You might want to cap at 3 instead of 4. Being able to pick a supernatural, strength, toughness, Speed, essentially at will, may be too high to allow a cost of only 1 for the ability.I was thinking this would be fine because you can only take the powers as written, there is no way to do it another way. I could take the normal -2 that modular would cost anyway and that might balance it out
I was thinking this would be fine because you can only take the powers as written, there is no way to do it another way. I could take the normal -2 that modular would cost anyway and that might balance it out
Actually you can have multiple items of power, but they would all be treated as an instance of the IoP ability, and obviously the discount only applies once.Correct. Also I may make the option that only one can be "active" at a time. Because of that I really want all of the animals to have the same refresh rate. The total of all abilities being -4 for each talisman
To start out with anyway. In the cartoon there's multiple instances of more than one coin being used at a time.I know but I feel you would take a major refresh hit if you lost 4 every time you picked up one of these coins
No one said it would be easy.
Description: You have the ability to alternate between multiple power sets.
Musts: You must "pre-pay" a number of refresh points equal to the total value of each set of powers that this power affects, plus a surcharge of one refresh.
Skills Affected: Varies.
Two Power sets. Pick out two sets of powers, each with a total refresh cost one less than the cost of this power. You may use either set of powers, although it takes a full action to go from using one to using the other. The GM decides what is and what isn't a valid choice for inclusion in the power sets provided by this power.
Item Of Power Collection [-0] You own multiple items of power. Design a number of Items Of Power equal to your Resources skill. At any given time, you may use or loan out items with a total refresh cost up to one less than the refresh cost of this power. You do not receive the Item Of Power discount. If you have the Tracing power, then you may summon and dismiss these Items Of Power out of and into thin air. If not, you must treat them as physical objects.
So I was looking through the Custom Powers List and came upon this beauty:That will give at max 5 though.
Specifically refferencing the IoP Part
This power would cost you at least five refresh if you wanted each coin at four refresh worth of powers, and you could only use each coin individually.
Sooo apparently I kept glossing over that part. :P
Yeah, you could and it was done repeatedly. I think there was even at least one instance of all of them being used at once.Not sure about that for "Characters" But there was definitly an "NPC" who could use all at once. He was a big bad and it was the main plot for him to get all of them so he could be reanimated. (each one represented a part of his power, The rat made it so that he could move otherwise he was a statue)
Ok so I had another Idea for a martial arts type power.I'd say at least -4 refresh.
This one is based off of the Naruto character Rock Lee. He is able to open chackra gates and gain immense power and speed when he needs it. I was thinking (Since there are 8 gates) that he would need to take stress for each gate he opens and would gain new powers for each.
Easiest way I can describe this is in scales of 2.
2 gates, takes a mild consequence and gets inhuman speed, strength and toughness.
4 gates, takes moderate consequence and gets superhuman tier
6 gates, takes severe consequence and gets mythic tier
8 gates, takes extreme consequence and gets physical immunity in addition to everything else.
Thinking that you might have to take all other stress tracks above in order to activate. Also you would only have access to this power for a single scene. I was thinking that it would be a -2 or -3 power. Thoughts?
I was also toying with the idea you could only do it once per session. Additionally if we made it so that you had to fill your stress track too. Maybe have it last at least two sessions so they dont clear right away. Technically if the character was to take an extreme, it would result in death by Naruto cannon.Might be worth keeping that. Making it "similar" to a wizard death curse.
Plus part of the point is that Rock Lee doesn't gain any Toughness abilities whatever, that's why us body starts tearing itself apart.I seem to remember him being able to take hits better as well. Is that a false memory?
I seem to remember him being able to take hits better as well. Is that a false memory?He definitly does. Afterwards he is completely drained because his muscles were tearing themselves apart, but durring the time when it was happening he was using his muscles to their full potential by pouring chakra through them, which granted him those abilities.
It fills your stress track, so even weak hits will take you out. In other words, it makes you incredibly fragile.
Then why does it grant Toughness? Seems kinda weird.
Also, you really need to define how this Power is used. As a supplemental action? As a full action? Freely whenever?
It's a power that is supposed to have a high risk of backfire (someone in the series mentions it being a double-edged sword). Rock Lee really doesn't get any tougher (stronger and faster, yes).
That is a result of Rock being naturally a tough dude. Probably took it in the stress track. Heck, Rock probably has some Endurance stunts too, so yeah...
Having the Strength and Speed powers should e more than enough to make you ridiculous without throwing on Toughness. I mean the whole point of that power is that humans are only so tough and you're accepting the consequences of ignoring those limits and practically killing yourself to win.
Two important questions:Thats like 6 questions but still.
1. How do you use this? Does it require an action? Can you do it in response to an incoming attack?
2. What does "filling your stress track" mean? Does it fill all stress tracks, or just the physical one? Does it fill extra boxes from Toughness?
It was meant to be two questions with three phrasings apiece.Is it unprecedented to have some powers specifically not work with each other? I can't think of any off the top of my head, but due to the narrative of this power(Rock lee only having physical power, taijitsu I believe, in the show), it would make sense if the person couldn't have any other physical powers, and was limited in the powers they could take at all.
Anyway, I'd advise against having it fill the Toughness boxes. That really defeats the purpose of it giving Toughness.
By the way, how does this work if you already have physical Powers?
It's not an auto take-out if you have high endurance or an endurance stunt which gives you extra mild consequences...and I wouldn't take this power without one. I'm not sure that's helpful, but just pointing it out.
Is it unprecedented to have some powers specifically not work with each other? I can't think of any off the top of my head, but due to the narrative of this power(Rock lee only having physical power, taijitsu I believe, in the show), it would make sense if the person couldn't have any other physical powers, and was limited in the powers they could take at all.
If it fills the toughness boxes, it's basically just gives armor, with some form of catch. Which is a waste of refresh, but since you aren't paying it's kinda moot. I think it works in terms of flavor, he becomes tougher as well as stronger and faster, but I don't feel the mechanics aren't quite lining up right. I do think it's getting closer to the right feel though.
Some food for thought, with the current implementation, once they break 6 gates, they add 2 to their defense roll, and get 2 armor. For someone of the same skill for attacking as this characters athletics and no super natural bonus they will hit only 1 in 4 attacks, and less than 1 in 20 will they hit well enough to inflict stress pre-weapon. Since all they need is a stress of 1 to either force an extreme or take him out though, assuming at least a weapon 1, they will achieve that close to 1 in every 7 attacks.
At the extreme level gate 8, assuming attacks are coming in with weapon 2 and at the same skill rank, it's 1 in 20 to take out the power user, 1 in 140ish to deal damage without a weapon rating, and 1 in 7 to to hit with no stress, pre weapon.
At gate 2 and 4, it's a little less likely than a 1 in 2 and a little more likely than a 1 in 4, to hit with no stress, pre weapon respectively.
Looking at that I'm thinking gate 4 is a little light, and doesn't scale with the others, since a moderate sticks around for a session +, Maybe kick in inhuman toughness at that level with the current implementation?
I think it'd be better to just give armour. Less confusing.
Bear in mind, though, that the Toughness/armour will often be wasted because armour doesn't stack.
Could be worded better, but it's perfectly clear.
I'd say Morning Peacock is similar to a Fire evocation in that fire (allowing for maneuvers or attacks where the element might matter in its destructive energy form only and not in the purifying sense) is generated but otherwise it's just a straight Fists roll, you accept physical stress for boosting the number of shifts generated beyond what your Fists can normally do as you would with Conviction and casting an evocation.
Looks like basically Control is automatic or defaults to Fists which also determines the upper limit of Shifts that can be generated.
I would say that since you're accepting physical stress that Endurance should be replacing Conviction and Fists is replacing Discipline.
TWO GATES RELEASED FORMATION[-3]I did a little bit of editing. I left the 5 rounds thing because this power is supposed to be ripping your muscles apart. As such after a while you litterally shouldnt be able to move. While you do have Physical Immunity, you can only hit as normal because you have burned through your muscles. I tried to make 7 and 8 overpowered yet have high consequences because you arent supposed to use them. They are like last ditch type thing.
Description: You are able to push your life force through your muscles making you faster and stronger.
Note: This power is still a WIP and has yet to be play tested.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Fists, Might
Gate of Opening: This is the first gate. You are granted access to more of your muscles, Gain Inhuman Strength and Speed at the cost of Filling your stress track and Taking a mild consequence.
Gate of Healing: This is the second gate. You are able to clear the stress inflicted from the previous gate at the cost of taking a moderate consequence after the encounter.
FOUR GATES RELEASED FORMATION[-1] [requires two gates]
Gate of Life: Third Gate. The user gains temporary access to Supernatural Speed. The drawback is that you fill up your stress track again.
Gate of Pain: Fourth Gate. The user gains temporary access to Supernatural Toughness. Stress in these additional boxes is redistributed after the encounter.
SIX GATES RELEASED FORMATION[-1] [requires four gates]
Gate of Limit: Fifth Gate. This power lets the user gain temporary access to Supernatural Strength. Taking this power immediatly fills the bonus stress gained from Supernatural Toughness.
Gate of View: Sixth Gate. This power grants the user the use of the attack Morning Peacock. Gain Channeling-Fire. However the attack is restricted to close combat. Conviction is replaced by Endurance and Discipline is replaced by Fists for use of this attack. The stress you take applies to physical stress as opposed to mental stress.
EIGHT GATES RELEASED FORMATION[-1] [requires six gates]
Gate of Wonder: Seventh Gate. Grants the user 5 rounds of Mythic Speed and Mythic Strength. The user must take an Extreme consequence as a result of this.
Gate of Death: Eigth Gate. Grants the user Physical Immunity for a scene. This power kills the user.
Prior Gate: Each gate uses the previous powers of lower numbered gates. Physical powers are replaced by the next higher power. [Ex. Opening the 4th gate doesn't give you Supernatural and Inhuman Strength, just Supernatural]
I would still change gate 7 to lasting the scene.
By the way I just realized, with the strength increasing powers the Morning Peacock will actually work quite nicely at doing damage since you get the strength damage bonuses, shifts left over from Fists over Defense, and fire damage added to that determined by physical stress accepted.
Sorry. I am trying to model it after a power from a show. I understand thats what you would like but I tried that in the initial posting of this power and you didnt like it that way either.
Aight, here's my take. I changed some stuff, maybe for the better or maybe for the worse.
Description: You are able to push your life force through your muscles. This makes you faster and stronger, but damages your health rather badly.
Note: Consequences taken to fuel this Power are not affected by Recovery Powers. You may take any number of supplemental actions with this Power in a single exchange. Powers granted by this Power do not stack with other Powers of the same type.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Fists, Might, Weapons, Athletics, Alertness
Opening And Healing. As a supplemental action, you may take a mild (or worse) physical consequence to open the Gates of Opening and Healing. For the rest of the scene this gives you Inhuman Speed and Strength.
Life And Pain [-1]. As a supplemental action, you may take a moderate (or worse) physical consequence to open the Gates of Life and Pain. For the rest of the scene this gives you armour 2 against all physical stress and either Supernatural Speed or Supernatural Strength. You may not open the Gates of Life and Pain unless the Gates of Opening and Healing are open.
Limit And View [-1]. As a supplemental action, you may take a severe (or worse) physical consequence to open the Gates of Limit and View. For the rest of the scene this gives you Supernatural Strength and Speed, wreathes your hands in weapon 4 fire, and allows you to attack entire zones with melee attacks without risk of harming yourself. You may not open the Gates of Limit and View unless the Gates of Life and Pain are open.
Wonder And Death [-1]. As a supplemental action, you may take an extreme physical consequence to open the Gate of Wonder. For the rest of the scene this gives you Mythic Speed, Mythic Strength, and armour 4 against all physical stress. You may not open the Gate of Wonder unless the Gates of Limit and View are open. Furthermore, while the Gate of Wonder is open you may take a supplemental action to open the Gate of Death. This gives you +2 to all physical rolls and makes you immune to all stress, but kills you in four exchanges (or roughly one minute outside of a conflict).
Limit and view, that fire attack would not still require the +2 called for in evocation, as in original write up correct?
I actually like it a lot. Its a lot simpler than the one I had proposed and I think you hit the nail on the head. I would however still like to know the answer to Addicted's question. Also thank you for helping me on this power. This is really only the second custom power I have done and the first one is the one at the begining of this thread.
EDIT: Would there be any way for you to split this up so that each gate is its own thing though? I like how you smoothed the edges but it should be possible to open just one gate at a time. Which was what I was trying to go for with my last attempt. It may have over complicated things but I was trying to get rewards and consequences for each gate, which I was having trouble with.
Which to be fair mimics the power this is based on pretty closely.
Each gate that causes a consequence is a free action, each gate that doesn't is a supplemental.
So activating a pair of gates, cost 2 refresh, a supplemental, and a consequence, besides the last pair, which would have the supplemental eaten by taking the death consequence.
specify that recovery powers can't be activated by the gate of healing, and it only applies to physical(possibly mental, but not social)
Ok so how about this:
Description: You are able to push your life force through your muscles. This makes you faster and stronger, but damages your health rather badly.
Note: Consequences taken to fuel this Power act as the catch for all toughness powers, and they do not start to heal until the scene after they are activated. Powers taken in this way do not stack. Supplemental actions described in this power are not affected by Speed Powers.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Fists, Might, Weapons, Athletics, Alertness
Gates of Opening and Healing: First and Second Gates. As a free action, you may take a mild (or worse) physical consequence to open the Gate of Opening. For the rest of the scene this gives you Inhuman Speed and Strength. As a supplemental action, you may open the Gate of Healing. Upon opening the Gate of Healing you may clear your physical stress track as though the scene had ended. This will not trigger recovery powers to clear out other consequences. You may not use the Gate of Healing unless the Gate of Opening is open.
Gates of Life and Pain [-1]: Third and Fourth Gate. As a free action, you may take a moderate (or worse) physical consequence to open the Gate of Life. For the rest of the scene this gives you either Supernatural Speed or Supernatural Strength. You may not open the Gate of Life unless the Gate of Healing is open. As a supplemental action, you may open the Gate of Life. For the rest of the scene this gives you armour 2 against all physical stress(stacks with toughness). You may not open the Gate of Pain unless the Gate of Life is open.
Gates of Limit and View [-1]: Fifth and Sixth Gate. As a free action, you may take a severe (or worse) physical consequence to open the Gate of Limit. For the rest of the scene this gives you Supernatural Strength and Speed, You may not open the Gate of Limit unless the Gate of Life is open. As a supplemental action, you may activate the Gate of View. For the rest of the scene your hands are wreathed in weapon 4 fire, and allow you to attack entire zones with melee attacks without risk of harming yourself. You may not open the Gates of View unless the Gates of Limit is open.
Gates of Wonder and Death [-1]: Seventh and Eight Gate. As a free action, you may take an extreme physical consequence to open the Gate of Wonder. For the rest of the scene this gives you Mythic Speed, Mythic Strength, and armour 4(stacks with toughness) against all physical stress. You may not open the Gate of Wonder unless the Gate of View is open. As a free action, you may open the Gate of Death. This gives you +2 to all physical rolls and makes you immune to all physical stress, but kills you in four exchanges (or roughly one minute outside of a conflict). You may not open the Gate of View unless the Gate of Wonder is open.