "Nature knows the way.")

My second idea is a character on the way to being a wizard (when the refresh is high enough); maybe a bookworm sort; a know it all; someone who believes knowledge is more important than anything else, and that gets her in trouble.  ("Bookwyrm," "knowledge fixes everything," "quiet--easily missed/ignored," "know it all," "remembers too much (eidetic memory), "maybe some synesthesia elements.")

I also like the idea of being the Warden's apprentice mentioned earlier, so I might change the Injun Joe apprentice concept to Missing Warden apprentice.  After writing some of this down, I may combine these two into a single character concept (just cut out the extra concepts to prevent the character from being too busy).

See you Sunday!


DFRPG / Re: Gamers looking for Groups? (ATX)
« on: January 04, 2011, 04:03:49 PM »
  So are the plans really to meet on a Thursday afternoon?
  I was interested in this game, but if it is going to happen during work hours, I will not be able to make it.  The last I saw, the game was intended to be on a weekend or weekday evening.

  I have the rpg books, and have played/run the game once at a con (very loose rules).  I've played Fate a handful of times, and I've read the Dresden books a few times.

  Is there any way to meet after work (7pm) or on a weekend?  I know there was mention on this thread of weekend issues with Guard duty and stuff, so some weekends are an issue.



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