
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Baron Hazard on September 20, 2012, 08:58:49 PM

Title: PC's homes or important locations
Post by: Baron Hazard on September 20, 2012, 08:58:49 PM
Do you allow PCs to specify a couple aspects for their home or important locations... or just stick to the one for location + face (during city creation) just wondering, how you've approached the subject.

I comment based on the line that the Inlaid Circle was a pre-determined ASPCT fro Dresden's house in one example.
Title: Re: PC's homes or important locations
Post by: Tedronai on September 20, 2012, 09:03:37 PM
With proper use of Declarations, several aspects will almost inevitably be indefinitely (as in, until something changes them) tied to any location in or around which the PCs spend any meaningful length of time.
Title: Re: PC's homes or important locations
Post by: JDK002 on September 20, 2012, 09:16:42 PM
With proper use of Declarations, several aspects will almost inevitably be indefinitely (as in, until something changes them) tied to any location in or around which the PCs spend any meaningful length of time.
I'm of this mind set as well.  The players home turf is just that, it's theirs.  If a conflict happens on said turf the players should have the advantage in ways of plenty of custom made aspects.  Letting the players slowly create a location of their own also can give you lot of plot hooks later on if you decide to have a recurring big bad take out some vengeance.
Title: Re: PC's homes or important locations
Post by: Dger91 on September 20, 2012, 10:44:34 PM
I agree that players should model thier own homes.  I've asked my players to each come up with two locations for their characters.  These don't necessarily have to be thier homes; some folks just don't consider their living spaces to be as much a part of there identity as, say, the library or local coffee house.  Especially college students as are my PCs.
Title: Re: PC's homes or important locations
Post by: Lanodantheon on September 21, 2012, 06:46:24 AM
In the Emerald City game I play in, we've been running player homes more as plot devices than having actual aspects. If a house does have a specific feature in it, we leave to Declarations or in one notable case we had, Invoking for effect one of the character's own aspects and weighing the fact that you're in the character's own home so you have the home field advantage.

Case-in-point: Zeb Ainar, our Out-of-Retirement Warden got surprise attacked in his own home, in front of his basement lab by a girl he was teaching magic who got possessed big time by an evil cannibal spirit thing. If the spirit's psychic assaults lasted any longer after the surprise attack, Zeb was on a one-way street to possession land. But in the first round of combat, Zeb's player invoked for Effect his aspect, When You Don't Have The Power You Have to be Twice as Clever to say, "I pull a cord from the ceiling next to where I'm standing, setting off the lab's emergency rinse."  The rinse grounded out the magic of the spirit and sent it running.

In a more recent game, my own Detective character's house's secret room was been burglerized by the other players without his knowledge(long story) and to defend against their invasion I made a couple of declarations with my Fate points because A) it made sense with the character being a detective and B) it was a secret room in my character's own house protecting an item of power.