The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: PirateJack on September 14, 2012, 11:28:04 AM
Hi again. Since I got such a good response/debate out of the veils question I figured I'd ask about the Sidhe here.
I've got a Naiad sidhe as a major npc in my game but I can't really decide whether to give it sponsored magic, evocation/thaumaturgy (with the caveat that I don't have it use non-faerie magic) or both.
I'd say both, since it seems to fit the general design style. Also, it's hardly gamebreaking.
That was my thought, since sponsored magic doesn't really cover NPCs that well. After all, every Sidhe in Summer and Winter are beholden to their Queens, so building up personal debt to them is practically redundant.
I reckon we could do with a bunch of NPC stat sheets posted up on here with examples of various creatures that don't get covered in Our World. We've got a generic NPC list already, but it couldn't hurt to have other peoples' opinions on your own NPCs.
It's up to you.
It's also up to you how much debt NPCs are allowed to take.
I would say just give them sponsered magic and greater glamours. I don't really see a summer sidhe casting any sort of magic outside of summer, and since 'debt' compells them to act in summer's interest, the debt concept is less about compelling and more about standing. Most of what they would do within court would be covered by greater glamours, I would think.
I would say just give them sponsered magic and greater glamours. I don't really see a summer sidhe casting any sort of magic outside of summer, and since 'debt' compells them to act in summer's interest, the debt concept is less about compelling and more about standing. Most of what they would do within court would be covered by greater glamours, I would think.
The best argument I can think of for Evo+Thaum is the ability to refine it. More personal power.
Is one not allowed to spend refinement on Sponsored Magic? The power clearly grants focus item slots, and potentially grants crafting, so refinement for foci and enchanted items should almost certainly be allowed. Specializations are unclear, but I don't think they are prohibited.
By template, the availability of refinement is restricted. By power, only channeling, ritual, evocation and thaumaturgy allow refinement, and even then, you need evocation for element expansion and you need thaumaturgy or evocation for specialization. Specifically:
Or, gain two additional specialization bonuses for Evocation and/or Thaumaturgy
Where each of the other casting powers explicitly permits Refinement, and is specific as to which options are permitted, Sponsored Magic does not, and in any case, the only refinement option that could be directly applicable to Sponsored Magic are the item slots (which I'd recommend allowing, on the basis of Sponsored Magic being 'Channeling + Rituals + flavor')
Technically Sponsored Magic isn't listed at all as one of the powers which may take Refinement. However, it is completely reasonable to allow Refinement for extra item slots, as GryMor states.
Specializations are specifically restricted to Evocation and Thaumaturgy only.
What about npcs? Would you allow refinement for those?
Of course.