The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: potestas on December 18, 2016, 05:14:42 PM
I am a bit confused on the basic length of time a thaumaturgy ritual will last without adding to its time. Certainly better than instant and certainly not a few moments or why bother with the ritual at all. Where do you all start it before you have the players start adding shifts?
p266 covers it. Manouvers and solutions to problems tend to last a scene, aka 15 minutes. Some last forever, because they inflict consequences and no longer need magic (e.g. blowing up someone's heart) and some like wards last till the next sunset.
p266 covers it. Manouvers and solutions to problems tend to last a scene, aka 15 minutes. Some last forever, because they inflict consequences and no longer need magic (e.g. blowing up someone's heart) and some like wards last till the next sunset.
ill reread thank you