The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: blackstaff67 on September 09, 2013, 12:26:08 PM
Guy has a son of Ares in my game. He crosses into a Church or Threshold. Does he qualify as a supernatural creature and have to leave some Refresh at the Door? Maybe not at a regular home perhaps, but his powers do come from Ares/Mars. Do churches qualify as standing invites?
I'm thinking that as a dedicated warrior following the ancient warrior code of the Hellenes, he'd definitely lose strength at the Church; dunno about the Threshold to someone's home. Your thoughts?
I would say yes. Wizards are human but leave a lot at the door.
I'd prioritize offensive abilities left, not defensive ones. Things like toughness and recovery should be the last to go, things like strength, breath weapon, spellcasting should go first.