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Messages - knightsyde

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I was so excited when I saw that Jim was coming to San Diego that I ordered the book from Amazon and was very excited when it arrived.  I quickly finished up some other books I was reading so I could get to Turn Coat.  Then I went to the Mysterious Galaxy website and saw my hopes dashed.  You have to by the book from them and I supported the site by buying from the store on the site which took me to amazon.  So needless to say I will not be attending the signing because I can not afford to by the book twice in hardback.

I did pick up Backup and found it to be very enjoyable (that was how I got the free shipping and an easier way to get my wife to agree to the purchase - she firmly believes in the library)

If Jim ever does come back I will be sure to wait to buy my book but I would rather hand Jim the 10 dollar difference than give it to the bookstore (Amazon was $16 Mysterious Galaxy wants $25)

Oh well lesson learned so since I can't tell him in person

"Jim thanks for writing such great stories I really have enjoyed reading about Harry and Tavi and one day soon Spider-man."

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