
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: EdgeOfDreams on January 01, 2012, 08:18:59 AM

Title: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: EdgeOfDreams on January 01, 2012, 08:18:59 AM
Alright, so this may sound ridiculous, but I've got a changeling (half-elf) character joining my London game whose player wants some stunts representing ninja training.  We joked about "Faerie Ninjas" for a while, but then I started thinking about it seriously.  If this character learned Ninjitsu from someone, somewhere, what if the teacher really was part fae?

What I'm imagining now is a Japanese man, perhaps modeled a bit on Shiro, who is a scion of some East Asian fae or fae-like creature.  He is an old master of ninjitsu, but is forced to leave Japan due to some conflict with supernatural persons or factions.  He arrives in London and opens a dojo.  This provides an opportunity for the half-elf character to have learned "faerie ninjistu", as well as a location and face that I can include in my setting.

Does this make sense in the Dresden universe?  Do you guys have any suggestions on how I can make this work?

I don't really need help designing the stunts, but any background, character development, aspect names, or other such ideas you have would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: toturi on January 01, 2012, 10:09:06 AM
Maybe the legends of ninjas and their shinobi powers were due to their fae heritage. Perhaps the ninja master opened a dojo but instead of instructing is posing as a janitor. He uses this guise to look out for worthy students, talented enough to benefit from his instruction. Perhaps the legends of their legendary abilities to hide in plain sight are due to Glamors. Or their ability to blend into the shadows due to Cloak of Shadows.

DF doesn't touch on Oriental or far Eastern mythologies apart from Mouse and the Jade Court, so I think you won't be contradicting any canon.

Half-yokai shinobi master
Kitsune heritage
Master of kuji-kiri
Taijutsu means there are no rules
When sitting in shit you are, smell as nice you will not.
Strike from the shadows
I miss the mountains
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: UmbraLux on January 01, 2012, 03:38:45 PM
Glamours is an excellent way of representing many of the ninjutsu powers.  Just sayin'.   ;)
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: Jebm on January 01, 2012, 05:21:50 PM
You could make the instructor a Tengu Scion as Tengu in Japanese Mythology were  said to have been the original instructors of ninja as well as training many famous martial artists and samurai. They were said to have possessed the man who invented  Akido and created the style through him.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: admiralducksauce on January 03, 2012, 05:45:51 PM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Kappa.

Do it.  :)
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: Becq on January 06, 2012, 04:38:29 AM
The one downside to Faejutsu would be that its not possible to use many of the standard ninja weapons due to the iron content.  Staves and such would be perfectly acceptable, but no katanas or shuriken for you!

(Yes, in modern times you could make weaponry out of non-iron materials.  But the fighting style would have been developed by many generations of Faejutsu masters without access to such things.)

I like the term 'Faejutsu', and I'm only including this sentence as an excuse to write it one more time.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: toturi on January 06, 2012, 05:59:02 AM
The one downside to Faejutsu would be that its not possible to use many of the standard ninja weapons due to the iron content.  Staves and such would be perfectly acceptable, but no katanas or shuriken for you!

(Yes, in modern times you could make weaponry out of non-iron materials.  But the fighting style would have been developed by many generations of Faejutsu masters without access to such things.)

I like the term 'Faejutsu', and I'm only including this sentence as an excuse to write it one more time.
Or it could be that the iron as a bane is not universal to all fae.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: mithrandirthewhite on January 21, 2012, 10:52:01 PM
It may not be a big deal with the lesser Wylde fae such as the Welsh fae, as it is with the Higher powers.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: Blackblade on January 22, 2012, 12:48:53 AM
Or they could wear gloves.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: admiralducksauce on January 23, 2012, 02:26:44 PM
The one downside to Faejutsu would be that its not possible to use many of the standard ninja weapons due to the iron content.  Staves and such would be perfectly acceptable, but no katanas or shuriken for you!

(Yes, in modern times you could make weaponry out of non-iron materials.  But the fighting style would have been developed by many generations of Faejutsu masters without access to such things.)

I like the term 'Faejutsu', and I'm only including this sentence as an excuse to write it one more time.

I think I posted to this thread before the forapocalypse, but:

In olden times you could also make weaponry out of non-iron materials (
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: devonapple on January 23, 2012, 05:57:07 PM
And, as I had suggested before the threadpocalypse, one could also go the D&D Druid route and invent vegetable/plant options for one's ninja weaponry, like supernaturally fortified woods.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: Becq on January 25, 2012, 02:30:48 AM
I think I posted to this thread before the forapocalypse, but:

In olden times you could also make weaponry out of non-iron materials (
Absolutely true.  However, if the hypothetical Faejutsu was being developed as an offshoot of mortal ninjutsu, then your bronze-wielding Fae would be facing off against foes potential wielding weapons made from fairly high-grade folded steel.  I'm not even sure if (for example) a katana can be made from bronze -- I think bronze of that thickness would be too soft -- but I'm not a metalurgist, so I might be wrong.

I guess I was just trying to make a point based on how a technique might sensibly be developed in a historical context; but yes, I concede that Fae might well have a 5000 year-old style developed around wooden swords lined with shark teeth, or whatever.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: Cowboy on January 25, 2012, 04:06:59 AM
I think having weapons made of mysterious fae metal would be reasonable. If greater glamours is available (for an NPC ninja master maybe?) they could whip ninja weapons out of thin air and do all sorts of other awesome ninja tricks too. Perhaps customizing a stunt to use G. Glamours with stealth or weapons.

Regardless the only disadvantage I would give is to not let the fae weapons satisfy cold iron catches, and that's worth a fate point.

Also, I vote you call them the Sidhenobi (I think sidhe is properly pronounced shay or shee)
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: Becq on January 25, 2012, 10:27:07 PM
Also, I vote you call them the Sidhenobi (I think sidhe is properly pronounced shay or shee)
And I have a name for their leader, too: Obi-Wan "Ben" Sidhenobi, Faejutsu Master...  :)
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: ways and means on January 26, 2012, 12:01:19 AM
I imagine Obsidian and Stone and forged glass would all fit as good alternatives to iron.
Title: Re: Faerie Ninjas
Post by: Tedronai on January 26, 2012, 07:20:33 PM
At several points in the series, various fae personages are described as carrying objects (mostly weapons, etc) of a black metal of origin and properties unknown to Harry with the implication that it is used where humans would use iron.