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Messages - DrAmyWeaver

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: what playable stuff are you hoping for?
« on: May 17, 2009, 09:14:03 PM »
Was wondering about Handy Plot Exposition devices, such as:

- Ask The Paranet (and the audience says: D, mutant weregoats! But is that your final answer?)

- Informants (for Murphy types)

- Divine Guidance / "Dominion Magic" (miracles)

- Dreams, signs, portents, etc. (Mind you, Harry's idea of a portent is usually a Big Bad kicking the door in with size 12s. )

...or any other "Get Out Of Plot Free" cards GMs can use to move things along, or that players can use against eeebil GMs who are tormenting them with cunningly written clues. Muhahahaaaa etc.

DFRPG / Re: what sort of adventures do you run?
« on: May 17, 2009, 09:01:20 PM »
Having run Champions and Ars Magica games back in the day, one my favourite minicampaign types was was "Unholy Alliance" - the classic one where our heroes are forced to work with villains (or really, really irritating people - as a purely random example, Harry working with Morgan). They may be working under duress, against a common/greater foe, or even just with no-one else to turn to. But with all the opportunities for snarkage and octuple-crossing plots, it's good fun and a lovely way to mess with people's heads.

Another favourite requires a player's (knowing or unknowing) co-operation... "Seduced by Power". A player acquires a talent or object that is WAY too powerful for their characatier - and while there's benefits for the team and the player, (s)he may be forced to choose between letting go of their newfound strength - or letting go of their friends/health/sanity. This has worked well in AM, Champions, and even MERP...

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