Oh, Skinny Pete! Didn't notice him. But I googled it. He was there at the end of the second to last episode, not very noticeable, one of the Mandalorians that still lived on Mandalore
. Wouldn't have recognised him. Skinny Pete always wore his beanie, he was one of Jesse's friends and fellow drug users/drug dealers.
It is always bad to work alone when it is supposed to be a team. Or doing the job of two or more persons while being expected to achieve the same quality, speed and workload, as if they were there. One can manage for a time, but it gradually exhausts you.
Glad you made it. 8)
Hello there! I hope you are better now.
I never been in a place with a lot of snow, so my poor mind always struggles imagining that. Rationally I know some things but I am sure I miss a lot and I cannot completely gather the concept.
Ugh, having the sidewalks at the same level than the street sounds so dangerous. And Charly would complain so much (Charly is a forumite who goes by the name Cenwolfgirl even when they identified as not-binary now. They had not come here in a while). Charly is visually impaired (severely so) and the fact that their walking cane cannot tell when the sidewalk ends is always a problem.
I've seen pictures of several places of Germany this week, all covered in thick snow. Absolutely stunning postcard images, but I imagine it can be quite complicated for everyday living there. Anyways, I hope both your children have fun. And make sure the fur babies are warm!
I've seen the second Doctor Who special too and I liked it. It was both scary and emotional. Yes, Jodie's Doctor reincarnated in David Tennant so he is now the Ten and Fourteenth Doctor. He is not exactly the same person, he is more mature, sad and open. And no, apparently there will be not a season with them. At the end of the 3 special or at the beginning of the Christmas' special, Tennant will regenerate in the 15th Doctor.
I think I am in ch, 33 or 34 of TOA now. Super interested! There is a lot of action including a Scyther (a Scyther is a Pokemon, it is not really a Scyther)
I also watched until episode 3 of Wheel of Time season 2. I have not read the books, but the show has an interesting world and the show looks beautiful. But the first season was not so interesting in itself. Season 2 is much more interesting for me for some reason, but every episode is so long I only watch one at the time.
We did enjoy the food. Next year the restaurant won't open at noon anymore. They didn't say why. But I guess, there are not so many people eating there and it would cost them more to be open than they earn at that time of day.
Yesterday we watched the third Dr Who special. I liked how they let David Tennant not die, but that there are actually two Doctors now. One new active one and the Tennant Doctor gets to live a life happily ever after with Donna, if he is able to be content with it, lol.
TV Wheel of Time was good. I have not read the books yet (the narrator and I preferred the Butcher- and Jacka- books in between), but I liked season 2 a lot. Looking forward to the book. I think I will read it after the new Jacka book. Which is also very good and the beginning of a new series.
An Inheritance of Magic: a young man, who has been taught a bit about drucraft (what wielding magic is called in this universe), tries to learn more about the craft and make a living with it. But obtaining knowledge is difficult, if you are not rich and privileged. And so he has to face some (dangerous) obstacles, including members of privileged drucraft families trying to throw stones in his way.
I like it a lot. It us a promising first book.
And the author also included a pun on Harry Potter and the Dresden Files, like he did in his first Verus book: the protagonist tried to make a drucraft sigl work and used words to try to activate it. The list included expelliarmus and forzare, LOL.
In the first Alex Verus book he mentioned a wizard in the USA who even advertises openly in the phone book.
Another fun fact: Jim Butcher praises the first Verus on the cover and iirc Jacka said he believed that helped a lot with the sales. In fact, if you are searching for either DF or Verus on amazon, you eventually get both as a result.
To close the circle, there is a praise by Benedict Jacka on Peace Talks. At least it is on my version.
Edit spoiler tags
Hello there!
It is good that you enjoyed the food. You are probably right about the reason why they won't open at noon. It is quite common in some places here to open only at night for the reason you mentioned.
I saw the third special too. I am not sure it makes a lot of sense for Tennant to stop, and I can't imagine him sitting in the garden enjoying a tea if there is some future danger to Earth but I still liked the idea of seeing him happy with a family. His first regeneration was so traumatic, with the "I don't want to go" and he also had to do it to save Wilf so it is good that the family that got Wilf for 15 years is the one adopting him. He earned that family.
I also think the new doctor is quite nice. I think I am going to enjoy his run.
I watched until episode 6 included of Wheel of Time. I am so anguished about A. This season is definitely much better than the first one. I've read a few comments from people who read the books and it says that there are a lot of changes in the adaptation but that they are good. They kept the feeling of the story and the books are simply too big. So get ready :)
I laughed at the references you mentioned to both wizards called Harry. I remember the Verus one was commented in this forum years ago. I had never read them though. The new book you mentioned sounds interesting too.
My Christmas Tree is up! Also, my foot is getting better, this past week it hurt less, so i am happy. And today is a sunny day so I feel happy even when today begins the new presidential run.
As someone who has read the Wheel of Time books (very recently, too) my biggest complaint about the show is that they very awkwardly downplay important book moments. The season finale for season 2 didnt have Rand's Big Moment. It had Egwene soloing a Forsaken, which may come back to bite the writers in the future.
Hi Regen! Yes, there is an Indiana Jones from this year. As Harrison Ford is not young I imagine this will be the last movie. They said they were not trying to do a pass-the-torch movie with the female character, but I do not know. Perhaps they were probing the waters :)
Good luck with the window.
I watched Wheel of Time. So, my comments.
The scene that DC commented felt weird to me. Egwene was supposed to be real powerful, but still a novice. Not so much raw power as Nynaeve or the Dragon. And yet, he kept the big baddie at bay for a long while. It felt random. I still liked the scene in general, with all they gang getting together and Moiraine and Lan helping from outside, but I think there should have explained something about Egwene sudden surge of power.
My heart broke for Hopper, his scene was so sad. But again, it was weird how he crossed the whole city, arrived at that moment and then it was a chain of killings that was almost comical. i mean, the black man (the whitecloak, i do not remember the name) decided it was a great idea to forget about the mission and just attack Perrin, alone. Then Hopper attacked. The old man killed Hopper to try to save the black man. Perrin got angry and killed the old man. The young man went to kill Perrin (luckily he was stopped). It felt too much. Also, I got angry because they made me feel secure about Hopper's destiny because Perrin asked him to wait outside. They tricked me! Sneaky bastards.
I think Moiraine's sister was amazing. I also loved the Brown sedai and her sister.
I did not like Junkie Mat all season but at least in the finale he shone.
Ah, good, I'll see where I can find the film. Definitely want to watch it. Harrison Ford !!! ;D
Honestly, I was annoyed with Nynaeve. At first she appeared to be quite the grown-up, looking out for the others and protecting them. But in this season she mostly behaved like a sulking teenager. Always whining that all the teachers were so unfair and nobody understood her. Except the part where she went through the portals.
I just came home from a meeting with my violin teacher. Most of the time, he doesn't teach anymore, we just meet regularly to play together. We didn't manage to play all the Christmas songs yet, so we decided to meet again on Friday to play the rest. Because he said, they need to be played before Christmas, lol.
I have it in Disney+, which is why I watched it a few days ago, when it appeared there. It has a deaging part which was excellent, in my humble opinion.
Yes, and in the finale she was so annoying, like freezing instead of doing her Wisdom job and helping Elayne. It is like season 1 was Nynaeve's. Season 2 is Egwene. But we need to see powerful Rand in action.
I think I like your violin teacher :)
The one thing I will say about that character they do technically mention the reason she isn't able to channel on a whim, but I don't think they've actually explained what it is/why it works that way. Ah well. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain, as they say. ;)
There is one thing I'm really, really hoping the show doesn't do. I'll know early next season if they are planning on doing it though.
We just watched Indiana Jones. Dina, you were right. It felt like one if the old movies. I also liked it. Funny: once they entered a building at night, didn't stay long and when they got out, it was day. LOL. May have missed something in between, but my husband also said: "didn't they go in at night?"
Did you notice Antonio Banderas? At first my husband didn't believe me, but it was him.
I do not remember the building thing, but the time is quite random in the movies :)
I've noticed Antonio Banderas but it took me an embarrassing long time. When I heard him talking I immediately thought he sounded like him (which is weird because I am not good with voices and accents, I am more a faces person) but I did not think he looked like him. Until they showed a closer look and then I said "oh yes! He is Antonio Banderas!".
DC, I guess we will talk after the new season :). Also, about that character, yes, as a not book reader i have not idea what is going on with that.
The actor who plays the man who has been gentled in season 1, the fake Dragon Reborn is an Spanish actor, very famous for a show that a lot of people saw (not me). I find him super charismatic.
Hello people!
Well, nobody being here in a while so I will do a double posting.
I wanted to tell you I just began my annual leave! I will stay at home but i plan to sleep in, read and watch TV, basically. I am also thinking in visiting a couple of museums, let's see if I manage.
I am watching Percy Jackson. I am liking it quite enough (remember I did not read the books) but the inconsistency in Percy's knowledge about mythology drives me crazy. One moment they babble about how much Sally and Grover prepared him through stories and games, and he knows several things. Then in the same episode, for instance, he does not know what Atropos cutting a thread means. Also, Grover is supposed to have been Percy's friend (and secret guardian) for years, but he did not know how Percy's stepfather looks.
Hello everyone!
I also watched the newest P. Jackson episode yesterday. I really liked the idea of the casino, especially because in real life casinos are, per design, something like that. They only made it more intense. However, I do not see how that would work in the long term. Wouldn't it attract too much attention if random people were missing for a lot of time?
But I know I am nitpicking. I like the show (mainly because of the kids). I watched the movies but long ago, so I do not remember very well what you said about the differences in Annabeth and Percy relationship, but I also like their relationship on the show. On a side note, I have to admit one of the reasons I never read the books is that the central trio reminded me too much of the Harry Potter trio, with Grover being the magical-native one teaching the muggle-born Percy about the world, and super clever Hermione = Annabeth.
I am glad to hear your mother is doing well. Of course I can imagine her being frustrated and annoyed, but hopefully that will be better in a while, when she can move more easily.
I have not taken the Christmas tree out yet. I like to see it, so I will have it a few more days :D
As I am on vacation, i've been watching a lot of TV. I finished The Crown and I also caught up with Star Trek Prodigy. Now I am up-to-date with all the Star Trek shows :). I also finished Reacher.
For science, of course.
Only for science, of course. 8)
@all: Happy Holidays!
The old red sofa gave me a pencil tonight. I am waiting for the next time. Probably I will receive some paper. I think it means for me to draw something to put into the sofa for the next one to find.
Today we will eat the rest of the fondue, go to the cemetary to say happy birthday to my dad and then to my mama to drink coffee and eat cake.