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Messages - Araujo

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: March 18, 2010, 04:40:46 PM »
BSF timeline
29 BSF:  Karrin Murphy is born.  Harry observes that her first husband looked about ten years older than her, guessing that Murph was 18 at the time [SK 86], so I originally put her at 30 BSF.  However, assuming Lisa has the same father as Karrin and given Karrin's age at the time of her father's suicide (11), I had to adjust the date.

25 BSF, October 31:  Harry is born.  Harry's mother, now Margaret Gwendolyn Dresden, dies in childbirth.  She is murdered by a ritual entropy curse, courtesy of Lord Raith.

Harry's timeline
AGE 27-28:  Storm Front  (Correction:  Jim says Harry is in his mid-twenties in Storm Front.  I figure it's not too much of a challenge to compress the time between his departure from Ebenezar's to the beginning of Storm Front by a year or two.)

Karrin's timeline
AGE 27-29: Storm Front

Reading SF and FM, I had the impression that Murphy was like 4-5 years older then Harry. But later on the series, I have the feeling that they have almost the same age. Looking through these timelines, I see that I'm not the only one to think that.

I figure Einstein was right about time being relative.  8)

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