
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Baron Hazard on November 08, 2012, 07:12:32 PM

Title: Red Court vs. Narcotic Saliva
Post by: Baron Hazard on November 08, 2012, 07:12:32 PM
Is the Red Court immune to the Narcotic Saliva of another Red Court...? I found no precedence one way or the other in the RPG books and don't remember a precedence one way or the other in the novels. I couldn't remember any precedence in the novels either...
Title: Re: Red Court vs. Narcotic Saliva
Post by: Haru on November 08, 2012, 07:17:25 PM
I'd say yes, since they are always in contact with their own venom anyway. Otherwise they'd just be unconscious all the time, which would make for lousy predators.

From the novels, I'd say the best place to conclude this from would be GP. Everyone at Bianca's party was drinking the spiked punch, including the vampires, but only non-vampires (or maybe even only humans) were taken out by it.
Title: Re: Red Court vs. Narcotic Saliva
Post by: Mrmdubois on November 08, 2012, 07:18:08 PM
Kind of a weird problem to have come up.  They probably are.  One of their combat tactics is to go slavering all over the place and if it drugged their allies as well that would be damned inconvenient.

Plus in Grave Peril the venom got into all the drinks intending to affect only mortals would be susceptible to that kind of thing and make them easy victims.

Damn, ninja'd.
Title: Re: Red Court vs. Narcotic Saliva
Post by: Sanctaphrax on November 08, 2012, 07:30:59 PM
Not unless you Invoke or Compel some Aspects.
Title: Re: Red Court vs. Narcotic Saliva
Post by: Baron Hazard on November 08, 2012, 07:35:54 PM
thank you, came up in the last game when our Saint Giles Fellow entered a contested Saliva vs Saliva roll while being seduced by a red court courtesan.

Of course this ended the game with a nearly dead Rampire hurtling through the door of their private room shrieking fellowship, and all of the vampires in the room's head swiveling towards him and their keening cries start.

This is what happens when one member decides "Imma go kill vampires" While the rest of the party is about to help escort Lord Skavis through Seattle (turned Faerie Battleground.)
Title: Re: Red Court vs. Narcotic Saliva
Post by: Jabberwocky on November 08, 2012, 09:07:06 PM
I couldn't help but smile :-) A single PC wreaking havoc because of an "idea". It's the same in every game, really :-) Regarding the question I would say yes, they are immune to each other's venom. Which could have led to some prolonged kissing and other quite peaceful goodness if the PC had been smart... Yay, roleplaying ;-)