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Messages - Akimbo

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Vampire Use In Contemporary Fantasy
« on: October 01, 2006, 05:09:43 PM »
I'm using vamps in my books but, as someone said earlier in the thread, I'm sticking close to the demon/angel theme.  My vampires are just one order of demons. Only one of them is intended to be sexy, but believe me he is only sexy until he gets angry.

I think vampires are the in thing in writing because they are so accessible, but also they are a staple of horror.  ANything that's so close to being human but is actually a monster is more scary thatn a big lizardy thing that bears no relationship to human beings.  Only my opinion though...

Author Craft / Re: Favorite Words?
« on: August 22, 2006, 06:53:27 PM »
One of my favourite words is (forgive spelling) discombobulated.  Don't know what it means precisely but it's something my Dad says when things go wrong. 

Random is another good one.  I have a friend who uses it constantly throughout conversation and it always makes me smile.

I also like the word bizarre, I always want to put an exclamation mark after it.

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