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Messages - Stirge

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DFRPG / Re: Other RPGs
« on: December 13, 2013, 01:39:55 PM »
I mostly play D&D/Pathfinder tabletop-wise with my group.  And other than that my friends and I play a lot of Magic: the Gathering and board games. 

No one else in my gaming group had read the Dresden Files or played the RPG so it took a bit of convincing on my part.  All five of the players in my IRL group love the system though, the rules-light nature makes for a much more cinematic game than D&D and I've changed up my GMing style to further emphasize that (We always begin with a recap "Last episode..." followed by an intro over a Music Theme where everyone picks two scenes their character was awesome in and describes it.  We do occasional cut scenes and such).

Coming from D&D's Vancian magic system, a lot of my group love Jim Butcher's universe.  They like the rules for magic - the fact that anyone with a bit of training can pull off a circle and that running water grounds it.  While we run everything in a homebrew universe (part Dresden Files, part Dark Matter) it still has been Urban Fantasy at heart.  And because of that, the game I've been running has easily *feels* more epic than most of my D&D ones! 

The PC's are finishing up the 1st arc of the campaign now (they're on the 16th session out of about 22 planned for the 1st Arc) and are going up again two minor gods.  The kicker? They started out Refresh 6, and won't hit Refresh 8 for another few sessions :-).  I asked if my players once we finish the arc if we wanted to put the game down for a bit, play some more D&D and then come back later - and everyone just wants to continue with the DFRPG.

DFRPG / Re: Affliction (Status Effects in DFRPG)
« on: December 09, 2013, 10:25:26 AM »
Sanctaphrax -> No problem!  I've really enjoyed bouncing back and forth on the rules with you.  I think it'll be another round or two between us before it gets ironed out and usable, but I think we've mad e alot of progress together.

At least for Worm, I'll run with the House Rule where PC's and named NPC's can take Consequences to improve their rolls by +1 for mild, +2 moderate, +3 severe and +4 extreme.  An example of this would be spraining your ankle in a sprint, or mother's adrenaline rush letting her get a +3 bonus to Might to lift up a vehicle.    I could see someone blocking a 'death' ray with their arm and having it be a blackened husk (Extreme Consequence) but be otherwise alive.  This should help balance things for our game at least (it works pretty well in my home game and helps buff Inhuman Recovery a hair, which I feel needs it).

I'll send you the power sets of a few Capes I have in the works to see how they fare.  I'm not terribly worried about the 'Death' example because they're very lop-sided.  The answer to them would be to go in undetected with a Stranger or attack them from an extremely far range (Skitter or similar).  Spending 13 points leaves very little room for defense.  Also, storywise it would be limited as it doesn't seem like a very common power :-)

Blk4ce -> Thoughts I shall ponder!  I like the idea of this being used for Entropomancers.  As for offense/defense, I think if defensive options will be chosen from Discipline (mental), Endurance (physical), or Athletics (can be dodged) all of the effects sohuld be fair.  I'm not terribly worried about the particular offense-skill as long as its related (people tend to power game these things anyways).  Immobilization via Bola should be Weapons while a Paralyzing Laser Beam should be Guns.  Definitely feel free to come up with some ideas!

DFRPG / Re: Affliction (Status Effects in DFRPG)
« on: December 08, 2013, 05:54:12 AM »
Ha, thanks Sanctaphrax.  You're a good rules-conscience.  I'm gonna work on it.  I don't care about making spellcasters more powerful, but I would like to give higher refresh fighters more interesting moves without them having to tap into spellcasting or similar.  Back to the drawing board! :-).

I'm making some good use of your version of the power with some NPC's I'm making for our Worm game, really excited to see how they'll turn out.

DFRPG / Re: Affliction (Status Effects in DFRPG)
« on: December 07, 2013, 07:26:58 PM »
New thoughts on Affliction.  I'm mostly happy with the effects and costing of the actual Afflictions themselves but part of my goal is not just making it for superheroes but also allowing crazy Wuxia swordsmen and terrifying spellcasters.  Balance-wise I haven't thought these through much but I wanted to get your initial opinion on it, Sanctaphrax.


An Affliction is a kind of aspect you can tag for a special Invoke for Effect.  As long as the aspect remains on the target (until the duration is completed or the target uses a maneuver to remove the aspect), they suffer from a debilitating status effect.

Characters can perform Afflictions through one of three ways - they can use it directly with a touch using Incite Effect (and can upgrade it normally), they can inflict it as part of a Technique with their weapons, or they can cast them as spells with Learned Spell.

Incite Effect (Power) [-X] - Choosing to Incite Effect with an Affliction removes the +2 bonus to maneuvers that would normally be gained.  A character can pair up a single Incite Effect: Damage and Affliction together into one attack by taking the Side-Effect [-1] upgrade.  All upgrades to one regarding range, area, and persistence apply to to the other.

Technique (Stunt) [-1] - A character can afflict a target with a status effect as part of their attack.  Choose a single Affliction to add to your techniques, you may add a technique as part of an attack roll by subtracting a number of shifts on the roll to hit equal to the Affliction’s Refresh cost.  This may be combined with any other offensive options the character has, such as the Wall of Death stunt.  This ability can be taken multiple times, each time the character can choose an additional technique to learn.

(Optional Rule - Perhaps for two Techniques learned, the character gets a +1 to attack rolls when adding a technique to their attack?  This would potentially allow high refresh weapons experts to compete better with spellcasters).

Learned Spell (Stunt) [-1] - A spellcaster can add an Affliction to their spell by adding a number Shifts of Power equal to the Affliction’s Refresh cost.  This may be combined with other spell parameters, such as making it an area spell at the cost of 2 Power and similar. This ability can be taken multiple times, each time the character can choose an additional Affliction to learn.

A spellcaster without this feat can add an Affliction to their spell, albeit at the cost of 2 points of Power per Affliction Refresh cost.  Adding an Affliction to an item costs 1 Crafting Power per Refresh if the character has the appropriate Learned Spell, or 2 Crafting Power per Refresh otherwise.

With this system, I could see a Wind Swordsman with the Shunt Technique take on two bad guys.  He jumps in the middle of them, uses Wall of Death to split up his attack as well as Shunt to move each of them 4 zones away from him - in opposite directions.  I could see Cassius or another snake-themed sorcerer lacing all their Evocations with Poisonous aspects.  This is better suited for a mid to high refresh game, but would create interesting options for epic warriors who normally don't have much to do but move and swing.

DFRPG / Re: Affliction (Status Effects in DFRPG)
« on: November 26, 2013, 03:00:34 AM »
Names - Aid/Affliction, Blessing/Bane, Bestow, Gift, Curse. Hrmm...

Skill Screwing -> Alright.  Let's give Defensive options for whoever purchases the power but limit them to Athletics (or Fists, if vs. a touch attack) / Endurance / Discipline?  Offensive stats seem much more secondary to me, people are going to game those anyways.  We can have a [-1] upgrade where another stat could be used with 'GM Approval' with specific powers.  Like giving someone a riddle they must solve before they can take any actions (Scholarship)?  Whatever the skill chosen is, it has to be thematically appropriate.

Weaken - I think it's fun enough to be fine.  It's a good model for similar powers.

Inspire - Not sure where to go here.  But all positive things should probably last a number of exchanges = to the ability they're tied to (since that ability probably won't be needed at all otherwise).  +1 to all rolls might be okay if it only lasts 3-5 rounds.  Maybe specify, "When Inspiring a target, choose Offensive, Defensive, or Non-Combat rolls. The target gets a +1 bonus to them for the duration."

Blocks - Wow, I've been playing that one wrong.  I had looked at spellcasting blocks and Grapples and thought that was true for all Blocks.

Shunt - Horizontal, currently unoccupied space sounds good to me.  If the user can't see the area (higher levels of Shunt) - the power automatically shifts them to the nearest unoccpied point that's within range.

Slow - I think a compromise will work the most appropriate.  Targets with Inhuman speed and below are affected as usual, those with Supernatural Speed act as though they don't have it and characters with Mythic Speed are downgraded to Inhuman Speed.  (Basically, Slow moves them down 2 shifts of Speed).

Stasis Duration - Let's make it the same as positive effects. Duration = # of rounds of the defining ability.  And we should move it up to 6 since it can be a great benefit as well as an offensive maneuver.  The Limitation you listed would be a good [+1/3 Refresh] limit.

Stun/Fear - Hold Person is a powerful spell, but it's not that devestating at touch range.  I still think these are -3 given that [-4 at Range] that said, I won't argue too much if that doesn't convince ya.  That said, maybe 'Touch' range in the DFRPG isn't as annoying a factor as it is in D&D (I have way more experience with the latter than the former).  It seems to be a huge limitation to me. Edit- Upon further reflection, I just realized how severe the strength of these powers can be.  You're probably right to peg it at [-4] - the victim of it can't do anything but stop and try and take it off.

DFRPG / Re: Affliction (Status Effects in DFRPG)
« on: November 25, 2013, 03:41:23 PM »
Great progress, wrapping positive effects in there is perfect!  Looks like Affliction needs a new name, suggestions?

I feel like you should be able to target yourself (you technically could with Incite Effect) and most characters who have these powers in fiction are able to do so.

I don't think specifying skills should happen unless its a suggestion - or, maybe its worth [-1] to change (like the Alternate Magic Paradigm upgrade).  As there's a billion ways to 'Immobilize' someone - whether it's poison (Gun [dart] vs. Endurance), a bola (Weapons [?] vs. Might), a martial arts technique (Fists vs. Athletics) or psychic powers (Discipline vs. Discipline).

I agree, the check (DC or dice check in D&D) should probably equal the user's skill and not roll.  I'm worried about making it too weak though - maybe there should be one upgrade for +2 DC and another for +4?  It's a tough balancing situatoin.

I think the power can be worded so that you don't have to have a duration tag underneath it for most of them.  It can simply be something like "Unless stated otherwise, the following powers have a duration of..."

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EDIT - Other Effects that might be statted:
Clone! (-8/10 Refresh? xD).  Confusion/Madness (act, but randomly?), Memory Loss (this is a tough one), buff powers (also difficult, probably needs a powers overwrite to do it.  I feel like there could be a 'Refinment' ability that works on almost any power).  Backlash (attacks affect themselves). Cursed (stray effects/missed attacks redirected to them)

Characters this helps us stat: Clockblocker (Stasis), Grayboy (Transform more than Stasis. The mind warping part even fits), Taylor (she probably has Variable/Modular abilities, and can easily do Area effects of Nausea or single target Immobilization), an Adepts (Area Stun - Hypnosis), Valefor (maybe...), Bonesaw's darts, Myrrdin, some power-negating trumps (Maybe an Aura upgrade to help with folks like Hatchetface?) and a bunch others :)

DFRPG / Re: Affliction (Status Effects in DFRPG)
« on: November 23, 2013, 11:46:10 PM »
Permanent powers -> Well, I had this part italicized but perhaps this might be needed:

"(Rules Balance - Maybe there should be a cumulative bonus for people trying to overcome a maneuver, like +1 for each roll after the first failed check?)"

That sounds like the direction to go, but it needs better wording probably.

Consequences -> A house rule in my IRL game (a fairly common one I think?) is that you can take Consequences to boost a roll by that amount.  So a runner might sprain their ankle getting a +4 and Moderate consequence to get that extra speed or a fighter might break his arm putting extra force into an attack for a +6 bonus and Severe consequence.  Maybe something along those lines would work here, like forcefully hitting your head on the ground to shake off the compulsion.

Please take a shot at re-writing the affliction list!  I feel content with brainstorming ideas, but I haven't gotten enough grasp on the system to word them right or balance them properly yet.

Venomous -> The Venomous affliction is listed because that's what inspired it.  I wanted to separate it from Claws (it makes a lot of sense for pyrokinetics, especially).

Attention -> As written, most maneuvers reset to a +0 value when the victim of it is out of sight (check out pg. 206-207, its on one of those).  I was surprised, too. Lots of little rules in the game.

DFRPG / Re: Affliction (Status Effects in DFRPG)
« on: November 23, 2013, 08:46:50 PM »
Sanctaphrax - Thanks so much for taking the time to respond!  I took out the +2 bonus that Incite Effect/Emotion Touch normally granted.  You're right, choosing what skill attacks and defends is already a big advantage.  Potent can be taken for [-1] if they want the +2 bonus.

Instant take out effects - These probably aren't very PC-friendly but I know they exist in the Worm universe so I wanted to create a model for it.  That said, I actually think Potent Domination at Range for 8 Refresh (now at only +2 instead of +4) is actually fair.  You still have to see them coming, and you have little Refresh left for defensive abilities at the Submerged level.  I actually think the flexibility of Evocation/Thaumaturgy and either Refinement II or Sponsored Magic is worth more than a single, albeit powerful trick.

I also need to rewrite it a bit, but I wanted them to be able to make a counter-maneuever every round as a free action which should help (edited Dominate with that erratta).  If the character wants something more permanent, they probably need Enthrallment.

I still think Take Out effects need to exist, it's just a matter of pricing (I'm going to aim to balance them considering a Refresh of ~10-12, the game breaks down in many ways after that point anyways).  Any thoughts?

DFRPG / Re: Statting Up Worm Characters
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:33:10 PM »
Hey there, would love your input on this thread.  I tried to make a power that would help us convert some Worm characters like Clockblocker as well as help me stat some of NPCs for my Worm PBP game.


DFRPG / Affliction (Status Effects in DFRPG)
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:24:41 PM »
Hello! I was running into trouble creating some characters for the Worm campaign I've been running, mainly due to the lack of status afflictions in the Dresden Files RPG.  To fix this, I wanted to create a sister power to Incite Effect that focused more on getting specific advantages from invoking aspects.  While this can theoretically be done in the system already, I wanted a way to do it reliably and at Refresh cost that makes sense.  If this system works, I'm sure we can apply it to Spells eventually as well.

Affliction [-Varies]
Description: With your powers you can inflict a particular negative status effect on an opponent.  This may manifest in a variety of ways.
Skills Affected: Any.
Affliction. Pick a type of effect and a skill that's related to that type of effect. You can use that skill to perform maneuvers related to that type of effect against anything you can touch.  As soon as you perform the maneuver, you may tag it immediately for an invoke that inflicts a specific status effect on the target (see below).  The target is afflicted by the status effect as long as the aspect remains.  If the target wants to remove the aspect, they must make a successful counter-maneuever against your initial maneuver roll (see pg. 207-208 of Your Story).   Unlike most maneuevers, you do not need to keep your attention on the afflicted target to maintain it.
(Rules Balance - Maybe there should be a cumulative bonus for people trying to overcome a maneuver, like +1 for each roll after the first?)

Inconvenience [-1]: At the cost of 1 Refresh you can inflict statuses that inconvenience your opponent.

Nausea: The target of this Affliction has to concentrate to do anything.  They cannot take supplemental or free actions.
Examples: Brain Freeze, Distraction, Headaches, Sickness.

Paralyze Limb: This power affects the opponent's anatomy.  The target of this Affliction takes a -2 penalty whenever they try to do anything with the targeted body part.  If the hands/arms are chosen, they receive a -2 penalty to Might/Weapons, if Legs are chosen they receive a -2 penalty to Athletics, if the head is chosen they receive -2 to Scholarship and Lore rolls, etc...
Examples: Brain Drain, Paralyze Limb.

Impair [-2]:  At the cost of 2 Refresh you can inflict statuses that impair your opponent.

Immobilization: Choose a set of limited set of actions that are blocked for your opponent.  They can't do your choice of Movement, Attacks, or Cast Spells/Use Abilities.  In essence this is a limited, persistent Block.
Examples: Power Sealed, Snare, Legs Frozen

Slow: Your opponents actions are slowed.  They receive a -2 to All Physical actions, their Alertness is considered 2 less (changing their intiative order).
Examples: Paralytic Poison, Time Distortion.

Sensory Loss: Your opponent loses a sense (Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste, or Touch).  They cannot succeed Alertness checks with that sense and may have difficulties keeping track of others and their surroundings. (Needs more mechanical weight)
Examples: Blind, Deafen.

Debilitate [-3]: At the cost of 3 Refresh you can inflict statuses that debilitate your opponent.

Fear: The target must run away at the best of their ability, sprinting if possible.  After each move they may make a  counter-maneuever once an exchange (usually Discipline) as a free action to regain control of themselves.
Examples: Shock and Awe, Terrify

Stunned: The target cannot take actions until the aspect is removed. (Should they be allowed a supplemental move?)
Examples: Hypnosis Paralyzation, Trapped by a Barrier. (This defense vs. this power is usually tied to Discipline for mental effects or Endurance for physical ones)

Venomous: After this round, the target suffer damage every round with a number of shifts equal to the initial maneuver.
Examples: Poisoned, Set Afire

Safely Take Out [-4]: At the cost of 4 Refresh you can inflict statuses that take out your opponent at no risk to them.

Stasis: Your opponent is taken out but can’t be hurt or influenced in any way.   Those affected may make a counter-maneuever once an exchange (usually Discipline) as a free action to regain control of themselves.
Examples: Dimension Shift Away, Frozen in Time.

Shunt: Your opponent is teleported a long distance away (equal to a number zones up to 10 x your successful shifts).  Unlike other aspects, this one ends as soon as it is tagged.
Examples: Gust of Wind, Teleported Away

Dangerously Take Out [-6]: At the cost of 6 refresh you can take out an opponent in a way that makes them dangerous to other enemies.

Dominate: Your opponent must follow commands you make to the best of their ability.  You do not gain any special way of communicating with your target.  Those affected may make a counter-maneuever once an exchange (usually Discipline) as a free action to regain control of themselves.
Examples: Charmed, Possessed by a Spirit.

Petrify: Your opponent is unable to do anything, including perform a maneuver to free themselves (though others might be able to).  They may concede otherwise any action done against them while they are afflicted can take them out. (Serious balance issue)
Examples: Force Choke, Petrification, Stroke.

Upgrades: This ability has most of the upgrades that Incite Effect does (Potent gives an additional +2 bonus to performing the Maneuever, for instance).  There are also lots of potential Limitations. Affliction (Hyposis) might be Stun [-3] with a Limitation: This aspect ends if the target is attacked [+1/2 Refresh].

Comments/criticism/suggestions and any other help is welcome!

DFRPG / Re: Statting Up Worm Characters
« on: November 15, 2013, 05:56:59 PM »
Hey there, I'm starting a Worm/DFRPG game set in St. Louis.  I'm wanting to run a moderate refresh game (10 Refresh/25 Skill Points), with younger characters along the lines of the Undersiders/Brockton Bay Wards at the start of the story.

I wanted to put a post here because y'all would be the most interested.  The thread is awaiting approval (I didn't realize that was a thing here!) but will eventually be found at:,39713.0.html

Until then, if you want to read what I'm planning to help with character ideas:
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DFRPG / Re: Completely new to "Pen and Paper" rpg's. Can someone help me?
« on: November 15, 2013, 05:24:31 PM »
Some people do play by voice chat/IRC!  But Play by post games are nice for others because the pace is much more laid back (people live in different time zones, work odd hours and such and scheduling a group of 4-5 people is a pain even when they live in the same city!).  On the plus side, it allows players and the GM to be more descriptive. 

The wiki has a few example combats:

DFRPG / Re: Completely new to "Pen and Paper" rpg's. Can someone help me?
« on: November 15, 2013, 04:33:18 PM »
Hello! The Dresden Files RPG is a tabletop (pen & paper) game, meaning to play it in person you need the rules (a book), some character sheets (the pen/paper part), Fudge dice (six-sided dice with 2 +'s, 2 blank sides, and 2 -'s) and a group of people (typically 1-6 players, 1 GM or Game Master to run the game).

Pen and paper games are essentially a big game of make-believe - shared story telling between a group of people.  You begin by creating a character to play (a Wizard like Harry, a cop like Murphy or almost whatever you could imagine).  The rules are there so you can emulate the world you're playing in better and also to give you a framework for what's fair for all the PC's (Player Characters) and NPC's (Non-Player Characters, run by the GM).

For example, when kids play, one of them might say, "I shoot you with my laser" and another will say "Well, I have bounce-back power" and the first responds back "Well, I have SUPER bounce-back power!" and so forth.

The Dresden Files (or another RPG) might have the above powers, but they'll have a cost and your character would have to buy them with limited amount of points (the DFRPG) or your character would have to be a specific type of character to use it (like the Wizard class in D&D).

After you decide what abilities/traits you have and what your character's background is, the character sheet collects all this information.

And then comes the actual playing of the game.  The GM comes up with a story, and the characters run through it like a maze.  This is where the dice come in.  Anytime you try to do something significant, you usually have to make a roll.

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I think the best way to get started would be to go to the above sub-board (DFRPG Play by Post) and look at the games people are playing online.  Here's a link to an example game:,39160.0.html

By this point, we've already finished the character creation process outlined in the books and the GM (bobjob) is running the story.  Play-by-post games are a little bit different than how the game would run online, particularly the pacing, but it'll give you an idea of what the RPG is like.

Feel free to post with any more specific questions and I'll try to answer them the best I can.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: November 13, 2013, 07:24:05 PM »
Aura of Protection is probably too cheap for what it does when involved with Immunity.  At least with the Siberian, someone can perform a maneuver on them (jarring their contact with her) to be able to affect the target she's touching.

It's probably less thought out than Tank, but I think Siberian could use the Grant Powers ability I was working on.  I think it's a bit more thematically close to what she does in the story:

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In this case, she'd have Grant Powers ([-2] Base, Share Powers II (to 5 People, story-wise this is spot on) [-2], Refinement XIII [-13, for 30 points worth of powers], Limitation: Must be in constant contact [+8 depending for how debilitating this is]) for a total of -9 for the power.  She might also need an upgrade to make the power automatic (as a free action) as that seems to be how it is in the story.

That said, Grant Powers probably needs to be looked at and balanced still, but I feel like this might be the best way to go towards emulating Siberian's powers.

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DFRPG / Re: Statting Up Worm Characters
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:28:06 PM »
Slightly off-topic but I used Skilled Projection for a villain in my IRL game recently. It went over fantastically, thanks for converting it over :-).  A lot of these custom powers and character conversions are getting lost in the thread (and it's extra hard to search characters with the spoiler tags). Has anyone considered a google doc or similar to add these all to?

You guys are right about Grant Powers needing more of a limit.  The following version has a limit to the amount of powers you can share, Refresh-wise:

Grant Powers [-2]: Touching a person allows you to grant them some or all of your powers for the scene, worth up to 4 Refresh total.  If they are unwilling, you must succeed a Fists vs. their Athletics to affect them. Only one person can benefit from a particular one of your powers at a time (see below).
    [+2]: Power Genie: Only someone else can benefit from some of your powers, not yourself.  When you select this, you must declare which powers it effects.
    [-1]: Share Powers: An additional person can benefit from the same sharing of power.  This may be taken multiple times, using the progression table*.
    [-1]: Extended Duration: At the cost of a Fate Point, Grant Powers lasts for an entire session.  At anytime you can use an action to ‘rescind’ the powers you’ve granted.
    [-1]: You can grant an additional 2 Refresh worth of powers at a time. This may be taken multiple times.

(*I don't think table quite exists, but it would look like the Time Progression people.  A minute = a person, a couple minutes = 5 people, 15 minutes = 15 people, etc...)

As for the broken combinations of powers, there's many of those already in the DFRPG that is broken (Not the worst offender, but Supernatural Toughness is taken for [-1] too many times by PC's IMO).  I think a healthy character approval process by the GM needs to be observed in every game to prevent abuse.

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