The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: dmonty7990 on January 16, 2015, 09:47:07 PM
So we are doing a game set in 13th century Germany. I wanted to make a Were-wolf who haunts the black court. This is only my second time making a character and wanted some advice! Thank you
High Aspect:
Other Aspects:
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO
Mental: OOO
Skills (Human Form):
• Great (+4): Athletics, fists, alertness
• Good (+3): Endurance, intimidation, survival
• Fair (+2): Resources, stealth, Presence
• Average (+1): Contacts, conviction, might,
Skills (wolf Form):
• Great (+4): Fists, athletics, alertness
• Good (+3): endurance, stealth, intimidation
• Fair (+2): Survival, might, presence
• Average (+1): conviction, ?, Empathy
Supernatural Powers:
• Beast Change [-1]
• Echoes of the Beast [-1]
- inhuman toughness [-2]
- Inhuman strength [-2]
- claws [-1]
• Human Form [+1]; affecting:
• Inhuman toughness[-2]
- Claws [-1]
Mortal Stunts:
-Armed Arts: Roll Fists for Batons and Knives
Adjusted Refresh: 1
Not bad, but I noticed a few things that kind of stood out.
Wulfric has a higher Alertness and Survival while in Human form than he does in Wolf form. Did you intend this?
Also, what kind of contacts does he have in Wolf form? How does he communicate with them? He also has Intimidation in Human and not in wolf. Wolves can be pretty intimidating to humans.
Haha I ment put intimidation at good and move alertness up to good. Contacts, well that one wasn't ment to be there. But I do need something to fill its place. Ill edit the original for intimidation and alertness where they should be.
Armed Arts has a prerequisite that you don't have. (Martial Artist: Use Fists for Assessments and Declarations related to fighting styles or martial culture.)
Ah didnt notice that. Is there another stunt that allows for the same?
I usually ignore prerequisite stunts. Just ask your GM. It's not a very powerful stunt. Or you could limit the stunt you have to fewer weapons.
I just double-checked the book, since I have a PC in an upcoming game with that stunt, and nope - no such prerequisite.
About your character then:
I'm happy to see a shapeshifter that doesn't min-max the skill shuffle to be awesome at completely different things - skillwise you're just fine-tuning yourself for fighting by shifting. I like!
You've listed the powers a bit strangely though. You usually only list a power once, so the ones affected by Human Form are not listed above as well.
Also - Aspects! Never finalize your skills before working out at least a few aspects - sometimes aspects you choose might indicate a higher or lower skill rank than you initially thought.
Edit: Another option regarding the stunt is to just drop it and have Weapons instead of Fists in human form.
The prerequisite isn't required in my version of the book. I think it was removed in the final revision of Your Story.
If you're looking for another suggestion, maybe +2 stress against BCVs and Renfields would be appropriate. It'd fit your character concept, and you could use it in either form.
Your skill list is mostly fine, but Beast Change can't raise social skills. So you should probably drop Empathy from the wolf form.
Your Power list is basically rules-compliant, but a bit odd. Most werewolves have Strength and Speed linked to Human Form. You've got Strength and Toughness, and only the Toughness is linked to Human Form. Any particular reason?
Also, you might want a Catch for that Toughness. Some GMs will require that.