Do you, as the GM, want them to get into trouble with the wardens ?
Some of your PCs would be protected from the wardens by the accords (Changeling, Emissary).
With others the fact that they are what they are would make the wardens hesitate (Knight of the Cross).
As for the Lawbreaker. I would really just limit that to the Spellcaster.
Of course whatever the table wants is the way the game should go, but in the setting as written I don't know it if the Accords would stop the Wardens.
For starters, are changelings covered by the Accords? Summer Knight left me with the impression that they were meat for anyone who wanted them.
I can see the Wardens giving warnings to those covered by the Accord - and maybe someone contacting their (the PC's) bosses saying "They're messing with this stuff, which means you are messing with this stuff? Mr. Freehold Lord, why are you trying to open the Outer Gates?".
But if the warning isn't listened to then I can see the Wardens looking at the legal arguments of "We warned them not to do it. It takes mortal magic to open the Outer Gates and we handle all mortal magic. We handled the situation - now how big of a fine (werguild) do we pay?". I'm basing that stance off of Even Hand - if you haven't read it then do so now.
Why would the Wardens react that way? Well, picture this:
SCENE: The Oval Office.
A group of national security advisers bust in, sending everyone who doesn't have Super Secret Squirrel Clearance out. One of them says
"Mr. President, the leader of North Korea has taken offense at a skit at Comic-Con and vowed to punish San Diego. We are 90% sure that North Koreans have seized control of a Chinese flagged freighter and have loaded a 'One Shot For Glorious Leader' style missile on it - with a nuclear warhead. The OSFGL missile has a range of 500 miles. It is considered very inaccurate, but while it's likely to miss San Diego if launched it will impact somewhere on the West Coast.
"Due to sun spot activity playing havoc with com satellites we are unable to make contact with the upper leadership in China. We estimate it will take another 38 minutes, minimum, to make contact with them while the ship is" (pauses to look at watch) "10 minutes and 38 seconds from where it can launch.
"We have no ships in range, but we have aircraft that can neutralize it with an air to sea missile. However, we are only 90% sure that North Koreans have taken over the ship and even if they have the crew, all Chinese Nationals, might still be aboard.
"What are your orders Sir?"
Taking out another nation's ship in international waters - when it hasn't attacked you - is breaking all sorts of international laws (and can be considered an act of war). If the ship is sunk then the Chinese will be pissed - especially if there wasn't any missile on board. That said, I can't see anyone making the decision not to sink it and figuring out how to make nice with Chinese later.
While the above would make a nice movie plot, it pales to the reshaping of the world caused by the opening of the outer gates. One nuke is nothing compared to the probable destruction of the human race. How can the White Council hesitate to remove those who threaten the world's very existence?
What I'm basically saying is when it comes to the Outer Gates the White Council reacts more strongly than the US would over a possible nuke hitting US soil, and that the White Council thinks that anything it does would be justified. They can worry about the repercussions later - if there is a later (and if the Outer Gates open there might not be one).
As for the Knight of the Cross type - the Wardens might try to talk to him (explaining more than warning) but if he goes ahead... Well he wouldn't be the first to fall from that service. Not that I'm saying the PC has fallen or is falling - just that that's how it could look.
And yes, I agree that the Lawbreaker stunt makes no sense for non-spell casters.