The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: computerking on December 27, 2011, 06:21:27 PM
Has anyone run a case that involved the Scions of demonic entities? What metaphoric allusion should I make to their Scion nature when describing them to someone looking at them with the Sight? And is there any indication of where they lie on the Accords food chain?
Has anyone run a Scion to the point where they actually have to Choose? And if so, was there some way they could embrace their supernatural nature without becoming an NPC?
Hm. Metaphors... well, if you don't want it to be totally obvious, you could use the character's shadow; depending on which way they're leaning, you could See a monster with a human shadow, or a human with a monstrous shadow.
Generally, I'd expect a scion to be an accords non-entity; technically human, so unless / until they sign on with some Power, the accords doesn't cover them.
In my game, we currently have two scion PCs. One of them chose supernatural pretty much since game session one - and, amusingly, still hasn't noticed. (The creature type in this case has a relatively cheap set of must-have powers - including Human Form - and the PC managed to start the game with all of those powers and refresh to spare.) The other is fighting a long, slow, battle to try to stay human against a slowly-accumulating pile of sponsor debt and interesting circumstances - I'm really not sure where he's going to end up, but the player's certainly having fun with it.
I'm currently playing a scion of a Rakshasa (Hindu demon with shapeshifting and illusion powers, often represented in Western media as having anthropomorphic cat-like features). I'm representing the shapeshifting abilities with the Modular Abilities power, but do NOT have the Beast Form, Human Form, or True Shapeshifting powers. So, I can change my powers by optimizing my physical form, but I can't turn into a completely different animal (no changing my skill list).
Our way of looking at Rakshasas is that they're more subtle and less direct than other demonic creatures. In fact, my character's father, White-Eyes the Rakshasa, is the local equivalent of Marcone (in terms of leading the local mafia, not so much with the being a nice guy) in our San Francisco setting.
HC: Bastard (Lawyer) Son of a Rakshasa Crime Lord
Trouble: Curiosity Killed the Cat
White-eyed Slumdog
Balancing the Karmic Scales
Alter Ego Ex Daemon
Nothing but the (Technical) Truth
How someone looks according to the sight has a lot to do with who they are in addition to what they are. If he uses his gifts for brutality he might appear a monster. If he uses his gifts for temptation then he might appear beautiful, with a serpent's tongue. If he has an affinity to fire then that may manifest, or if he skulks around in the shadows then that would be more apparent.
Additionally there is the current situation to take into account. Consider Murphy when Dresden sees her with the sight. She changes based on what she is going through at the time and she's not even supernatural. If they are fighting their demonic nature then that might represent as his two natures appearing as two creatures. If he's slowly giving in then he might be half transformed. If his parent is trying to control him then that might appear as a shadowy figure behind him or a serpent whispering in his ear.
It might also have to do with what you (assuming you're the GM) want to do with that vision. If you want to unnerve the viewer then you can include a whif of brimstone or a scream of torment, or an aura of dark angry flames. If you want to lure the player then have them look like an angel, but with subtle differences.
The sight is definitely not something that is always predictable by the viewer.
What metaphoric allusion should I make to their Scion nature when describing them to someone looking at them with the Sight?
I try to base descriptions on aspects.
For example, here's a Sight description for a WCV: "A fit, wealthy, arrogant, and somehow threatening man fills a herculean throne overlooking a mob of faceless humanity. He laughs uproariously as people in the mob tear each other apart in mutually violent rages, fighting over some shiny object held in the man's fist." (Jealousy vampire not Lust.) His aspects are: High Concept: Envy is Bread, Butter, and a very good Living!; Trouble: Harmony is a Foreign Concept; Other Aspects: Everyone wants what I have, Manipulating People is Fun!, Watch them squirm!, MMA Fit, Humans are Just Food
I play one of Vlad Drakul's by-blows, and to the Sight he looks monstrous much like Kincaid (his half-brother) does. Big, burly, horned and possibly winged.
I possibly missed this: do Scions have to choose? Do they even have the option? Or is this something we as a community soprt of just decided?
I sort of was under the impression that it was just changelings.
The DFRPG only talks about Changelings having to choose. However, Jim Butcher has commented (either in an email, at a book signing, or while doing Q&A at a con) that all Scions get a choice - but that most of them don't know that. As a result they often choose by accident.
Technically, in the RAW, there is no choice except for changelings - but in the Setting as Written there is. You have to decide which way to go.
You can find Jim's exact wording on the Word of Jim board. That's where they have collected all the WoJs.
This WoJ compilation (,21772.msg1221400.html#msg1221400), third question.
That said, not all of us run with that for our own games. But it does appear to be canon.
The DFRPG only talks about Changelings having to choose. However, Jim Butcher has commented (either in an email, at a book signing, or while doing Q&A at a con) that all Scions get a choice - but that most of them don't know that. As a result they often choose by accident.
Technically, in the RAW, there is no choice except for changelings - but in the Setting as Written there is. You have to decide which way to go.
You can find Jim's exact wording on the Word of Jim board. That's where they have collected all the WoJs.
This WoJ compilation (,21772.msg1221400.html#msg1221400), third question.
That said, not all of us run with that for our own games. But it does appear to be canon.
Technically, in the RAW, there is no choice except for changelings - but in the Setting as Written there is. You have to decide which way to go.
To be purely technical there is no scion player option by RAW (other than changelings who are technically scions of a kind), but most of us tend to ignore that.
To be purely technical there is no scion player option by RAW (other than changelings who are technically scions of a kind), but most of us tend to ignore that.
I disagree. Quoting the RAW:
Your Story Page 75 (boxed area)
Not all scions are changelings and therefore won’t fit the Changeling template. Certain kinds of scions—half human, half something else—might fall under the Emissary of Power model, as far as templates go. The problem with offering a solid scion template is one of variety. Since there are so many possibilities out there, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to offer a formal template for the type (the Nevernever really wants to breed with us, it seems). So scions are a classic “grow your own” kind of character.
To get an idea of what you might do to grow your own, start with the Emissary of Power, but also look at the Changeling template—since changelings are the most common type of scion out there.
Technically, Mouse is a scion.
How more explicit do they have to be for Scions to be a "player option"?
Ahh, I hadn't seen that bit. Thanks.