
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: g33k on February 09, 2024, 10:52:06 PM

Title: Q for EvilHat, or those who follow the company/numbers, etc
Post by: g33k on February 09, 2024, 10:52:06 PM
Elseforum, I have seen it suggested that EH only ever intended to publish a few books (like, the 3 they *did* publish; then DFAccelerated (dunno if the "Accelerated" line was on their radar, at the time they were producing the OW/YS original DFRPG duology) and then stop the DFRPG line.

Does anyone know if this is correct, and if so why??!?  Apparently, it was being very successful for them, among their best-selling games; there doesn't seem like an obvious market reason to drop a successful line!

At the least, it seems like another RPG volume per every 4-5 novels might see a pretty good market...

But I am neither Evil Hat, nor Jim Butcher; and there may be considerations that escape me.
Title: Re: Q for EvilHat, or those who follow the company/numbers, etc
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 12, 2024, 08:41:32 PM
I don't know for sure, but I blame Fate Core. It was a big success, and it's just different enough from DFRPG to be incompatible.
Title: Re: Q for EvilHat, or those who follow the company/numbers, etc
Post by: g33k on March 19, 2024, 11:49:12 PM
I don't know for sure, but I blame Fate Core. It was a big success, and it's just different enough from DFRPG to be incompatible.

But that doesn't preclude them from publishing another DFRPG book; nothing requires them to adhere to any particular ruleset; the existence of Fate Core doesn't prevent Fate Accelerated, and vice versa, so DFRPG seems perfectly valid & viable (noting also that EH is doing other, entirely-non-Fate RPG's).  And if (as I am given to understand) the DFRPG volumes sold exceptionally well for them, it seems like a simple business decision.

Maybe the 3rd volume didn't sell as well as the 1st two, making a 4th less-tempting?
Maybe Jim and/or Fred changed their minds about it?
Honestly puzzled!
Title: Re: Q for EvilHat, or those who follow the company/numbers, etc
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 22, 2024, 06:57:41 AM
Thing is, manpower's limited. If your people are writing Fate Core books - and there are a lot of Fate Core books - they aren't writing DFRPG books.
Title: Re: Q for EvilHat, or those who follow the company/numbers, etc
Post by: Braincandy on April 13, 2024, 05:09:47 AM
I personally would love to see some other company take a go at it. I loved the way the books were made, the margin notes alone were worth it, the game system itself was questionable and I never thought it fit the world of Dresden well. Now, after seeing Evil Hat's take on Tomb Raider, I really don't want to see them messing with Dresden.
Title: Re: Q for EvilHat, or those who follow the company/numbers, etc
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 17, 2024, 11:28:25 PM
I think they did a great job with Fate, personally.

Not familiar with Tomb Raider, though. What's wrong with the tabletop version?
Title: Re: Q for EvilHat, or those who follow the company/numbers, etc
Post by: g33k on July 21, 2024, 04:52:17 PM
I think they did a great job with Fate, personally ...

Agreed.  I've only otherwise seen the old Unisystem/Witchcraft hack, which I thought not as good as EH's Fate version (though the Unisystem one is not a bad version, by any means!).  I particularly wanted to try (but never got the chance) to combine Dresden-Unisystem + the Unisystem hack of using a Tarot deck in place of d10, with a few Major Arcana for characters & organizations that might impact the scene.