Important => Calendar Event Discussion => Topic started by: Priscellie on March 12, 2008, 02:30:34 PM
Jim will attend ConDFW 9 ( in Richardson, TX, as the Author Guest of Honor. Texans, mark your calendars for February 20-22, 2009!
Very cool! I'd never even heard of this before, and it turns out it's about 30 minutes from my college. So totally going.
going to UNT?
DFWCon is a small but EXCEEDINGLY cool convention with fantastic author guests.
If we're lucky, Brust will be back, and we can get him, Bob Asprin, and John Steakley in a room together.
Anyone know if Jim has a problem with cigarette smoke?
(The bar is open air in the middle of the con. Most guests hang out there at night and shoot the breeze.)
Oooo awesome!
I'll have to convince one of my friends with a car to go with me....maybe I can bribe them with gas money....UNT isn't that far away from Richardson..
Having spent 7 years at, no it isn't ;)
Looking forward to sharing my first of probably many many ConDFWs with Jim! So moving to Texas isn't ALL bad I guess. ;)
You know, I just may drive all the way to Dallas to go to that.
I too will have to make the trip to Dallas, though I try not to venture past Loop 12 if I don't have to
Mickey are you involved with this con? If so, do you know if there is dealer space available? We like to defray our convention going costs a bit, being cheap bastards. :)
Nope, not involved with it, just know alot of the people, and trust them ;)
I've been out of the con business for a few years, but I'm getting sucked back in for A-kon...I'm Lt to the comics market area (which is now larger than the dealer's room)
Having spent 7 years at, no it isn't ;)
I've lived here for six years now, and this is the first I've ever heard of this con. I'm definately freaking going. It sounds really cool.
If I go to this Con. I think I will go as Kincaid.
I am new to the forums and for once am actually happy that I have insomnia. I am a former member of a SciFi group at Texas A&M University called Cepheid Variable. ConDFW just happens to run by ex members of the group. As a matter of a fact many current members of the group help staff this con. I am so glad that Jim is coming so close that I can finally meet him. ;D
For the person that was asking about becoming a dealer. I dont think they have their registration forms up on their site yet but they are normally fairly fast in that regard. Just keep looking at the Dealer's Room link and the forms will be posted there.
Wow, the ConDFW is about 8 miles from my place and not only do the have Jim Butcher they also have David Weber! They are a couple of my favorite authors.
Priscilla and I will be there.
We will be...hard to miss.
(Fred can't make it, as he has a Thou Shalt Not Miss game design con that weekend)
Priscilla and I will be there.
We will be...hard to miss.
Photographs will be required. Period. And ASAFP.
Hopefully I get the job in Dallas I'm trying for and then I'll be there as well.
Priscilla and I will be there.
We will be...hard to miss.
(Fred can't make it, as he has a Thou Shalt Not Miss game design con that weekend)
Will you be wearing the the: I'm an Authority Figure or the I'm an Innocent Bystander name tag? You could wear one and Priscellie wear the other.
Will you be wearing the the: I'm an Authority Figure or the I'm an Innocent Bystander name tag? You could wear one and Priscellie wear the other.
No, we'll be wearing name tags that say "Panelist." :D
What fabulous costume can we look forward to for this con?
Well, we COULD wear both, since the Panelist badges look dif from a normal badge.
But I claim the Innocent Bystander one. Not only because the alternative is better for Pris (the Eyebrow), but I'm more innocent looking.
Well, we COULD wear both, since the Panelist badges look dif from a normal badge.
But I claim the Innocent Bystander one. Not only because the alternative is better for Pris (the Eyebrow), but I'm more innocent looking.
'Cellie does look like she's up to something, doesn't she? ;D
That's because I always am.
Well, we COULD wear both, since the Panelist badges look dif from a normal badge.
But I claim the Innocent Bystander one. Not only because the alternative is better for Pris (the Eyebrow), but I'm more innocent looking.
It must be the beard. The villian always has a mustache, but the hero has the beard. :-)
I'm currently sporting an goatee, so I must be an anti-hero.
You have me stumped, then.
No, a goatee = evil alternate-universe Mickey! We're all doomed!
That explains the extra weight then.
Cause normally, I'm svelte.
Never been to a con before and will probably be going alone. I'm guessing it would be a cool place to meet people. Yea?
I too will have to make the trip to Dallas, though I try not to venture past Loop 12 if I don't have to
The Hotel is outside of Loop 12, in fact it is just north of 635 LBJ and West of 75 Central Expressway.
No, we'll be wearing name tags that say "Panelist." :D
I've never been to a scifi/fantasy convention before. What do Panelists do? I'm guessing they help organize things to fend off the chaos. From what I've read in your bio from the ConDFW site you are originally from Dallas so welcome back and hope you get time to see old friends and family.
yes, with the added benefit of it not being HUGE HUGE HUGE.
Never been to a con before and will probably be going alone. I'm guessing it would be a cool place to meet people. Yea?
Y'know, I've never been to one before either. I've helped run four (five by next weekend - shameless plug for FenCon in Richardson, the first weekend in October!!!) and I've been a vendor, but I've never attended one.
Fencon's where I finally actually met Jim & Shannon!
We're loading the car for Fencon as we speak (despite the fact that it's a 15 minute drive from our house and being there before noon tomorrow would just be silly). Look for us in the dealer room behind the table with the pretty chain maille jewelry! I'm looking forward to meeting people, but rarely get out and about before the filking begins, which is the other place to look for me!
Very cool, Cyanreth! I'll be spending most of my time in the Con Ops room, but I'll drop by and say howdy.
I plan to go. I'll be the 5'10", 180 lbs Harry Dresden. ;)
*clearing throat* Ok, so I am a little shy, but my husband and I are planning to go to the convention Feb 20-22, looking forward to it. ;D
OK, if you've never met Jim at a convention, there are very important rules to follow.
First of all, do not look Jim directly in the eye. He will run around the con screaming that his soul has been stolen, and it'll take them at least an hour to calm him down.
Stand downwind from Jim. He's very proud of his cologne, which he makes himself. Compliment him on his unique musk at every opportunity.
Do not turn your back on Jim when you leave the table. Instead, you will be instructed to walk backwards, bowing on every third step.
Do not speak in plain English to Jim. You must rhyme.
Do not believe a single thing I've typed above. Jim's one of the friendliest, most down to earth people you can ever meet, celebrity or not. The man's genuine, friendly, and damned funny. I'm looking forward to seeing him again.
OK, if you've never met Jim at a convention, there are very important rules to follow.
First of all, do not look Jim directly in the eye. He will run around the con screaming that his soul has been stolen, and it'll take them at least an hour to calm him down.
Stand downwind from Jim. He's very proud of his cologne, which he makes himself. Compliment him on his unique musk at every opportunity.
Do not turn your back on Jim when you leave the table. Instead, you will be instructed to walk backwards, bowing on every third step.
Do not speak in plain English to Jim. You must rhyme.
Do not believe a single thing I've typed above. Jim's one of the friendliest, most down to earth people you can ever meet, celebrity or not. The man's genuine, friendly, and damned funny. I'm looking forward to seeing him again.
But I bet he would get a kick out of rules three and four. ;D
Pharaoh, there is Weird, then there is odd, then there is you..... ::)
Pharaoh, there is Weird, then there is odd, then there is you..... ::)
Yet we wouldn't have him any other way. :D
Awwwwwwwwwwwww...I feel loved!
OK, if you've never met Jim at a convention, there are very important rules to follow.
First of all, do not look Jim directly in the eye. He will run around the con screaming that his soul has been stolen, and it'll take them at least an hour to calm him down.
Stand downwind from Jim. He's very proud of his cologne, which he makes himself. Compliment him on his unique musk at every opportunity.
Do not turn your back on Jim when you leave the table. Instead, you will be instructed to walk backwards, bowing on every third step.
Do not speak in plain English to Jim. You must rhyme.
I'd love to see Jim get that printed up on card stock so he can send it whenever a con or signing organizer asks his agent, "So is there anything special he's going to want?"
Yet we wouldn't have him any other way. :D
I can't argue with that!!! We do love his brand of nuttiness! :-*
So close, and yet so far away. ...I'm only a 5 hour drive away, barring traffic!
Texas is entirely too large. Ah, geography, my old archnemesis.
I am going from LA. Got all my stuff together and just waiting for the day!
I be there from Thursday to Sunday evenings!
Jan 20th is the last day to get the ConDFW room rate of 92 bucks a night for that kickass suite!
"What do Panelists do?"
Just realized this never got answered. Technically, Jim is a panelist on steroids. A panelist is just a guest of a con who has something to talk about on panels. Special Guests are BIG TIME PANELISTS, basically.
Jan 20th is the last day to get the ConDFW room rate of 92 bucks a night for that kickass suite!
I'm just gunna sleep in my car.
And live up to your name?
And live up to your name?
BAH! It won't be that cold. I'll bring my woobe. And it will only be for one night.
I think this is the one thing that I regret the most about not getting that job in Dallas. I can't go to the con now. :/ Oh well, maybe next time.
I'm just gunna sleep in my car.
They have a Best Western a block or two away for $45 a night on It's not as nice as the Crown but beats sleeping in a car.
I'm counting down the days! Most of my time (at least while the sun is up) will be spent behind a dealer table with my husband. We're the ones with the colorful chain maille shtuff. So...who all is going? I'm told they've had RECORD pre-reg for this con so there must be a good number of us going to be there, right?
We need to have a party saturday night guys. seriously.
We need to have a party saturday night guys. seriously.
As long as we still attend the FenCon party. (which is probably where I'll be...passing out flyers...)
Is the Fenconparty going to be in someone's room again? Because last time, the room overfloweth. The rooms here are twice as big, but the con is 823times as big.
I think it will be, but it may be a bigger room this time. To be honest, this'll be the first room party I've helped out with, so I'm pretty much just going with the flow.
They have a Best Western a block or two away for $45 a night on It's not as nice as the Crown but beats sleeping in a car.
I'll have to look into that.
I'll have to look into that.
The price just went up to $58 on
Best Western Dallas Hotel and Conference Center
Star rating: 3.0 of 5
8051 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy
Dallas, TX, 75251
There are a couple of other hotels in the area.
The price just went up to $58 on
Best Western Dallas Hotel and Conference Center
Star rating: 3.0 of 5
8051 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy
Dallas, TX, 75251
There are a couple of other hotels in the area.
Thank you.
I think it will be, but it may be a bigger room this time. To be honest, this'll be the first room party I've helped out with, so I'm pretty much just going with the flow.
Yet another incentive to lose 100 pounds before the con!
I plan on going to the Con for 1 day (on my day off) and spend a good portion of the day there. I have not been to Cons before. The main thing is to meet the two authors Butcher and Weber. Is there a listing of a specific time each will be available to talk and to and sign stuff? What is Filking? I don't expect them to do a 16 hour shift at a desk. It will also be great to meet others who love the books and discuss them. The Hotel is pretty nice with a big open atrium area with a very high ceiling and the suites are large. They do have some meeting rooms also. I live in the area and know some good restaurants nearby, so I can help some out of towners hit something other than McDonalds or Dennys to eat at. There is an OK chinese buffet down the block from the hotel and Pappasito's TEX-MEX Rest is great and Bone Daddy's House of Smoke BBQ is great, both a couple miles away, and A decent Bennihana's Japanese Stakehouse nearby.
I plan on going to the Con for 1 day (on my day off) and spend a good portion of the day there. I have not been to Cons before. The main thing is to meet the two authors Butcher and Weber. Is there a listing of a specific time each will be available to talk and to and sign stuff? What is Filking? I don't expect them to do a 16 hour shift at a desk. It will also be great to meet others who love the books and discuss them. The Hotel is pretty nice with a big open atrium area with a very high ceiling and the suites are large. They do have some meeting rooms also. I live in the area and know some good restaurants nearby, so I can help some out of towners hit something other than McDonalds or Dennys to eat at. There is an OK chinese buffet down the block from the hotel and Pappasito's TEX-MEX Rest is great and Bone Daddy's House of Smoke BBQ is great, both a couple miles away, and A decent Bennihana's Japanese Stakehouse nearby.
Thats pretty my plan expect with less words and stuff.
There will be a program book with a schedule, more than likely. I've never been to ConDFW, but I'd assume the guests will be giving talks and participating in panel discussions along with the autographing.
Ayep. Filking is like Weird Al on ludes.
Ah, yes, filking. The term was coined at a con where "Folk Singing" was on the program, but with a fortuitous typo. Filking often involves familiar melodies and impressively incorrect lyrics, though there are many original filk tunes that are quite good as well - just with geeky subject matter.
This year will be an odd one. Bob Asprin was not only a master filker, he was a regular guest at the con.
Thanks for the info. I figured the basic schedule would be posted on the DFWcon web site. I guess you have to attend or buy a pass in advance to get the schedule.
Thanks for the info. I figured the basic schedule would be posted on the DFWcon web site. I guess you have to attend or buy a pass in advance to get the schedule.
I have a really bad singing voice, I guess that goes well with filking.
I plan on going to the Con for 1 day (on my day off) and spend a good portion of the day there. I have not been to Cons before. The main thing is to meet the two authors Butcher and Weber. Is there a listing of a specific time each will be available to talk and to and sign stuff? What is Filking? I don't expect them to do a 16 hour shift at a desk. It will also be great to meet others who love the books and discuss them. The Hotel is pretty nice with a big open atrium area with a very high ceiling and the suites are large. They do have some meeting rooms also. I live in the area and know some good restaurants nearby, so I can help some out of towners hit something other than McDonalds or Dennys to eat at. There is an OK chinese buffet down the block from the hotel and Pappasito's TEX-MEX Rest is great and Bone Daddy's House of Smoke BBQ is great, both a couple miles away, and A decent Bennihana's Japanese Stakehouse nearby.
But is there a Market nearby? I have found that a Stop and Rob (7/11 or something like that) just does not do it for Con vittles! And we will not even consider the hotel gift shop, do not even want to think about that one.
But is there a Market nearby? I have found that a Stop and Rob (7/11 or something like that) just does not do it for Con vittles! And we will not even consider the hotel gift shop, do not even want to think about that one.
There are a several supermarkets within a few miles such as:
9140 Forest Lane
Dallas TX 75243
Store Phone: (214) 221-0939
This store is around 2 miles away (South East).
Wal-Mart Store #2427
9301 Forest Ln.
Dallas, TX 75243
(972) 437-9146
This store is around 2 1/2 miles away (South East).
Gman, thank you for the information on restaurants and stores. That is handy for us out-of-towners.
My husband and I will be attending our first convention and I'm really looking forward to it. I hope I get to meet Jim and get an autograph. He is the reason I'm coming. I also have my tickets to attend the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art. I am sooo excited. Just think, King Tut and Jim Butcher on the same weekend!! ;D It doesn't get any better than that.
Gman, thank you for the information on restaurants and stores. That is handy for us out-of-towners.
My husband and I will be attending our first convention and I'm really looking forward to it. I hope I get to meet Jim and get an autograph. He is the reason I'm coming. I also have my tickets to attend the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art. I am sooo excited. Just think, King Tut and Jim Butcher on the same weekend!! ;D It doesn't get any better than that.
My pleasure, I live about 8 miles away from the Con. There's lots of stuff not too far away. The problem is not much walking distance. Texas Instruments HQ is across the Hwy with lots of office bldgs and a lower middle class neighborhood nearby. Within 5 or so miles there are tons of stuff to do. The Dallas Museum of Art is less than 10 miles away. They have a cool dive Drive In that's been there since the 50's called Keller's on Northwest Hwy near Abrams. It has great burgers, onion rings, cokes, tater tots and you can drink beer in your car while parked. The burgers and the beer are really cheap. You can even order a 6 pack. They have old classic cars and bikers hang out on Friday and Saturday night. The place is a dive and a rough clientele but everyone is mellow and friendly. Lower Greenville is very cool (South part of Greenville Ave) lots of neighborhood bars, clubs and restaurants. Uptown has lots of great restaurants and bars, very nice classy places to see and been seen. Two great malls around 5 miles away: The Galleria Mall very nice 4 level mall with an ice skating rink and a large childrens playground on the top floor (very scenic with some areas where the husbands can sit down on a comfortable chair while the ladies shop) and Northpark Mall (2 levels) also very nice with a park in the middle and a small duck and turtle pond in the mall.
Is the Fenconparty going to be in someone's room again? Because last time, the room overfloweth. The rooms here are twice as big, but the con is 823times as big.
OK, had a staff meeting for FenCon yesterday. Apparently ConDFW is at a new hotel, with better rooms. The FenCon room party is supposed to happen in a suite this time - there should be plenty of room for everyone and their beer. ;D
Since you've become the designated tour guide for the Con is there any IHOPs in the area?
Beats me. I've never been to that hotel, and I'm not real certain exactly where it is yet. There are IHOPs in DFW, though. All over.
Since you've become the designated tour guide for the Con is there any IHOPs in the area?
There is an IHOP in Addison on Beltline Rd. From the hotel, go north on Midway to Beltline: IHOP for the FenCon:
3910 Belt Line Road
ADDISON, TX 75001-4305
Phone: 972-241 9299
Fax: 972-241 9299
There is an IHOP in Richardson near the ConDFW hotel (Northwest about 2 or 3miles) at:
1010 S. Central Expressway (Hwy 75)
RICHARDSON, TX 75080-7303
Phone: 972 231 8622
Fax: 972 994 9564
Thanks for the info. I figured the basic schedule would be posted on the DFWcon web site. I guess you have to attend or buy a pass in advance to get the schedule.
That's just due to last minute changes, and not to anything about money ;)
Keller's...go during the day, if you're new to town. Neighborhood's a little rough for tourists, at night ;)
I'll post other recommended restaurants as we get closer. Celebration comes to mind.
That's just due to last minute changes, and not to anything about money ;)
Keller's...go during the day, if you're new to town. Neighborhood's a little rough for tourists, at night ;)
I'll post other recommended restaurants as we get closer. Celebration comes to mind.
Thanks Mickey Finn. Don't forget Dave & Buster's which is an adult Chuck E. Cheese with Bar, Restaurant, and large pool and gaming and arcade area.
...and food that doesn't taste like wet cardboard.
...and food that doesn't taste like wet cardboard.
True, D&B food is similar to TGI Fridays rather than Chucky's in price and quality. Decent but not great.
There is a great vegetarian Indian buffet at Beltline and Coit by the Whole Foods. However I just woke up and can't remember what it's called. There's also a Jason's Deli there in that same shopping center which is my absolute favorite place to go for a quick cheap lunch. Baked potato topped with bbq, cheese and sour cream? yes please! and at Beltline and the tollway there's Freebird Burrito which should not be missed if you've never eaten there before.
Those of you for whom this is your first convention saying "the main thing is just to meet the authors" ha ha ha! You are in for a heck of a weekend my friends. There is SO much fun to be had and friends waiting to be made. Generally I don't like to leave the hotel during a con (like little kids don't like to go to sleep --for fear they'll miss something), but I may be forced to run home and walk and feed my dog a couple of times during this one. :(
filk music: filk is sci fi folk music. It CAN be for funny, yes, but isn't necessarily. There's some heart rendingly beautiful filk music out there. Most filkers take their music pretty seriously (and some make their living from it.) I get irritated that it gets described so often as just parodies of familiar tunes. come to the filk at the con and check it out yourself. We had a heck of a sing at Fencon this year with some amazing talent.
JASON'S DELI!! OMG! Haven't had Jason's Deli since we left Phoenix *swoons*
Oooh, I love Jason's Deli! And they have such a wide variety of food, everyone can find something they want.
I tend to go for the French Onion soup and the 1/8 Muffelata.
You should try the Corner Bakery. ;) And I'll find out the name of the place by the old restaraunt that was south american fusion that had breakfasts to DIE for. Off 75, in Richardson.
You should try the Corner Bakery. ;) And I'll find out the name of the place by the old restaraunt that was south american fusion that had breakfasts to DIE for. Off 75, in Richardson.
Ok that sounds good.
Speaking of bakeries, I just happened to do a quick google on this one chain that at least used to be AWESOME - La Madeleine. Discovered in in New Orleans about 15 years ago and fell in love - the breads are top-notch. And when I googled it, I saw there are locations in Houston, Dallas and DC, among others:
Highly worth a try if they're anywhere close to as good as they used to be (haven't been to one in over 10 years).
Corner Bakery and La Madelaine are adored as well! Great dining places for a big group of friends.
havent' been to la madeleine yet. though there is one walking distance from my house. have to try that. I despise corner bakery though. Unfortunately, it's my dad's favorite so he always wants to go there when he comes to visit...which is much less since we moved to Dallas. He despises Texas. Can't say as I blame him really...
You should try the Corner Bakery. ;) And I'll find out the name of the place by the old restaurant that was south american fusion that had breakfasts to DIE for. Off 75, in Richardson.
I think you are talking about Cafe Brazil. They have multiple locations in the Dallas area, the closest two are Richardson and University Park, some are 24 hr.
Cafe Brazil Richardson
Sunday - Wednesday 6:00am - Midnight
Thursday - Saturday Open 24 hours
PH: 972-783-9011
FX: 972-783-4446
2071 N. Central Expressway (Hwy 75)
Richardson, Texas 75080-2706
Cafe Brazil University Park (Hwy75)
Open 24 hours 7 days a week
PH: 214-691-7791
FX: 214-691-7729
6420 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, Texas 75206-4100
Breadwinners is another great place for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. The original is on McKinney Ave in Uptown Dallas and has great food and ambiance.
They have a nice Central Market Supermarket on Lovers Lane East of Hwy75 Central Exp. It has premium great groceries and lots of hot ready to eat made on the premises foods and a small restaurant area for great soups, salads, sandwiches and some entrees, sort of like Whole Foods but the food tastes slightly better.
But for us that fly into this con and are not going to rent a car. Do any of these places deliver?
That's unfortunate, Pharaoh; as I said, for the one I visited repeatedly lo these many years ago, it was awesome. Wish you could have that one.
That's unfortunate, Pharaoh; as I said, for the one I visited repeatedly lo these many years ago, it was awesome. Wish you could have that one.
La Madeline was founded in Dallas and the original location by Southern Methodist University on Mockingbird near 75 Central Exp (in University Park) is still there. It is decent food at a reasonable price. French style food, a step above Boston Market but not high end gourmet food.
But for us that fly into this con and are not going to rent a car. Do any of these places deliver?
There is a Chinese All you can eat buffet within a couple of blocks, a Subway, a Jack in the Box and a couple of other places within walking distance.
The Hotel shuttle will take you for free within a few miles. There is the DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) train station around 1 mile away. The train goes many places.
La Madeline was founded in Dallas and the original location by Southern Methodist University on Mockingbird near 75 Central Exp (in University Park) is still there. It is decent food at a reasonable price. French style food, a step above Boston Market but not high end gourmet food.
Maybe they upgraded it for New Orleans?
Well, no, it wasn't "gourmet" (for certain values of "gourmet"), but it had breads I had never been able to get outside of Europe, and they were VERY good. I enjoyed every sandwich I ever had there, and the coffee, while not earthshakingly fantastic, beat the snot out of Starbucks - it was rich, robust and tasty without being bitter. So maybe it WAS a function of the individual store. I don't know. I just wish you all could've had the one I knew well. Wait - how long ago are you talking about? As I said, the last time I visited the one in N.O. was pushing 15 years ago, and they may have changed since then.
Even more off-topic but still talking about bread places - anyone had Atlanta Bread Company? Even though there's one only about 5 miles from here, we haven't been there in a couple of years (real pain in the neck to get to), but they had ahead-of-the-curve breads, their sandwiches were reliably good and their bread-bowl soups... I'm not a huge fan of black bean soup, but for their recipe in the sourdough bread bowl, I'd hit somebody. Not hard, but enough to get their attention and say, "Hey, you really ought to try some of this soup." :D
Maybe they upgraded it for New Orleans?
Well, no, it wasn't "gourmet" (for certain values of "gourmet"), but it had breads I had never been able to get outside of Europe, and they were VERY good. I enjoyed every sandwich I ever had there, and the coffee, while not earthshakingly fantastic, beat the snot out of Starbucks - it was rich, robust and tasty without being bitter. So maybe it WAS a function of the individual store. I don't know. I just wish you all could've had the one I knew well. Wait - how long ago are you talking about? As I said, the last time I visited the one in N.O. was pushing 15 years ago, and they may have changed since then.
Even more off-topic but still talking about bread places - anyone had Atlanta Bread Company? Even though there's one only about 5 miles from here, we haven't been there in a couple of years (real pain in the neck to get to), but they had ahead-of-the-curve breads, their sandwiches were reliably good and their bread-bowl soups... I'm not a huge fan of black bean soup, but for their recipe in the sourdough bread bowl, I'd hit somebody. Not hard, but enough to get their attention and say, "Hey, you really ought to try some of this soup." :D
I do like La Madeline's and I like Atlanta Bread Company but La Madeline's is better. I was referring to Captain Hammer's post. It is not a Top Chef type place like Abacus, Nobu or The Mansion at Turtle Creek were you remember the meal for years. Dallas is a big city and there are many, many great places to eat. Atlanta Bread Company has at least one location near the DFWCon in Richardson on Campbell Rd just West of Hwy 75 Central Exp (5 miles away from Con). I have noticed some locations of restaurants are better than others or who is cooking that day. La Madeline has very good bread and very good tomato basil soup. We do have a few top notch bakeries here in Dallas that have incredible bread such as Eatzies which is a mini gourmet pre-prepared meal store/bakery with a small eating area or Breadwinners which is a bakery, with breads and desserts to go plus a great restaurant or Central Market or Whole Foods supermarkets both have very good breads, salads, and soups. If you like great bread bowl soups go with Cafe Brazil. If you like NY style Deli there is Deli News on Campbell and Preston. It has very good pastrami sandwiches, soups etc.
Bob Asprin has passed on. He may be at the con in spirit.
going to UNT?
DFWCon is a small but EXCEEDINGLY cool convention with fantastic author guests.
If we're lucky, Brust will be back, and we can get him, Bob Asprin, and John Steakley in a room together.
Anyone know if Jim has a problem with cigarette smoke?
(The bar is open air in the middle of the con. Most guests hang out there at night and shoot the breeze.)
If you're not interested in chains I was told there are some quality restaurants nearby, such as
Driving up from Houston on Friday so would be willing to drive to restaurants but I only have a small Prius? Also, thinking of a something in my party suite at the hotel so might get something catered if there's interest? Thanks, Vijay Kale
Yeah I get to make my drive at 2300 Friday night. It's gunna be a fun one for me!!
They plan on posting a tentative schedule next weekend and panels in the next couple of days. First time through the line one can have three items signed.
If you're not interested in chains I was told there are some quality restaurants nearby, such as
Driving up from Houston on Friday so would be willing to drive to restaurants but I only have a small Prius? Also, thinking of a something in my party suite at the hotel so might get something catered if there's interest? Thanks, Vijay Kale
That restaurant is located in Addison. That is a bit over 5 miles away from the hotel. Addison has a very good rep as a fun place to go safely. They have over 100 good restaurants (Restaurant Row) on Beltline Road and off on some of the side streets such as Houston's, Chipotle, Chamberlain's Steakhouse and Chamberlain's Steakhouse, The Flying Saucer (huge number of draft beer selection and some decent bar food), Gloria's (great Tex-Mex), Queen of Sheba (Ethiopian and Italian food), Mi Piaci (very nice Italian) to name a few. There are also a few good Indian Restaurants in the area.
I used to drive an Accord.
A Prius is NOT small.
Also, Brust and Steakley will not make it this year.
Cafe Brazil! That's it, thank you. Fantastic place.
"He despises Texas. Can't say as I blame him really..."
Not the most untrollish sentence you've ever uttered.
I'd love to go to this as I'm a fan of David Weber's Honor Harrington novels as well as Jim's Work, but I'm based out of Nashville, TN and I can't get anyone similarly inclined to make the drive with me.
Anyone planning to take pictures or post a recap/summary of what goes down?
Cafe Brazil! That's it, thank you. Fantastic place.
"He despises Texas. Can't say as I blame him really..."
Not the most untrollish sentence you've ever uttered.
trollish? meh. just stating my horribly homesick opinion. I miss good food at reasonable prices. and not having to drive everywhere. and snow. and Lake Michigan, oh so much. *sigh*
Yes, but "despise" is a little extreme. As for food, it depends on where you live.
Priscellie & I have gotten out appearance schedules...we're all over the place on Friday, and one panel Saturday. Jim & Shannon, are, of course, all over the place every day. I will be arriving Thurs evening, leaving Sunday afternoon.
Tentative schedule:
5 pm – Interstellar Archaeology: Part One – The Discovery (Manchester)
Hosted by Adrian Simmons (M), Taylor Anderson, Mel White, Michael Finn, Rie Sheridan Rose
The first of two panels where we inflict…er discover startling artifacts of OBVIOUS alien origin upon our esteemed panelists. They in turn tell us what the artifacts are. Light hearted fun, and bring a healthy dose of skepeticism!
6 pm Lights, Camera, Internet? – The Life of Stories in Other Media.
Hosted by Priscilla Spencer, Michael Finn, David Gray
The recent rash of comic book and novels turned movies has any writer dreaming of the big screen. Maybe a hopeful writer just dreams of having an internet presence. Or maybe the kid in you wants to see your favorite story serialized in the pages of a comic book. Our experts tell of how this is done, why it is done, and where it should be done…and just maybe IF it should be done.
9 pm – Talking During the Movies (Warwick)
Hosted by Dusty Rainbolt, Lou Antonelli, Michael Finn, and assorted others…
Last year we had a blast tearing apart “Hercules in New York.” With our guests filling in commentary, a good time was had by all. This year’s feature is sure to leave you in stitches as well…
Saturday –
12 pm – ePublishing – Dealing with the Internet (Churchill)
Hosted by Priscilla Spencer, Michael Finn, Teresa Patterson
The ever-present Internet looms above us all. However, it also is the easiest way to get your story out into the public…but what is the best way? Web boards, chat groups, eZines, these will all be discussed by our experts in web technology.
CAVEAT: This is all subject to change. And may I say...poor Teresa.
Ya know, I don't usually attend program stuff at cons, but some o' that sounds like fun. Might see if I can sneak away for shtuff.
Two weeks away is too long!!! Omfg I'm so excited. :D
Detailed schedules of programming are now up.
I get to MST3k Frankenstein Conquers the World.
*blinks* I am apparently giving a reading now. Now emailing Dan to rectify the error.
I get to MST3k Frankenstein Conquers the World.
Don't worry, 'Cellie! I'll bring stuff for you to read to people!!!
...Trust me...*grin*
*blinks* I am apparently giving a reading now. Now emailing Dan to rectify the error.
He probably listened to the podcasts and said "Get that girl, stat!"
As for Frankenstien Conquers Your Brain, ask him if you can be on the panel, if it's not full ;)
Anyone know what the policy on autographs is at ConDFW? Will there be a charge?
I'm so glad I scrolled over to this site! I live in Plano, minutes away from the con, and had not heard of it. I would have been heartbroken to learn that JB was here and I missed him. Having failed to sign up earlier, I'm wondering how long it will take to stand in line to register? (I hear horror stories from A-Kon about hours in line.) Estimates? How early to arrive for best seats for the panels? I haven't been to a con since I went to one hosted by the Cepheid Variables at A&M--many years ago.My sister and brother-in-law just went to A&M for an informal GeezerCon for old Cepheids. I've--I've never even filked before.(Blushes)
ConDFW is more Aggie Con than Akon (ironically, most of the folks involved are Cephids and/or Akon vets)'s a small writer/artist's con, pulls in good people without huge crowds. As such, lines shouldn't be an issue (Akon pulls 20k people, you can't avoid the lines. The people running the registers are marathon gods ;) )
Remember that if you show up too early for a panel, you're running into someone else's ;) How early you show will depend on what it is...Jim will have a longer line than Pris & I, for example.
As for autographs, I'm not sure. Talking from previous experience, Texas cons not run by a national media conglomerate tend to default to whatever the guest wishes.
DINNER: I've talked to Jim, and IF HE IS UP TO IT Saturday evening, dinner can be had! Who thinks they could attend? (Likely between 5-7) Again, this is totally depending on how social Jim & Shannon feel at the time (which hinges on tiredness level). Even if they don't join us, it's a chance for board members to socialize.
Brust and Steakley will be at the Con!
Even if they don't join us, it's a chance for board members to socialize.
Which, as we found out from NYCC, is always a good thing. :)
Thank you Mickey Finn. I'll show as early as I can. I'd love the chance to have dinner with Jim and Shannon, if that is available. I only wish that Turn Coat were out now so that I could get his autograph on it.
I'll definitely be there!
If you weren't, I'd be concerned.
Pris, reading material for the Jhereg, by Brust. Seriously. You'll want to be exposed to his work before you meet him. He is one of those larger than life authors. And Jhereg is short.
Sadly, there are no panels with those three together, because they got added at the last minute.
If you weren't, I'd be concerned.
Pris, reading material for the Jhereg, by Brust. Seriously. You'll want to be exposed to his work before you meet him. He is one of those larger than life authors. And Jhereg is short.
Noted! I shall also download his Firefly novel.
I'll be there Saturday, so I'm up for the dinner thing.
I think my wife and I will be more than willing to go in on the dinner.
Will pictures be taken and shared with us? Please?
Does anyone know if I'll be able to meet Jim during his autograph sessions without paying for a badge? I really want to go and get one of my hardbacks signed and chat with Jim, but I don't have that much money to pay just to meet him, nor do I want to spend that much time at the con. (Yeah, basically I'd be going just to meet him.)
And I'm worried that if I don't go next weekend that I'll miss my chance and he won't get back around to the DFW area for quite a while.
Sameth, the whole point of the Con is so people will buy memberships (aka "a badge") and come meet Jim and the other guests, shop at the vendors, etc. You buy your admission so you can get in. Paying admission makes the Con possible - how do you think they were able to fly Jim and the other guests in, rent the venue, the sound systems, and do all the other stuff?
No admission means, admission.
Guess I'll miss out, then. Thanks for the support...
Guess I'll miss out, then. Thanks for the support...
Don't be so tragic, man. Think of it as going to a bar to see your favorite band - there's a cover charge AND a drink minimum on top of the show ticket in many bars. I know I went to a number of shows that way and drank the nastiest, cheapest beer I could because my finances were tight... but it was worth it. Did that to see Warren Zevon in a little club; I was about ten feet away from the dude. Worth every penny, despite the fact that I quite literally missed meals over the following week-plus.
You just have to ask yourself if it's worth it to you. Who knows? You might even have fun at the con itself!
It is cheaper to buy the 1 day pass, $20, I think. That's what I'm doing. I will go on my day off Sunday. I work 2nd shift Friday and Saturday.
There ya go, Sameth. Solution identified!
Don't be so tragic, man. Think of it as going to a bar to see your favorite band - there's a cover charge AND a drink minimum on top of the show ticket in many bars. I know I went to a number of shows that way and drank the nastiest, cheapest beer I could because my finances were tight... but it was worth it. Did that to see Warren Zevon in a little club; I was about ten feet away from the dude. Worth every penny, despite the fact that I quite literally missed meals over the following week-plus.
You just have to ask yourself if it's worth it to you. Who knows? You might even have fun at the con itself!
The difference being that at least you got a show. The way I imagine it is that I stand in line to get a day pass. Pay $20, go to the signing, wait in another line. Get to talk to Jim for about a second before I'm ushered away. So at least in your situation, you got to hear them play. (Am I right?)
So basically I get to pay $20 to stand in two lines, plus annoy my parents to take me to Richardson (since I don't have a car) for an autograph and maybe a second of talking to Jim? As much as I like his writing, I can't honestly say it's worth it. And if they have to cancel for some unforeseen reason? Well, I guess I'm screwed. Chances are that they wouldn't give me a refund because there were be other things to do there, sure, but then to me the $20 and time would be wasted. (I am a bit of a pessimist, but I see this as a way of being realistic.)
I wouldn't mind going to the convention, but I'm not sure I would have time for it. Besides, there's not really much there that I'm interested in. I've heard of two or three other authors off that list and have read none of them. I don't relish the thought of paying the money for this, but if I could go and hang out with some of the board members before or after meeting Jim, it would be a little more worth it.
If I could be assured that Jim is going to come back for another signing (like say somewhere that doesn't cost any money...don't the bookstores let you get a signature for free?) then I would just skip this, but in the past, I've seen author's itinerary for tours and most don't say Texas on them and even when they do, they're usually in Houston. So, yeah...I am a bit upset about it.
Dude, have you ever been to a con? There's stuff to do. Even if you don't know the folks there, the discussions are always interesting, just find a conference room with folks sitting at one end and enjoy yourself. There's also usually music, and various other distractions.
Thing is, most of the stuff Jim will be at will be either sponsored by the con, or held in conjunction with it. There are parties in the evening, but generally the folks throwing them will want their gusts to be con attendees or con guests, since that's the reason for the party.
I just want to get his autograph and to talk to him for a couple of seconds. I don't want to spend $20 on that, though. All I asked was if the autograph session cost any money. Yeesh.
I've been to conventions, but the difference between this convention and others is that there's not a whole lot of things that they are doing that I'm all that interested in. With the anime conventions I went to, there was anime shows to watch, the dealer room had all kinds of anime posters, figures, and so I liked looking at, and so. This one has a whole lot of things that I basically haven't heard of. I know you're probably sitting there saying, "Well, now is the time to learn," but if I'm going to do that, I'd rather not spend money on that.
I just want to get his autograph and to talk to him for a couple of seconds. I don't want to spend $20 on that, though. All I asked was if the autograph session cost any money. Yeesh.
No, you asked if you could come into the con without paying, and still get autographs from one of the headline guests.
Still...sorry it doesn't sound like fun to you. I think you're approaching the whole thing from a pessimist's standpoint, though, so anything you're told that doesn't square with what you want to hear is just gonna annoy you.
No. I'm sorry. I got frustrated because I didn't think my ride up there was going to have time to get me up there and was hoping that I could just get it and go.
But I talked it over with my ride. It's doable and I'm happy. Not too excited about the convention itself, but I guess I will make do.
I'm definitely going Saturday. Sunday is a bit tentative. Anyone wanna meet?
(In my defense, you could walk in certain parts of the Anime convention without a badge/ticket. You needed it for the panels, the video room, the game room, and the vendor room. So it was fairly open to non-paying members. There were autograph sessions that were in these open areas and I couldn't remember if they checked your badge. THAT was what I was asking about.)
Ah, ok. The con won't be keeping people from walking through the halls of the hotel. I'm not sure where they'll have the autograph tables, but I wouldn't be surprised if badges were checked. After all, it's a major draw for the con. But do attend some panel discussions and other programming while you're there. It'll be fun.
Well, yeah...I will considering I'll be paying $20-35 for it. ;)
And like I said, I'd like to meet some of the boardies there. I'll have to wear a sign or something that says I'm from the forum. (Though at A-kon, they banned signs.)
I just want to get his autograph and to talk to him for a couple of seconds. I don't want to spend $20 on that, though. All I asked was if the autograph session cost any money. Yeesh.
I've been to conventions, but the difference between this convention and others is that there's not a whole lot of things that they are doing that I'm all that interested in. With the anime conventions I went to, there was anime shows to watch, the dealer room had all kinds of anime posters, figures, and so I liked looking at, and so. This one has a whole lot of things that I basically haven't heard of. I know you're probably sitting there saying, "Well, now is the time to learn," but if I'm going to do that, I'd rather not spend money on that.
I've never been to a Con but I'm going to this one. Jim Butcher and David Weber are a couple of my favorite authors. If you want something Free Sameth check out Baen books website with dozens of free older books such as At Basilisk Station or In Death Ground or Off Armageddon Reef. See if you like David Weber. The whole Con thing seems to me to meet the authors but more to meet and have fun and exchange ideas with people who like the same books as you. You might make a few friends or get a new insight into the story or share your theories.
A lot of folks at the con "meet" the authors, but not personally - that's what the panel discussions and such are geared toward. Jim, however, is one of those guests who goes out of his way to make people feel like they've gotten their fair share of his attention, though. He's very gracious about it.
I've never been to a Con but I'm going to this one. Jim Butcher and David Weber are a couple of my favorite authors. If you want something Free Sameth check out Baen books website with dozens of free older books such as At Basilisk Station or In Death Ground or Off Armageddon Reef. See if you like David Weber. The whole Con thing seems to me to meet the authors but more to meet and have fun and exchange ideas with people who like the same books as you. You might make a few friends or get a new insight into the story or share your theories.
Eh. Save your breath. I'm going.
I've heard of David Weber, but frankly, I've got about 50 books sitting on my shelf that need my attention. That's why I'm not taking requests right now.
A lot of folks at the con "meet" the authors, but not personally - that's what the panel discussions and such are geared toward. Jim, however, is one of those guests who goes out of his way to make people feel like they've gotten their fair share of his attention, though. He's very gracious about it.
I certainly hope so! I've spoken briefly with him on the boards and he seems pretty nice.
Priscillie (sorry, can't spell your screen name) and Mickey...I plan on meeting you two on Saturday. I feel I have extra privileges over your fans because I post here.
Even if you just hear Jim talk on a panel, it'll be worth the price of admission. Dude's fun.
Don't count on being able to meet Priscellie and Mickey - busy panelists (especially ones who are involved not just in their own panels) are often busier than the GoHs.
Oh well. I'm sure there are other boardies I can meet.
Sometimes at A-kon, you can go up to the panelists when they're done and chat for a bit if they're not busy. I may try and do that with Jim.
And if Jim's not exhausted and/or being hurried off to another event, he's the sort of guy who WOULD talk with you. Nice guy. But don't be surprised if he's not able to do it, as he's likely to be tired from the traveling and the constant busy-ness of being a guest at a big con.
Priscillie (sorry, can't spell your screen name) and Mickey...I plan on meeting you two on Saturday. I feel I have extra privileges over your fans because I post here.
*blinks* You insult us (and Jim, for that matter) by reiterating over and over that our panels don't sound interesting, then you claim some kind of entitlement over our time and attention because you post here? You're not winning points, Sameth.
Mickey and I have worked our way to a certain level of prominence and access in the fandom, but ultimately, we're still just fans. And like any other fans, we're going to want to spend our free time with our friends and try to make new ones, and if possible, do a bit of elbow-rubbing with The Greats. Our time is not for sale to the highest bidder. We have no obligation to anyone at the con, save those we've taken on ourselves by volunteering to be panelists. I want to meet more of Jim's fans, because Jim's fans tend to be a freaking awesome bunch of people, but no one has the right to put him or herself on my priority list.
Hey did I mention I wanted to be at the dinner!!!
No, I didn't mean it like that. The part you quoted, I was joking. (I need to learn to use more emoticons, I guess.) The part about the panel was more of my lack of interest rather than me degrading it. I apologize for that. And I am apologizing for it rather than you taking it the wrong way. (Though I can't honestly say that sounds much better, either.)
If you will notice, I was a bit more optimistic about it after I realized I would have more time than I had previously thought. I was only down on the other panelists because I was upset...not saying that's a good excuse, but...well...
I will understand if you do not wish to run into me at the con. My comments were in poor taste and no longer reflect my attitude and I do apologize.
This is the face of someone who is sorry (and probably the face of a target for you...):
Just dial down the drama and tragedy, Sameth. I think that's all anyone's asking.
I appreciate and accept your apology, Sameth. And I still want to meet all the forum folks in attendance, you included! I just don't want anyone thinking I'm obligated to.
*paints face blue and runs off screaming "FREEDOOOOOOOOOM!!!"*
No! Like I said, I was joking. I need one of these: ;D or something.
Thanks for being understanding.
Just dial down the drama and tragedy, Sameth. I think that's all anyone's asking.
Yeah, I know. I tend to overreact when I get upset...and tend to put foot in mouth. But hey! I'm trying to cut back. Look! I've got the patch. *Rolls up sleeve.*
Though...I do have to say, half of the things you've rolled your eyes and thought I was overreacting on, I was joking. Such as the picture up there. I was trying to lighten the mood.
Yeah, online "conversation" has that lovely bonus of tone not being immediately apparent (although some people are so deadpan in real life that you can't tell which way they're going with something even face-to-face). Which is why I've learned to throw in the occasional "LOL!" or emoticon, 'cause my own sense of humor can be kind of rough if you don't see the big s***-eating grin. Young you are, padawan; learn you shall. :D
Anyone getting to the con on Thursday afternoon or evening?
Want dinner or drinks in the bar?
I am getting in Thursday afternoon rush hour!
I'm getting into Dallas Thursday night, but I'll be hanging with my parents. Sorry!
:: snickers::
Parents can be so demanding!
::howls even::
I've got school Thursday, and then when I get home, I have webcomics to work on.
Please count myself and a friend in for a Saturday dinner.
I'll be driving in from Houston Fri so if interested in dinner or whatever any other time; also, reserved an Active Suite?
The primary reason for my first Con is Jim's panels; I second Shecky’s comment that Jim alone is worth the price of Admission. My wife wouldn't make the trip but I was easily able to convince a writer friend to accompany me by pointing out the topics and diverse background of the panelists. We're staying the all three days because the panelists seem knowledgeable. After reading the panel descriptions I would’ve attended just for the education and chance at expanding interests. That’s how I first met Jim; just stopped in at an appearance suggested by the manager.
Was informed autographs are free but limited to three items first time through. Later, the site posted limitations for Weber’s sessions only.
I hope you all have a great time at sounds like a fun time! I would love to hear Jim speak or even just see him! (not in a stalkery way - is stalkery a word?)
Still campaining to get Jim to come to Maine! Summer is beautiful! I use ! way too much!
Hope lots of pic's are taken and shared...have a great time all!
Looking forward to sharing my first of probably many many ConDFWs with Jim! So moving to Texas isn't ALL bad I guess. ;)
FINALLY!!!! A benefit to living in Texas, hurray!!!!
I am so going, even though its an eight hour drive. I guess when they say 'everything's bigger in Texas' they meant drive times.... sigh...
Nevertheless, I am totally excited, hurray!!!!
FINALLY!!!! A benefit to living in Texas, hurray!!!!
I am so going, even though its an eight hour drive. I guess when they say 'everything's bigger in Texas' they meant drive times.... sigh...
Nevertheless, I am totally excited, hurray!!!!
Never heard of and can't google Hell's Garden TX. Where is that, perhaps in the Nevernever? They do have some odd named towns such as Gun Barrel City, Trophy Club, Corral City, The Colony, Paradise, Tool and White Settlement. I have to drive around 8 miles from where I live, but I work Friday and Saturday, so I'm going to come to the Con on Sunday.
White Settlement, despite the obvious assumption, does not mean what you might think it least from what I've read.
White Settlement, despite the obvious assumption, does not mean what you might think it least from what I've read.
It was the few White Settlers among them hostile Injuns and Mexcans in Tehas part of Meheeco.
Yeah, you guys are lucky. We have a giant pimple growing in our city. (Football stadium, anyone?)
I think my husband will let me escape for dinner on Saturday. That'd be just nifty! 3 more days! *snoopy dance*
It was the few White Settlers among them hostile Injuns and Mexcans in Tehas part of Meheeco.
From what I've read, it was a colony named after a guy whose last name was...wait for it..."White"...
I could easily be wrong, though - it's not like I've researched.
I apologize for posting twice on this, but I can't seem to find the programming schedules for the Con DFW and I've tried all the keywords I can. I know I looked at this Monday but I've lost it now.Can someone please direct me to the right thread and remind me of the hotel and time it begins?
your obedient servant
Did you try googling "ConDFW"? :D
Programming and hotel info can be found in the navigation bar in the upper right.
Okay, I see hotel information. Is that also where the con is being held.
Probably a stupid question...
Okay, I see hotel information. Is that also where the con is being held.
Probably a stupid question...
Damn, I'm gone for a wee bit and the thread explodes.
Answering a few things:
Sameth: Just fyi, the reason bookstores don't charge for autographs is because they get the author on a promo tour...the publisher (or the author) usually pays for the trip, and both the author and the bookstore gets exposure. Convention appearances are usually solely paid for by the con themselves, fee and travel expenses. (Sometimes, like Aggiecon a while back, there are happy coincidences, like Terry Pratchett being in the US on a book tour already, so they didn't have to pay for the transatlantic ticket.) BTW, if Brust isn't one of the authors you know, catch some of his panels. He is a trip, like a sarcastic, stage-ready version of Jim. Steakley is another one.
This con has a different feel from A-kon.
Dinner on Sat:I wish I could say "Everybody meet at the green plant by the lobby where Brust sets up court," but this is a brand new hotel and I don't know the landmarks. How many people who want to do dinner won't be there on Fri? (The reason I'm asking...Priscilla and I have most of our panels on Friday and will be easier to find. We have one Noon panel, however. Note: I had a freak gardening accident with a tomato plant and now have red hair.)
Suggestions of Panels:
*If you are an aspiring author, there is a ton of useful info here.
*Anything with Jim.
*Anything with Brust. (HIGHLY reccomend picking up a copy of Jhereg before then, it's a quick read. Fantasy world as seen through the eyes of an assassin with a sarcastic wyvryn-like sidekick...Brust has been compared to Twain. He's really good.)
Fri night's 9 pm Talking During the Movies! – Friday Night Double Feature
Hosted by Dusty Rainbolt, Lou Antonelli, Michael Finn, and assorted others…
Two schlock masterpieces receive a thorough MST3K'ing by con guests
and staff. This year we feature...
Frankenstein Conquers the World
Toho Studios (of Godzilla fame) dabbled in combining rubber Kaiju monsters with American movie monsters several times. The most well known is King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962). But did you know that three years later they tried again with Frankenstein? Enter the screamingly funny 'Furankenshutain tai chitei kaiju Baragon' (1965) which was later released in English under the title 'Frankenstein Conquers the World'. It turns out that the Nazis shipped the heart
of Frankenstein to Japan during WWII for experimentation. They sent it to a secret lab in ... Hiroshima. You can see where this is going, can't you? If you guessed giant mutated Frankenstein tussling with a rubber suited wonder-lizard, you get a cookie. 94 minutes of kaiju craziness.
1990: Bronx Warriors
Set in the nightmare future world of 1990, this low-budget Italian retread of Escape from New York (released only one year earlier) features day-glo gangs, heavy metal motorcycle hooligans, way too much synthesizer music and Fred "The Hammer" Williamson as the pimp-king of New York. What more could you ask for? The post apocalyptic Broadway chorus-line gang in particular must be seen to be believed. 92 minutes of Warrior of the Wasteland wackiness.
On a side note, anyone know where the closest Whole Foods is?
On a side note, anyone know where the closest Whole Foods is?
*perks up* Are you going to make good on your promise of Morganti Brownies? Especially now that I know what "Morganti" means? :D
The list of Whole Foods locations in Texas is here ( The hotel seems to be situated midway between the Preston and Forest location (11700 Preston Rd Ste 714) and the Richardson store (60 Dal Rich Vlg).
I can't :( I can't make them in our kitchen because of Michelle's gluten allergy. But bug me at the con, I'll give you ideas. (It's not really a recipie)
Well guys in less than 24 hours I will be winging my way to Dallas, since I have meet both DW and JB before at cons, I am kinda excited to see and hear them again.
Anyone got a weather report for the DFW area?
I can't :( I can't make them in our kitchen because of Michelle's gluten allergy. But bug me at the con, I'll give you ideas. (It's not really a recipie)
Alas! Yay for ideas, though. :D
Well guys in less than 24 hours I will be winging my way to Dallas, since I have meet both DW and JB before at cons, I am kinda excited to see and hear them again.
Anyone got a weather report for the DFW area?
Friday: 70/44
Saturday: 53/31
Sunday: 54/35
All sunny/partly cloudy
Thank you.
Also, what's this about dinner?
Hmm...Friday's gonna be doubtful for me. Saturday I'll be there all day and will be helping out with FenCon's room party, so I'm a shoe-in then.
Well damnit! Something came up so now I can't make it. >:( :'(
there's a Whole Foods at Beltline and Coit, just a short hop from the hotel. Is where the teens in our homeschool group like to hang out for some reason I do not fathom.
*perks up* Are you going to make good on your promise of Morganti Brownies? Especially now that I know what "Morganti" means? :D
The list of Whole Foods locations in Texas is here ( The hotel seems to be situated midway between the Preston and Forest location (11700 Preston Rd Ste 714) and the Richardson store (60 Dal Rich Vlg).
I'd go to the Richardson store - it's a bit closer, plus Belt Line is nice if you want to hit up some of the bars / restaurants in the area. Most of Belt line is bars / restaurants / good places to hang out, especially the Addison portion of Belt Line. The other location is going away from where most of the nightlife is, assuming that you ever want to leave the hotel :P
Okay. Got the basics down. See you guys then. Is there a copy of the costume contest rules available before registration?
Most likely - check the website. Folks gotta make costumes in advance, so they're unlikely not to be posted.
Yup. The rules and entry form are linked on the Programming ( page. I'm now trying to decide between Maeve and Delirium, myself.
Yup. The rules and entry form are linked on the Programming ( page. I'm now trying to decide between Maeve and Delirium, myself.
All I really have to say at this point is that if someone wishes to meet me on Saturday (the day I will be going. Probably not Friday or Sunday) then you only have to hunt me down. There are pics of me here (couple of pages back) and I will probably be wearing a Boba Fett shirt. Since I've only been to anime conventions, I'm hesitant to wear a costume to a non-anime convention. I's not any big deal, it's just a bit of paranoia on my part. Um...if it's cold enough, I'll probably be wearing a gray hoodie.
And if you happen to see me and want to meet me (though I can't possibly understand why... ;D) my real name is Micah (pronounced my-cuh) or you can call me Sameth. I may not answer to that, though. After's just a screen name.
I am looking forward to meeting forum members just as much as meeting Jim and going to the different panels. I will be partially disappointed if I don't run into at least SOMEONE!
(Side note: if you happen to run into me and I have a confused look on my face, just say you're from the forum and your screen name. I'm horrible with names and I'll assume I met you somewhere else and feel like a bastard for not remembering you.)
Like Spectacular Sameth I'm really interested in meeting those that post frequently. I'm free for dinner on Fri and Sat.
Really excited, hopefully I can sleep well as I plan to start driving by daybreak.
Woo, I'm in Dallas! I actually got on an earlier flight, saving myself an hour and a half's wait in the airport. Bring on the Texan-style shenanigans!
Does anyone have an idea of what is going on for Sunday? I am off that day and will be there from the late morning to the early evening. I hope things don't break up early. Are there going to be boards and book signings on Sunday? I work 2nd shift on Fri and Sat so I could only go there for a couple of hours at most each of those days.
I just went on the Con web site and got the general info of what is happening and when.
Saturday dinner wha? I may be in-depends on what my family wants (all four of us attending-w00t!) Can I ask one of ya'll on saturday-no comp access at the con. :)
we're here! all set up in dealer room and cozy. what's the finalized plans for dinner thing?
Dinner is Saturday night, most likely at Cafe Brazil.
In other news, WHAT HOW AM I THE MODERATOR FOR BOTH MY PANELS. I've never been on a panel before!
Give 'em an inch and they'll volunteer you for a mile.
Because people naturally hand you things to do.
It's like wherever I am, people think I'm staff.
And we may want to think Cafe Brazil. It is now a pale shadow of what it once was.
And we may want to think Cafe Brazil. It is now a pale shadow of what it once was.
A great place to try is Breadwinner's. They are a cafe and bakery. Prices are reasonable (from around $6 to around $20) and food is great! Especially breakfast and lunch. They do have a very good dinner till 11PM on the weekend. Excellent sandwiches and desserts! They have three locations but the one with the best atmosphere is the original on McKinney Ave in Uptown.
Breadwinners Bakery & Cafe
4 star rating
based on 50 reviews
Rating Details »
Categories: American (New), Breakfast & Brunch [Edit]
3301 McKinney Ave
Dallas, TX 75204
(214) 754-4940
The Cafe Brazil on Ceder Springs is the best of the bunch. Some of the other locations have gone down in quality.
Cafe' Brazil
(214) 461-8762
3847 Cedar Springs Rd, Dallas, TX 75219
Another good choice is Houston's (a few locations). Very, very good food, nice restaurant but does get crowded at times. Sometimes you'll see celebrities such as Troy Aikman or some of the Dallas Mavericks there. Prices are a bit higher but not outrageous. My favorite location is:
Houston's Restaurant
4.5 star rating
based on 37 reviews
Rating Details »
Category: American (New) [Edit]
8300 Preston Rd
Dallas, TX 75225
(214) 691-8991
Ooh, I love Breadwinners. Good suggestion.
The problem with Houston's is that they don't take reservations, and it can take an hour to seat a table of four. I quail to think of how they'd react to a table of a dozen or more.
Are these places within walking distance of the con?
I hate you...I hate you all!!!!! ~storms off weeping openly into a dark corner~
Are these places within walking distance of the con?
Nope. There aren't really any contenders within walking distance, so we'd have to drive. My car can seat 5, and I'm sure others will have vehicles with extra seating.
Geesh, if you guys are going to uptown or mckinney or cedar springs I should try and find everyone. that's less than 10 min from where I live!
I hate you...I hate you all!!!!! ~storms off weeping openly into a dark corner~
*Already occupies the Sulking Corner. Stoopid conventions I want to go to always happening in stoopid places I can't get to. Meh.*
Nope. There aren't really any contenders within walking distance, so we'd have to drive. My car can seat 5, and I'm sure others will have vehicles with extra seating.
I don't want to put anyone out. Though, if others are hitching a ride, too, I don't mind putting others out.
Nope. There aren't really any contenders within walking distance, so we'd have to drive. My car can seat 5, and I'm sure others will have vehicles with extra seating.
The only place decent I know walking distance to the Con is Benihana Japanese Steakhouse. It is less than a mile away. The address is:
7775 Banner Drive
Dallas, TX 75251
Phone: 972-387-4404
There's a very good Afghan Restaurant near where I live in Far North Dallas. It is owned by a relative of a friend and co-worker. It is usually not crowded, (so you can get seating for 12) the food is very good and the prices under $20 for most meals for dinner and the portions are very large. It is in a small shopping center in the back. Nice decor. Check out the reviews.
Afghan Grill Restaurant & Lounge
17370 Preston Rd Ste 490
Dallas, TX 75252
Phone: (972) 818-0300
Ooh, I love Breadwinners. Good suggestion.
The problem with Houston's is that they don't take reservations, and it can take an hour to seat a table of four. I quail to think of how they'd react to a table of a dozen or more.
The Houston's in Addison on Beltline is smaller and gets less traffic. You will have to wait but not nearly as long as the one on Preston near Northwest Hwy.
If you like something exotic. There is a very good restaurant called the Queen of Sheba in Addison. Lots of seats and I have never seen the place full. It has Ethiopian and Italian food. Most people haven't tried Ethiopian food. Some of the food is spicy, sort of like Indian. They have a neat washing of hands ceremony (If you want it) and the food for a complete meal is under $20.
I can drive a couple of people this evening (Room 317)?
Heh. We're in 316. Will also have room for a person or two most likely.
edit: oh hey. this is why we don't post before caffeine. we're in ==416==. wheeee. good morning
The problem is we have an attendee that's gluten intolerant. breadwinner's would be the Little Shop of Death.
We're thinking maybe Humperdinks.
Never been to Humperdinks. But I'm cool with that.
I honestly couldn't tell you who all was there tonight. I was sitting across Priscilla and Seiya, next to Jim, next to Vijay...and I everyone else I'm drawing a blank. I think Caynreth came up and said something to me at one point. Pharaoh and One Mutt were there. Mickey was there...then everyone idea.
(I've been running a low grade fever. I had the weirdest dream last night and I usually do when I'm running a fever.)
I hope I didn't put Jim off. Priscilla knows him and I guess I was joining her in talking with him.
Lucid or no, it was awesome. I hope someone posts some pictures soon.
That was all I ran into. There are some I don't remember the names or wouldn't know how to spell.
I don't think anyone could have told you who all was there tonight! I had a guest list of 26 people, but more kept showing up over the course of the meal! They had to add additional tables twice, I believe. It was a truly epic dinner, and the waitstaff handled the affair with great finesse. I had a blast!
1.I had a wonderful time tonight. Never thought I would meet people I know from the interwebs in person!
2.I wAs going to wait until I hot home to post nut the sheer novelty of posting from my brothers itouch, I couldn't resist.
Great dinner. My boys and I had a good time and I don't think I'll need to eat for a week now. The portion sizes at that place were monstrous. Very cool meeting so many folks.
It was great to meet other fans. Jim has been nothing but gracious, approachable and accommodating. His panels have been really interesting.
I'm not going to go today. Shame since I bought a weekend pass (though I did get a badge. I like collecting badges from the different cons I go to). I'm just a little worse than I was yesterday. I think the fever is pretty much gone, but I'm drowning in phlegm here. (I know. You didn't need to know that.)
You seemed a bit vague and faded yesterday. Sorry you're feeling crappy. I'm not doing so good physically myself. I was in bed all day Thursday with my friend Percoset. :(
I should've taken my bottle of Tylenol. David gave me some about mid day, but by the time I got to our dinner last night, I think it wore off.
Despite being sick, I was very glad I went and very glad I stayed all day. I wouldn't trade last night's dinner for getting to come back today. I'm still geeking out about the fact that I ate right next to Jim. (I hope he doesn't think I'm weird and I hope he doesn't get sick because of me.) Didn't get much of a chance to talk to his wife, but she was really nice.
Jim and Shannon rock, pure and simple. They're the kind of people you'd like to have for neighbors (outside of their bestseller-writing ability).
Jim and Shannon, two hours ago. By now, they're at the airport having something to eat.
Awesome pic CH! More to come????
I still can't get over Jim's having shorter hair and no facial hair.
Here's Cathy Clamp, Shannon Butcher, and CT Adams.
All three are very funny and sweet.
Jim and Shannon:
...after discussing how we're mostly useful for carrying things and killing things for our wives.
Does anyone have any pics of last night's dinner?
I'll have mine up by tomorrow though most of them blurred. That's what happens when you're going for nonobtrusive. :/
I didn't think you were that non obtrusive. I got wrapped up in conversating with Jim and Priscilla. I was fully aware you were there, though. The only person I was ignoring was the person on the other side of Priscilla.
I felt bad because I didn't talk to Vijay or his friend much when everyone else arrived.
And blurry pics are better than no pics. I forgot my digital camera. I was kicking myself the whole day for it.
This was a lot of fun!
I have pictures that will be uploaded at some point when I can see straight again. Came home this afternoon to new puppy having wreaked merry havoc on the entire house and had to do some major clean up.
I really enjoyed the con. I was there only for Sunday (had to work Fri and Sat) I wish I could have gone to the dinner on Saturday. Where did everyone decide to go? I met Jim and he was very nice, he said hi and signed a few books for me The panels were very informative, entertaining and I wish I could have been at the ones on the earlier days. There were quite a few people dressed up in costume. Does anyone know the women dressed as (I'm guessing) an adult R rated Alice in Wonderland? I never got to see Priscelle. Did she dress as Maeve? I also got to meet David Weber and Taylor Anderson. I wish I checked out the con web page better cause I only read about the two A list authors. I would have brought a few Anderson books (who is up and coming). Took a couple of pics on my phone and may download it later in the week.
She dressed as Priscilla. I was expecting Molly myself.
Had a wonderful time! Just went Saturday, myself, (Kids, husband, life). Enjoyed meeting Jim, he was even cooler than I thought he would be. Wrote about our honing in on dinner (we got 'invited... ish, in the parking lot :) ... thankfully, no restraining orders have been issued yet, but it is good to have something to work on! :)
If you missed it, and want to read about it its on my blog:
Its funny, but was even more amazing in person!
The thing that struck me was how welcoming and friendly everyone was. It was my first Con (I know, I know), but am totally hooked now!
Jim Rocks!
If you missed it, and want to read about it its on my blog:
Oh god, you were trying to follow my car? I am so sorry. Central kind of sucks in terms of entrance and exit labeling, and I had to get creative. I was trying to drive like a sane person, but Central made it difficult. I would have driven much more slowly, had I known you were actually going to follow me, as opposed to just following our hasty directions.
Also, it was Humperdinks, not Humpernickers. :D
Vijay had GPS in his car. You guys should have followed us.
You guys all exited the front, Sameth. I was the only driver parked out back. That's when I encountered our Musketeers. :D
I wasn't aware there was a back entrance. :-\
Yeah, it was
Back by that staircase.
Oh god, you were trying to follow my car? I am so sorry. Central kind of sucks in terms of entrance and exit labeling, and I had to get creative. I was trying to drive like a sane person, but Central made it difficult. I would have driven much more slowly, had I known you were actually going to follow me, as opposed to just following our hasty directions.
Also, it was Humperdinks, not Humpernickers. :D
This is why my OCD-driven self always prints out several maps of the area pre-event. :D
Believe me, a map wouldn't have helped.
Oh god, you were trying to follow my car? I am so sorry. Central kind of sucks in terms of entrance and exit labeling, and I had to get creative. I was trying to drive like a sane person, but Central made it difficult. I would have driven much more slowly, had I known you were actually going to follow me, as opposed to just following our hasty directions.
Also, it was Humperdinks, not Humpernickers. :D
I was wondering if that was you, when I have retold this story, I said 'the cute driver'. --Hope that's not offensive :)
It was totally brilliant, and an amazing series of events that led us to be in the right place at the right time. Sometimes things just flow... ya know?
Robert and I have talked for years about Butcher's books, and speculated about Jim himself. We decided that of everyone we read, he would be the coolest to hang out with! (We were totally right!)
Thanks for the invite, and thank you so much for the opportunity to get 'face time'. What a gift!
PS I was totally impressed by EVERYONE at this conference, the writers, panalists and fans. Everyone was soooo nice, friendly and fun. As this was my first Con, I am curious: Is this normal?
Also, at dinner, my end of the table did a cool toast: "Jim Butcher fans are the coolest fans in the world"
Awesome, awesome weekend.
(I have a pic and am trying to figure out how to share it... I am in computer special ed. I will see if I can figure it out...)
Yeah, it was
Back by that staircase.
Yeah...I've got a bad sense of direction. Coupled with a fever...not a good combination.
PS I was totally impressed by EVERYONE at this conference, the writers, panalists and fans. Everyone was soooo nice, friendly and fun. As this was my first Con, I am curious: Is this normal?
Also, at dinner, my end of the table did a cool toast: "Jim Butcher fans are the coolest fans in the world"
Awesome, awesome weekend.
(I have a pic and am trying to figure out how to share it... I am in computer special ed. I will see if I can figure it out...)
Go to and follow the directions. Fairly self-explanatory.
Testing photo:
<a href="¤t=JimButcherpic.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Before the restraining order :)~"></a>(http://)
Okay. Go back to the album the pic was posted in. Hover your cursor over the pic you want to post. Below it will be a popup set of options, among them "Direct Link". Click on the URL posted by "Direct Link". Usually, just clicking on it will highlight the URL and pop up a message, "Copied" (if it doesn't do that, just click ctrl+c when the text gets highlighted).
Next, start your post here. Click on the Insert Image icon (looks like a tiny little landscape picture). The cursor will snap to between the two "img" tags; click ctrl+v to paste. Then post.
Like so.
Oh hey, we're talking about the con.
So yeah, this was the first con I've ever been to, really enjoyed it. I got Jim to sign a copy of Twilight, on the theory that it would become better. There is at least on part of it that is now readable.
Oh hey, we're talking about the con.
So yeah, this was the first con I've ever been to, really enjoyed it. I got Jim to sign a copy of Twilight, on the theory that it would become better. There is at least on part of it that is now readable.
Ha! Brilliant! Wish I'd thought of that (sigh)
(How cool was Jim?!?!)
Oh hey, we're talking about the con.
So yeah, this was the first con I've ever been to, really enjoyed it. I got Jim to sign a copy of Twilight, on the theory that it would become better. There is at least on part of it that is now readable.
Supreme of awesome in its own awesomejus accompanied by stir-fried awesomeshoots with awesomeseed seasoning. Recommended pairing: 1998 Domaine d'Awesome.
I write, too, so the forums for me were unbelievably helpful! I feel as if I got a 'shot in the arm' of enthusiasm --and am still riding the high!
The Eroticism vs. Pornography panel was interesting, but not so much a debate as a giggle fest. It was fun, and (oddly) thought provoking.
But my favorite was World Building, so cool how these amazing authors have created their own worlds to play with! Amazing...
Did you go to panels?
I enjoyed the panel about Anthologies and Collections as it was a bit more substantive and provided more background on the business and procedural aspects of publishing. Since only five people attended it was easy to interact with the panel. The Artist panel was interesting in that it discussed drawing and submissions. I also enjoyed the speakers from NASA who spoke about ongoing projects and the physics.
Supreme of awesome in its own awesomejus accompanied by stir-fried awesomeshoots with awesomeseed seasoning. Recommended pairing: 1998 Domaine d'Awesome.
I'm happy with it. It was my friend's copy of the book, but still...
Coil was wearing a tail, so I chased it. Poor guy:)
The three muskeersride again!
Lacie, Robert and I after dinner with JB and Shannon!
(I just realized I am semi-molesting people in every picture I have... I am sure that is just a coincidence)
My con report is I had a blast from Thursday to Sunday.
Thursday evening meet one lady who I can not remember her name and we talked and I said that I was hoping that my daughter would have time off this weekend and may be she could join me for a couple of hours. (But she did not have this weekend off.)
Then on Friday afternoon she came up to me and said "Oh I see that your daughter made it." I gave that look of what the heck are you talking about. And she said the young lady that was sitting with you on the couch a few minutes ago and the one that you were sitting beside at the JB reading. Well the only Lady I have been sitting with up to that point was our Goddess of the henge. Hmmmm that is food for thought!
Saturday got some makeup from one of the dealers of a black eye, messed with the minds of people attending, told them that the black eye was from one of the booth babes and her chain link flay. We both got a lot of mileage out of that. Saturday did my Monty Python costume and got a whole lot of laughs out of that too.
Saturday evening at dinner spent about 15 minutes with JB getting some of his ideas about some Dresden Files costumes. He filled in some details of parts of the costume that I was thinking about and that was just fine.
Sunday was listening to more of the stories that JB had to tell. And catching up with David Weber and clan.
So what's the 'Cellie-directed "research" you talked about?
She gave me some ideas on costuming, have to do the research on if it is all possible!
What was the book on poisoning that Jim recommended to us? I knew I should have written it down.
@Dville: haha! funny. now quit chasing my kid's tail. LOL
@Dville: haha! funny. now quit chasing my kid's tail. LOL
Your kids were amazing at dinner (+your 'extra one' was funny too:) what neat people, and a testament to your job as mom/teacher. Very cool!
I also got to sit by David at dinner, and noticed the black eye but thought that it would be rude to comment on. Now I wished I had... sigh ...
David- Glad to 'hear' that you got home safely!
If you're talking about the book he mentioned in the "Whodunit" panel - the supernatural Western - it's called "Devil's Tower", Cyanreth.
I think he's talking about that Writer's Digest series.
What was the book on poisoning that Jim recommended to us? I knew I should have written it down.
@Dville: haha! funny. now quit chasing my kid's tail. LOL
Jim had thought it was called "Deadly Doses," but the book on poisoning is actually called "HowDunit: The Book of Poisons (" from Writer's Digest. (link is store-friendly!) The subtitle is "Discover Deadly Doses to Kill Off Characters."
thanks, Dville. good to have outside confirmation we're doing something right every once in a while!
my only regret from the weekend is that I did NOT get one of the cool skirted corsets the pretty lady from Denver was selling. The one that really fit me well, was not in a fabric sturdy enough for my rough and tumble life style and I couldn't get away from my own table to go shopping for fabric.
and thanks for book link, Priscellie! Definitely ordering that one. Great GM resource.
I am NOT sending that link to our DM. He already has books full of traps, pitfalls, snares and the like. Too many ways already to die.
I am NOT sending that link to our DM. He already has books full of traps, pitfalls, snares and the like. Too many ways already to die.
I already am my group's DM. I'll be purchasing it shortly ;D.
My girlfriend got one of those corsets. She's been tapestried!
She also got me a late Valentine's present...the world's most kickass bowler. From an old friend from college I haven't seen in ages. I was thin, then.
Got to be on panels, except the Talking Durning the Movies because they started on time (whoever heard of such a thing?) and I was 5 mins late due to spending 20 mins trying to get our check from the hotel restaurant. Had a blast, dinner worked out amazingly well (I overtipped our waiter, he was so damn good).
My only wish was that Jim could have attended the con, instead of his beardless twin Jerome.
My only wish was that Jim could have attended the con, instead of his beardless twin Jerome.
I thought the beard was the source of all his power???
Nay. 'Tis the Eyebrow.
My girlfriend got one of those corsets. She's been tapestried!
She also got me a late Valentine's present...the world's most kickass bowler. From an old friend from college I haven't seen in ages. I was thin, then.
Got to be on panels, except the Talking Durning the Movies because they started on time (whoever heard of such a thing?) and I was 5 mins late due to spending 20 mins trying to get our check from the hotel restaurant. Had a blast, dinner worked out amazingly well (I overtipped our waiter, he was so damn good).
My only wish was that Jim could have attended the con, instead of his beardless twin Jerome.
Am I the only one who wants to see a pic of Mickey in his bowler?
My only wish was that Jim could have attended the con, instead of his beardless twin Jerome.
So if Jerome is the nice one, does that make Jim the evil one? Or is Jim uber nice? By the laws of physics, Jim would have to be the evil one. He has the beard.
Am I the only one who wants to see a pic of Mickey in his bowler?
Seen it.
Am I the only one who wants to see a pic of Mickey in his bowler?
It was dashing, in a sort of Doctor Watson plus sarcasm way. It worked.
My girlfriend got one of those corsets. She's been tapestried!
She also got me a late Valentine's present...the world's most kickass bowler. From an old friend from college I haven't seen in ages. I was thin, then.
Got to be on panels, except the Talking Durning the Movies because they started on time (whoever heard of such a thing?) and I was 5 mins late due to spending 20 mins trying to get our check from the hotel restaurant. Had a blast, dinner worked out amazingly well (I overtipped our waiter, he was so damn good).
My only wish was that Jim could have attended the con, instead of his beardless twin Jerome.
I'm guessing you mean a bowler hat? Do you have a cane to go with it?
It was dashing, in a sort of Doctor Watson plus sarcasm way. It worked.
*wantz pictures*
*will pout until such pictures are forthcoming*
I'm guessing you mean a bowler hat?
No. An actual bowler. Candlepin. Dude's got a long white beard and sweats a lot.
Believe me, a map wouldn't have helped.
Especially when trying to get back to the hotel. ;) I kid I kid. :)
I wish I had purchased a Splattercon T-shirt for this convention. Damn.
No. An actual bowler. Candlepin. Dude's got a long white beard and sweats a lot.
Don't know much about Cricket but a team position is a bowler or US bowling. It may be a uniform (shirt). I thought it very likely a hat but this group does go into obscure knowledge and interests.
Don't know much about Cricket but a team position is a bowler or US bowling. It may be a uniform (shirt). I thought it very likely a hat but this group does go into obscure knowledge and interests.
I was riffing; sorry. It's the hat.
Must see picture of the poutz before a picture of the bowler. (This will buy me time.)
And yes, I have a cane! From the fine folks at Lazy Dragon. ( ) Black unbreakable shaft, chromed french pistolgrip top, works GREAT with the bowler. The kickass, has weight, honest to god REAL bowler. That fits. (I have a HUGE head. There's a reason I'm an only child.)
Oh, and yes, Jim is the EVIL twin. Just ask any of the beta readers, they know it's true.
Affirmed. We bear the full brunt of his evil cliffhanging ways.
Oh waily waily!
Who stole my hairshirt?
So where on their site is the cane? I have been scouring their site and can't find canes anywhere.
They have a good site, unless you want to find those canes!
If interested, try emailing them. ;)
Did that, waiting to hear back. I just thought you might know the product number or something. They really should make it a little easier, they have everything else categorized why not the canes? Harumph!
Oh, and yes, Jim is the EVIL twin. Just ask any of the beta readers, they know it's true.
I knew it! Only a master of evil could write something so addicting.
So where on their site is the cane? I have been scouring their site and can't find canes anywhere.
Under Swords, Cold Steel brand. There are lots of dealers who carry Cold Steel on the Internet, including on eBay, so shop around.
Side note: Lazy Dragon = Good people.
If you don't order from them because you find it cheaper elsewhere, you will burn in no worries. But they're good people.
Do you want my story or the truth about ConDFW ;) ::) ;)
That is what happens when you piss off the mods.
Yeah, poor sod got the full brunt of the eyebrow. :D
What did I miss? or was it me that got the eyebrow?
Thanks Yeratel! Though I didn't fid one just like Mickey mentioned. But after browsing a bit I found something I really like. Can't afford it right now but I love this
Great for the ogre in me. Didn't care much for the axes they had, but this is cool beyond cool!
Yeah, poor sod got the full brunt of the eyebrow. :D
Thanks Yeratel! Though I didn't fid one just like Mickey mentioned. But after browsing a bit I found something I really like. Can't afford it right now but I love this
Great for the ogre in me. Didn't care much for the axes they had, but this is cool beyond cool!
You can walk around with a cane without arousing a lot of questions. I don't see you walking down the street carrying this without being picked up and questioned. It is cool though.
Gibb slaps himself when he rereads the thread!
You can walk around with a cane without arousing a lot of questions. I don't see you walking down the street carrying this without being picked up and questioned. It is cool though.
Actually I have a great cane. It is one of these with a hardwood shaft and a solid brass hame tip. Just about as deadly as a mace.
My dad's got one'a those.
Trying to make me feel older than I already do?
I think he's trying to explain all the lumps on his noggin. ;)
Trying to make me feel older than I already do?
Pfft. Nah. Just observin' that my dad has a whup-ass stick like that one. He's one tough old man, too. Make Clint Eastwood pee his pants. Yep.
They are definitely a whoop ass cane. In fact I scared the snot out of the cashiers when I first picked it up. I held it like one of my swords. Tried the balance. Turned it around like a mace. and only then finally held it like a cane and set it down. ;D
If you don't order from them because you find it cheaper elsewhere, you will burn in no worries. But they're good people.
What can I say, I'm cheap thrifty. ;D
I still haven't seen many pics from Saturday night. :-\
I still haven't seen many pics from Saturday night. :-\
I didn't take any, as so many other folks were snapping away, and the iPhone doesn't work well in low-light situations. I'm still waiting, too! :D
So did you show up in Costume Sat night and I missed it?
Do you want my story or the truth about ConDFW ;) ::) ;)
David, your bruise looked so real, I was afraid to ask about it at dinner...
My friend Robert is the one with the gaping neck wound with maggots. One of the 'maggots' slid down and I was going to pick it off his collar and put it back but I decided it enhanced the look. (AKA: It was so realistic that I wimped out... no metals for me) ;)
Brilliant pictures (you know, gross) :)
Once again, I had an awesome time last weekend... so what's up for this weekend? :)
So did you show up in Costume Sat night and I missed it?
The dinner conflicted with the costume parade. I ended up lugging both costumes across the country and fretting over my act for nothing. :D But I had crazy fun at dinner, so it's all good!
Like I said Saturday, I was expecting to see you as Molly.
This weekend is a stag party for a friend of mine.
Everyone come on down!
Like I said Saturday, I was expecting to see you as Molly.
Eh, I've given Molly a lot of wear lately. Gotta shake things up a bit.
Did I mention that I found my high school uniform in my closet, though? I kept two of the plaid skirts (one pristine, one artistically shredded in the tradition of all graduating seniors), several pair of old saddle oxfords in varying stages of decomposition, and a v-neck sweater. All I need is an Oxford shirt, knee socks, and a shaggy blond wig, and I'm good to go!
The happy and sad part of that is that you will fit in your old high school clothes. Yum! Can't wait to see it. ;D
I on the other hand.... <sigh> There was a time I wore a 30 inch waist with a 30 inch inseam. The inseam has stayed the same. I can't make that claim for the waist size though :'(
I'm actually in better shape than I was in high school. *ducks thrown projectiles*
No projectiles, just a woot!
Though I hardly even recognized you not in costume. (Wait, does that make sense?) be young again. Or tall. Or thin. ;)
You evil wicked woman! ( (
I knew there was a reason I like you so much. ( (
Eh, I've given Molly a lot of wear lately. Gotta shake things up a bit.
Did I mention that I found my high school uniform in my closet, though? I kept two of the plaid skirts (one pristine, one artistically shredded in the tradition of all graduating seniors), several pair of old saddle oxfords in varying stages of decomposition, and a v-neck sweater. All I need is an Oxford shirt, knee socks, and a shaggy blond wig, and I'm good to go!
I think we need some pictures.
...I think that despite my initial enthusiasm, the sheer ickiness of the realization that I'd be dressing up as a sexualized fourteen-year-old girl is going to put a stop to those plans.
...I think that despite my initial enthusiasm, the sheer ickiness of the realization that I'd be dressing up as a sexualized fourteen-year-old girl is going to put a stop to those plans.
Probably a good idea, though my comment at least was in regards to your noting that you are in better shape now than in high school. OOoooo! Just rub it in why doncha? ( (
And you are still an evil wicked woman. ( (
Intelligent, creative, talented, and pretty. But still evil and wicked.
...I think that despite my initial enthusiasm, the sheer ickiness of the realization that I'd be dressing up as a sexualized fourteen-year-old girl is going to put a stop to those plans.
When you put it that way...doesn't sound as good.
Doesn't mean I don't still want to see pictures.
*stands protectively in front of the Goddess...*
*hides behind the Pharaoh*
There, there, O Goddess. I won't let you smite them.
And that, ladies and gentleman, is a quick thinkin', wise beyond his years, well-trained-hubby kind o' man! :D
Well played, Pharaoh!
I fear my own strength, frankly. I did my eyebrows this morning, and their deadly, streamlined efficiency puts the entire forum in the blast radius.
Would the Goddess like me to go Viking all over Sameth? ( (
( (
Wow. Nuclear Eyebrows.
Would the Goddess like me to go Viking all over Sameth? ( (
( (
No thanks. I'm straight.
I have to be honest: with the image of Captain Hammer in my mind and of Priscilla...I can't imagine all this at all. Then again, I couldn't imagine me making those jokes to her in person. I would probably be half mumbling something, she would look up at me and say "What?" and I would shake my head and look away. Meeting you people completely ruined it for me.
Heheh... they're not comic book characters anymore, are they?
Yeah, I look nothin' like Nathan Fillion, huh?
Could be a cousin...
... twice removed. :D
Yeah, I look nothin' like Nathan Fillion, huh?
Not even close.
I have it worse. I look nothing like a blue alien and her green android.
Hey, dunce alert. I can't figure out how to post multiple pix on here without linking them to a site. Halp! I want to put up blurry dinner photos and my brother climbing up a geodosic dome!
Upload them to Photobucket, then put each individual URLs into an [ img] tag. (If you ARE using Photobucket, one of the codes they give you to be able to share will it already in the [ img] tag.) EACH URL needs its own set of tags. A beginning which looks like this [ img] and a closing one which looks like this. [ /img]
Except without the spaces between the [ and i or [ and /.
Thanks Sameth. And now, without further ado, a butt load of pictures.
Jim and I.
my brother David, my mom Laura and Jim. According to Dave, Jim looks like Geddy Lee from Rush.
Down the length of the table at dinner. I just want to warn you all that they're all blurry because I wasn't using my flash because I didn't want to intrude or make anyone awkward.
Okay, so this is on the way home from the con but the story is just so awesome I've got to share. In Italy, Texas there's this geodosic dome community (the catepillar) with the "starship pegasus" off to the side. I wanted to take pictures so we pulled over. Mom, Dave and I all got out. Well, it went from taking pictures to "hey david why don't you climb up it?" That was my mom's idea, btw. So he did! This pic is me and mom running around and taking pictures before we all get in trouble. When it came time to get down, my mom suggested jumping off the top of the doorway cause it looked like it was only 6 feet. Well, it was more than that and my brother's ankle is still sore-he strained it. Personally, I would have slid down the side but we live and learn. So awesome though.
Thanks! I rather like the picture of me next to Jim, even though he's kinda blurry. And I was so disappointed 'cause I forgot my camera. I would've liked one of your first ones, but with me in it. The one you got in Humperdinks is good enough!
Is that blurry Mickey in the blurry bowler? Can I stop pouting now? ;D
It is indeed!
Great photos!
Look! Mickey's being attacked by my bald spot!
(Pssst. Not a bald spot, regulation Legionare cut. ;) )
Oh, and yeah, great pics. Thanks for posting them.
Which legion? The Friar Tuck Infantry?
Looks like I was posing or at least conscious Seiya was taking the picture. I'm such a ham.
Which legion? The Friar Tuck Infantry?
I have tried to come up with something funny for the last half an hour. My wit has abandoned me.
I have failed the Pharaoh. *sniff*
*snuggle* It's okay. I find my growing lack of hair to be quite amusing. My hairline continues its triumphant march inland to join up with the forces of my bald spot before continuing the conquest of my noggin.
I find my growing lack of hair
The Pharaoh made a funny! ( (
*snuggle* It's okay. I find my growing lack of hair to be quite amusing. My hairline continues its triumphant march inland to join up with the forces of my bald spot before continuing the conquest of my noggin.
Think of it as the Seige of Alesia, where Caesar surrounded the town, then was himself surrounded by a relief force of Gauls. Hair is Rome, Not Hair is the Gauls.
Looks like I was posing or at least conscious Seiya was taking the picture. I'm such a ham.
*Thinks back to Sameth's little drama when he wasn't sure if he was going to the convention... and grins*
And I was sick for the whole damn thing. I would say that Karma exists and that it's a bitch.
Tough lesson, dude!
Ever wonder how your life might change if you focused on the cool stuff, like getting to sit next to JB all through dinner, instead of the part that sucks?
Why do you have to bring up bad memories of me bitching?
No, I was thinking you were talking about the convention as a whole. (Guess I should've put the picture into context.) I did all my geeking out over the dinner with my friends and family. Didn't want to seem to brag. Great freakin' time, but the convention was the karma part I was talking about. Having strep throat is no way to spend a convention.
But the karma gods made up with it via my dinner with Jim. So it's all good.
I forgot my camera and would also like to see the photos.
There are some a couple of pages back.
Thanks I saw those but thought there were a bunch more, no big deal.
Oh. I have no idea. I was hoping to see the others, too.
Why do you have to bring up bad memories of me bitching?
Just to make you think! ;)
That can't me be. I'm not that round.
Perhaps you could post another pic of you in the bowler and we could compare.
Seems very logical to me.
They have been taken. But they are very big at present, and need modification.
They have been taken. But they are very big at present, and need modification.
Doesn't Photobucket automatically shrink down to an upper limit?
The forum tends to shrink 'em, too.
Is there any way to post a photo from my PC or do you have to put it on a photo share web site like photobucket?
Yes, please use a photo sharing site.
Photobucket's pretty friendly to use, even for a somewhat dim subject such as myself.
Photobucket's pretty friendly to use, even for a somewhat dim subject such as myself.
Awwww.... PG, you just need to be flashed more! :D
*the couch bucks and heaves as PG burrows his way underneath it for safety. He can live there quite comfortably having discovered the large amounts of kibble and cat food that gets stuffed under there with the fuzzy mice.*
Elise takes a dim view of me getting flashed. Fun flashing type gets me beat even if I'm not throwing beads. Phototype is even worse. Person holding the camera usually turns into a pillar of salt.
*the couch bucks and heaves as PG burrows his way underneath it for safety. He can live there quite comfortably having discovered the large amounts of kibble and cat food that gets stuffed under there with the fuzzy mice.*
Elise takes a dim view of me getting flashed. Fun flashing type gets me beat even if I'm not throwing beads. Phototype is even worse. Person holding the camera usually turns into a pillar of salt.
That's where she and Sue differ. Sue says I can look all I want... but don't touch. Touch and there'll be miles and miles of brand-new pain.
Thanks Sameth. And now, without further ado, a butt load of pictures.
So typical... there is one of the back of my head, and then me (apparently) picking my nose... it's hard to be this cool... sigh... :)
Other than me, great pictures! :D
That's where she and Sue differ. Sue says I can look all I want... but don't touch. Touch and there'll be miles and miles of brand-new pain.
"It doesn't matter where you get you 'appetite' as long as you 'eat' at home!" (With quotes inside of quotes, it makes it that much more dirty ;D)
Or, to continue the dining metaphor, you can look at the menu all you want, as long as you don't order from it.
Looks like I was posing or at least conscious Seiya was taking the picture. I'm such a ham.
And I think that Shannon's instructing Jim to keep that pocket laser pointed at you. ;D
Oh hey, there's a picture of what I think may be the back of my head. :D
Yay for the backs of our heads!
Indeed. My hair has gotten longer than I thought...
And I think that Shannon's instructing Jim to keep that pocket laser pointed at you. ;D
Is that what that is? I didn't even notice it.
Is that what that is? I didn't even notice it.
Can't really tell what it is; pic's a little blurry. Might even have been a digital voice recorder - I was just having a little fun.
Ah, that I look at it again, I believe Shannon was making a phone call to their kid and Jim was getting out his card to pay for the meal. Kind of looks like he's handing it to me. (Ah, now I distinctly remember that because it was just sticking out of his hand towards me.)
From Dville "I also got to sit by David at dinner, and noticed the black eye but thought that it would be rude to comment on. Now I wished I had... sigh ..."
I noticed the black eye, too, and felt sorry for (David) Since I didn't know him, I didn't ask or comment on it. Later, I started to see a few other things--the devil horns spring to mind-and I started to think maybe it was makeup. Really authentic, though, even in the photos. I wish I had seen that booth in the dealers' rooms, but I didn't see half the things I wanted to at the con. My first con in a long time, since. . . er, AggieCon 7, actually, and I don't have the stamina for cons like I did then.
My son actually remembered which AggieCon it was because I had the program and he took it for a treasure hunt they had in another AggieCons. Back to ConDFW--New Authors to READ! Yea! I have been into Selina Rosen and Rachel Caine for days, and also got The Vampire Files, first three Jack Fleming novels by P.N.Elrod in one volume. Must find more. Yea!
Congratulations to all the awesome staff who put on ConDFW. The neatest thing for me was that I asked JB if he'd enjoyed the Con, too, and he said he had. He said several nice things as I am sure you all know already, mainly that the Con was organized, on time, delivered what was promised, and took care of him and Shannon. Food at the hotel was mentioned as a definite plus. I find it hard to believe that people would bring out a guest speaker and then abandon him in a place without a restaurant or a driver for food, but as I say. . .not many cons recently. I'm planning to change that.
Now back to my previously scheduled Gale Force reading...Go Rachel Caine!
Been a fan of Roxanne's since she was still using Roxanne ;)
If the lurkers are here that said they were going to have the Goddess of a certain MUSH mail me...she hasn't. Poke her again?
These photos are BIG and need photoshop.
Look but don't touch: It's nice datting someone who's bi. They don't hit you, they simply critique!
You never dated the bi I dated. She critiqued while hitting. And clawing. And biting. Then hitting some more.
Heh. One of my absolute best friends on this planet is a lesbian who loves to sit and girl-watch with me. We get to bitch about women. :D