The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Dger91 on September 20, 2012, 11:05:01 PM
I have a player who wants to play a martial artist channeler (al la the Akashic Bro from M:tA). I am trying out ideas for Chinese themed elements like Ancient Mai.
I am basically knowledgeable about that paradigm but as it is much more conceptual it kinda hard putting it into more practical terms. I would be open to input on how the RAW elemental associations would redistribute into the Chinese.
I really liked the idea that each element empowered/drained/and cut another. I wanted to play around with that.
If there is another thread that already covers this then sorry. There was only so far back I was willing to go :)
The wikipedia article is pretty good:
The relationships are mostly a matter of declerations.
Have you read Jim's Codex Alera? I'd just treat the guy like a Furycrafter, hacking away abilities that don't make sense with this system and working in the ones that do.
Elements are mostly cosmetic. They all have the same mechanical effects, except for Spirit which is special for some reason.
So creating a new elemental paradigm is mostly about describing your spells differently.
Elemental rock-paper-scissors is probably best handled through Declarations.
I have a player who wants to play a martial artist channeler (al la the Akashic Bro from M:tA). I am trying out ideas for Chinese themed elements like Ancient Mai.
I am basically knowledgeable about that paradigm but as it is much more conceptual it kinda hard putting it into more practical terms. I would be open to input on how the RAW elemental associations would redistribute into the Chinese.
Mechanically, any element can do any type of evocation spell - attack, block, maneuver, and counterspell. They cover all your mechanical options. Differences appear in how easy a maneuver may or may not be, in the declarations available to both sides, and in compels.
I really liked the idea that each element empowered/drained/and cut another. I wanted to play around with that.
Unless you want to write your own mechanics, this is best covered via declarations and compels. Declaring "Wood is a Weak Defense against Fire" gives that fire attack a +2 boost while declaring "Metal is Impervious to Fire" would give the defense a +2 boost. Compeling a fire shield to be useless against water might also be used...and if the compel is bought off, the shield has been constructed in such a way it vents steam away from the target.
Figure out the effects your group wants and work on potential declaration ideas ahead of time. Also, decide what general success level a given type of declaration might need. Both will save you time during play. ;)