The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Storykeeper on October 02, 2008, 01:20:51 AM
I know the game isnt out yet, but I am already putting together ideas for plotlines in my head. I am going to have the fey play an important part as villains, but I cannot seem to think of a good bottom of the food chain type of faerie to use for combat encounters involving relatively large-scale fights. I know that goblins count as fey, but with that being such a cliche in other rpgs...
If anyone could give me a good creature from folklore, or even just a cool fey-sounding thing they came up with in their heads, I would be most grateful.
Trolls ( and Ogres ( have both featured in the books.
Boggarts (
Goblins (
Giants (
Banshee (
Sluagh (
Don't forget the Púca (also Pwwka, Pooka, Puka, Phouka, Púka, Pwca . . . ( ), although truthily I find it hard to imagine them as a real villain - more like mischeveous annoyances. Which may, in fact, be just what you need.