
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Tirs on November 11, 2015, 09:00:55 PM

Title: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 11, 2015, 09:00:55 PM
With a great help (especially Haru), I finished the conversion of one World of Darkness ready-made character in DF.
During this I:
-finally get how DF RPG actually work
-understood the base template of WoD-werewolves in DF, and now can (I think) write all the template for 2.0
-I radically revised opinion about power-level of Dresdenverse (I really thought, that WoD monsters will be way stronger, but... no, they are actually equal)

The character I conversed were quite strong and cool, but here he is just strong-but-not-overpowered-dude. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome

Mahmoud "WALKS-FROM-THE-LIGHT" Abdul-Rahim

High Concept: Monster, who hunting monsters
Trouble: Lone Wolf
Other Aspects: When you look long into an abyss...
                      Bad-ass motherfucker
                      Cold eyes
                      When you’ve got a big-ass hammer, why look for anything but a nail?
                      Tired of being alone
                      It wasn't THAT bad (in response to gossip about his achievement)

As a lost cub in his mid-20s, Mahmoud was taken in by a mixed Blood Talon and Iron Master pack that was alerted to his Change by local spirits. Over the years, the sensitive and good-natured young man became a ferocious killer and savage protector of his family and territory. Clever (or malicious) spirits would target Mahmoud as the most dangerous of the local pack, and attempt to harm his family as a way of getting to the werewolf. The foulest of these attacks involved the rape of his sister. Mahmoud tore the culprit torn limb from limb, shredding both its mortal host and the spirit responsible.
On that night, Mahmoud went to war against the darkest pits of Shadow.
Now in his early 40s, Mahmoud wanders the world alone, seeking out suitable Uratha for induction into the Lodge of Night. He is not averse to joining a pack — in fact, he deeply desires the unity of such a bond — but, in his eyes, his lone questing is a necessary sacrifice. The Lodge of Night must be spread and new members brought in; and none know the truths of the lodge as well as Mahmoud. He never took the name “Walks-From-the- Light,” and instead smiles with grim amusement every
time he hears it spoken. It was awarded to him (perhaps forced upon him is a better term) in light of his journeys and deeds. Every lodge member has heard of him, and his exploits may well have been exaggerated.
Walks-From-the-Light looks old for his age. His dark skin is weathered, and his face shows grayish stubble that rarely sees a razor. He is handsome in a rugged way, appealing to anyone with an eye for the older man. When his anger is suppressed, he is good-natured with a dark and sarcastic sense of humor. When angered or merely trying to threaten someone, his expression is little short of murderous and utterly barbaric. No matter his state of mind, his dark eyes are impenetrable — deep, dark and unreadable.

5: Endurance, Intimidation
4: Might, Fists, Weapons, Alertness, Conviction, Discipline, Presence
3: Athletics, Driving, Survival, Scholarship, Lore, Stealth
2: Craftsmanship, Contacts, Rapport
1: Guns, Resources

Linguist (2), Strong Lungs (Endurance +2 to breath holding-checks)

Feeding Dependency (Essence) [+1] affect:
Supernatural Recovery [–4]
The Catch [+2] - silver
Echoes of the Beast [–1]
Beast Change [–1]

Human Form [+1] affect (one way, or another):
Claws [–1]
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Inhuman Speed [–2]
Incite Emotion [–1] - Lunacy (delirium)
Human Form [+2] (the strongest form, with some complications) affect:
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Mythic Recovery [–6]
The Catch [+2] - silver

Feeding Dependency (Essence) [+1] affect:
Ritual [–2]
Channeling [–2] (Gifts is not normal spell-craft and mostly similar to Minor Talents/Stunts, but they are diverse, can be improved, and there's many of them)

Mental oooo Physical oooo(oo) Social oooo, Armor: 1

Total Refresh Cost: -17
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Haru on November 11, 2015, 09:44:21 PM
I think you're still a bit mixed up with the powers.

Let's start with Human Form. That one is usually there to put a lid on a bunch of powers you don't have when in your default form. In the case of a werewolf, for example, you would put all the powers they get as a werewolf under Human Form, so they only get it, when they shift. For example:

Human Form [+1] affecting:
 Claws [-1]
 Inhuman Strength [-2]

So that would cost our werewolf 2 refresh, 3 refresh for the powers and he gets one back for the Human Form. The +2 version of Human Form is reserved for cases where you can't voluntarily change. There is an outside condition that always changes you, no matter what. Like at a full moon or during the night, etc. But you can never take both. It might be possible to allow a willing change part and an unwilling change part, but even then, the unwilling part would only add +1, since it's already covered under the willing transformation as well.

Same with Feeding dependency, you only get that once. It also adds a hunger stress track, if I'm not mistaken.

I still don't really understand what you are trying to do here, it seems a bit all over the place. It seems there are multiple forms to him? Can you describe the powers and forms in a way that leaves the mechanics out of it?
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 11, 2015, 10:46:47 PM
Year, you right. But it's quite difficult to converse everything, cuz mechanics work really in different way.

About forms. Actually, it's look like this
Every one has it's own combination of powers and available stunts. Gauru (Loup-Garou-like one) is the toughest one, and any werewolf has Inhuman Toughness and Mythic Recovery in this (with Silver as the Catch). But werewolf can use it only for very limited time (for example, for exchanges equal to her Endurance+some additional turns), than she must shapeshift or fall in Rage (it would be really like Loup-Garou).

About Essence and Feeding Dependency. In WoD, it is a magic fuel for werewolves, like blood for vampires or mana for mages. They use it for different things, including healing and activation of tricks (Gifts, Rites, items)/ So, actually, the werewolf in non-Gauru forms have mostly Inhuman Recovery, but he can make it better, spending Essence. More than that, even shapeshift sometimes take Essence
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Haru on November 11, 2015, 11:04:13 PM
Well, you could go with something like modular abilities to have a set of different powers for each form.

Though at the end of the day, I don't think Dresden is a very good fit. If you want to use Fate, you may want to look into Fate Core and the Toolkit and build a WoD conversion from scratch. As a matter of fact, I think there even are some of them around. There's a Google+ community for Fate Core that's very active, and there are a lot of people working on all kinds of conversions, you might find a lot of help and inspiration there.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 11, 2015, 11:19:29 PM
But why the DF isn't good for this? I mean, as DF as WoD are urban-fantasy adventurous RPG (maybe WoD is quite darker). I used physical meaning of traits and influence of stats to probability of success.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Haru on November 11, 2015, 11:28:29 PM
Part of the idea behind why the DFRPG is designed the way it is was to make it work with the idea of "free will vs. power". Also the different creatures in the world work completely different than in the WoD. You can see yourself that there's a lot of stuff that simply doesn't work all that well. You'll probably lose a lot of the feel of WoD if you try to squeeze it into the DFRPG.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 12, 2015, 04:46:24 PM
Part of the idea behind why the DFRPG is designed the way it is was to make it work with the idea of "free will vs. power". Also the different creatures in the world work completely different than in the WoD. You can see yourself that there's a lot of stuff that simply doesn't work all that well. You'll probably lose a lot of the feel of WoD if you try to squeeze it into the DFRPG.
I actually have some crazy "Clash of worlds" crossover ideas, but I made this conversion more for fun, not for serious game. However, exactly WoD werewolves will not lost to much, cuz they a bit like DF-fairies. I mean, morally-neutral (mostly) creatures with their own role in the world. Mahmoud could even team up with Harry, however their relations will not be easy (it's like... you know, if Harry is Daredevil, Mahmoud is Punisher).
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 13, 2015, 01:02:53 PM
Anyway, considering thewide range of the forms, the easiest way is to give them "improved" Beast change [–2], and Human Form can be considered as [+2], because of some complications.
So, the final Power-set of Mahmoud is:

Echoes of the Beast [–1]
Beast Change [–2]
Human Form [+2] affect (one way, or another):
Claws [–1]
Inhuman Strength [–2]
Inhuman Speed [–2]
Incite Emotion [–1] - Lunacy (delirium)
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Mythic Recovery [–6]
The Catch [+2] - silver
Feeding Dependency (Essence) [+1] affect:
Supernatural Recovery [–4]
The Catch [+2] - silver
Ritual [–2]
Channeling [–2] (Gifts is not normal spell-craft and mostly similar to Minor Talents/Stunts, but they are diverse, can be improved, and there's many of them)

So, 19 FP.

What do you think, how tough this guy could be in Dresden-verse? I ask, cuz I'm not sure that the same-cast abilities of the RPG are equal, especially in combination with each other.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Haru on November 13, 2015, 01:35:13 PM
I think it would be easier if you were to write up the powers for each form individually. We can link them together later. If he has a power in each form, write that power down with each form, we'll figure these things out later. But I think we can get this into a bit of a better shape to work with.

And I have no idea what "improved beast change" is supposed to be, never heard of that. Beast change is mainly there for the skill swap, which allows you to take a second set of skills that makes you better at what you do in beast form. It isn't exactly necessary if you've got the same skills in all forms.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 13, 2015, 02:06:17 PM
It's easy. :)
Dalu (wolf-man)
-Improvement of Endurance, Might, Fists and Intimidation
Urshul (dire wolf, like Alphas)
-Inhuman speed
-Inhuman strength
-Improvement of Alertness, Endurance, Athletics, Fists and perception as is
Urhan (just wolf)
-Inhuman speed
-Improvement of Alertness, Endurance, Athletics, Stealth and perception as is (better than in Urshul)
Gauru (fight form)
-Inhuman strength
-Inhuman Toughness [–2]
-Mythic Recovery [–6]
-Improvement of Alertness, Endurance, Athletics, Fists and perception

I used term "improved" because this Beast change give you more than one form. So, it's like you can take forms of different beasts.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Haru on November 13, 2015, 02:36:31 PM
Ok, that's something we can work with. Let me introduce you to modular abilities. What that power does is allow you to change out your powers at will. Now it's incredibly powerful if used freely, and that doesn't always make sense anyway, so I would write down your forms as possible choices to take.

The Gauru form seems to be the most expensive with at least 10 refresh in powers, so let's take that as our modular points. Though I think you forgot the catch of silver, which would bring it down to 8. Modular points are the number of variable refresh you can use to change in and out of powers via modular abilities. Modular abilities itself costs 2 refresh to be allowed to swap things around, so that will cost us 10 refresh for now. We'll add beast change etc. later.

Now all the "improvement to [skills]" you mention can be done in one of 2 ways.

1) you take beast change for that form. It allows you to set up a second skill pyramid in addition to your first, and when you shift, you use that secondary skill list instead of the first. You can take it as often as you like, though I think 2 additional skill lists should be able to cover everything you want to do here.

2) You take the remaining refresh for the forms with less requirements and add stunts to model the improvement in skills.

You can't put the beast change under modular abilities, because the ability to change is always there, that would kind of be cheating. Though you could put the once for the next higher one in there, but you would need to spend an action for each change, which could mean everything is done before you get to make a move. So that doesn't really cut it.

You would have a set of powers as a human as well, probably the channeling and ritual stuff. Human Form would no longer apply, since you get modular abilities for that, and your human form powers are in there as well. Any beast change will be there as well as echoes of the beast.

I'll see that I get it written together a bit better, but I got to run now, my RL RPG group is waiting for me.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Haru on November 14, 2015, 06:52:17 PM
Ok, let's see. I'll write him up as a player character, so I'll go with viable skill columns. You'll see, it'll work out fine.

Skills (40 skill points)
Human skills
(Used for human form and wolf-man form)
5: Discipline, Lore
4: Intimidation, Conviction, Presence
3: Driving, Survival, Scholarship
2: Contacts, Rapport, Stealth
1: Guns, Resources, Athletics
Wolf skills
(Used for Urshul, Urhan and Gauru form)
5: Endurance, Fists
4: Athletics, Might, Alertness
3: Intimidation, Survival, Stealth
2: Discipline, Contacts, Rapport
1: Lore, Conviction, Resources

Echoes of the Beast [–1]
Beast Change (wolf)[–1]
Modular abilities (8 modular points) [-10]

Modular sets:
-Ritual [–2]
-Channeling [–2]
-4 more refresh for stunts or powers
Dalu (wolf man)
-Claws [-1]
-Threatening posture (+2 to intimidation when threatening someone)
-6 more refresh for stunts or powers
Urshul (dire wolf)
-Claws [-1]
-Inhuman speed [-2]
-Inhuman strength [-2]
-3 more refresh for stunts or powers
Urhan (wolf)
-Claws [-1]
-Inhuman speed [-2]
-5 more refresh for stunts or powers
Gauru (fighting form)
Claws [-1]
Inhuman strength [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Mythic Recovery [–6]
Catch (silver) [+2]


Ok, that'll do for now. There are still a few gaps, but the basic structure stands.

Now you see that I've set up 2 skill lists. You get the second one from beast change, that's basically what it's there for. Usually you need one beast change per form you take, but I think in this case, we only need one, since they aren't all that different, and we can lump them together. Now what happens is that you use the "human skills" when in human or Dalu form, and the "wolf skills" in the other forms. I've optimized the human skills around using magic, but you can change that around to however you like it.

The power lists are separate, you can only ever use one of the lists and not mix and match. If you change into a Gauru, you use the wolf skill list and the gauru powers. if you change into Urshul form, you use the wolf skill list and  the Urshul powers. Changing takes you 1 action, since you need to do it via modular abilities.

Now since every form gets 8 points of powers, some of them still have points left over to fill up. You could take "supernatural sense (smell)" to represent the increased perception. Or some other stunts that give you a bonus on alertness. You can get creative there.

I left out the feeding dependency, because I don't really know what to do with it, to be honest. But it feels like it could well stay within the realm of aspects and not need a mechanical representation. If you insist on having it, I've got an idea, but I'd need to work on that a bit.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 15, 2015, 01:03:06 PM
Thank you very much!
Now, I get the system and and you suggestion look pretty fair.
About essence - here is description:
Essence is the ephemeral energy of the Hisil. It’s the food and fuel of spirits. It’s the manna that keeps the Shadow
pulsing. It’s a currency, a resource that motivates an entire food chain to predate. To the Uratha, it fuels Gifts, it heals, it speeds shapeshifting, and it activates fetishes.
It flows through every spirit, and comes into existence usually at loci, but sometimes in other, stranger places.
Uratha gain Essence through a few key places:
• They can absorb Essence through the wellspring of a locus (analog of Nevernever doors). In the Hisil, this means physically touching the locus at its heart. In the physical realms, this means devouring the strange bits of meat and vegetation that appear near the locus.
• The Sacred Hunt rite, the Siskur-Dah, allows a pack to hunt and devour spirits in the Hisil. When eaten, the spirit’s Essence flows through the Uratha.
• They can eat the flesh of wolves and humans. For every point of damage caused by an Uratha’s bite, they can choose to
ingest the flesh and gain a point of Essence. This is a stark violation of the Oath of the Moon, and always a Harmony breaking point toward the spirit. When devouring flesh for Essence, the Uratha causes aggravated wounds.
• Fetishes store Essence. By destroying a fetish, the Uratha can take the Essence within.
• The first time an Uratha sees her auspice moon at night, she gains a point of Essence.
Uratha use Essence for numerous purposes. How much Essence a werewolf can spend in a turn is dictated by her Primal
Urge score, as detailed on p. 93. If a Gift or other effect would require she spend more Essence than she may in a turn,
she can spend the required Essence over a number of turns, with the ability activating once she has spent the total needed.
• Uratha normally regenerate bashing damage every turn. By spending a point of Essence, the werewolf regenerates
lethal damage instead. See p. 93 for details.
• Uratha can reach across the Gauntlet with time. Spending Essence can speed the process. See p. 101 for details.
• Depending on Harmony, some werewolves need to spend Essence to change shape. See p. 104 for details.
• Certain Gifts require Essence to activate.
• Fetishes often require Essence for use.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Haru on November 15, 2015, 01:53:13 PM
Thank you very much!
Now, I get the system and and you suggestion look pretty fair.
Yeah, it can take a bit to get through it. This was probably not the easiest example to start with, too. :D

Well, I don't think I would put essence in there. It's going to just complicate things further. I would just assume the character has enough essence most of the time, and if you want to force him to gather some essence, throw in a compel for him to do so.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 15, 2015, 08:20:44 PM
This was probably not the easiest example to start with, too. :D
Yes. For WoD this char is quite heavyweight (may be, Harry-level) so there is many abilities and calculations.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on May 05, 2016, 12:09:50 PM
Power vested in me by necroposting, I command this thread - Rise!
...OK, or I just right something here.
After reading a new Chronicles of Darkness core, I can can calculate some powers in terms of physical meaning.
On the peak of might (Gauru form, all buffs for strength, speed and weapon rating),  Mahmoud have:
-Carrying capacity - 1 tonne (actually, a bit bigger, but a tonne is normal, nor peak value)
-Weapon rating 6 (for CoD terms, it means... idk, actually, because the limit is 5 - for chainsaw. So, may be a big chainsaw)
-Speed around 48 mph
-Depending on form, which he had before fight starts, he can compel enemies Initiative (like he'd have Supernatural speed).
Considering dice probability, he can kill average-but-tough person (Health 8, Defense 6 in terms of Chronicles) by first hit with chance around 85,06%.
So, what do you think about such guy in DF, which powers can give such effect?
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Lavecki121 on May 05, 2016, 09:05:33 PM
DF isn't really going to do anything with insta-deaths. There are very few ways to instantly kill a PC/NPC as the system is built with the idea that they can escape.

As far as speed and strength, those are easily outlined in the Speed and Strength powers. Don't have the book on me so I don't know the actual ratings for each but the descriptions pretty much tell you exactly what you need to know.

As far as Weapon Rating. I do not know what the conversion is from WoD to DF. You could easily have a Weapon Rating of 4 with claws, but I don't really know if that means anything in comparison as I don't know the WoD comparison.

In all else you should try to remember that Dresden is more about the narrative capacity of the game than the Mechanical benefit of the system. As an example, I can make a character who lifts 5 tonnes and I don't need to take the power "supernatural Strength" or even any strength power for that to happen. An aspect that indicates my strength and a fate point to justify it can do the same thing, I just don't get any mechanical benefit for being strong.

It is hard to separate these two things out, and I know there are a lot of people who don't like this part of games. My game group is split 50/50 on these types of games. Some want more mechanical crunch so they can meticulously build characters, while others like to have a rules lite game so they can focus on the narrative. I am on the latter viewpoint.

But either way its about having fun and an emulation of something from another game doesn't have to have the mechanical backing. If you can work an aspect in there that can promote a good compel or invoke you don't need to worry about having the exact power.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on May 05, 2016, 10:41:39 PM
So, can it be aspect like "The gay, who can run 20 m/sec, carry a tonne without troubles and whose claws hit like a BIG chainsaw?" First and foremost I'm interesting, is this physical conditions enough to fight with DF-vampires?
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: blackstaff67 on May 06, 2016, 05:01:50 AM
So, can it be aspect like "The gay, who can run 20 m/sec, carry a tonne without troubles and whose claws hit like a BIG chainsaw?" First and foremost I'm interesting, is this physical conditions enough to fight with DF-vampires?
No, might be the Aspect "Head Enforcer for (insert name here)" followed by the Aspect "Rippling Muscles" or "Claws like Chainsaws".  Not too sure how those can be Compelled/Self-Compelled against you other than 'The clan head thinks you're the perfect candidate for this particular nasty job." Perhaps they might be social problems as younger rivals try to take you on to prove themselves, perhaps your very attributes make you a target by the bad guys.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Theclawmasheen on May 06, 2016, 06:04:14 AM
-Carrying capacity - 1 tonne (actually, a bit bigger, but a tonne is normal, nor peak value)

Sounds like Supernatural Strength.

-Weapon rating 6 (for CoD terms, it means... idk, actually, because the limit is 5 - for chainsaw. So, may be a big chainsaw)

If I recall correctly, they are almost identical mechanical concepts. If you manage to hit with your weapon, you apply the weapons rating as levels of damage appropriate for the weapon. So just throw Claws on top of your Strength and you get incredibly deadly strikes.

-Speed around 48 mph

Supernatural Speed is described as enough to 'keep up with a car' so that seems about right.

-Depending on form, which he had before fight starts, he can compel enemies Initiative (like he'd have Supernatural speed).

Well, you're doing my work for me at this point.  ;) Yes, if you want this concept to effectively always react first, Supernatural Speed is your way to go.

Considering dice probability, he can kill average-but-tough person (Health 8, Defense 6 in terms of Chronicles) by first hit with chance around 85,06%.

This last little part doesn't translate well to FATE. I'm just parroting what has already been said, so I won't comment on that aspect. I will add, however, that the 'average' person will be taken down by this build. An unimportant bystander NPC will likely only have 4 stress boxes, which you can easily overcome with one swipe.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 06, 2016, 09:53:07 AM
You can, in theory, do everything with Aspects. But I wouldn't recommend it. The game run smoother and generally better if you represent your powers with Powers when possible.

In this case, I'll echo everyone else and say that it sounds like Claws and some Supernatural building blocks will do the trick.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on May 06, 2016, 10:19:40 AM
And if you allow me to absolutely grow insolent...
There is a question about werewolves' magic of CoD-verse. It's easy with Fetishes (Items of power), a bit harder with Rites (there is list of available rites, but werewolves technically can "create" their own - is it Rites or Taumathurgy?).
But there are Gifts, which I don't know how to classify, since they could be really different (buffs, debuffs, self-bursts, mild mind-control and power stunts). Sample effects - from weak and really situate usefull such as
This Facet affects all of the doors, windows, and other entryways in a building or vehicle that the Uratha is touching
or is inside. The Uratha becomes immediately aware of all such doorways, where they are, and whether they are open or closed. With a mere thought, he can seal or open any of them, including locking them fast if so desired.
to weak-but-growing-to-powerful like
The Uratha who possesses this Facet is mistress of flame and smoke. She is a fire-walker to whom the blaze pays obeisance.
(Which means, that on the peak of power werewolf will became Ozai-level pyromancer)
to really useful, like
Even when the prey knows that something is wrong, it’s hard to resist the raw magnetism of the predator who speaks in such alluring tones. The Uratha beguiles the prey with his personality, coaxing her to follow his desires. He has a perfect impression with the prey for the rest of the scene, but only for social goals aimed at making the prey take actions on an immediate time-scale (such as “come outside with me and get away from this crowd” or “sign this contract”).

So, what is this - true magic or channeling?
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Taran on May 06, 2016, 12:41:15 PM
Just make them powers.  If they can access them when they want, it's a straight up power, if they have to do a ritual to get it, make it part of 'Human Form' or, possibly use the Limitation Power

All Doors Locked

This is a -3 power:
-1 Supernatural sense: all portals and and locks
-1 Incite Effect (control portals)
    -1 Range (sight/sense)
    -1 Zone-wide: a GM might require the zone-wide upgrade.
You can open and close any door you can sense and lock it.
->You roll a maneuver to 'lock/close' all doors, which is invoked for effect and the GM applies the effects of zone borders based on each door/window.  OR  You make a Block maneuver and that becomes the strength of the zone barrier.
->To open/unlock the doors, you must beat the lock difficulty of the highest portal.

Channeling Fire
Fire Immunity
and/or breath weapon

Incite Emotion with a maneuver tagged for effect or as a take-out
there might be a 'suggestion' custom power.

- you could make all this stuff magic but it'd be thaumaturgy (except for the pyromancy stuff).  Rituals done in advance with the appropriate aspects to tag.  I'd allow All Doors Locked as it's own Ritual.  It lasts one scene.  The Complexity would probably be the difficulty of the highest lock, adding the amount of zones of the building and extra complexity to 'sense' the doors opening and closing.  Then I'd just allow you to open and close and lock/unlock doors as an action for the scene.

Primal Allure would be a psychomancy spell.  Either a powerful maneuver or a full-ritual-takeout.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Theclawmasheen on May 07, 2016, 07:34:06 PM
Primal Allure

This seems more like it's just a benefit to social skills flavored by your predatory nature. I'd say make it stunt that gives a +2 to Rapport (or maybe Deceit) in the situation specified, or that allows the wolf to use another thematically appropriate skill (Survival, Fists, Presence) to make social attacks.

If you think that it's more overtly supernatural, than just make it an Incite Emotion (At Range): Compliance.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on May 08, 2016, 03:32:29 PM
Just make them powers.  If they can access them when they want, it's a straight up power, if they have to do a ritual to get it, make it part of 'Human Form' or, possibly use the Limitation Power
I'm not sure, that is a good way.  You see, this not special powers, it's like parts of one powers (the Gifts itself)/ In core book 23 Gifts (or 115 Facets - tricks) have been described, and, in theory, any werewolf can study all of them, with some exceptions (Moon gifts). More than that, another gifts can (and probably does) exist. So, I think it should be described as such a more "wide" category, cuz any Facet is like a cantrip or spell. I see something like Fairy Magic (in CoD, it weaker and rougher than True Magic, but still give some bonuses, and more flexible than channeling). What about this?
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Taran on May 08, 2016, 07:39:00 PM
I'm not sure, that is a good way.  You see, this not special powers, it's like parts of one powers (the Gifts itself)/ In core book 23 Gifts (or 115 Facets - tricks) have been described, and, in theory, any werewolf can study all of them, with some exceptions (Moon gifts). More than that, another gifts can (and probably does) exist. So, I think it should be described as such a more "wide" category, cuz any Facet is like a cantrip or spell. I see something like Fairy Magic (in CoD, it weaker and rougher than True Magic, but still give some bonuses, and more flexible than channeling). What about this?

If anyone can do them, make a list of powers (as I did), but throw them under modular abilities.  The types of gifts they know can be based on aspects, so you could compel them not to use certain abilities until they've learned them.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: Tirs on November 25, 2016, 12:18:16 AM
I decide to reanimate this topic and put here the conversions of Chronicles of Darkness characters for DF RPG system. As people told me, it's quite hard to convert the traits and effects directly, though I'll try to be as accurate as possible. And the first one is...

James Cesar
High Concept: Politically active journalist… and vampire
Trouble: I didn’t ask for this!
Other Aspects: Personal Bane - Hated by Beasts; Friend of homeless; Street-smart; Involved in intrigue
Average: Might, Presence, Endurance, Conviction, Stealth
Fair: Discipline, Scholarship, Athletics, Lore, Guns
Good: Contacts, Rapport, Empathy, Performance, Alertness
Vampire physiology [–1] – penalties for darkness and difficulty for perception rolls when blood was involved (including smell for the scent or heart-beat for hearing) is reduced by 1, can spend blood to add 1 to Might, Athletic or Endurance for 1 action
Blood Drinker [–1]
Feeding Dependency [+1]:
Inhuman Speed [–2]
Inhuman Toughness [–2]
Vampire Recovery [–3]* – can eliminate both mild and moderate consequence until have blood
The Catch [+3] – fire, sun, stake in the heart, attacks of other vampires and supernatural beings, torpor till sunset
Auspex* [–2]: 2 effects, both require the successful roll (value is 3 – Good)
1) Beast’s Hackles - The Beast focuses on danger and weakness. A vampire who borrows her Beast’s senses can use that focus to know if someone is about to attack her, or to pinpoint the weakest person in theroom. Sample questions:
Who here is most afraid? The smell of urine from the victim’s
pants. A whimpering sound from the victim.
Who/what here is most likely to lapse into violence? The
victim’s hands stained with blood. The smell of gunpowder wafting
from the victim.

2) Uncanny Perception - The vampire focuses on a single victim, peeling back the layers of lies and misdirection to reveal the truth underneath.
The Beast sniffs out the victim’s dark secrets, things that she doesn’t want anyone else to know. Sample questions:               
What is this person’s mood? A flash of emotion on the victim’s
face. A smell that the vampire associates with the emotion — the
smell of fresh blood signifying rage, the sound of grinding stone
signifying isolation.
What is this person afraid of right now? Shock as lights suddenly
shine on the victim. The sound of dogs barking.

Mental ooo, Social ooo, Hunger ooo, Physical ooo(oo), Armor:1
Total Refresh Cost: –7
* - Max Blood/Per Turn (10/1). Which means, that James can activate only one of his tricks per turn. During healing, he can eliminate 2 mild or 1 moderate consequence per dot of blood.
James came from an upper-middle-class family and grew up in a New Jersey suburb, eventually being accepted by a decent journalism college. After two years of study, he had a falling out with his family, dropped out of school and ran off to Chicago, where he nearly died of starvation living on the street for several months.
His first freelance story detailing his experiences on the street was picked up by a major newspaper and syndicated across the country, putting his name on the map, and he landed a job writing articles, giving him enough money for a tiny, rundown apartment near the elevated train. James developed a relationship with another writer at the newspaper and got up the nerve to propose marriage,
which she accepted. In the weeks before his Embrace, he had received a raise, was planning his wedding and had started to patch things up with his parents.
As the chronicle starts, James has abandoned his previous life entirely, struggling to accept the realities of his new condition. Unable to face the world, he hides in the alleys, preying upon the homeless he had spent his career trying to defend. He becomes jaded with the world and his previous work, realizing that hunger and cold are hardly any threat when  creatures who feed on human blood lurk in the darkness. His hair is disheveled; his clothes are ragged and dirty; he spends his nights stalking unwary beggars, talked about in hushed words as though he were nightmare made flesh.
Title: Re: Another conversion
Post by: narphoenix on December 07, 2016, 05:20:55 PM
My recommendation is to drop feeding dependency and do hunger stuff with aspects and compels. Feeding dependency is a terrible power.