The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: MonkofLords on November 02, 2012, 02:21:04 AM
I run game based in Vancouver, and there are a variety of Vampire groups trying to gain ground over the other groups there, and, for fun, I figured I'd add a new court. Then one of my players found a mythical beast that seemed to fit the ticket as a basis. It's called a Bukwus, and I'm trying to figure out how to stat it properly.
Here's some info I found.
Sometimes mistakenly identified with Sasquatch (Bigfoot), Bukwus is actually a kind of ghost of a drowned human in the folklore of the Kwakiutl and other Northwest Coast tribes. It resembles a stylized skeleton with long tangled hair and bloated facial features, and it tries to tempt humans into eating food that it offers. Any unwary traveler who partakes of its ghost food will be transformed into another undead Bukwus.
So far, this is what I have for them...
Bukwus (Blue Court Vampire)
Aquatic (-1)
Living Dead (-1)
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
Inhuman Recovery -2
Catch ????
Claws – 1
Total: - 9
Master Blue Court
Aquatic (-1)
Living Dead (-1)
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
Supernatural Recovery -4
Catch ????
Claws - 1
Total: -11
But I think I'm missing that last bit of flair. Any ideas?
Normally a vampire has a feeding dependency, what does this type have?
What powers does it have to trick people into eating its food? Off the top of my head Glamours might be a good choice, maybe Incite Gluttony too.
There's no feeding dependency in the lore itself, but the idea of vampiric sasquatches was too good to pass up. Perhaps just a feeding dependency to eat flesh.
Incite Gluttony may work...
Yeah, I was just wondering what made them a Court, and since all the Courts have some kind of feeding dependency...well otherwise I'd just make them a different kind of monster since vampires feed on people somehow.
Some Shadowrun ideas:
If you like "vampiric sasquatches", then wendigo is your friend. Why not make the Blue Courts dependent on consuming human flesh?
I think there are a few things to consider whith Vampire Courts:
1. They feed off of humans
2. They have some kind of Influence (politically). The Black Court has lost Power/Influence, but I think they still have some.
3. They are intelligent
4. They are united as a group
Without these they either aren't vampires, or aren't part of a "Court". They're just monsters.
I like the Incite Gluttony to get humans to eat the meat - presumably human flesh. Maybe The Vamps feed off that emotion. Maybe they own All You Can Eat Buffet Restaurants...
You could have a lot of fun with this idea if you mess with the lore a little bit.
Feeding dependancy could be something like they feed off the life essence released when they turn someone. But maybe it takes awhile of sustained eating of their food to change. They could be in the restruant/food industry, making addictive food and using glamours to make the food look irresistable. The glamour could also be how they pass as human when dealing with the general public.
An advantage they could have is maybe due to the slow transformation process it means they don't have to feed very often. Since they basically have one huge meal when they do turn someone. They also wouldn't need to do much more than keep drawing people to eat their food instead of the competitors, every human has to eat afterall.
I may adopt that for my campaign.... xD
Speaking of restaurants had me remember this blurb of flavor text in an nwod book where some guy ate Chinese food with human mixed in...forced him to eat compulsively for days ordering more of the Chinese food via takeout, his eyes went back, his hair fell out, then when his girlfriend came to visit and make sure he was doing okay he ate her brains.
What exatly is E621 (monosodium glutamate) in your campaign made from? It' being used abundantly. Just asking ;-)
You could have a lot of fun with this idea if you mess with the lore a little bit.
Feeding dependancy could be something like they feed off the life essence released when they turn someone. But maybe it takes awhile of sustained eating of their food to change. They could be in the restruant/food industry, making addictive food and using glamours to make the food look irresistable. The glamour could also be how they pass as human when dealing with the general public.
An advantage they could have is maybe due to the slow transformation process it means they don't have to feed very often. Since they basically have one huge meal when they do turn someone. They also wouldn't need to do much more than keep drawing people to eat their food instead of the competitors, every human has to eat afterall.
I may adopt that for my campaign.... xD
That's a pretty solid idea actually...oh, and for those wondering why I went with these guys over Wendigos, Bukwus are more regionally close to the Vancouver region.