
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => DFRPG Resource Collection => Topic started by: Sanctaphrax on June 23, 2011, 04:14:46 AM

Title: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 23, 2011, 04:14:46 AM
Text document here. (

This list assumes Holy costs 1 and All Creatures Are Equal Before God costs 3.

Description: A small clay oil lamp. The great philosopher Diogenes carried it during the day in his constant search for an honest man. Whether he gave it its powers or simply used them is an open question.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Empathy
[-0] Purpose. The Lamp of Diogenes was created to aid in the search for a truly honest person. Its magical powers will not function if its owner abandons that search or is themself dishonest.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The Lamp of Diogenes is a lamp. If you light it, you get light.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Lamp of Diogenes is small and easily concealed.
[-1] Soulgaze. The Lamp of Diogenes grants insight into the natures of men.
[-2] Enhanced Soulgaze. The Lamp of Diogenes makes its owner better able to withstand the results of a Soulgaze. What's more, it increases the impact of seeing its owner's soul greatly. Add two to your Conviction skill and two to your Discipline skill when using those skills in a Soulgaze.
[-1] Searching For An Honest Man. The Lamp of Diogenes makes people's emotions obvious so as to aid its owner's search for an honest man. Add two to your Empathy skill when using it to read people.

Description: A carved wooden false eye, worn smooth, with a twisted grain running throughout. This eye was carved from a used gallows tree, upon which a character's trusted captain had been hung. Now, that character wears the eye as a macabre memorial... and to make use of the spirit-sight it grants.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Investigation
[-0] It Is What It Is. A false eye. Thus, in order to make use of the Gallows Eye, a character must lose an eye and place the Gallows Eye in its stead. The eye does not grant standard binocular vision - it is, after all, a false eye - and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often for situations requiring depth perception. 
[-0] Unbreakable. The Gallows Eye cannot be destroyed save by the use of a necromantic ritual similar to a ghost-binding or the Darkhallow. 
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Gallows Eye is easily concealed. Just keep it closed.
[-1] Ghost Speaker. The Gallows Eye brings the user close to the world of the dead, allowing him to see and interact with ghosts.
[-1] The Sight. Although The Gallows Eye doesn't work like a normal eye, you can see through it. The metaphorical images seen by the user when doing so will tend towards the deathly.
[-1] Spirit Sensitivity. The Gallows Eye makes it easier to see the spooky side of the world. Add two to your Lore skill when using it as a substitute for Alertness or Investigation on top of the bonus from The Sight.
[-1] Psychometry. If you stare at something through The Gallows Eye, you might see more than you want to.

Description: The sword wielded by George Washington during the American Revolution has been instilled with the power of freedom and the American Dream.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Revolution may only be wielded in support of the cause of freedom. If the wielder deprives another of free will or acts to deny the fundamental equality of all beings, then the sword will immediately fall out of the wielder's hand.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A very well made hangar-type sword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Revolution is not easy to conceal, because it's a full-sized sword.
[-2] Let Freedom Ring. The wielder may draw the sword from its sheath to create a sound like a ringing bell clearly and audibly in an area including its current zone and all adjacent zones. The radius may be doubled for each point of mental stress the wielder takes when drawing the sword. Those within the affected area are protected from mind-clouding supernatural effects by a block based on an Intimidation roll made by the wielder. This same roll is used as a maneuver against any non-corporeal entities to startle them and drive them off.
[-1] True Aim. When swung in keeping with its purpose, the Sword of the Revolution grants a +1 bonus to the wielder’s Weapons skill.
[-3] All Creatures Are Created Equal. When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene. In essence, the Sword of the Revolution may take the place of whatever it is that a creature has a weakness to (whatever “the Catch” is on their Toughness powers), on demand, so long as the wielder can spend that fate point - particularly handy when facing ultra-tough Denarians or true dragons. Whatever abilities a creature may have, the job of the Sword of the Revolution is creating a mostly even playing field – or something very much like it – between mortal and monster.

Description: A magical cloak woven by Mother Winter. It grants a miniscule fraction of her limitless power to its wearer.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Endurance, Discipline, Deceit
[-0] Purpose. The Cloak was made to serve the cause of Winter. It will not function except for those who are loyal to the Unseelie Court.
[-0] It Is What It Is. As named, it is a heavy, floor length cloak woven of a thread so deep blue as to be practically identical to the night sky. When worn by its owner under the stars, they are reflected in its threads as if it was a mirror. The interior is lined with pure white fur from what seems to be a polar bear, which never stains.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Cloak cannot be destroyed except through a ritual dedicating it to Summer in the presence of the Summer wellspring or the will of its weaver Mother Winter.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Cloak is rather obvious, partly because of its resemblance to the night sky.
[-2] Faerie Glamours. The wearer of the cloak may use the Glamours power. Of note, when the power of Winter or any other true magic is used, any Seemings will vanish, revealing the cloak and wearer for what they are, and cannot be reapplied for the remainder of the scene, though veils made with this power will still work.
[-2] Winter's Blessing. The fabric of Mother Winter provides protection exceeding that of mundane steel. The owner of the cloak is granted Inhuman Toughness.
[+1] The Catch (Seelie Magic). The power of Summer burns away that of Winter, penentrating the Cloak's protection.
[-1] Flight. The owner of the cloak is granted the Wings power, as the cloak billows out and transforms into 30-foot wide wings that are white on top and black below. This may not be disguised by a Seeming, though the wearer may still be Veiled.

Description: The Sealskin Selkie Robe is an Item Of Power very similar to those used by hexenwolves. However, it transforms you into a seal instead of a wolf.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Athletics, Discipline, Others
[-0] It Is What It Is. This is a fur robe, made from the complete skin of an adult harbor seal.  Watch out for PETA.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sealskin Selkie Robe is the skin of an actual seal. Very conspicous.
[-1] Echoes of the Beast. The Sealskin Selkie Robe gives its wearer access to some of the natural abilities of a seal. It gives a +1 bonus to hearing-based skill checks, allows the user to see in the dark, and allows rudimentary communication with aquatic life.
[-1] Beast Change. As aforementioned, the Sealskin Selkie Robe lets you turn into a seal.
[+1] Human Form. When the wearer is in seal form, the robe also grants access to the following powers:
[-1] Aquatic. Seals can't actually breathe underwater, but they might as well be able to.
[-1] Demonic Co-Pilot. The Co-pilot is an animal spirit, not a demon of rage or hunger. However, it creates a link to the wearer; if another possess the robe, it functions as a potent material link to her, as strong as her True Name and thus can be used to bind her.  Loaning the robe to someone else bonds the spirit to them. 

Description: A ring of black obsidian set in the shape of an open eye. The wearer of the ring carries the Mark of Anubis and has his power over things dead.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Social and perception skills.
[-0] Purpose. This ring was made to serve Anubis. It provides no magical benefit unless its user does exactly that.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring. No real practical applications.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A small ring like this one is easily concealed.
[-1] Ghost Speaker. The Emissary of Anubis holds dominion over dead things.
[-1] Marked By Power (Anubis). This ring makes it clear that the wearer is a servant of the god Anubis.

Description: A hat made out of shiny tinfoil. The perfect thing to keep out government mind-control beams.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
[-0] Purpose. This item was built to protect people from dangers that don't exist. It will not function for anyone who isn't truly paranoid.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a hat made out of tinfoil. It's shiny and it makes you look like a loon.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Tinfoil Hat is shiny and very obvious.
[-8] Mental Immunity. No form of magical mind control can penetrate the Tinfoil Hat.
[+5] The Catch (Only against mind control magic). But other mental attacks ignore it completely.

Description: An ancient Roman flagrum. In other words, a heavy leather whip weighted with small balls of lead. It was used to whip Jesus Christ before his execution, and as a result it has acquired a great deal of magical power.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Crucifixion Whip's powers come from the White God. It is only magical when used by a Christian. The bearer doesn't have to live up to any moral standard, though: this item was once used by the Spanish Inquisition.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a heavy whip. Weapon 1 when the Touch Of Agony power is not in use.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Whips are conspicous things.
[-1] Holy. As one might expect from an item that draws its power from the blood of Christ, the Crucifixion Whip is holy. Its touch is like that of holy water.
[-4] Touch Of Agony. This item is an instrument of torture, and its powers reflect that. Anyone struck by the whip suffers intense agony, like that suffered by Jesus on the cross. The Crucifixion Whip is weapon 4, is wielded with Weapons, and attacks the mental stress track. It may also be used to make Weapons maneuvers based around the infliction of pain at a +2 bonus.

Description: Thor's hammer. Enough said.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. If the wielder is not worthy, Mjolnir becomes too heavy to lift.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A weapon 3 hammer.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big hammer. Not easy to hide.
[-1] Never Far From Reach. Mjolnir can be thrown as a weapon up to 2 zones away (instead of the standard 1). Upon striking or missing, it returns to its owner's hand on the following exchange. This ability only works when the hammer is thrown. If the hammer caught, stuck, or taken from the bearer the hammer will not magically return.
[-1] True Aim. Mjolnir is a superlative weapon. So long as its bearer is worthy, it provides a +1 bonus to all Weapons rolls.
[-3] The Bigger They Come... Even the World Serpent must fear the impact of Mjolnir. When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore all of that opponent's defensive powers and mundane armour for a scene.

Description: Thor's wolf-hide belt. Doubles its wearer's strength.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Might, Fists, Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a belt. Pretty stylish.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A belt isn't exactly hard to hide.
[-2] Twofold Strength. Megingjoro increases its wearer's strength. As long as the wearer maintains physical contact with Megingjoro, increase that wearer's strength by one step. (Normal strength becomes Inhuman, Inhuman becomes Supernatural, etc.)

Description: Jarngreipr is an iron gauntlet, originally worn by Thor. It provides protection from lightning.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's an iron gauntlet. Weapon 1 with Fists, and good justification for unarmed parries.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It's not hard to hide a glove.
[-8] Physical Immunity. The owner of Jarngreipr is immune to electricity as long as he remains in physical contact with the gauntlet.
[+5] The Catch (Not Electricity). The gauntlet's protection is rather narrowly focused.

Description: This object consists of two large wooden boards, attached by two ropes, and must be worn over the shoulders to work. The boards are painted with appropriate doomsday signs.  Due to the magical powers of the sign, the user suffers no real ill effect from shouting at the top of his lungs for hours at near-zero temperatures.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose. This object was designed to enable the user to preach about the apocalypse. If the user doesn't spend a significant fraction of his time shouting about the end of the world, he cannot use this item.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A sandwich-board sign, with "THE END IS NIGH!!!!" or something similar printed on the front.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This sign is the exact opposite of subtle and concealable.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. No matter how harsh the conditions, the bearer of the Armageddon Sign is not deterred.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. Even after hours of continous shouting, the user of this item can shout for hours more.
[+1] The Catch. The Toughness powers granted by this item do not function unless the user is shouting.

Description: A robotic battlesuit used by Hitler. Seriously. This is not a joke.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. Also, you must have at least 40 skill points, Great Discipline, Good Conviction, Good Intimidation, Average Deceit, Average Presence, Average Empathy and a skill cap of at least Superb.
Skills Affected: Many
[-0] Purpose. This suit was created to kill people. It will not work for people who are not directly responsible for large-scale death and destruction.
[-2] It Is What It Is. It's a robotic battlesuit. Armour 4. Plus, it's mounted with weapon 6 chainguns and a weapon 4 grenade launcher that affects entire zones. Its fists are weapon 2.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[-2] Hulking Size. It's a big suit.
[-2] Inhuman Strength. Motors in the arms aid the user physically.
[-4] Supernatural Toughness. It's not easy to hurt a guy in a robotic battlesuit.
[+2] The Catch (Hexing). It is machinery, after all.
[-1] Shrug It Off. Use Endurance to defend against Physical attacks.
[-1] Skill-Simulating Systems. The onboard computers (from the 1940s!) of this suit give the suit the following skills. The user may use them instead of his own by taking a supplemental action to switch.
Superb: Guns, Endurance
Great: Might, Discipline, Fists
Good: Intimidation, Conviction, Alertness
Fair: Athletics, Weapons, Investigation
Average: Presence, Empathy, Deceit

Description: The shoes of the god Vidar are unparalleled. No footwear could possibly match them.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. They are shoes. The best shoes.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+0] One-Time Discount. Vidar's Shoes provide no discount because they don't cost anything.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 23, 2011, 04:15:29 AM
Description: A small bottle of drugs that somehow never runs out. The drug in the bottle is a combat drug that causes the body of the user to create a number of chemicals. These chemicals are useful, but likely to harm the user.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. Such an aspect will likely relate to an addiction, since Vitamin W is both physically and mentally addictive.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Fists, Deceit
[-0] It Is What It Is. A bottle of pills. Looks like something that you could buy at any pharmacy.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The bottle is not hard to hide. It'd fit cleanly into an ordinary pants pocket.
[+1] Side Effects. These drugs are not good for you. This power is identical to Feeding Dependency except that it uses the physical stress track and is resisted with the Endurance skill. In addition, the stress inflicted by it does not go away when you make a defence roll against it. Instead of feeding on blood or emotions, you must receive extended medical attention to remove the effects inflicted by this power.
[-1] Synthetic Adrenaline. Taking Vitamin W forces your body beyond the safe limits that we normally impose upon ourselves. This power is identical to Demonic Co-Pilot, except that it uses the physical stress track and is resisted with the Endurance skill. Instead of being restricted by the agenda of your sponsor, you may only use this power to benefit purely physical actions.
[-1] Addictive Saliva. People under the effects of Vitamin W release heroin through their salivary glands.
[-2] Venomous Sweat. Vitamin W causes its user to sweat poison. You may make Fists maneuvers to inflict POISONED aspects as though you had the Venomous Claws power.

Description: An ornate iron crown that grants rulership of The Iron Spires, which is a region of the Nevernever.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Discipline
[-0] It Is What It Is. A huge, fancy crown made entirely out of iron. Nothing shiny, no jewels.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It isn't easy to hide a gigantic iron crown.
[-1] Demense. The wearer of this crown is the master of The Iron Spires and everything that lives there.
[-1] Improved Demense. The environment of The Iron Spires is rather dangerous. Attacks with the Demense power granted by this item are weapon 2.
[-2] Swift Transition. The wearer of this crown can enter The Iron Spires from anywhere in the world.
[+1] No Mortal Home. Sometimes, the wearer will be pulled into The Iron Spires against their will.

Description: A watch more accurate than the universe. If the watch slows down, then so does the flow of time for everyone but the user.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Alertness, Endurance, Stealth
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a watch that keeps absolutely perfect time. Even atomic clocks can't match its accuracy, although relativistic time distortion can affect it.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It's not hard to hide a watch.
[-2] Inhuman Speed. By causing time to slow down slightly, the user becomes faster in comparison to the world.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. Being on a faster timeline than the world at large means that you heal faster than the world at large.
[+1] The Catch (No Total Recovery). This item does not in fact provide any form of magical healing; it just makes natural healing faster. As such, it does not aid in the recovery of injuries that will not heal naturally.

Description: A warhammer made for use against evil magic. It was crafted by Brokk and Eiti, the dwarves that crafted Mjolnir and other artifacts. Thor gave them a lock of his hair, which was fashioned into the handle, while Odin blessed the iron used for the head of the hammer with good magics. The dwarves toiled for three days crafting the hammer, which is known as Hvíturgaldur (which means White Magic in icelandic).
Musts: You must have a destiny to use this item, and that destiny must be represented by a template or aspect. You must be able to craft magical items or use magic that protects, dispels, heals and manipulates wind and lightning. 
Skills Affected: Weapons, Lore
[-0] Protector Of White Magic. Hvíturgaldur's purpose is to oppose black magic and defend white magic. If anyone ever attempts to use it to break any of the laws of magic, harm an innocent, destroy good magical works, or empower evil magical works, then the act automatically falls and the bond between the wielder and Hvíturgaldur is broken. The bond can only be restored by a magical ritual wherein the wielder cleanses and purifies his body and soul.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a two handed warhammer with magical runes all over it. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A two-handed warhammer is not a subtle item.
[-1] Holy. This item is sacred. Its touch is like that of holy water.
[-1] True Aim. This item is a superlative weapon. So long as its wielder acts in accordance with its purpose, add 1 to that wielder's Weapons skill.
[-1] Inscriptions. The runes on this item are not just fancy writing. They consitute 4 Enchanted Item slots, which the user may fill with enchanted items or potions related to healing, dispelling, protection, or storms.

Description: A small locket made of never-melting ice. It was made by the Winter Lady for her Emissary.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore, Survival, Investigation
[-0] Purpose. This item was made to serve Maeve. In will cease to work if she so wishes.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A small locket made out of ice. It's quite beautiful, and it always feels cold to the touch.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It's not hard to hide a locket.
[-2] Worldwalker. Maeve's power breaks the borders between worlds.
[-4] Unseelie Magic. A mere fraction of the Winter Lady's power, but potent nonetheless.

Description: A Sidhe-bone spear, made by the Erlking for his Emissary. It increases the user's speed and grants some access to the Erlking's natural power.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction, Athletics, Alertness, Stealth, Lore, Discipline
[-0] Purpose. This item was made by the Erlking to aid in the hunt. If the wielder ever ceases to be a hunter, as defined by the Erlking, this item will not work for him in a mundane or a magical sense.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a spear, much like the ones once used to hunt wild boar. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's as long as some people are tall. You can't just slip it into your pocket.
[-2] Inhuman Speed. The user of this speed moves with the unaffected grace of a predatory beast.
[-4] The Magic Of The Hunt. The user of this spear may use the magic of the Erlking for himself. This is a form of Sponsored Magic.

Description: A pair of ancient and battered leather horseman’s boots, worn butter-soft. Tooled leather is readily apparent on the leg, sides and cuff. It was obviously an expensive pair of boots, and well loved and lived. The Seven League Boots are a well known piece of European lore, about a pair of boots that enable the wearer to take strides of seven leagues—or 21 miles. The origin of the legend is thought to have come from horse-couriers, whose feet only touched the ground when they swapped out their tired horse for a fresh one. 
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Alertness, Stealth
[-0] Purpose. These boots are made for walking.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The boots are just that: a nice pair of old-style horseman’s boots, possibly belonging to a noble cavalry officer or courier. They are soft, snug and oh-so-comfortable.
[-0] Unbreakable. The boots are indestructible save through a dedicated magical ritual that would pervert their purpose, which would probably be something along the lines of binding or imprisoning the boots. 
[+1] One-Time Discount. The boots are not terribly hard to hide.
[-6] Mythic Speed. The Boots grant speed such as is only known in myth — myths often featuring the boots themselves. They don't actually make your steps 21 miles long, but the speed that they give you can make it seem that way.

Description: A pair of ancient and battered leather horseman’s boots, worn butter-soft. Tooled leather is readily apparent on the leg, sides and cuff. It was obviously an expensive pair of boots, and well loved and lived. The Seven League Boots are a well known piece of European lore, about a pair of boots that enable the wearer to take strides of seven leagues—or 21 miles. The origin of the legend is thought to have come from horse-couriers, whose feet only touched the ground when they swapped out their tired horse for a fresh one. 
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Investigation, Lore, Survival
[-0] Purpose. These boots are made for walking.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The boots are just that: a nice pair of old-style horseman’s boots, possibly belonging to a noble cavalry officer or courier. They are soft, snug and oh-so-comfortable.
[-0] Unbreakable. The boots are indestructible save through a dedicated magical ritual that would pervert their purpose, which would probably be something along the lines of binding or imprisoning the boots. 
[+1] One-Time Discount. The boots are not terribly hard to hide.
[-2] Swift Transition. With these boots, short hops through the Nevernever are easy to accomplish.
[-2] Worldwalker. These boots let you walk anywhere you please. Crossing the globe in a short walk is simple.

Description: A magical sword that controls the air. It gained its name from the warrior Yamato Takeru, who was ambushed in a field of grass that was set ablaze. When he swung the blade, he found that it allowed him to control the direction the wind blew with each swing. Using this power, he was able to send the fire back at his ambusher, and gave the sword the name "Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi", or "The Grass Cutting Sword".
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: In Dresdenverse canon, Kusanagi is almost certainly a Sword Of The Cross. This is not that Kusanagi.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction, Lore
[-0] It Is What It Is. Kusanagi is an excellent katana. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Kusanagi is a full-sized katana and therefore quite noticeable.
[-2] Channelling (Air). Kusanagi controls the winds.
[-1] Invisible Edge. The wielder of Kusanagi may use Weapons in place of Discipline to control spells cast with its Channelling power.

Description: This 19th century cavalry sword is poorly kept, its blade pitted and stained as if the blood it has spilled has eaten into the metal.  It has killed innocent women and children, and the sword gives off a greasy, dark feeling to arcane senses.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a cavalry saber. Despite its damaged appearance, it's significantly more deadly than your average one-handed saber. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a sword. It's only concealable if you're into Civil War reenactment.
[-3] Army of One. Custer's Saber grants a +1 to Weapons when the wielder is personally outnumbered in melee; that is, when more than 1 person attacks them in close combat in any given exchange. This bonus increases to +2 if three or more people are attacking the wielder, and increases to a maximum of +3 when four or more people engage the wielder.

Description: These sparkly red slippers adjust their size to fit anyone and are comfortable during long walks. Dorothy wore slippers much like these ones during The Wizard Of Oz.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Investigation, Survival
[-0] It Is What It Is. They’re slippers, just like Dorothy wore.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, these slippers cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes their nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The slippers, while rather gaudy, aren’t an obvious weapon. And you could hide them in a small bag without much trouble.
[-2] Worldwalker. The Ruby Slippers allow their user to travel between worlds. Saying “there's no place like home” when moving from the Nevernever to Earth is traditional, but not necessary.

Description: In ancient Babylon, there was once a dark sorcerer who stole the powers of others and trapped those powers in a book with his antediluvian wizardry. This is that book.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a book. Very large, very old.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Babylonian Tome is huge and won't fit into a normal bookbag. It's quite difficult to hide.
[-8] Modular Abilities. By reading The Babylonian Tome, one can access the powers contained within. Players and GMs should work together to determine what powers the book contains. No more than 6 Refresh worth of contained powers may be accessed at any given time.

Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid. Nobody is exactly sure why, but it has magic powers.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire unless ambushed.
[+5] The Catch: But if its holder is ambushed or attacked with something other than a gun, it's just a lump of lead.
[-3] You Ever Shoot a Man in the Back? With this upgrade, Bonney's Bane protects against all non-ambush attacks. Not just from gunfire.

Description: The legendary sword of King Arthur and the symbol of his divine right to rule.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: In Dresden Files canon, The Sword In The Stone is almost certainly a Sword Of The Cross. However, it is not entirely certain whether The Sword In The Stone was the same sword that Arthur received from The Lady Of The Lake. If it was not, then this is the sword that The Lady gave Arthur.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose: Excalibur exists to make its bearer into a great king. It will not function for a character who acts unkingly.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a weapon 5 longsword of extremely high quality. It's sharp enough to cut steel.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount.
[-1] Marked By Power. Excalibur is a symbol of the divine right to rule.
[-1] Mantle Of The King. Excalibur can be used to make maneuvers and blocks related to kingship, authority, and defence against evil with the Weapons skill.
[-1] True Aim. As long as the bearer of Excalibur acts in a manner befitting a King or a Knight, that bearer receives a +1 bonus to their Weapons skill.
[-1] Cut-Steel. Excalibur provides a +3 bonus to any Weapons maneuver that makes use of its extraordinary sharpness.

Description: Excalibur is much more famous than its scabbard, but the scabbard is if anything more powerful. It provides the protection of the earth to its owner. It was stolen from Arthur long ago, and since then it has passed from owner to owner.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a scabbard. It can be used to hold a sword the size and shape of Excalibur.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Scabbards are as large as the swords they hold and therefore quite difficult to hide.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. Wounds given to those who wore Excalibur's Scabbard were said not to bleed.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. Whoever owned the Scabbard was said to be protected against harm.
[+0] The Catch (The Lady Of The Lake). The power of Excalibur's Scabbard comes from The Lady Of The Lake, and against her it is useless. At the GM's discretion, other beings of similar power might also bypass the effects of the Scabbard.
[-5] Physical Immunity. The exact limits of the protection provided by Excalibur's Scabbard are not known, and they might well be nearly infinite.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 23, 2011, 04:46:02 AM
Description: The Fates, beings who've been known by such names as Norns, Moirai, and Parcace amongst others, created this watch in order to instruct their mortal agents about what must be done to protect the integrity of their Grand Design.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Conviction, social skills
[-0] Purpose. This watch is a tool of the Fates, and functions only in accordance with their Grand Design.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a golden pocketwatch on a chain. It never loses time or needs winding.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except at the bidding of the Fates themselves.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A pocketwatch is easy to hide.
[+0] Cassandra's Tears. While the watch occasionally gives actual visions, more commonly its user opens it to find a folded note inside it with a cryptic message on it written in the reader's native tongue.
[-1] Guide My Hand. By trusting the Fates to deliver you to your proper destination, you succeed by "luck" rather than by skill.
[-1] Marked By Power. The item marks the bearer as an agent of the Fates and those who recognize it will treat the bearer with the respect befitting such an agent.
[+0] Wizard's Constitution. The bearer of this watch does not age and may recover from any physical injury with no other excuse than time, as their body knits back together. Of course, even once the physical injury is healed, really bad wounds remain traumatic events that may haunt a person for years after.

Description: There was once a wise and holy king known as Solomon. He was aided in his rulership by a wondrous ring that he received as a gift from God. That ring allowed him to summon angelic advisers, making it easy for him to become a byword for wisdom.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Conviction, Discipline
[-0] Purpose. Solomon's Seal will not function if its bearer does not do the bidding of God with wisdom and compassion.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring. A pretty snazzy one.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Rings are small and easy to conceal.
[-2] Ritual (Divination). This ring allows its wearer to call forth angelic spirits as advisers or to answer questions. While the spirits will try to answer the questions as best they can, they are ultimately still unwilling or unable to affect the process of Mortal Free Will, and thus they may often only give cryptic hints.
[-1] Holy Touch. As a gift from God, Solomon's Seal is obviously holy. Its touch is like that of a Knight Of The Cross.

Description: Revenge is generally frowned upon by the righteous, but there are exceptions. These holy blades exist to carry out those exceptions.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The blades exist to carry out justified vengeance. If their bearer rejects this purpose, they will not function.
[-0] It Is What It Is. They are a pair of single edged machetes. When used together they are weapon 3. Angelic script can be seen faintly etched into the blades if the light and angle are just so.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One Time Discount.- They're a pair of 2 foot machetes. Not easy to hide.
[-2] Holy Blades. These are holy weapons; their touch is like that of holy water. In addition to satisfying catches of Holy, they inflict 3 additional stress to creatures that have such catches. Furthermore, their touch may justify compels upon the High Concepts of the unholy.
[-1] The Righteous are Kept by Him-  The blades form an impenetrable barrier when held defensively, allowing the bearer to use his Weapons skill for the defence trapping of the Athletics skill.

Description: A longsword with a straight, double-edged blade, a forward-curved cross-guard, and the word "TRUTH" in raised silver on the grip. The magical weapon of the Seeker Of Truth.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your position as the Seeker of Truth, appointed by the Senior Council.
Master Your Anger Killing with The Sword Of Truth incurs psychological stress. Its wielders often suffer mental attacks or forced aspect changes after using it to kill.
Perception Is Key The Sword Of Truth will not harm anyone that the wielder does not truly consider an enemy.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons, social skills.
[-0] Purpose. This sword is the weapon of the Seeker of Truth, whose purpose is to serve as an arbitrator of truth, uncoverer of deceit, and, when need be, executioner of those who spread lies and destruction.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a permanently-sharp longsword, treated as weapon 3 in normal circumstances.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[-1] I Am The Weapon If the rightful wielder should ever be separated from the sword, they can "feel" its location instinctively. You may use your Lore skill at +1 to locate the sword.
[-3] My Enemies Cannot Stop Me Treat the sword as weapon 6, and ignore armor ratings when swinging it with intent to kill. Any Taken Out result from such an attack must be fatal.
[-1] The Sword Is My Shield As the wielder of a blade imbued with powerful magics, you may use the Weapons skill to defend against any physical attack.
[-1] The Bringer Of Death The Sword of Truth's power is such that those in the Supernatural world who recognize it will tread a little lightly, lest they find themselves on the wrong end of the blade. All social skills are rolled at +1 against those who recognize The Sword Of Truth.
[-1] The Dance With Death Those who can master the sword may be able to unlock its secrets. By taking part in the Dance With Death, the wielder of the sword gains access to the skill of all of the sword's previous wielders. This provides a +2 bonus to Weapons defence rolls.
[-0] The Power Of Love Only a True Seeker can truly master the sword's unrelenting anger and turn the blade white by using their love and forgiveness to fuel the blade, rather than anger--most often because they have had to kill one they loved. This change may only occur after a Major Milestone or whichever climax the GM agrees is appropriate. The wielder must change an aspect to reflect that this change has taken place, and from then on does not have to suffer the mental conflict that comes with killing. This replaces the Perception Is Key aspect with the The Power Of Love aspect.

Description: An amulet of bright orange, yellow, and red in the shape of a bird taking flight, with a ruby set in the centre. It contains some of the power of the Phoenix.
Musts: You must have an aspect justifying your possession of the item, such as EMISSARY OF THE PHOENIX, or THROUGH FIRE I LIVE AGAIN.
Skills Affected: Endurance
[-0] Purpose. The amulet is given to those who have gained the favor of the Phoenix, and protects them from death.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a fashionable amulet, worn around the neck.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. As a small item, the amulet can be hidden. However, it is clearly special to those who see it.
[+1] Through Flames Reborn (based on Human Form): The healing abilities of the amulet will only activate when the bearer is bathed in natural flame. Direct magical flames will not trigger the effects (though a fire set through magic may), and the amount of fire needed scales with the severity of the consequence: a Mild Consequence may require little more than sticking your hand into a fireplace, while a Severe Consequence might require total immersion for a significant duration of time. Recovering from death will almost certainly require total immolation.
[-4] Really Amazingly Fast Recovery: You may recover from all physical consequences before the beginning of the next scene after proper treatment (sustained flame) is applied.

Description: A piece of greenish-hued desert glass, roughly fashioned into a short blade. Tape is wrapped around one end to make a workmanlike grip. It’s more a shiv than a knife, really. The glass is radioactive but is generally safe to handle.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It’s a weapon 1 shiv made out of the glass from the Trinity atomic test site.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Trinitite Knife is easy to conceal, even through metal detectors.
[-4] If You Encounter God, God Will Be Cut. The radioactive glass that forms the blade is imbued with some sort of power. It’s not explicitly magical, it’s not powered by faith, but it is extremely potent against inhuman victims. The Knife ignores all supernatural defensive abilities and powers (generally acting as the Catch for Toughness and Recovery powers). Mundane armor applies normally.

Description: According to ancient Eqyptian myth, the god Thoth once wrote a book of spells. Thoth hid the book within a series of locked boxes at a bottom of the Nile with serpents to guard it. But a prince called Neferkaptah stole it, and when Neferkaptah died it was buried with him.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a book, and it's pretty old. Be careful with it.
[-0] Unbreakable. Or not. Nothing short of a specialized magical ritual can destroy it.
[+1] One Time Discount. It's a book, not hard to hide.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Book Of Thoth is said to contain knowledge of a vast array of spells and enchantments.

Description: The Gaelic hero Diamuid carried two spears, one long and one short. According to legend, wounds inflicted by his spears do not heal. Ever.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. They're a pair of spears, one long and one short. Both are weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. There's no practical way to hide a long spear, and a short one is pretty visible too.
[-1] True Aim. The superlative quality of these spears adds one to to their wielder's Weapons skill while he uses the two of them together.
[-6] Infinitesimally Slow Healing. Increase the level of any consequences inflicted by these spears by three levels when checking to see how long they will take to heal. If this increases a consequence to the Extreme level or above after Recovery powers are included, the consequence may only be healed after the next major milestone and even then only if a special justification is provided.

Description: According to Mesopotamian mythology, rulership of the universe went to the holder of a specific legal document. Like other Mesopotamian legal documents, this one was a clay tablet inscribed with cuniform writing and cylinder seals. Unlike other Mesopotamian legal documents, this one allowed its holder to alter the laws of physics.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] It Is What It Is. A large clay tablet inscribed with cuniform writing and cylinder seals.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a large clay tablet. Quite conspicuous, in this day and age.
[-7] Reality Warper. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations, maneuvers, and blocks related to the nature of reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Furthermore, you may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make weapon 4 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power at no penalty. When attacking a zone with this power, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.
In addition, you may use this power to grapple targets within your line of sight. Use the normal grappling rules to do so but substitute your Discipline skill for your Might skill when grappling someone this way.
Finally, you may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.

Description: When the old wise king Solomon passed from the land of the living, the guardian angel that protected him set aside its sword, its duty complete. The sword did not join its master in retirement but instead appeared to those who shared its purpose, to protect and serve. Solomon's Guard, also known as the Shining Blade, is a short sword of angelic make. Its blade is slightly longer than a man's forearm and made of a silvery material flecked with gold that is as strong, if not stronger, than steel. Three words are inscribed in Latin on both sides of the blade: 'Duty, Honour, Sacrifice'.
Musts: You must have a calling or destiny to inherit Solomon's Guard, one that coincides with its purpose. This is usually represented by a High Concept.
Skills Affected Alertness, Conviction, Empathy, Lore, Weapons.
[-0] Divine Purpose. Solomon's Guard may only be swung with true selfless purpose in mind and heart. When swung without such purpose, the blow does not land (any attack roll automatically fails), the bond between sword and wielder is immediately broken until the wielder repents with an appropriate trial of faith, and the sword falls from the wielder's hand. Basically, you and your GM should look at the description above as a guideline for how to compel the high concept attached to the sword - your character might be tempted to use the sword for selfish reasons, and could receive a fate point to wither stay their hand or succumb to the temptation and lose the sword temporarily. If another takes up the sword and swings it selfishly, your character is still responsible for how the sword is used.
[-0] It Is What It Is. Solomon's Guard always takes the form of a sword, though the precise type of sword may change through the ages. Regardless of type, it's weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is a tricky thing to conceal.
[-1] Angelic Origin. This blade was wielded by an angel and shared in that angel's nature, making this weapon a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like that of holy water, a cross, or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.
[-0] Divine Light. Solomon's Guard is lit from within by a soft white light. It provides a diffused glow that is sufficient in strength to illuminate one zone of mundane darkness.
[-1] Duty. While wielding this weapon, you cannot be turned from your duty. When swung in keeping with its purpose, Solomon's Guard adds one to its wielder's Weapons skill.
[-1] Honour. The honour of this blade illuminates the wielder's path. In the presence of acts this blade finds to be dishonourable, it glows fiercely, alerting the wielder to danger. It provides you with a +1 bonus to Empathy when detecting lies, +1 to Alertness while Avoiding Surprise, and +1 to the Mystic Perception trapping of the Lore skill.
[-2] Sacrifice. When you wield Solomon's Guard in defence of others, the blade hardens your convictions into a brilliant aegis. This Power is identical to Supernatural Toughness with the Catch that you only benefit from it while defending others.

Description: The Silver Strings are a set of musical strings made of pure, untarnished silver that glitter faintly with a holy light.
Musts: You must have excellent moral character and an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Performance.
[-0] Purpose. The Silver Strings exist to spread peace and to protect the innocent from supernatural evil. They cannot be used deceptively, or to harm anyone who has not harmed an innocent within the sight of their current bearer. Furthermore, they cannot be used to forge a mortal contract. If the bearer violates the purpose of the Silver Strings, the strings immediately produce a discordant twang (causing any Performance roll using them to fail) and unstring themselves. The bearer will not be able to restring the Silver Strings until he proves his faith again.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a set of strings for a musical instrument. Their number, length, and the exact key of the strings varies, but is always appropriate to the chosen instrument of their current bearer.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose. This indestructibility extends to the instrument the strings are in, if they're in an instrument.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Silver Strings are easy to hide, especially when not strung.
[-1] Protective Muse. The Silver Strings are a subtle weapon against evil. By playing an instrument strung with the strings, their bearer can use Performance to perform maneuvers and blocks opposing supernatural mental influence.
[-1] Holy. The Strings are a powerful holy symbol. The touch of an item strung with them is like the touch of a cross, holy water, or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of its wielder.
[-1] Good Vibrations. The Silver Strings are of exceptional quality. When played in keeping with their purpose, they add two to any Performance roll made using an instrument stringed with them.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 23, 2011, 04:50:28 PM
Description: A powerful staff once belonging to an ancient but powerful politician and businessman. A man who was said to at one time have owned all the farms in the world.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: Depending on the Powers of the character wielding it, the Refresh cost of The Staff Of Phibus may vary.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore.
[-0] Purpose. The staff is known for it's accelerated growing properties, and for spiritual enhancement.
[-0] It Is What It Is. Its a six foot tall staff made of a distinct but unique type of wood. Weapon 1.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A staff is rather large and difficult to hide.
[-4] Staff of Growth. The Staff Of Phibus grants access to the Plant Magic Sponsored Magic Power.
[-1] Nature Channel. The Staff Of Phibus is a +2 Plant Magic control focus. It applies to offensive and defensive evocations and to thaumaturgy. This effect consumes the focus slots from Plant Magic. If the wielder of the staff doesn't get all four focus slots from Plant Magic, they must invest their own focus slots in The Staff Of Phibus to replace them.

Description: A feather from the legendary fiery bird that dies only to be reborn from its ashes, it burns eternally with the Flames of Life. It both has the power to restore as its flame nurtures the inner spark of Life within its wielder and destroy by generating blasts of flame that burn those he wishes to harm.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a feather made of flames. The flames cannot be extinguished, and though they emit light equivalent to that of a flashlight they are harmless to those who touch the feather. But if the feather's owner wants, the feather can launch a bolt of fire that is very dangerous indeed. Mechanically, these bolts are equivalent to rifle shots. Weapon 3, range 3 zones.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's made of fire. Hiding a fire is not easy.
[-4] Blaze of Life. The feather feeds one's inner spark of Life, turning it into a blaze. This Power is identical to Supernatural Recovery.
[+2] The Catch (Necromantic Magic). As a Phoenix Feather is an artifact of Life, the enhancement it grants one's life force can not aid in recuperation from injuries inflicted the unnatural magic of its opposition, Death.
[-1] Wrathful Blast. The bolts of fire launched with the feather are not aimed the way bullets are. They are guided mentally. Attacks made with a Phoenix Feather use the Discipline skill.

Description: A sword crafted by the god Vulcan out of the metal from a meteor and blessed by Mars. Its purpose was to give a great warrior of Rome an edge against Rome's enemies and to protect the innocent and the greater good. Its edge has been said to rival that of either Excalibur or Kusanagi.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a incredibly sharp and intricately designed sword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken by any means except a magical ritual predicted upon perverting its purpose.
[-0] Purpose. This weapon's purpose is to protect the innocent and the greater good. It will rebel if used against that purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a beautifully made sword that was made to draw the attention of people. As such it is hard to conceal.
[-1] True Aim. As long as the wielder of Aion is using it in accordance with its purpose they add one to their Weapons skill.
[-2] Searing Edge. The blade is as hot as the volcano it was forged in. Attacks made with Aion against targets not immune to fire inflict three additional stress, and Aion satisfies any Catches that have to do with heat, fire, lava, or meteors.
[-3] All Creatures Are Made Equal. When facing an opponent, the wielder of Aion may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily) and mundane armour for the duration of the scene.

Description: An ancient and powerful magic weapon. It's a 5 point throwing star with retractable blades, and it looks awesome in a ridiculous way.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a five-pointed throwing star with retractable blades. With the blades extended, it's about a foot wide. Weapon 2, range one zone.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Once the blades are retracted, The Glaive becomes fairly easy to conceal.
[-1] Boomerang. The Glaive will always return to the owners hand after being thrown. Furthermore, it can be used to make spray attacks.
[-2] Slayer of Monsters. Add four the weapon rating of The Glaive when attacking a non-human character with it.

Description: A sword that chooses a good knight to carry out justice, following him till his death. The sword deals great misfortune to those other than the chosen knight who dare to wield it.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to being the chosen wielder of the sword. This aspect must reflect your relationship with the sword.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose. The purpose of the Red Marble Sword to seek justice in the hands of a worthy knight. It cannot be used against this purpose, and it will turn on its wielder if they are unworthy or if they use it immorally.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a supernaturally-effective longsword. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is hard to hide.
[-1] Never Strike In Anger. When the wielder of the Red Marble Sword takes a full defence action, they add four to all of their defence rolls instead of the normal full defence bonus. This bonus adds to all defence rolls, not just Weapons defence rolls made with the Red Marble Sword. You may include this bonus in your "attack" roll when using Riposte.
[-1] Riposte. On a successful defence with the Red Marble Sword, you may sacrifice your next action to turn your defence roll into an attack against the person who attacked you (if they're in range). Treat your defence roll as the attack roll, and the roll made to hit you as the defence roll.

Description: A gigantic glowing magical hammer. It was created by a god of war, and its impact drains the vitality of those it strikes.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a hammer. A really really big hammer. If you include the handle, it's 5 feet long. If it weren't magical, it'd be essentially impossible for a human to use. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Voldenrung is not concealable. You probably can't even fit it in your car.
[-1] Daedric Artifact. Voldenrung counts as holy and as True Magic for the purpose of fulfilling Catches.
[-3] Drains Stamina. Any character hit with an attack made with Voldenrung acquires the DRAINED STAMINA sticky Aspect if they don't already have it. If they already have that Aspect, it can be tagged an additional time.

Description: A two handed great sword, inlaid with gold. A name is inscribed in its handle. This sword serves as the prison of the demon Amos.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] Purpose. Amos wants to have fun, and to be the greatest sword in the world. He won't work for anyone who gets in the way of those goals.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a two-handed sword with an unbelievably sharp edge. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Amos is too big to be hidden easily.
[-1] Ancient Knowledge. Amos is occasionally willing to share the knowledge that he's picked up over his incredibly long life. By taking a point of sponsor debt, you may replace your Lore or Scholarship skill with your Weapons skill for a single roll. (Amos shares information more willingly with more skilled wielders.) Sponsor debt taken this way is debt to Amos. This ability cannot be used to benefit rolls made to operate computers or to do anything else that a demon logically wouldn't be able to help with.
[-1] Sentient Sword. As long as Amos is in a good mood (violence makes him happy) he adds 1 to your Weapons skill by helping you fight.
[-1] Parry The Unparryable. Amos can block anything, and as such allows you to defend against all physical attacks with your Weapons skill as long as you're holding him.

Description: A device that looks like a cell phone. It can transform you into a superhuman being known as a Ranger.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a little thingamabob that looks like a cell phone. You can't call people with it, though.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Ranger Morpher is easily concealed in one's pocket.
[-1] Ranger Transformation. The Ranger Morpher allows you to transform into a garishly dressed being called a Ranger. This Power is identical to Beast Change.
[+1] Human Form. Most of the Powers of the Ranger Morpher are unavailable unless you use Ranger Transformation.
[-2] Inhuman Strength. While in Ranger form, you are stronger than a human should be.
[-2] Inhuman Speed. While in Ranger form, you are faster than a human should be.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. While in Ranger form, you are stougher than a human should be.
[+0] The Catch. The Toughness provided by the Ranger Morpher does not apply against Plot Devices. That is to say, anything deemed sufficiently important by the GM may ignore the Toughness provided by the Ranger Morpher.

Description: A suit of plate armour. It's the masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline.
[-2] It Is What It Is. It's full plate armour made of adamantium. Armour 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A suit of plate armour is essentially impossible to hide.
[-2] Twofold Strength. This Power is identical to Inhuman Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness. Like all good armour, the Aegis Of Magahal increases its wearer's ability to take damage.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. The magic of Aegis fixes the wounds of anyone wearing it.
[+2] The Catch. The magical protections of the Aegis are ineffective against the Powers of Chaos.
[-1] Demesne. The wearer of the Aegis holds mystical dominion over the territory Grannash in the Nevernever, by right of inheritance from the Aegis' first owner Zorc nor-Grannash.

Description: A well-groomed moustache, with the style varying from person to person. It radiates pure commanding authority.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Presence, other social skills.
[-0] Purpose. The moustache exists to grant its wearer authority and leadership.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a moustache.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. If shaved, it is simply detached from its owner's body and can then be attached to any vacant upper lip.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The moustache commands attention. You'd have to be some sort of ninja to hide it.
[-1] Because the 'Stache Says So. With such glorious facial hair, it's clear that you're a natural born leader. Bearers of the Moustache of Authority get +2 to their Presence skill for establishing themselves as authority figures.
[-1] Marked by the 'Stache. Such a magnificent moustache gives you an obvious advantage in social conflict. All social rolls are made at +1 when made toward those who recognize the power of the 'stache. Which is pretty much everybody "in the know". Concealing the Moustache is difficult, and all attempts to do are restricted by Discipline. Any stressful activity will cause the concealment to fail.
[-2] The 'Stache Bows To No One. Few have the ability to get the better of you when you have such gravitas as conferred by this item. The bearer of the Moustache of Authority has armour 1 against all Social attacks, and has 2 extra Social stress boxes.

Description: Winged sandals given to the Greek hero Perseus by Hermes. They allow their wearer to fly.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics.
[-0] One Size Fits All. The Winged Sandals Of Perseus adjust their own size to fit anybody who puts them on.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a pair of sandals with seemingly-ornamental wings.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Sandals are easily concealed. With baggy enough clothes, you can even hide them in your pockets.
[-1] Flight. This Power is identical to Wings.
[-2] The Swiftness Of Hermes. This Power is identical to Inhuman Speed.

Description: A claidheamh mor in which the spirit of a redcap who long ago offended a powerful sidhe noble is bound. Also known as Thirst.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Might, Endurance, Discipline.
[-0] Purpose. This sword was created to imprison an impudent redcap and teach him to respect his betters, especially when his betters include powerful sidhe.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a claidheamh mor, or basket-hilted broadsword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A full-sized sword is rather difficult to hide.
[-1] Channeling The Warrior Spirit. While wielding this sword, one can draw upon the martial skills and experience of the redcap spirit. However, the ferocity of the redcap's mindset means that while one is doing so one's social skills will suffer. As a supplemental action, you may swap the ratings of your Weapons and Athletics skills with those of your Rapport and Empathy skills respectively. If your unmodified Rapport is higher than your unmodified Weapons, don't swap those skills. Likewise with Empathy and Athletics.
[-2] Communion of Might The wielder can draw upon the strength of the redcap's spirit to augment his own. This Power is identical to Inhuman Strength.
[-4] Communion of Vitality. The wielder can draw upon the lifeforce of the redcap's spirit to enhance his recuperative capabilities. This Power is identical to Supernatural Recovery.
[+3] The Catch (Cold Iron). Since the Redcap was a creature of Faerie, one who draws upon its vitality to enhance his recuperation must share in his Faerie vulnerability to Cold Iron.
[+1] The Sword Must Drink. Though imprisoned within a sword, the spirit of the redcap still needs to drink its fill of blood to maintain its strength. If deprived for too long it may weaken to the point that it might not be able to provide its benefit of enhanced vitality to its wielder. This Power is identical to Feeding Dependency (Blood) attached to The Communion Of Might and The Communion Of Vitality.
[-1] Share The Feast. When the sword is sated the communion between it and its wielder allows its wielder to receive a portion of the benefit. This Power is identical to Blood Drinker.

Description: A highly polished black spheroid made of some sort of gemstone. It's the size of a human eye.
Musts: You must have a High Concept or Template appropriate for a being chosen by Nemesis.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Lore, Discipline.
[-0] Purpose. The Eye Of Vengeance was created to aid the chosen one of Nemesis, Goddess of Vengeance. It will function only as long as its user works faithfully towards Nemesis's goals.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a small black sphere. Put it in an empty eye socket to use its powers.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easy to conceal. Just keep it closed.
[-2] Your Purpose Is Not Yet Fulfilled. The Eye Of Vengeance will keep its wearer healthy as long as Nemesis needs them alive. This Power is identical to Inhuman Recovery.
[-1] The Guilty Cannot Hide. This Power is identical to The Sight.
[+1] Penitence Is Thy Bane. Penitence is the bane of Nemesis, and as such the attacks of any character who has truly repented for their sins ignore the effects of Your Purpose Is Not Yet Fulfilled.

Description: An eye that, when placed in somebody's skull, allows that person to see through all veils and all lies.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Empathy.
[-0] Purpose. The Eye exists to help its user see things as they really are.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a vaguely human-looking eyeball. It works just as well as a normal eyeball if placed in one's eye socket.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easy to conceal. Just keep it closed.
[-3] True Seeing. The Eye Of God adds five to any skill used by its wearer for the purpose of seeing through a veil, glamour, shapeshifting-based disguise, or other supernatural deception.
[-1] Added Insight. The Eye Of God adds two to the Empathy skill of its wearer for the purpose of detecting lies.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 23, 2011, 04:51:37 PM
Description: A powerful staff rumored to have been crafted by the Goddess Hecate and stolen by her daughter Circe in her greed for power. The Archmage Staff is an extremely potent focus item which infuses the owner with magic.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: The effects given here assume that the wielder of the Archmage Staff has the Wizard Template. Wielders without Wizard's Constitution gain Wizard's Constitution instead of Supernatural Recovery, and wielders without Evocation gain Evocation with a Refinement granting access to all five standard elements instead of Arcane Power. Adjust the Refresh cost of the Archmage Staff accordingly.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore.
[-0] Law-Abiding. The Archmage Staff is bound to the Laws of Magic. If its user intentionally breaks a Law, it will inflict backlash equal to the spell's full power and its connection to its user will be severed.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a wooden staff. Weapon 1.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Archmage Staff is several feet long and rather difficult to hide.
[-4] Arcane Recovery. The infusion of magic into the staff's wielder enhances their Wizard's Constitution ability into Supernatural Recovery.
[-3] Arcane Power. The staff grants its wielder enhanced power, giving them 3 Refinements' worth of new elements and specialities. If the wielder does not have access to every Evocation element, they must use these to gain that access.
[-0] Attunement. The wielder of the Archmage Staff must invest at least two focus slots into it.
[+3] The Catch. For some reason, mundane electricity interferes with the flow of magic from the Archmage Staff and as such injuries inflicted with it heal no faster than they would for a normal wizard.

Description: A false eye made of amethyst that grants the user the power to use The Sight. With use, a wielder of the Eye can awaken other powers in it. It is not in fact the actual Eye of the Graeae, but a clever imitation made by a scion of Hephaestus. He intended it as a gift to the Grey Sisters, but he was killed before he could give it to them and his killer picked it up. He in turn lost it in a bet with a Sidhe Lady and it has been in the Nevernever since. Even though it is not the original, it conveys various powers of sight on the owner and over time it has acquired some magical power due to its connection to the Grey Witches.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Alertness, Investigation.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a false eye. In order to use it you must lose an eye and place in the empty socket. Once you've done so you can use its power even when you hold it in your hand. The eye does not grant standard vision and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often in situations where being able to see through the replaced eye would be useful.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Eye of the Graeae, as an Item of Power, cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Eye of the Graeae is easily concealed. You could pop it out and hide it in you pocket, or you could just keep your eye closed. If the rebate from this effect would reduce the cost of the Eye to 0 Refresh, the Eye costs 1 Refresh instead.
[-1] The Sight. The purpose of the Eye was to help you see, and whatever you see with it is true and real.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears. Because the Eye sees that which is true, it can sometimes see what will be as well as what is.
[-1] Supernatural Sense. The Eye of the Graeae lets you see magic, as if it were colour or heat. This lets you see auras, tell wizards from mundanes or spirits at a distance by their glow, read the patterns of spell residue and anything else the GM thinks reasonable. The sense is used with Alertness and Investigation, not with Lore.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Eye of the Graeae gives you the power to cast spells like a witch. At the GM's discretion, it might be possible to gain a "witchy" variant of Ritual rather than full Thaumaturgy.

Description: In the year 2058, a powerful mechanized battle suit will be invented by Novatech. They'll sell it for 893,700,000 per suit, and only 400 of the most elite soldiers in the United States Armed Forces will be allowed to use it. Its main component will be malleum, a quasi-miraculous protean biometal that reacts to human brainwaves. For some reason, one of those suits has travelled back in time and is present in the present.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Might, Fists, Endurance, Stealth.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a high-tech battle suit that bonds to the host and almost impossible to remove. It weighs little and provides both excellent protection and deadly integrated melee weaponry. Armour 3, weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a highly advanced, futuristic, full-body suit that is made up of several components that won't be discovered or invented for several decades. As such it is quite conspicuous.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. The malleum in the suit incorporates itself into its operator's bones, increasing bone density and strength.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.The malleum in the suit repairs both the operator's body and the suit if any damage is sustained.
[+2] The Catch. The suit is very tough, but its protection is ineffective against anti-tank weaponry.
[-7] Modular Adaptations. The suit can operate in three different modes. Changing between modes requires a full action.
-Amp Mode The malleum in the suit flows into the operator's muscles. This mode grants Supernatural Strength and Inhuman Speed.
-Cloak Mode: The suit bends light around itself as the malleum in the suit flows into the operator's nerves. This mode grants Inhuman Speed, Enhanced Invisibility, and True Aim.
-Armour Mode: The malleum in the suit hardens greatly, enhancing the suit's protective qualities. This mode grants Supernatural Toughness and makes the suit armour 5.
[-6] Energy-Purge. The suit grows even more powerful when upgraded and charged with massive amounts of energy. As long as the suit was plugged into a major energy source (an industrial electrical socket will do) for at least an hour since the last time this effect was used, the suit's operator can choose to activate this ability. Doing so increases their Strength, Speed, Toughness, and Recovery by one level. Furthermore, it grants them access to energy weapons built into the suit which are mechanically equivalent to assault rifles and grenade launchers.

Description: The magical sword of Nemesis's Emissary. Each bearer of the sword finds that when he or she first touches it, it transforms to fit their tastes, skills and aptitudes. It is always a finely made sword no smaller than a gladius and no larger than a claymore.
Musts: You must have a High Concept or Template appropriate for a being chosen by Nemesis.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Stealth, Athletics.
[-0] Divine Purpose. This sword was created to bring balance to the scales of justice and therefore can only be wielded against creatures that have seriously wronged someone. The sword will not harm an innocent at all and if the 'wrongs' inflicted by a character do not merit death (as determined by the Goddess herself), the sword will not kill them.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a sword. It's currently a beautiful swept hilt rapier, but that could change if somebody else picks it up. Regardless, it is and will remain weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is a tricky thing to conceal.
[-3] All Creatures Fear Justice. When facing an opponent, the wielder of the Sword Of Justice may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene.
[-1] Holy. While the deity that created the sword may not be the Christian one, this weapon is none the less a holy artifact. Its touch is like that of holy water or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of the wielder.
[-1] Cloak Of Shadows. Vengeance, even holy vengeance, is often best performed under cover of darkness. As such, the Sword Of Justice makes its wielder at home in the night.
[-2] Inhuman Agility. This Power is identical to Inhuman Speed.

Description: A very mysterious sphere. Glows brightly and appears to be a source of infinite energy.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a small glowing sphere.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. Since it's not clear what its nature is, it would be difficult to perform such a ritual.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The sphere glows brightly and as such is essentially impossible to conceal.
[-5] Energy Reroute. Tapping into a portion of the mysterious energies of this object, you are able to power a few abilities at a time. The combined cost of the abilities may not exceed the refresh cost of this item. You may take a full round action to change which abilities are powered. The powered abilities may be selected from the following list: Guns Akimbo (a Guns Stunt that lets you wield a second gun in order to add half its weapon rating to that of your first gun) [-1], Wings [-1], Inhuman Speed [-2], Inhuman Strength [-2], Inhuman Toughness [-2], Killer Blow [-1], The Whole Nine Yards (a Guns Stunt that lets you make spray attacks with any gun) [-1], Supernatural Sense [-1 or -2], Target-Rich Environment [-1], Potent Ranged Natural Weaponry [-3].
[-varies] Untapped Power. With time and study, you may unlock access to more power from this object. You may add refresh points to this item to increase the amount of Powers you may use at once with Energy Reroute.

Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift for Marci, the spoiled neice of a powerful wizard. They're cursed to torment their wearer in humiliating ways, because Marci's uncle was incredibly petty.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. It's going to be compelled in curse-related ways. A lot.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Performance
[-0] Purpose. The skates were created to punish their wearer. As such, they occasionally move around (bringing their wearer with them) in whichever way is most likely to hurt and humiliate the wearer. The skates also resist removal; before they can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in a public fountain consecrated with an American coin from 1972 (since they were made during 1972 in America) and dried off with werebear fur.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a set of roller skates. You can skate with them.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. These roller skates might be easy to hide if they were removable. But they're not, so they're really obvious.
[-2] Magical Skating. When sprinting, the wearer of Marci's Roller Skates adds three to their Athletics and may rollerblade over all terrain, including water, as though it were flat smooth concrete.
[-1] Skate Pro. The wearer adds two to their Performance skill when using it to rollerblade, thanks to the awe-inspiring skate tricks enabled by the magic of the rollerblades. Of course, a curse-related Compel could easily turn any performance into a humiliating fiasco.

Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity. Tread lightly when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power and an Aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a really big book. In fact, it probably wouldn't fit in a backpack.
[-1] Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age. The Grimoire contains extraordinary alchemical insights. It grants two Thaumaturgy specializations which must be spent on Crafting strength or frequency. These are subject to all normal limitations applied to Specialization bonuses, and the resulting set of specializations must be legal both with and without the specializations from the Grimoire.
[-1] The Mind of a Madman. This Power is identical to Demonic Co-Pilot. The demon is Jabir, and his agenda is the acquisition of unlimited knowledge and power.
[-1] Methods of Madness. Whenever you use an enchanted item or potion, you may choose to increase its strength (for that one use) by any amount equal to or less than your Lore. (This bypasses the normal limit of Lore x2 on enchanted item strength). Doing this allows the Grimoire to make a mental attack against you, with an accuracy equal to the total power of the item and a weapon rating equal to the amount you added to its power. Mental consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.

Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James, represented as a high concept, to inherit The Peacemaker. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, Discipline.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a six-shot revolver. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. Furthermore it cannot be hexed and will never jam.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A revolver is fairly easy to hide.
[-3] All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of The Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one point of Sponsor debt in order to ignore the target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing, for the duration of the scene. Debt taken this way will generally be discharged by Compels to shoot someone.
[-1] Shooting Frenzy. If The Peacemaker inflicts a consequence on a character, subsequent attacks against that character get +1. Once per scene, when the Peacemaker kills a character, the wielder may clear any stress track and erase a mild consequence. If the Peacemaker runs out of bullets or is used against foes that outnumber the wielder, the wielder must roll Discipline against a difficulty of the GM's choice to avoid shooting the nearest person uncontrollably.

Description: The Wardens of the White Council are famed for their magical, super-sharp, spell-cutting silver swords. This is one of those swords. It was created by Luccio, the leader of the Wardens, specifically for a single Warden.
Musts: You must be a Warden of the White Council, with an Aspect reflecting that.
Note: Warden Swords are canonically Enchanted Items. This is an alternate interpretation.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] Specific Wielder. A Warden Sword is only magical in the hands of the Warden it was made for.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a supernaturally sharp sword. Weapon 5 for the rightful bearer, weapon 3 for other people.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A full-sized sword is tricky to conceal at best.
[-2] Might Over Magic. A Warden Sword can cut magical spells the way a laser cuts butter.

Description: A deck of cards. Drawing one causes you to gain abilities both magical and mundane. This is pretty useful, but since there's no way to predict what abilities drawing a card will give you it's not the most reliable item.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's an old deck of 52 playing cards plus jokers.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A deck of cards is a small item and an easy one to hide.
[-3] Luck Of The Draw. Every card in the deck, including the jokers, has a unique set of abilities attached to it. The abilities of a card always cost 3 Refresh total, if a skill at your skill cap is worth 1 Refresh. As a standard action, you may draw a random card from the deck. You are granted the abilities attached to the card you draw for the rest of the scene. Drawing a second (or a third, or a fourth, etc...) card in the same scene costs a Fate Point and erases any abilities a previous card may have given you. At the end of a scene in which you drew a card, you may spend a Fate Point to retain the granted abilities for an additional scene.

Example cards:

Since the list is now too large to fit into five posts, you'll have to follow this link to see the rest of it. (,26756.msg1866535.html#msg1866535)
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on February 05, 2012, 04:39:31 PM
Description: A longsword with a straight, double-edged blade, a forward-curved cross-guard, and the word "TRUTH" in raised silver on the grip.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your position as the Seeker of Truth, appointed by the Senior Council.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons, social skills.
[-0] Purpose. This sword is the weapon of the Seeker of Truth, whose purpose is to serve as an arbitrator of truth, uncoverer of deceit, and, when need be, executioner of those who spread lies and destruction.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a permanently-sharp longsword, treated as Weapon:3 in normal circumstances.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[+1] Master Your Anger Every time the sword is used to kill, the wielder will endure a mental attack equal to 4 shifts, feeling the pain of their target as they die. If the kill is made in anger, the wielder may roll Discipline or Empathy to defend. If the insulating power of anger is not present, the wielder rolls from 0. Any mental consequences incurred have to reflect the sword's power corrupting the wielder. The first time the sword is used to kill, the mental attack is at 6 shifts, and if the defense fails, change one of your permanent aspects to reflect that you failed to control the Sword's power.
[-1] I Am The Weapon If the rightful wielder should ever be separated from the sword, they can "feel" its location instinctively. You may use your Lore skill at +1 to locate the sword.
[-3] My Enemies Cannot Stop Me When wielded against someone the wielder perceives as an enemy, treat the resulting attack as Weapon:6. Additionally, you may spend a fate point to ignore any Armor rating the target may have. When wielded against someone the wielder does not consider an enemy, however, attacks automatically miss and cannot induce any stress.
[-1] The Sword Is My Shield As a blade imbued with powerful magics, you may use the Weapons skill to defend against magical evocations, as well as ranged Weapons attacks, but not bullets.
[-2] The Bringer Of Death The Sword of Truth's power is such that those who recognize it will tread a little lightly, lest they find themselves on the wrong end of the blade. All social skills are rolled at +1, and Intimidation rolls in particular are made at +2.

Optional Additions
[-3] The Dance With Death Those who can master the sword may be able to unlock its secrets. By taking part in the Dance With Death, the wielder gains access to the skill of all its previous wielders, granting a +2 bonus to Weapons rolls to attack and defend.
[-2] The Power Of Love Only a True Seeker can truly master the sword's unrelenting anger and turn the blade white by using their love and forgiveness to fuel the blade's power. The wielder must change an aspect to reflect that this change has taken place, and from then on does not have to suffer the mental conflict that comes with killing. Additionally, The wielder may spend a Fate Point to remove the restriction listed under the My Enemies Cannot Stop Me trapping, and can successfully attack those it does not perceive as enemies.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 06, 2012, 02:46:21 AM
I think it needs work.

Master Your Anger isn't really a worthy rebate. It will only come into play when compelled and even when compelled it won't usually matter. This is better handled as an aspect.

I Am The Weapon is basically just a narrow Supernatural Sense with a random +1. I guess it's okay.

My Enemies Cannot Stop Me seems off. +3 stress for 3 refresh is not worth it. Ignoring armour generally isn't worth a fate point, unless that effect is supposed to be scene-long.

How often do you attack someone who isn't an enemy with a sword? I think that's better as a compel than as a part of the power.

The Sword Is My Shield is weak compared to Footwork.

The Bringer Of Death is okay, I guess, though I'd prefer a Marked By Power reflavour to a new power here.

The Dance With Death is basically True Aim, but more so. This is bad.

The Power Of Love looks really weak.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on February 06, 2012, 02:18:33 PM
I suppose that's what I get for trying to make it more accurate to the book series it's from than balanced for a game. Let's see what we can do...
Master Your Anger isn't really a worthy rebate. It will only come into play when compelled and even when compelled it won't usually matter. This is better handled as an aspect.
Hm...okay, how about lose the +1 discount, and to encourage it to happen more often, modify My Enemies Cannot Stop Me to have the ignore armor built in with the +3 to stress, but make it only activate when it's swung with intent to kill, and any Taken Out resulting from such an attack has to be fatal?

My Enemies Cannot Stop Me seems off. +3 stress for 3 refresh is not worth it. Ignoring armour generally isn't worth a fate point, unless that effect is supposed to be scene-long.

How often do you attack someone who isn't an enemy with a sword? I think that's better as a compel than as a part of the power.
Not often, granted. As I said, I was modeling this after the book series, where this is an explicit power of the sword--and it has other uses. For instance, in said book series, the main character uses the sword to lever/chop a slave collar off a captive with the sword, and is mainly able to do so because the power allows him to do so without risking cutting the captive.

The Sword Is My Shield is weak compared to Footwork.
I would add the bullets, but the intent of this power was that the wielder would be using the sword itself to deflect attacks, and while knives and other thrown weapons, and magic, would be easy enough to spot and deflect, bullets are another story.

The Bringer Of Death is okay, I guess, though I'd prefer a Marked By Power reflavour to a new power here.
Funny you say that, because I'd originally made it just straight Marked By Power, then added the extra -1 refresh to boost intimidation more. I'm fine with reverting it, though.

The Dance With Death is basically True Aim, but more so. This is bad.
How about making it -2, and only boosting each roll by 1 instead?

The Power Of Love looks really weak.
This probably falls under the 'important in the books, probably won't come up in a game much' category again. In the books, turning the blade white is one of those legendary things that mean the difference between the sword turning you into a burnt out husk of a man (the mental attacks from killing stacking up over the years) and the wielder mastering the sword completely and being immune. I made it at -2 refresh partly to overcome the +1 rebate from Master Your Anger, so I guess if I'm nixing that rebate, that'd be a -1 power instead, and probably shouldn't need the fate point to overcome the restriction (which, in game, I envisioned being a big, dramatic turnover--like if you had to use the sword to stop someone you loved from ending the world, sort of thing).
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 07, 2012, 08:56:50 PM
I suggest making the sword's various narrative oddities into Aspects. Things like "does not cut allies" tend to make clumsy powers.

Given that the Sword is magic, deflecting bullets seems plausible.

I'd just replace the Dance With Death with True Aim if I were you.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on February 07, 2012, 10:24:04 PM
Alright, I'll do a rewrite either later today or tomorrow. As for the Dance With Death, I'm a little more inclined to make it a +1 to defense if anything, since in the books that's how the main character was forced into it--he suddenly found himself having to defend actively instead of relying solely on the sword's ability to blow through any defenses to end fights quickly.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: admiralducksauce on February 14, 2012, 03:37:45 PM
Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire*.
[+2] The Catch: The artifact will not protect the owner against ambushes** from people they trust***. (+2 only protects against specific thing, +0 because only specific people will be in the owner's trust).

* Debating expanding "bullets" to be "projectiles".  Thoughts?
** A typical Ambush situation or at the very least spotting the ambush but losing initiative should allow the attack to bypass the Immunity.
*** Also debating dropping the "from people you trust".  I think the Catch would raise to a +4 discount then, because while it's not exactly researchable, anyone would potentially be able to bypass the Immunity.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on February 14, 2012, 06:26:00 PM
Alright, giving this another shot.

Description: A longsword with a straight, double-edged blade, a forward-curved cross-guard, and the word "TRUTH" in raised silver on the grip.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your position as the Seeker of Truth, appointed by the Senior Council.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons, social skills.
[-0] Purpose. This sword is the weapon of the Seeker of Truth, whose purpose is to serve as an arbitrator of truth, uncoverer of deceit, and, when need be, executioner of those who spread lies and destruction.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a permanently-sharp longsword, treated as Weapon:3 in normal circumstances.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[+0] Master Your Anger Every time the sword is used to kill, the wielder will endure a mental attack equal to 4 shifts, feeling the pain of their target as they die. If the kill is made in anger, the wielder may roll Discipline or Empathy to defend. If the insulating power of anger is not present, the wielder rolls from 0. Any mental consequences incurred have to reflect the sword's power corrupting the wielder. The first time the sword is used to kill, the mental attack is at 6 shifts, and if the defense fails, change one of your permanent aspects to reflect that you failed to control the Sword's power.
[+0] Perception Is Key The wielder will not be able to do any stress to someone he does not truly consider an enemy.
[-1] I Am The Weapon If the rightful wielder should ever be separated from the sword, they can "feel" its location instinctively. You may use your Lore skill at +1 to locate the sword.
[-3] My Enemies Cannot Stop Me Treat the sword as Weapon:6, and ignore armor ratings, but only when swung with intent to kill. Any Taken Out result from such an attack must be fatal, and will initiate a Compel of Master Your Anger.
[-1] The Sword Is My Shield As a blade imbued with powerful magics, you may use the Weapons skill to defend against magical evocations, as well as ranged attacks.
[-1] The Bringer Of Death The Sword of Truth's power is such that those who recognize it will tread a little lightly, lest they find themselves on the wrong end of the blade. All social skills are rolled at +1.

Optional Additions
[-1] The Dance With Death Those who can master the sword may be able to unlock its secrets. By taking part in the Dance With Death, the wielder gains access to the skill of all its previous wielders, granting a +1 bonus to defense rolls.
[-1] The Power Of Love Only a True Seeker can truly master the sword's unrelenting anger and turn the blade white by using their love and forgiveness to fuel the blade, rather than anger--most often because they have had to kill one they loved. This change may only occur after a Major Milestone or whichever climax the GM agrees is appropriate. The wielder must change an aspect to reflect that this change has taken place, and from then on does not have to suffer the mental conflict that comes with killing. This replaces Perception Is Key, and the wielder may choose to ignore the restriction of that aspect.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Vargo Teras on February 15, 2012, 01:07:45 AM
Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire*.
[+2] The Catch: The artifact will not protect the owner against ambushes** from people they trust***. (+2 only protects against specific thing, +0 because only specific people will be in the owner's trust).

* Debating expanding "bullets" to be "projectiles".  Thoughts?
** A typical Ambush situation or at the very least spotting the ambush but losing initiative should allow the attack to bypass the Immunity.
*** Also debating dropping the "from people you trust".  I think the Catch would raise to a +4 discount then, because while it's not exactly researchable, anyone would potentially be able to bypass the Immunity.
The Stacked Catch of "Everything except this one category of attacks" runs to +5 in all of the printed examples I've seen; limiting it to bullets is a much greater catch than the ambush loophole. If it protected against any attack of any kind, provided you weren't ambushed, that would make it a +2, where if it only could by bypassed by someone you trusted, that would be a +1.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: admiralducksauce on February 15, 2012, 01:28:24 AM
The Stacked Catch of "Everything except this one category of attacks" runs to +5 in all of the printed examples I've seen; limiting it to bullets is a much greater catch than the ambush loophole. If it protected against any attack of any kind, provided you weren't ambushed, that would make it a +2, where if it only could by bypassed by someone you trusted, that would be a +1.

Wow, I really bungled the Catch rules on that one.  I've never done a "protects against only one thing" Immunity before.  Thanks for the clarification.  I'd agree with your +5 Catch assessment, which would bring the final cost to -2.  +2 for only one specific attack, +2 because anyone can attack you with a non-firearm, and +1 because... well, I doubt people will know about it ahead of time, but I doubt that knowledge would be hidden away.

You could of course go with a powered-up version that DID protect against any attack except ambushes.  Then I think the +2 Catch would work fine.


Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire.
[+5] The Catch: +2 only protects against specific thing, +2 for prevalence of non-firearm attacks, +1 for it not being common knowledge.

[-3] You Ever Shoot a Man in the Back? This effectively upgrades the IoP to protect against all attacks except ambushes.  A typical Ambush situation or at the very least spotting the ambush but losing initiative should allow the attack to bypass the Immunity.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 15, 2012, 03:55:57 AM
@admiralducksauce: New version looks good. But why is the bullet that killed Billy magical?

@Mr. Death: I still don't think that Master Your Anger and Perception Is Key work as Powers. They're pretty textbook Aspect compels, I think. And charging Refresh to get rid of a +0 Power/Aspect the way The Power Of Love does is just bad.

Does The Dance With Death add to all defence rolls or just Weapons defence rolls?

I suggest making the fact that The Bringer Of Death is Marked By Power clearer. As-is, there appear to be slight differences.

I feel as though My Enemies Cannot Stop Me might go too far with the bonus stacking. I normally try to limit weapon rating additions that aren't from Strength to +2. But this is mainly personal preference.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on February 15, 2012, 04:20:51 AM
@Mr. Death: I still don't think that Master Your Anger and Perception Is Key work as Powers. They're pretty textbook Aspect compels, I think. And charging Refresh to get rid of a +0 Power/Aspect the way The Power Of Love does is just bad.
That's what I meant by having them be +0 powers, that they'd be aspects. As for The Power Of Love, I wanted it to be something that had a tangible cost so it wouldn't just be taken automatically. It's supposed to be a "big" change in the character who wields the sword. Do you have any suggestions?

Does The Dance With Death add to all defence rolls or just Weapons defence rolls?
Well, considering one of the sword's base trappings lets you use Weapons to defend against anything, does it make a difference? That said, yeah, it'd be for Weapons defense rolls.

I suggest making the fact that The Bringer Of Death is Marked By Power clearer. As-is, there appear to be slight differences.
Well, it has the same mechanical effect. I wanted the flavor text to reflect more that it's not so much a case of, "Well, if I attack this guy, his boss is going to be pissed," and more, "If I attack this guy, he can make me explode with his sword."

I feel as though My Enemies Cannot Stop Me might go too far with the bonus stacking. I normally try to limit weapon rating additions that aren't from Strength to +2. But this is mainly personal preference.
I figured it was balanced by constraining the wielder to only using the bonus to kill, and thus being compelled to take that Mental attack. And that feeds into why I gave The Power Of Love a refresh cost, because I figured removing that restriction should have some mechanical cost. Any suggestions how I might do it differently?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: admiralducksauce on February 15, 2012, 05:19:34 AM
@admiralducksauce: New version looks good. But why is the bullet that killed Billy magical?

Why not?  :)   I suppose it's more of an Unknown Armies or Lost Room take on things.  The bullet that killed a legend absorbed some of that power.  It's my take on a "magic bullet" that's not something you shoot at someone.  I like the idea of the Catch being "ambushes" (even thought it doesn't really apply to the lower-powered version as it stands now).  You could easily call it "Hickok's Folly" for much the same reason - a legend killed by a bushwhacking.  I like magic items that tie back to newer things than Mjolnir, you know?  George Washington's sword from upthread is a great example.  And I like the irony that the "It Is What It Is" feature is completely useless.  It's not a sword or even a hat, it's just this dumb chunk of lead.  Incredibly easy to overlook, but incredibly useful in the right situation.  Put it in a breast pocket and it's an IoP-equivalent for all those lucky decks of cards, pocket Bibles, and flasks that somehow manage to stop bullets in movies.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 16, 2012, 06:13:02 AM
@Mr. Death

That's what I meant by having them be +0 powers, that they'd be aspects. As for The Power Of Love, I wanted it to be something that had a tangible cost so it wouldn't just be taken automatically. It's supposed to be a "big" change in the character who wields the sword. Do you have any suggestions?

A +0 Power is not the same as an aspect. A +0 Power does not get compelled, it just does what it does.

Not getting Fate Points every time you kill a dude is a good cost for The Power Of Love.

Well, considering one of the sword's base trappings lets you use Weapons to defend against anything, does it make a difference? That said, yeah, it'd be for Weapons defense rolls.

It makes a difference. Because as written, it helps your Rapport defence against Intimidation and your Discipline defence against Incite Emotion.

You may want to consider upgrading it; it compares unfavourably to True Aim.

Well, it has the same mechanical effect. I wanted the flavor text to reflect more that it's not so much a case of, "Well, if I attack this guy, his boss is going to be pissed," and more, "If I attack this guy, he can make me explode with his sword."

The mechanical effect of Marked By Power is slightly different because it a) only works on people in the supernatural community and b) is really hard to conceal and c) has a narrative drawback.

I figured it was balanced by constraining the wielder to only using the bonus to kill, and thus being compelled to take that Mental attack. And that feeds into why I gave The Power Of Love a refresh cost, because I figured removing that restriction should have some mechanical cost. Any suggestions how I might do it differently?

It's probably okay as is, I'm just being a grumbleguts.

If you want to change it, I suggest reducing the cost by 1 and the stress boost by 2.


Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: grimward on February 24, 2012, 05:16:37 AM
Let me know what you guys think.

Retribution and Reprisal, the Twin Blades of Just Vengeance [-1]

[-0] It Is What It Is- A pair of single edged machetes (when used together function as Weapon:3). Angelic script can be seen faintly etched into the blades if the light and angle are just so.
[-0] Unbreakable
[+2] One Time Discount- They're a pair of 2 foot machetes.
[-1] Holy- Blessed in the River Jordan and forged using a hallowed ritual, the blades are a powerful holy symbol in their own right. Their very touch is like holy water or that of a cross or other symbol of faith, backed by the belief of the user. (Can satisfy the catch of some creatures toughness/recovery powers)
[-1] Gift of the Holy Spirit- Increase the weapon rating of your machetes by two by filling in one mental stress box, this lasts for a number of exchanges equal to the value of the stress box you've filled in.
[-1] The Righteous are Kept by Him-  By interposing the Blades between the wielder and an attack, the wielder can deflect it as if the sword were an impenetrable barrier. They may use their weapons skill as defense vs all physical attacks and maneuvers that aren't indirect and mental attacks and maneuvers that require specific targeting or touch. I.e. the Blades could defend against a white court vampire's emotion-manipulating touch or a blast of fire magic but not against  poison gas or a fear aura.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 24, 2012, 08:01:45 PM
Pretty solid, maybe a touch underpowered.

I've been wondering lately about whether Holy could be included in It Is What It Is.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: SkyGM on February 25, 2012, 01:40:22 AM
Pretty solid, maybe a touch underpowered.

I've been wondering lately about whether Holy could be included in It Is What It Is.

I don't see why you couldn't. I mean a sword of the cross has the attribute Holy but if you took that away you can't get away from the fact that it is a Holy weapon. Even if you took away the spiritual and magical forces behind it, the sword would still be an item with a relic that would be considered Holy to any one of church faith. That alone would give it enough power to be Holy
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 25, 2012, 02:56:31 AM
Yeah, it does make sense.

But Holy is a valuable thing and it might be best to make it cost Refresh.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: polkaneverdies on February 25, 2012, 04:01:11 AM
It is worth the refresh because it is a supernatural effect that impacts a large swathe of the bad guy population. Simply  calling something the "Star of David's asskickery" shouldn't grant it a supernatural ability to satisfy catches anymore than my "sword of sunshine " would unless I paid the refresh.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on February 25, 2012, 04:58:40 AM
Here are a few Items of Power, based on real world mythology:

Kusanagi, -1
[-0] It is what it is: A Sword, pretty simple. Weapons: 3
[-0] Unbreakable.
[+2] One Time Discount: Swords are noticable.
[-2] Channelling: Air
[-1] Invisible Edge: You may use Weapons to Control Air Spells.
The sword gained its name from the warrior Yamato Takeru, who was ambushed in a field of grass that was set ablaze. When he swung the blade, he found it allowed him to control the direction the wind blowed with each swing. Using this power, he was able to send the fire back at his ambusher, and gave it the name "Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi", or "The Grass Cutting Sword"

Notes: While in-universe Kusanagi's powers have been spoken for as a Sword of the Cross, I decided to make this in case someone wanted to have a non-Dresden Files setting, but still draw on myth and mythology. Same for Excalibur and it's Scabbard Below.

Excalibur -1
[-0] It is what it is: A Sword, pretty simple. Weapons: 3
[-0] Unbreakable.
[+2] One Time Discount: Swords are noticable
[-1] Marked By Power: It is more a symbol of Arthur's right to rule than a weapon.
[-1] Mantle of the King: You may use Weapons to applies Aspects relating to your Authority.

Excalibur's Scabbard -2
[-0] It is what it is: A Scabbard, swords go inside it
[-0] Unbreakable.
[+2] One Time Discount: Swords are noticeable, as are Scabbards
[-2] Inhuman Recovery: Wounds given to those who used Excalibur where said not to bleed.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness: Whoever owned the Scabbard was said to be protected against harm.

Notes: Again, while Excalibur and Kusanagi have more or less been spoken for in-universe, this is the version that's based on a more literal taking of the myths.

Seal of Solomon -1
[-0] It is what it is: A Ring, a snazzy one at that.
[-0] Unbreakable.
[+1] One Time Discount: Rings are small.
[-2] Divination: Said to be a gift to Solomon from god, it allowed him to call forth angelic spirits as advisors or to answer questions. While the spirits will try to answer the questions as best they can, they are ultimately still unwilling or unable to affect the process of Mortal Free Will, and thus may only give cryptic hints instead.

Optional: -1 Holy Touch: It's a gift from God, why do you think this is here?

Notes: There are actually several versions of the Seal of Solomon, I went with the one where it was a gift form God. I also was unsure if it should be Summoning and Binding or Divination, but since it's ultimate purpose was to answer questions and provide knowledge, I went with Divination. The Holy Touch Ability is there because, well, lets face it; if you give a player a ring that was a gift from God, then you know he's going to want to punch a Vampire in the face with it and claim it satisfies it's Catch sooner or later.

Shoes of Vidar -0
[-0] It is what it is: A set of unbeatable shoes
[-0] Unbreakable.
[+2] One Time Discount: Shoes are visible.
Thats... Thats it really. The God Vidar basically had a really awesome set of Shoes that were 'unparalleled'. Kinda drew the short end of the stick for that.

Notes: This one is here just because not every mythological item had awesome powers. Some were pretty tame. But then again, a clever player could figure out how to get an advantage out of an unbeatable set of shoes.

The Book of Thoth -2
[-0] It is what it is: A book, it's pretty old, be careful with it.
[-0] Unbreakable. Or not.
[+1] One Time Discount: It's a book, not hard to hide.
[-3] Thaumaturgy: Said to contain knowledge of a vast array of Spells and Enchantments.

Notes: Wanted something that wasn't a weapon, you would be surprised at how hard that is to find.

The Tablets of Destiny - 5
[-0] It is what it is: A Tablet made of stone, it's pretty old, be careful with it.
[-0] Unbreakable. Or not.
[+2] One Time Discount: Big stone tablet, pretty obvious.
[-2] Reality Warper
Sculpt Reality. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations, maneuvers, and blocks related to the nature of the local reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Offensive Sculpting. You may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make Weapon 0 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power, although you suffer a -2 penalty to do so.
Improved Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon 2. Furthermore, you need take only a -1 penalty to attack a zone with Offensive Sculpting.
Powerful Sculpting [-1]. Your Offensive Sculpting attacks are now treated as Weapon 4, and any scene aspect you place with Sculpt Reality is automatically made Sticky. Furthermore, you need not take any penalty to attack a zone with Offensive Sculpting.
Counter-Conceptual Interposition [-1]. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.
Reality Binding [-1]. You may use this power to grapple targets within your line of sight, using the normal grappling rules to do so. Substitute your Discipline skill for your Might skill when grappling someone this way.
Create Hazard [-1]. When attacking a zone with this power, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.

Alright, here is what I have so far. I would include more, but it's almost 11PM where I am, and my brain needs rest.

Not that I'm going to bed any time soon...  8)

EDIT: Changes made based on feedback.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 25, 2012, 06:44:38 AM
@polka: Yeah, but on the other hand, would you make someone pay refresh for a sword that's just Holy and that's all?

@JayTee: I have lots of quibbles.

1. Gungnir's Never Miss effect is a universally-stacking accuracy bonus. Grr.

2. Always Kill is vague and might be really overpowered depending on how it works. Plus it doesn't actually kill all that well against your average's still only weapon 3ish.

3. Isn't Gungnir supposed to be able to rig the results of a battle?

4. You can get an auto-kill by allowing uncapped debt invokes on attacks with Gungnir.

5. I think that an IoP sword ought to be weapon 3. Otherwise they're often inferior to normal weapons, which is just lame.

6. Kusanagi has a spare point...why not spend it on a stunt to control the air spells with Weapons?

7. I thought that Excalibur was supposed to shine blindingly and kill hundreds with a swing.

8. Toughness of some kind would fit the scabbard. And a Catch would be good.

9. What does Holy Divination do?

10. There are ways to model the Tablets Of Destiny, if you're interested in trying.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on February 25, 2012, 07:03:25 AM
1: Why is this bad?

2: It's basically All Are Equal Before God on steroids and crack. Equal Before God lets you ignore Toughness powers and natural armor. Always Kills Ignores everything that could possibly give you a defense bonus beyond your normal Alertness/Endurance/Athletics Skills. And you're right on the Weapons 3, I feel I should up that to 5 or something.

3: You're right, but I wasn't sure how to model that, so I just turned it in to a Spear on steroids and crack.

4: There is no debt, not that I am aware of, just a Spear on steroids and crack.

5: Fair enough, I'll change it up.

6: Also a good idea.

7: It was either Marked By Power, which could be Invoked for Effect, or a Power that basically turned a sword in to a giant flashlight. Marked By Power seemed like a better choice. And I don't remember anything about killing hundreds with a single swing, I think that's limited to the Anime version on Fate/Stay Night.

8: I remember another variant explicitly stating that it healed wounds, so I went with that. But you're right, I forgot the catch.

9: Basically just regular Divination, but with Angels providing you the intel.

10: There are ways to model omnipotence? Do tell!
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 25, 2012, 10:59:32 PM
2. If I have a stunt letting me dodge with a nonstandard skill, then does this make me use Athletics/Weapons/Fists instead? If so, how does that make sense?

4. My point was that you could obtain an actual "always kill" effect by letting the user take 100 sponsor debt to boost each attack.

7,8. Why not do both?

9. Then why does it cost 4?

10. You can do anything with Thaumaturgy or Declarations. Some sort of Sponsored Magic could work, as could worldwide Demesne. I also have a Reality Warper custom power that might be somewhat suitable here (,22976.msg1316214.html#msg1316214).
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on February 25, 2012, 11:34:56 PM
2: No, you can use a non-standard skill to dodge (Lore for precognition, for example), but you wont gain any bonuses from a stunt that gives you a +2 to to dodge.

4: Where is this Sponsor Debt coming from? From my perspective I've just made a really powerful Spear, am I missing something?

7,8: I don't have any inherent problem with allowing both, except for the whole 'killing hundreds with a single swing' effect, I could give the sword a Stunt that lets it applies the aspect "bedazzled" to people, or something. It just seems like a waste of refresh (for the sword) or redundant (For the scabbard)

9: Because you don't have to go through the Thaumaturgy steps for regular Divination, just snap your fingers and you have an Angel who can answer your questions.

10: I'll check those over and come up with a better version then, thanks!
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 26, 2012, 12:09:40 AM
2. The more I think about this the less I like it. It just doesn't make much sense to me that dodging skill from a stunt is somehow different from normal dodging skill.

4. Nowhere. Sponsor debt doesn't really need a source.

7. It wouldn't actually cost refresh to give the sword a stunt, since it hasn't used its whole discount.

8. How is it redundant?

9. You still need to cast spells normally when using Sponsored Magic.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Silverblaze on February 26, 2012, 12:17:16 AM
The scabbard of excalibur should not grant recovery but Physical immunity to blades.

Kusanagi and Exalibur are already swords of the cross.  (Cannon)
Otherwise do as you will with them.

The spear likely shouldn't defy size powers.

Lets see the Holy Grail written up?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on February 26, 2012, 01:23:08 AM
@ Sanctaphrax, Changes Made:

Scrapped Gungnir, disappointed that it didn't work out, but meh, not my problem.

Boosted the Weapons value of all the swords to 3.

Added extra effects to Excalibur and it's scabbard.

Changed Solomon's Seal to regular Divination.

Added Reality Warper to Tablet of Destiny instead, hope you don't mind that I did a straight copy/pasta.

@Silverblaze: Arthur got himself killed in one ending of the Myth, so Physical Immunity doesn't really fit.

I know those swords are spoken for, heck, in my mind every sword in every mythology that was a gift from heaven was once a Sword of the Cross, these are just a more literal taking of the myths, not Canon.  :D

The Holy Grail, depending on how far back you go, didn't do anything other than "Catch the Blood of Christ" or Cure all wounds and provide unlimited food. So I would go with Mythic Recovery and an Aspect relating to your character never having to worry about foodstuffs.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ways and means on February 26, 2012, 03:50:05 AM
Caliburn (AKA The Lady of the Lakes Excalibur )  [-6]
It is what it is: A Sword of manifold power bound in iron and inscribed with fairy runes by the Lady of the Lake a Fairy/Elemental of tremendous power and a sponsor of knights. (it is not the same sword as Ammoracius the Sword that the First Merlin buried in a stone for the sake of proving Arthur was King.)  Weapons: 3

[-0] Unbreakable.
[+2] One Time Discount: Swords are noticeable
[-1] Marked By Power: It is more a symbol of Arthur's right to rule and the blessing of the Earth.
[-5] Radiant Light of Heaven
During the daylight you can use the sword of Justice to shine the divine light of Heaven upon a field, this counts as a weapon block with weapons on all 'evil' actions within 5 zones of the sword.
Cut-Steel [-1]: Caliburn is impossibly sharp and strong (+2 to weapons rating) when used to cleave another sword in two (manoeuvre) you can add Caliburn's weapon rating to the roll.
[-1] True Aim: When acting as a king or a knight.

Caliburn's Sheath [-8]
The Sheath of Caliburn it provides the protection of the earth to its owner who can not be harmed whilst he holds on to it. Caliburn's sheath was stolen from Arthur by his sister Morgan and has since past from owner to owner.
[+2] Obvious item of Power (Assuming the owner does not have both sword and sheath).
[-0] Unbreakable.
Physical Immunity [-8]
Catch of +0 [Power that Transcends the Lady of the Lake's or the Lady herself]. (Elder Dragons, Fae Queens, Mothers and Arch Angels etc).

Gáe Buide and Gáe Derg [-5]
It is what it is: A long spear and a short spear once wielded by the Gaelic Hero Diarmuid it is said wounds caused by these spears will never heal. Weapons 3
[+2] Obvious item of Power
[-6] Infinitesimally Slow Healing: Consequences caused by these spears heal as if they were three ranks more severe than they are. (minor to extreme). 
[-1] True Aim: When the Spears are wielded together.

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: admiralducksauce on February 27, 2012, 12:19:13 PM
From my group's latest session:

Description: A grimy, tarnished metal compass stained by centuries of use.
Effects: The Covetous Compass has no Refresh cost, as it can only be used once by any given person. To use the artifact, the wielder must spend a FP to invoke one of their Aspects. In essence, the Compass acts as a very specific, powerful implementation of invoking for effect. Because it requires a suitable Aspect, the Compass is limited to searching for things that are somehow important to the wielder. Upon activation, the Compass will point unerringly to the desired object, person, or place. It will point to its target until the wielder finds what they are looking for, at which point the Compass behaves like a normal compass. The Compass will always point to its current owner’s target, even if the Compass changes owners or is activated multiple times. If it is returned to a previous owner, it will point to that owner’s desire. If the wielder makes a truly impossible request, the GM should refund the FATE Point.

It’s a powerful item but it’s inherently limited, much like how Supernatural’s Colt originally only had 13 bullets. It's also not really an Item of Power, in the sense of something to add to your character. It's more of a "plot device with rules attached".

Description: This 19th century cavalry sword is poorly kept, its blade pitted and stained as if the blood it has spilled has eaten into the metal.  It has killed innocent women and children, and the sword gives off a greasy, dark feeling to arcane senses.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a Weapon:2* cavalry saber.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It’s a sword. It’s only concealable if you’re into Civil War reenactment.
[-2] Army of One. Custer’s Saber grants a +1 to Weapons when the wielder is personally outnumbered in melee; that is, when more than 1 person attacks them in close combat in any given exchange. This bonus increases to +2 if three or more people are attacking the wielder, and increases to a maximum of +3 when four or more people engage the wielder.

Feel free to adjust the bonus tiers as you see fit, or change the conditions under which they apply. You may feel it appropriate for the saber to count enemies who are directly attacking the wielder, or expand the concept of “outnumbered” to include anyone who the wielder considers hostile in that scene. If you do, I highly recommend raising the number of enemies needed to increase the sword’s bonus.

*In my games, one-handed swords are Weapon:2. Change the Weapon value to whatever suits your game.

Description: These sparkly red slippers adjust their size to fit anyone and are comfortable during long walks.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. They’re slippers, just like Dorothy wore.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The slippers, while rather gaudy, aren’t an obvious weapon.
[-2] Worldwalker. The Ruby Slippers grant the Worldwalker power to the wearer.

This one’s pretty simple. Worldwalker can be pretty useful in the right campaign or in the right character’s hands, though, it’s just a matter of how embarrassing it is to go around in sparkly red slippers.

Description: A piece of greenish-hued desert glass, roughly fashioned into a short blade. Tape is wrapped around one end to make a workmanlike grip. It’s more a shiv than a knife, really. The glass is radioactive but is generally safe to handle.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It’s a Weapon:1 shiv knapped from the glass from the Trinity atomic test site.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Trinitite Knife is easy to conceal, even through metal detectors.
[-3] If You Encounter God, God Will Be Cut. The radioactive glass that forms the blade is imbued with some sort of power. It’s not explicitly magical, it’s not powered by faith, but it is extremely potent against inhuman victims. Spend a FP and for the rest of the scene, the Knife ignores the target’s supernatural defensive abilities and powers (generally acting as the Catch for Toughness and Recovery powers). Mundane armor applies normally.

[-1] It’s The Only Way to be Sure. The Knife no longer requires a FP to be spent in order to activate “If You Encounter God, God Will Be Cut”.

In my campaign, I’m toying with the idea of radioactivity having an effect on magic similar to what magic does to technology. The atom bomb is a significant thing, and to me nukes have always been the purview of humanity in genre fiction. Even the unfortunately-canceled HBO series Carnivale attributed great importance to the atomic bomb (if you read up on what they planned for future seasons), Trinity in particular.

Also, I love the Colt from Supernatural and I wanted something that could fill that role without being a complete ripoff.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: admiralducksauce on February 27, 2012, 12:29:33 PM
[-6] Infinitesimally Slow Healing: Consequences caused by these spears heal as if they were three ranks more severe than they are. (minor to extreme). 

So what happens if you take a moderate consequence from this? Do they all just take 3 sessions to recover? If so, it could be written as "all consequences inflicted by these weapons are treated as Extreme for the purposes of recovery".

I don't like this so much, but it's not a points-balance issue. The fact is, NPC consequences don't matter that much. You stick a bad guy for a severe consequence and nobody cares how long it takes for them to heal. But if a PC has a mild consequence that's going to stick around for session after session, that's a pain in the ass. I think it would negatively impact enjoyment of the game. Which feels strange to say, because if it was just a ridiculous Weapon value you'd almost get the same thing but it wouldn't bother me as much.  Maybe this power hits my "cheatery" buttons.

I'd be a little more amenable to it treating all inflicted consequences as Severe for recovery, but only just. Maybe with an extra rider that states the spears count as the Catch for all Recovery powers.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on February 28, 2012, 12:02:40 AM
Alright, one more go...

Description: A longsword with a straight, double-edged blade, a forward-curved cross-guard, and the word "TRUTH" in raised silver on the grip.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your position as the Seeker of Truth, appointed by the Senior Council.
Master Your Anger Every time the sword is used to kill, the wielder will endure a mental attack equal to 4 shifts, feeling the pain of their target as they die. If the kill is made in anger, the wielder may roll Discipline or Empathy to defend. If the insulating power of anger is not present, the wielder rolls from 0. Any mental consequences incurred have to reflect the sword's power overpowering the wielder. The first time the sword is used to kill, the mental attack is at 6 shifts, and if the defense fails, change one of your permanent aspects to reflect that you failed to control the rage fueling the Sword's power.
Perception Is Key The wielder will not be able to do any stress to someone he does not truly consider an enemy.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons, social skills.
[-0] Purpose. This sword is the weapon of the Seeker of Truth, whose purpose is to serve as an arbitrator of truth, uncoverer of deceit, and, when need be, executioner of those who spread lies and destruction.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a permanently-sharp longsword, treated as Weapon:3 in normal circumstances.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[-1] I Am The Weapon If the rightful wielder should ever be separated from the sword, they can "feel" its location instinctively. You may use your Lore skill at +1 to locate the sword.
[-3] My Enemies Cannot Stop Me Treat the sword as Weapon:6, and ignore armor ratings, but only when swung with intent to kill. Any Taken Out result from such an attack must be fatal, and will initiate a Compel of Master Your Anger.
[-1] The Sword Is My Shield As a blade imbued with powerful magics, you may use the Weapons skill to defend against any physical attack.
[-1] The Bringer Of Death The Sword of Truth's power is such that those in the Supernatural world who recognize it will tread a little lightly, lest they find themselves on the wrong end of the blade. All social skills are rolled at +1.

Optional Additions
[-1] The Dance With Death Those who can master the sword may be able to unlock its secrets. By taking part in the Dance With Death, the wielder gains access to the skill of all its previous wielders, granting a +2 bonus to defense rolls against physical attacks.
The Power Of Love Only a True Seeker can truly master the sword's unrelenting anger and turn the blade white by using their love and forgiveness to fuel the blade, rather than anger--most often because they have had to kill one they loved. This change may only occur after a Major Milestone or whichever climax the GM agrees is appropriate. The wielder must change an aspect to reflect that this change has taken place, and from then on does not have to suffer the mental conflict that comes with killing. This replaces Perception Is Key, and the wielder may choose to ignore the restriction of that aspect.

And a new one...
Description: An amulet of bright orange, yellow, and red in the shape of a bird taking flight, with a ruby set in the center.
Musts: You must have an aspect justifying your possession of the item, such as EMISSARY OF THE PHOENIX, or THROUGH FIRE I LIVE AGAIN.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] Purpose. The amulet is given to those who have gained the favor of the Phoenix, and protects them from death.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a fashionable amulet, worn around the neck.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. As a small item, it can be hidden, but is clearly special to those who see it.
[+1] Through Flames Reborn (based on Human Form): The healing abilities of the amulet will only activate when the bearer is bathed in natural flame. Direct magical flames will not trigger the effects (though a fire set through magic may), and the amount of fire needed scales with the severity of the consequence: a Mild Consequence may require little more than sticking your hand into a fireplace, while a Severe Consequence, requires total immersion for a significant duration of time. Recovering from death, total immolation.
[-4] Really Amazingly Fast Recovery: You may recover from all physical consequences before the beginning of the next scene after proper treatment (sustained flame) is applied.

Edit: Had to fix some of my math on the Sword of Truth.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Harboe on February 28, 2012, 08:46:01 PM
Pocketwatch of Fate [-1]
[-0] Purpose. This watch is a tool of the Fates, beings who've been known by such names as Norns, Moirai, Parcace amongst others, which they use to instruct their mortal agents on what needs to be done to protect the integrity of the Grand Design.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a golden pocketwatch on a chain. It never loses time or needs winding.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except at the bidding of the Fates themselves.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A pocketwatch is easy to hide.
[+0] Cassandra's Tears. While the watch occasionally gives actual visions, more commonly its user opens it to find a folded note inside it with a cryptic message on it written in the readers native tongue.
[-1] Guide My Hand. By trusting the Fates to deliver you to your proper destination, you succeed by "luck" rather than skill.
[-1] Marked By Power. The item marks the bearer as an agent of the Fates and those who recognize it will treat the bearer with the respect befitting for such an agent.
[+0] Wizard's Constitution. While bearing the watch, the bearer does not age and may recover from any physical injury with no other excuse than time, as his body knits back together. Of course, Extreme Consequences, even once the physical injury is healed remain traumatic events that may haunt the person for years after.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ways and means on March 06, 2012, 07:20:26 PM
The Babylonian Grimoire [-6]
It is what is is: A massive tome (big old book) created by antediluvian sorcery, it has within its pages hundreds of powers and abilities stolen from their owners by dark magic.
+2 Obvious Item of Power
[-8] Modular Abilities (6 modular abilities points) 
Powers can be gained by reading the book and after use stored until they are needed again. The book cannot grant more than 6 refresh worth of powers at any one time.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 07, 2012, 04:20:05 AM
I like that one.

Sorry that the list update is taking so long, everyone. I'm going to try and get it done by Sunday.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on March 07, 2012, 06:12:15 PM
I like that one.

Sorry that the list update is taking so long, everyone. I'm going to try and get it done by Sunday.
Don't sweat it, man. We all know we all have other stuff to do.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 12, 2012, 04:02:24 AM
Had to take some artistic liberties with the compilation. If you don't like what I did to your item or someone else's, please say so and I'll see what I can do.

Description: A magical sword that controls the air. It gained its name from the warrior Yamato Takeru, who was ambushed in a field of grass that was set ablaze. When he swung the blade, he found that it allowed him to control the direction the wind blew with each swing. Using this power, he was able to send the fire back at his ambusher, and gave the sword the name "Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi", or "The Grass Cutting Sword".
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: In Dresdenverse canon, Kusanagi is almost certainly a Sword Of The Cross. This is not that Kusanagi.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction, Lore
[-0] It Is What It Is. Kusanagi is an excellent katana. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Kusanagi is a full-sized katana and therefore quite noticeable.
[-2] Channelling (Air). Kusanagi controls the winds.
[-1] Invisible Edge. The wielder of Kusanagi may use Weapons in place of Discipline to control spells cast with its Channelling power.

Description: The Fates, beings who've been known by such names as Norns, Moirai, and Parcace amongst others, created this watch in order to instruct their mortal agents about what must be done to protect the integrity of their Grand Design.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Conviction, social skills
[-0] Purpose. This watch is a tool of the Fates, and functions only in accordance with their Grand Design.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a golden pocketwatch on a chain. It never loses time or needs winding.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except at the bidding of the Fates themselves.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A pocketwatch is easy to hide.
[+0] Cassandra's Tears. While the watch occasionally gives actual visions, more commonly its user opens it to find a folded note inside it with a cryptic message on it written in the reader's native tongue.
[-1] Guide My Hand. By trusting the Fates to deliver you to your proper destination, you succeed by "luck" rather than by skill.
[-1] Marked By Power. The item marks the bearer as an agent of the Fates and those who recognize it will treat the bearer with the respect befitting such an agent.
[+0] Wizard's Constitution. The bearer of this watch does not age and may recover from any physical injury with no other excuse than time, as their body knits back together. Of course, even once the physical injury is healed, really bad wounds remain traumatic events that may haunt a person for years after.

Description: These sparkly red slippers adjust their size to fit anyone and are comfortable during long walks. Dorothy wore slippers much like these ones during The Wizard Of Oz.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Investigation, Survival
[-0] It Is What It Is. They’re slippers, just like Dorothy wore.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, these slippers cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes their nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The slippers, while rather gaudy, aren’t an obvious weapon. And you could hide them in a small bag without much trouble.
[-2] Worldwalker. The Ruby Slippers allow their user to travel between worlds. Saying “there's no place like home” when moving from the Nevernever to Earth is traditional, but not necessary.

Description: In ancient Babylon, there was once a dark sorcerer who stole the powers of others and trapped those powers in a book with his antediluvian wizardry. This is that book.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a book. Very large, very old.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Babylonian Tome is huge and won't fit into a normal bookbag. It's quite difficult to hide.
[-8] Modular Abilities. By reading The Babylonian Tome, one can access the powers contained within. Players and GMs should work together to determine what powers the book contains. No more than 6 Refresh worth of contained powers may be accessed at any given time.

Description: The bullet that killed Billy the Kid. Nobody is exactly sure why, but it has magic powers.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a bullet recovered from a corpse, just a misshapen lump of lead.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Bonney's Bane is a tiny item and is easily concealed on one's person.
[-8] Physical Immunity: Those who hold Bonney's Bane are immune to gunfire unless ambushed.
[+5] The Catch: But if its holder is ambushed or attacked with something other than a gun, it's just a lump of lead.
[-3] You Ever Shoot a Man in the Back? With this upgrade, Bonney's Bane protects against all non-ambush attacks. Not just from gunfire.

Description: The shoes of the god Vidar are unparalleled. No footwear could possibly match them.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: None
[-0] It Is What It Is. They are shoes. The best shoes.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+0] One-Time Discount. Vidar's Shoes provide no discount because they don't cost anything.

Description: The legendary sword of King Arthur and the symbol of his divine right to rule.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: In Dresden Files canon, The Sword In The Stone is almost certainly a Sword Of The Cross. However, it is not entirely certain whether The Sword In The Stone was the same sword that Arthur received from The Lady Of The Lake. If it was not, then this is the sword that The Lady gave Arthur.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose: Excalibur exists to make its bearer into a great king. It will not function for a character who acts unkingly.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a weapon 5 longsword of extremely high quality. It's sharp enough to cut steel.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount.
[-1] Marked By Power. Excalibur is a symbol of the divine right to rule.
[-1] Mantle Of The King. Excalibur can be used to make maneuvers and blocks related to kingship, authority, and defence against evil with the Weapons skill.
[-1] True Aim. As long as the bearer of Excalibur acts in a manner befitting a King or a Knight, that bearer receives a +1 bonus to their Weapons skill.
[-1] Cut-Steel. Excalibur provides a +3 bonus to any Weapons maneuver that makes use of its extraordinary sharpness.

Description: Excalibur is much more famous than its scabbard, but the scabbard is if anything more powerful. It provides the protection of the earth to its owner. It was stolen from Arthur long ago, and since then it has passed from owner to owner.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a scabbard. It can be used to hold a sword the size and shape of Excalibur.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Scabbards are as large as the swords they hold and therefore quite difficult to hide.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. Wounds given to those who wore Excalibur's Scabbard were said not to bleed.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. Whoever owned the Scabbard was said to be protected against harm.
[+0] The Catch (The Lady Of The Lake). The power of Excalibur's Scabbard comes from The Lady Of The Lake, and against her it is useless. At the GM's discretion, other beings of similar power might also bypass the effects of the Scabbard.
[-5] Physical Immunity. The exact limits of the protection provided by Excalibur's Scabbard are not known, and they might well be nearly infinite.

Description: This 19th century cavalry sword is poorly kept, its blade pitted and stained as if the blood it has spilled has eaten into the metal.  It has killed innocent women and children, and the sword gives off a greasy, dark feeling to arcane senses.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a cavalry saber. Despite its damaged appearance, it's significantly more deadly than your average one-handed saber. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a sword. It's only concealable if you're into Civil War reenactment.
[-3] Army of One. Custer's Saber grants a +1 to Weapons when the wielder is personally outnumbered in melee; that is, when more than 1 person attacks them in close combat in any given exchange. This bonus increases to +2 if three or more people are attacking the wielder, and increases to a maximum of +3 when four or more people engage the wielder.

Description: There was once a wise and holy king known as Solomon. He was aided in his rulership by a wondrous ring that he received as a gift from God. That ring allowed him to summon angelic advisers, making it easy for him to become a byword for wisdom.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Conviction, Discipline
[-0] Purpose. Solomon's Seal will not function if its bearer does not do the bidding of God with wisdom and compassion.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring. A pretty snazzy one.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Rings are small and easy to conceal.
[-2] Ritual (Divination). This ring allows its wearer to call forth angelic spirits as advisers or to answer questions. While the spirits will try to answer the questions as best they can, they are ultimately still unwilling or unable to affect the process of Mortal Free Will, and thus they may often only give cryptic hints.
[-1] Holy Touch. As a gift from God, Solomon's Seal is obviously holy. Its touch is like that of a Knight Of The Cross.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 12, 2012, 04:03:23 AM

Description: Revenge is generally frowned upon by the righteous, but there are exceptions. These holy blades exist to carry out those exceptions.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The blades exist to carry out justified vengeance. If their bearer rejects this purpose, they will not function.
[-0] It Is What It Is. They are a pair of single edged machetes. When used together they are weapon 3. Angelic script can be seen faintly etched into the blades if the light and angle are just so.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One Time Discount.- They're a pair of 2 foot machetes. Not easy to hide.
[-2] Holy Blades. These are holy weapons; their touch is like that of holy water. In addition to satisfying catches of Holy, they inflict 3 additional stress to creatures that have such catches. Furthermore, their touch may justify compels upon the High Concepts of the unholy.
[-1] The Righteous are Kept by Him-  The blades form an impenetrable barrier when held defensively, allowing the bearer to use his Weapons skill for the defence trapping of the Athletics skill.

Description: A longsword with a straight, double-edged blade, a forward-curved cross-guard, and the word "TRUTH" in raised silver on the grip. The magical weapon of the Seeker Of Truth.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your position as the Seeker of Truth, appointed by the Senior Council.
Master Your Anger Killing with The Sword Of Truth incurs psychological stress. Its wielders often suffer mental attacks or forced aspect changes after using it to kill.
Perception Is Key The Sword Of Truth will not harm anyone that the wielder does not truly consider an enemy.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Empathy, Weapons, social skills.
[-0] Purpose. This sword is the weapon of the Seeker of Truth, whose purpose is to serve as an arbitrator of truth, uncoverer of deceit, and, when need be, executioner of those who spread lies and destruction.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a permanently-sharp longsword, treated as weapon 3 in normal circumstances.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This item is not easy to hide.
[-1] I Am The Weapon If the rightful wielder should ever be separated from the sword, they can "feel" its location instinctively. You may use your Lore skill at +1 to locate the sword.
[-3] My Enemies Cannot Stop Me Treat the sword as weapon 6, and ignore armor ratings when swinging it with intent to kill. Any Taken Out result from such an attack must be fatal.
[-1] The Sword Is My Shield As the wielder of a blade imbued with powerful magics, you may use the Weapons skill to defend against any physical attack.
[-1] The Bringer Of Death The Sword of Truth's power is such that those in the Supernatural world who recognize it will tread a little lightly, lest they find themselves on the wrong end of the blade. All social skills are rolled at +1 against those who recognize The Sword Of Truth.
[-1] The Dance With Death Those who can master the sword may be able to unlock its secrets. By taking part in the Dance With Death, the wielder of the sword gains access to the skill of all of the sword's previous wielders. This provides a +2 bonus to Weapons defence rolls.
[-0] The Power Of Love Only a True Seeker can truly master the sword's unrelenting anger and turn the blade white by using their love and forgiveness to fuel the blade, rather than anger--most often because they have had to kill one they loved. This change may only occur after a Major Milestone or whichever climax the GM agrees is appropriate. The wielder must change an aspect to reflect that this change has taken place, and from then on does not have to suffer the mental conflict that comes with killing. This replaces the Perception Is Key aspect with the The Power Of Love aspect.

Description: An amulet of bright orange, yellow, and red in the shape of a bird taking flight, with a ruby set in the centre. It contains some of the power of the Phoenix.
Musts: You must have an aspect justifying your possession of the item, such as EMISSARY OF THE PHOENIX, or THROUGH FIRE I LIVE AGAIN.
Skills Affected: Endurance
[-0] Purpose. The amulet is given to those who have gained the favor of the Phoenix, and protects them from death.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a fashionable amulet, worn around the neck.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. As a small item, the amulet can be hidden. However, it is clearly special to those who see it.
[+1] Through Flames Reborn (based on Human Form): The healing abilities of the amulet will only activate when the bearer is bathed in natural flame. Direct magical flames will not trigger the effects (though a fire set through magic may), and the amount of fire needed scales with the severity of the consequence: a Mild Consequence may require little more than sticking your hand into a fireplace, while a Severe Consequence might require total immersion for a significant duration of time. Recovering from death will almost certainly require total immolation.
[-4] Really Amazingly Fast Recovery: You may recover from all physical consequences before the beginning of the next scene after proper treatment (sustained flame) is applied.

Description: A piece of greenish-hued desert glass, roughly fashioned into a short blade. Tape is wrapped around one end to make a workmanlike grip. It’s more a shiv than a knife, really. The glass is radioactive but is generally safe to handle.
Musts: None.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It’s a weapon 1 shiv made out of the glass from the Trinity atomic test site.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Trinitite Knife is easy to conceal, even through metal detectors.
[-4] If You Encounter God, God Will Be Cut. The radioactive glass that forms the blade is imbued with some sort of power. It’s not explicitly magical, it’s not powered by faith, but it is extremely potent against inhuman victims. The Knife ignores all supernatural defensive abilities and powers (generally acting as the Catch for Toughness and Recovery powers). Mundane armor applies normally.

Description: According to ancient Eqyptian myth, the god Thoth once wrote a book of spells. Thoth hid the book within a series of locked boxes at a bottom of the Nile with serpents to guard it. But a prince called Neferkaptah stole it, and when Neferkaptah died it was buried with him.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a book, and it's pretty old. Be careful with it.
[-0] Unbreakable. Or not. Nothing short of a specialized magical ritual can destroy it.
[+1] One Time Discount. It's a book, not hard to hide.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Book Of Thoth is said to contain knowledge of a vast array of spells and enchantments.

Description: The Gaelic hero Diamuid carried two spears, one long and one short. According to legend, wounds inflicted by his spears do not heal. Ever.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. They're a pair of spears, one long and one short. Both are weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. There's no practical way to hide a long spear, and a short one is pretty visible too.
[-1] True Aim. The superlative quality of these spears adds one to to their wielder's Weapons skill while he uses the two of them together.
[-6] Infinitesimally Slow Healing. Increase the level of any consequences inflicted by these spears by three levels when checking to see how long they will take to heal. If this increases a consequence to the Extreme level or above after Recovery powers are included, the consequence may only be healed after the next major milestone and even then only if a special justification is provided.

Description: According to Mesopotamian mythology, rulership of the universe went to the holder of a specific legal document. Like other Mesopotamian legal documents, this one was a clay tablet inscribed with cuniform writing and cylinder seals. Unlike other Mesopotamian legal documents, this one allowed its holder to alter the laws of physics.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] It Is What It Is. A large clay tablet inscribed with cuniform writing and cylinder seals.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a large clay tablet. Quite conspicuous, in this day and age.
[-7] Reality Warper. You can always alter reality as if you were in your personal Demesne, though with slightly reduced effectiveness. This allows you to make declarations, maneuvers, and blocks related to the nature of reality with your Discipline skill. The duration of the changes created by this power is variable, but it's generally at least one scene.
Furthermore, you may use the world around you as a weapon. This allows you to make weapon 4 attacks with your Discipline skill against anything within your line of sight. You may make spray attacks with this power. You may also attack entire zones with this power at no penalty. When attacking a zone with this power, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.
In addition, you may use this power to grapple targets within your line of sight. Use the normal grappling rules to do so but substitute your Discipline skill for your Might skill when grappling someone this way.
Finally, you may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks.

PS: My clock says that it's midnight. I just barely made my deadline.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 12, 2012, 04:12:36 AM
I meant to say this earlier, but...

Thanks for contributing, everyone.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 14, 2012, 11:35:42 PM
Nobody has anything to say?

Kinda flattering, I guess. But a bit lonely.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on March 15, 2012, 07:14:55 AM
To be fair, you are quite good at this  :P

Anyway, here is another IoP, a custom one this time rather than a mythological one. (Also if it'll help with space, feel free to remove Vidar's Shoes.)

Musts: You must be either be a Pure or an empowered Mortal (Wizard, True Believer, etc). Half humans or Inhuman characters cannot use Mythbane.
Skills Affected: Fists, Others.
[-0] It is what it is. A ring, the kind you wear on your finger.
[-0] Unbreakable. The ring cannot be broken save through a dedicated magical ritual perverting it's purpose.
[+1] One Time Discount. Gloves and pockets, 'nuff said.
[-4] Ward against the Wired. Mythbane grants a subtle but potent protection to the wearer, granting them Armor: 2 against all forms of Supernatural Powers in all situations (Physical, Mental, Social). The ring does not protect against self-inflcited damage, such as Mental Stress from spellcasting.
[-2] Mythbreaker. The ring is violently incompatible with Inhuman entities, inflicting 1 point of physical stress every time it makes contact with them (such as a Fists attack). Mythbane is so toxic to Inhumans that simply having it in their possession will qualify as making contact.

I'm not sure about the pricing for it, for the Ward effect I simply took Supernatural Toughness and converted the extra stress boxes in to the ability to be used in (almost) all situations. Likewise, Mythbreaker is an odd hybrid of Venomous Claws and Holy Touch.

The backstory for Mythbane is that it was originally little more than a 'lucky charm' with no powers of it's own. However it had an odd habit of being used by Wizards, True Believers or regular old Mortals who regularly stood against the dark forces of the world. Eventually after being used as such so many times, the belief surrounding it took on a life and power of it's own.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on March 15, 2012, 02:58:03 PM
Nobody has anything to say?

Kinda flattering, I guess. But a bit lonely.
As with the others, I tend to only speak up when I've a problem with something, and I'm well satisfied with the shape of the items as they're written up. In fact, I've got another one..

Musts: No musts, strictly speaking, but you're probably pretty damn evil if you've got this.
Skills Affected: Endurance
[-0] It is what it is. A cloak made of Wardens' grey cloaks, woven together and soaked through with their blood.
[-0] Unbreakable. The cloak cannot be broken save through a dedicated magical ritual perverting it's purpose.
[+2] One Time Discount. It's a cloak covered, and still wet, with blood. People are going to notice.
[-8] Physical Immunity. The Bloodied Cloak offers complete and total protection from the swords of the Wardens of the White Council, including their counterspell and supernatural sharpness.
[+5] The Catch. Anything other than a Warden's blade will not be affected by the cloak's protection. Also, it must be kept wet with the blood, or the protection will vanish.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 15, 2012, 11:50:41 PM
Looks like I was right to take it as flattering.

Not currently pressed for space, really. I'm just worried that at some point in the future I will be. Having to open up the fourth post after the first real update surprised me. Then again, that first update came after nine months or so. And I could fit more into those posts if I really tried.

Anyway! Let's get to the new items.

Mythbane is very cool, but probably overpriced. Its second power is probably worse than Holy Touch, and it costs twice as much. So let's reduce its cost to 1. Its first power gives social armour that will probably never be used because supernatural social powers don't really exist. And since Supernatural Toughness costs only 1 if anything non-supernatural can break it, I figure that it should only cost 2 if it protects the physical and mental stress tracks against magical attacks.

The Bloodied Cloak is cool, but unfortunately Physical Immunity does nothing against counterspells. Fortunately, it can probably be expanded without increasing the cost because that is an incredibly specific Catch.

Here's what I suggest:

Description: There are many lucky charms in the world. Most of them do nothing. But when one of them is used by many people, many times, to do very important things, it can acquire power. Such is the case with Mythbane, a magical ring that protects against the supernatural.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. Furthermore, you must be a human being. A real human, not a half-human or another such edge case.
Skills Affected: Fists, Endurance, Conviction, other skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring, the kind you wear on your finger.
[-0] Unbreakable. The ring cannot be broken save through a dedicated magical ritual that contradicts its nature.
[+1] One Time Discount. Gloves and pockets, 'nuff said.
[-2] Ward against the Weird. Mythbane grants a subtle but potent protection to the wearer, granting them armour 2 and four additional stress boxes against physical or mental attacks. Nonmagical attacks bypass this protection.
[-1] Mythbreaker. The ring is violently incompatible with inhuman entities, and inflicts 1 point of physical stress to anything of supernatural ancestry that touches it. This adds 1 to the stress inflicted to such beings by attacks using it. Furthermore, any such being that owns or carries Mythbane will suffer this stress repeatedly until it relinquishes possession of the ring.

Description: There are some societies where the body parts of slain animals are used to make supposedly-magical charms. Generally, the animal chosen is dangerous and the body part used is symbolic of them somehow. At some point in the past, some psycho tried something similar using Wardens Of The White Council and their famous Cloaks. This is what that psycho made.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. And realistically, you're probably pretty damn evil if you've got this.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a cloak made of Wardens' grey cloaks, woven together and soaked through with the blood of their former owners.
[-0] Unbreakable. The cloak cannot be broken save through a dedicated magical ritual that contradicts its nature.
[+2] One Time Discount. It's a cloak covered, and still wet, with blood. People are going to notice.
[-8] Physical Immunity. The Bloodied Cloak offers complete and total protection from the swords of the Wardens of the White Council.
[-1] Unseverable Spells. No spell cast by or on the wearer of this cloak may be countered by the effect of a Warden's sword.
[+6] The Catch. Anything other than a Warden's blade will not be affected by the cloak's protection. Also, the cloak must be kept wet with blood or it will become powerless.

How do these look?

If there's no problem, I'll update the list.

Which reminds me, I need to fix some of the "Skills Affected".
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on March 16, 2012, 12:00:51 AM
Aye, that looks good. I didn't know that Physical Immunity didn't work on counterspells. When I put that in, I meant mostly that you couldn't destroy the cloak itself with the counterspell of the swords. But your way works too.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 16, 2012, 01:29:08 AM
Physical Immunity makes you impossible to hurt. Counterspells affect spells, they don't hurt you. PI doesn't affect them.

Oh, and counterspells do nothing to items of power.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on March 16, 2012, 01:43:07 AM
Physical Immunity makes you impossible to hurt. Counterspells affect spells, they don't hurt you. PI doesn't affect them.

Oh, and counterspells do nothing to items of power.
I remembered seeing something about Ramirez's sword cutting through Madrigal Raith's ward cloth, and figured it was because of the counterspell, but looking at his character sheet now, it says that any physical attack against the cloth itself would destroy it, so nevermind.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on March 16, 2012, 04:17:22 AM
Two questions: first, how are you defining 'magical' and 'nonmagical'? When I wrote it, I intended for it to provide a blanket defense against supernatural powers. The way you've written it seems to imply it only defends against things like Evocation and other forms of spellcasting, which would make it useless against things like an Inhuman Strength empowered punch or Incite Emotion.

Second, as mentioned above some powers like Glamours, Incite Emotion, Marked by Power or Hulking Size grant bonuses to Social skills. Now the case of the last two it would make sense for them to still work in the presence of the social armor as they depend on a context that isn't wholly supernatural, such as 'I'm bigger than you' for Hulking Size and 'I have backing' for Marked by Power. The other two however are from a wholly Inhuman source, and thus are what the Social Armor was intended to protect against.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 16, 2012, 04:49:27 AM
The parameters of the toughness are intentionally slightly vague. Not sure whether it made sense for it to work against a house thrown by a giant, so I left it up to the person using it. Personally, I'd probably have it work against the unarmed attacks of magical things but not against magical beings attacking with mundane weapons. But regardless, it's a +3 Catch.

Neither Glamours nor Incite Emotion is actually capable of inflicting social stress. Social armour does nothing against them.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on March 16, 2012, 06:10:58 AM
Hm, I think I may have taken the wrong angel when I labeled the protective value as 'Armor'. Armor implies a kind of resistance, however in this context the protection comes from skewing probability in the favor of the wearer rather than providing any degree of toughness.

Doing a hard reset of the Ward power, how would you price something that gave a flat +2 to defense rolls opposing Supernatural Powers? Like you said, it wouldn't make sense for a lucky charm to provide resistance against the damage of a house thrown by a giant, but it would make more sense for it to provide a better chance of dodging it.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 16, 2012, 07:14:53 AM
"Opposing Supernatural Powers" is not really a sentence that makes sense to me. Could you explain what you mean?

Probability fiddling can be armour, but a thrown house is pretty mundane once it's left the giant's hands. That's what bugged me.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on March 16, 2012, 08:54:25 PM
Remember Armor isn't necessarily literally, "Something hits you and does less physical damage," just as a "hit" in combat doesn't necessarily literally mean the sword/claws/bullets made contact with you.

Armor just means you took less stress from the attack--Armor:2 against bullets might mean the difference between taking the mild consequence TWISTED MY ANKLE DODGING and just taking a stress hit.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on March 16, 2012, 09:29:53 PM
"Opposing Supernatural powers" means that so long as there is a supernatural element to the roll made against the character holding the ring, that person gets a +2 to the opposing roll.

Some examples:

A gangster tires to cut you with a knife or shoot you with a gun. Mythbane isn't going to do anything agains that. However should that thug be a demon, and he tries to crush you with his super strength or spit acid on you, you would get a +2 to your defense rolls.

A corrupt official is lying to you, Mythbane isn't going to do anything. But if a Fey tries to use Glamours to tick you in to thinking that the candy it's giving you is real. Mythbane would give you a +2 to detect that the candy is false.

In short, Ring gives a +2 to rolls that involve defending against supernatural powers that would harm or inconvenience the wearer.

Hope this cleared things up, apologies for the confusion.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 16, 2012, 10:07:57 PM
What if that demon thug tries to stab you with a perfectly ordinary knife?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on March 16, 2012, 10:43:48 PM
If the thug had a strength power or did something else magic-y to make it more effective, then you would get a +2. If not, then you get nothing
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 17, 2012, 10:15:08 PM
That doesn't make much sense to me, I'm afraid. "Using Inhuman Strength" is not something that exists within the game world. Furthermore, that raises the annoying question of whether Strength is optional.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on March 18, 2012, 09:40:55 PM
Consider it to be like a broadly applicable stunt, where you get a +2 when defending against or detecting supernatural powers.

And I personally feel that strength should be optional, people can 'hold back' in real life just fine, so I can't think of a reason why someone shouldn't also be able to if they have a strength power. But that's a discussion for another topic, so we can continue it there if you want.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 19, 2012, 05:04:48 AM
"Defending against or detecting supernatural powers" is not a phrase that makes sense. Sorry.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: JayTee on March 20, 2012, 10:59:19 PM
Hm, well if I can't make it make sense then I must being doing something wrong. Lets just go with your version, it fits the overall idea was going for anyway.  :)
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 21, 2012, 04:32:35 AM
...It's entirely possible that I'm just being dense.

Hey, other people reading this thread: am I just being dense? Is this actually quite clear?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Harboe on March 21, 2012, 12:13:59 PM
I think it's quite clearly worded, but I don't like how it works. Not that I can think of a better way, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on March 21, 2012, 12:44:08 PM
I think giving a broad +2 against any and all supernatural powers (i.e., giving him a significant advantage against every creature in the book aside from a pure mortal) is a little overpowered.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ways and means on March 21, 2012, 09:45:50 PM
(Elder Scrolls items of power am working on  Dragon Shouts Sponsored Magic).

Volendrung [-3]
It is what it is, A 5ft Glowing magic hammer created by a god of war. Weapons 5 [-1]
+2 Extremely Obvious item of power
Drains Stamina [-3] Upon a successful attack with this weapon as well as doing stress this item places the 'drained stamina' aspect on the target.
[-1] Daedric Artefact, the hammer counts as holy and as true magic for the purpose of creature catches. 

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 22, 2012, 02:14:29 AM
So I'm the only one who has a problem with the concept, but everyone else dislikes it for other reasons. I think I'll just go with my version so I can forget about this headache.

The hammer looks pretty good. I would like to see Drains Stamina discussed fully with regards to the action economy, but at a glance -3 looks like the right cost.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ways and means on March 26, 2012, 10:57:17 PM
The Glaive [-2]
Description: A 5 point throwing star with retractable blades Weapons 2
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. A 5 pointed throwing star with retractable blades it is about a foot in diameter. [+1]
[-0] Unbreakable.
[-1] Boomerang - The Glaive will always return to the owners hand after being thrown.
[-2] Slayer of Monsters: +4 Weapons Rating vs Non-Humans

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 27, 2012, 06:23:24 PM
I dunno about this one. Base weapon rating is unclear, Boomerang is questionably necessary, and Slayer Of Monsters stacks a bit too much. On the other hand, Slayer Of Monsters is strictly worse than a simple +2 stress/refresh.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: timorzo on April 07, 2012, 11:05:32 AM
I was trying to stat up this item, and was looking for some feedback, thanks in advanced.

Red Marble Sword [+5]
Description: A sword that chooses a good knight to carry out justice, following him till his death. The sword deals great misfortune to those other than the chosen knight who dare to wield it.
Musts: Must be good in order to be the chosen owner.
[-0] Purpose: To seek justice, in the hands of a worthy knight.
[-2] It is what it is: Longsword made of red marble, weapon 5
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is hard to hide.
[+3] The Catch: The sword chooses an owner, and if someone other than the owner wields it, terrible things happen. (i.e. accidently slaying ones brother, or mistakenly maiming a friend).
[+1] Purity of Heart: If the owner is not pure of heart, the sword will do mildly annoying things, like leap from the owner's hands during combat.
[+1] Inescapable Bond: The sword will always find a way back to the owner by compeling as many inoccent people as it needs in order to return to the owner's hands.

The knight has to be good, and if he robs a bank, or even snubs a beggar, the knight will need to go to confession, or do a good deed, in order to purify his heart. The amount the sword acts out, or the probability the sword acts out is proportional to the amount of impurity.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on April 07, 2012, 02:50:25 PM
Most of those things would be better as aspects, I think, rather than such a huge refresh rebate. And I think Catches only apply to Toughness or Recovery powers.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 07, 2012, 08:42:07 PM
Mr Death is right. Also, I'd like to point out that an IoP cannot cost less than 1.

That aside, welcome to the boards.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Harboe on April 08, 2012, 08:16:15 PM
I was trying to stat up this item, and was looking for some feedback, thanks in advanced.
Here's my suggestion for it:

Red Marble Sword [-1]
Description: A sword that chooses a good knight to carry out justice, following him till his death. The sword deals great misfortune to those other than the chosen knight who dare to wield it.
Musts: Must dedicate an aspect to being the chosen wielder of the sword. This aspect must reflect the wielders relationship with the sword. This aspect may be compelled when acting against the sword's morality, at which point it may jump from its wielders grasp, draw his own blood or similar effects. This aspect may also be invoked if another grasps the sword, at which point the sword will ensure it strikes to make the scoundrel regret his choice.
[-0] Purpose: To seek justice, in the hands of a worthy knight.
[-1] It is what it is: Longsword made of red marble, weapon: 5
[-1] Never Strike In Anger. The wielder of the blade receives +1 to his defense on a Full Defense.
[-1] Riposte. As per the Weapons Stunt.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is hard to hide.

The weapons: 5 rating is assumed to have a generic stunt of +2 stress.
It's on the weak side and I'd actually question the need to make it an IoP, if all it has to do is inconvenience opponents who wield it and be indestructible. At my table, a dedicated aspect could easily cover that.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 09, 2012, 03:44:42 AM
Rewrite looks pretty good, but Never Strike In Anger looks really weak to me.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: timorzo on April 10, 2012, 05:21:59 PM
Everyone thank you for the help. I guess I still have a few questions about cursed items. I come from a DnD background, where cursed items are rather common, and I was wondering how cursed items compare and contrast with items of power.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on April 10, 2012, 06:44:59 PM
Cursed items would most likely be items with a particular aspect that is compelled and invoked against the character wielding it.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: timorzo on April 12, 2012, 12:04:34 AM
I was trying to make a few more items of power, and was wondering if you guys could give me an opinion on them. Specifically, I'm wondering if these would also be better represented as aspects. Thanks again and sorry for the volume of questions.

Marci's Roller Skates [-1]
Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift to a powerful wizard's spoiled neice.
[-0] Purpose: To punish the person who wear's the skates.
[-0] It is what it is: A set of magical roller skates
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A set of roller skates that NEVER can come off.
[-2] Magical Skating: Rollerskates add to athletics rolls when used to determine number of zones moved, regardless of terrain
[-1] Skate Pro: Gives the wearer a +2 to any performance check regarding skilled moves, or tricks on roller skates

The Box For Marci's Roller Skates [-3]
Description: A box left among valuables, to entice thieves to open it, resulting with their face being permanently melted off.
[-0] Purpose: To punish people who open the box, who presumably are stealing other valuables.
[-0] It is what it is: A box that when opened melt's who ever opened it's face off
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A box the size of a shoebox.
[-4] Faceoff: Whoever opens the box receives the extreme physical consequence of melted face.
[-0] Untouchable: When opened, the box generates large amount of heat. This renders the box untouchable until the target's face is melted.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ways and means on April 12, 2012, 01:27:57 AM
Ranger Morpher [-4]
It is what it is?
The ranger morpher is a portable device like a mobile phone which allows you to turn a superhuman ranger.
+1 Item of Power

Ranger Transformation (-1) Like Beast change for rangers
Human Form (non ranger form) +1
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed   [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Catch of Plot Devices [+0]
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: timorzo on April 15, 2012, 09:56:05 PM
The Eye of God [-4]
Description: An eye that when surgically implanted, can give true sight, seeing through all veils, and lies.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: To see things for what they really are.
[-0] It is what it is: An eyeball that looks vaguely human.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easily concealed. Just keep it closed.
[-2] True Seeing: The ability to see through all veils, shapeshifts, and glamours.
[-3] Godly Insight: Gives a +6 bonus to Empathy when trying to discern the truth.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 16, 2012, 03:54:12 AM
The skates are interesting but flawed. First up, Magical Skating has no clear effect. How much does it add to Athletics? Does it negate terrain problems? Also, non-re-movability kinda seems to defeat the purpose of an Item of Power.

The box probably isn't workable. One-shot items are never Items Of Power.

The morpher is fine.

The Eye Of God is okay-ish, but I dislike it. First of all, True Seeing really ought to be written up as a full custom power. And what I said here (,19934.msg1258571.html#msg1258571) still applies. Secondly, Godly Insight provides a huge bonus. Just because you can get +2 for 1 refresh doesn't mean you can get +6 for 3 refresh. And thirdly, Godly Insight is a social power. I prefer to avoid those for genre reasons.

That's mostly just personal preference stuff, though. The eye is more or less workable as-is.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: timorzo on April 16, 2012, 11:13:16 PM
The skates are interesting but flawed. First up, Magical Skating has no clear effect. How much does it add to Athletics? Does it negate terrain problems? Also, non-re-movability kinda seems to defeat the purpose of an Item of Power.

Marci's Roller Skates [-1]
Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift to a powerful wizard's spoiled neice.
[-0] Purpose: To punish the person who wear's the skates.
[-0] It is what it is: A set of magical roller skates
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] Removing Skates: Before the skates can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in public fountain that is consecrated with a coin from the year and country the skates were made, 1972 America, and they need to be dried off with werebear fur.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A set of roller skates
[-2] Magical Skating: The rollerskates add +3 to athletics rolls when used to determine number of zones moved, and +2 on difficult terrain.
[-2] Skate Pro: The wearer recieves +3 to any performance check regarding advanced techniques, or tricks on roller skates.

One-shot items are never Items Of Power.

The box is designed to work everytime it is opened, not just the first time.

The Eye Of God is okay-ish, but I dislike it. First of all, True Seeing really ought to be written up as a full custom power. And what I said here still applies. Secondly, Godly Insight provides a huge bonus. Just because you can get +2 for 1 refresh doesn't mean you can get +6 for 3 refresh. And thirdly, Godly Insight is a social power. I prefer to avoid those for genre reasons.

The Eye of God [-4]
Description: An eye that when surgically implanted, can give true sight, seeing through all veils, and lies.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: To see things for what they really are.
[-0] It is what it is: An eyeball that looks vaguely human.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easily concealed. Just keep it closed.
[-4] True Seeing: The owner receives a +5 bonus to perceive veils, shapeshifts, and glamours.
[-1] Added Insight: Gives a +2 bonus to empathy when trying to discern the truth.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ways and means on April 17, 2012, 12:25:45 AM
Thieves Heart [-4]
It is what it is?
A Crystalline Heart said to have been ripped from a thieving prince of Fairies by a rather irate Mab. The heart looks like an egg sized diamond.
+1 Concealable Item of Power
Feeding Dependance (theft) +1 the owner of this heart inherits the thief princes incredible kleptomania 
Greater Glamours  [-4]
Thieves Invite [-?] For a thief a strong lock or armed guards are considered all the invitation one needs,  the owner of the heart is considered invited into any secure place.

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 18, 2012, 07:05:53 AM
The heart is cool, though I really don't know how to price the invite power.

You know, it is amazing to me how many fan-made items of power use powers that were created specifically for those items.

Anyway...the box probably still won't work. Items Of Power grant powers to their bearers. What power does the box grant? Can you use it like a gun, opening it at people?

The Eye Of God is looking better, but I think that True Seeing is overpriced now.

The Skates are also looking better, but I think that Skate Pro is probably too pricey. 1 Refresh for +2 is standard.

Not entirely sure how Magical Skating works. Is the +2 on difficult terrain cumulative with the +3 to sprinting? It might be better to phrase the difficult terrain bit as penalty negation.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on April 18, 2012, 10:57:04 PM
I make no apologies. I'm in a very silly mood and have Dr. McNinja on the brain.

[-4*]Mustache of Authority

Description: A well-groomed mustache, with the style varying from person to person.
[-0] Purpose: To give the wearer the utmost authority and leadership.
[-0] It is what it is: A mustache.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. However, when shaved, the powers recede until it grows back.
[-0] One-Time Discount: Varies. Adult males will get no discount. Boys clearly too young for a mustache get +1. Females--or creatures that should by no rights have facial hair--get +2.
[-1] Because the 'Stache Says So: With such glorious facial hair, it's clear that you're a natural born leader. Bearers of the Mustache of Authority get +2 to their Presence scores to establish themselves as an authority figure.
[-1] Marked by the 'Stache: Such a magnificent mustache gives you an obvious advantage in social conflict. All social rolls are made at +1 when made toward those who recognize the power of the 'stache.
[-2] The 'Stache Bows To No One: Few have the ability to get the better of you when you have such gravitas as conferred by this item. The bearer has Armor:1 against all Social attacks, and has 2 extra Social stress boxes.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ways and means on April 19, 2012, 03:02:30 AM
Sentient Sword Amos [-2]
Description: A two handed great sword, inlay-ed with guilt with a name inscribed in its handle. This sword serves as the prison of the demon Amos bound to a sword because of a wizard who just didn't get the joke.

Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: To enjoy itself and to be the best sword ever (a matter of professional pride).
[-0] It is what it is: Weapons 5 Incredibly Sharp Great Sword (-1)
[+2] Obvious Item of Power
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[-1] Ancient Knowledge: Amos is an ancient demon and has pretty good lore and scholarship (equal to the wielders Weapons skill) if he feels like it he may share that knowledge with his owner. (you can use his lore or scholarship for a point of sponsor debt).
[-1] Sentient Sword: As a sentient sword Amos can supplement his owners weapon skill when they are lacking. Add 1 to weapons skill when Amos is in a good mood (such as when you are killing things or burning down villages).
[-1] Parry the  unparry-able : Amos can be used to parry anything physical including physical magic and sun stroke.

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: timorzo on April 19, 2012, 11:56:00 PM
Marci's Roller Skates [-0]
Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift to a powerful wizard's spoiled neice.
[-0] Purpose: To punish the person who wear's the skates.
[-0] It is what it is: A set of magical roller skates
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] Removing Skates: Before the skates can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in public fountain that is consecrated with a coin from the year and country the skates were made, 1972 America, and they need to be dried off with werebear fur.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A set of roller skates
[-2] Magical Skating: The rollerskates add +3 to athletics rolls when used to determine number of zones moved, and negates difficult terrain.
[-1] Skate Pro: The wearer recieves +2 to any performance check regarding advanced techniques, or tricks on roller skates.

The Eye of God [-3]
Description: An eye that when surgically implanted, can give true sight, seeing through all veils, and lies.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: To see things for what they really are.
[-0] It is what it is: An eyeball that looks vaguely human.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easily concealed. Just keep it closed.
[-3] True Seeing: The owner receives a +5 bonus to perceive veils, shapeshifts, and glamours.
[-1] Added Insight: Gives a +2 bonus to empathy when trying to discern the truth.

The Staff of Phibus [-3]
Description: A powerful staff once belonging to an ancient but powerful politician and buissnessman. A man who was said to at one time own all the farms in the world, but that was a myth, or was it?
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: The staff is known for it's accelerated growing properties, and for spiritual enhancement.
[-0] It is what it is: A six foot tall staff made of a distinct but unique type of wood.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A staff is rather large and un-hideable.
[-4] Staff of Growth: All Plants in the zone the staff occupies and all adjacent zones increase rate of growth multiplied by the wielder's conviction score, and if concentrated on the rate of growth can increase by 20 times the wielder's conviction roll.
[-1] Nature Channel: Gives a +2 bonus to any spells used to interact with or enhance nature.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 21, 2012, 12:41:11 AM
The sword looks good.

The Mustache is kinda good, but it isn't an item. It's a body part.

The eye looks good now.

The skates look good, except I missed something important earlier: Removing Skates really shouldn't give a rebate. It should just be a compel.

The staff needs work. Plant growth rates are not defined, and as such multiplying them does jack and squat. Plus Nature Channel steps on Refinement's toes rather badly, and anyway doesn't make much sense mechanically. Might be better to make this into a Sponsored Magic-granting item.

Incidentally, why is it that so many people create new powers when writing Items Of Power? What's wrong with stunts and canon powers?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on April 21, 2012, 01:44:53 AM
Well, yes. As I said, I was feeling silly at the time.

There's nothing wrong with canon stunts and powers, but using an item of power to give canon stunts and powers makes it kind of generic, I think. I figured this thread was for unique ideas for Items of Power.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 21, 2012, 02:16:20 AM
Generic? Really?

Most of my favourite items use no non-canon powers at all. Sometimes they have reflavourings, though.

Does the Lamp Of Diogenes look generic to you? Does Hitler's robo-suit?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on April 21, 2012, 02:23:04 AM
I haven't really read all of them in detail. Maybe generic was the wrong word. I'm not always great at explaining things.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 21, 2012, 02:24:37 AM
I dunno, you might be completely right.

It's just weird to me that people would think that way.

But this isn't the sort of situation where there's a right way to think.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: InFerrumVeritas on May 14, 2012, 04:58:18 PM
Please critique this IoP for me.

Jabir ibin Hayyan’s Grimoire [-1]
Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity.  Tread lightly on when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power.
Skills Affected: Lore, Varies.
Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age.  The Grimoire grants +2 to the strength and frequency of any enchanted items or potions the caster makes. Any compels applied to increase the strength of potions made with this must be in line with Jabir’s Agenda.
Methods of Madness.  Upon complete discharging (using all of the uses per session) any enchanted items or potions made with the Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age effect, you must roll Discipline against the strength of the item, as if you were defending against an attack.  Failure to defend results in mental stress as if from an attack; psychological consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.  Additionally, extra uses of these enchanted items cost 2 mental stress instead of one.
The Mind of a Madman.  You gain +1 on any skill roll made in keeping with Jabir’s agenda (often having to do with seeking out knowledge and magical power at all costs).  When doing so, you must roll Discipline against the result, as if you were defending against an attack. Failure to defend results in mental stress as if from an attack; psychological consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
It’s a Book. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the Grimoire already includes the one-time discount (YS167). This means that if you possess more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If Jabir ibin Hayyan’s Grimoire is the second or subsequent artifact the you gain, the refresh cost is -3.

NOTES:  I see Greatest Artificer of Merlin's Age as being roughly equal to taking two Refinements.  However, I think IoPs for Refinements are broken so I added Methods of Madness as a balancing factor.  Still strong.  Very strong, but I don't think it'll break out table.  Mind of a Madman is just a renamed Demonic Co-Pilot without shapeshifting.  So GAoMA -2, MoaM -1, IoP+2.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: eri on May 22, 2012, 02:57:32 PM
I made an item of power and thought I'd add it here for critique.

Eye of the Graeae from [-1] to [-4]
Description: A false eye made of amethyst that grants the user the power to use The Sight. With use, a wielder of the Eye can awaken other powers in it. It is not in fact the actual Eye of the Graeae, but a clever imitation made by a scion of Hephaestus who intended it as a gift to the Grey Sisters, but he was killed before he could give it to them and his killer picked it up. He in turn lost it in a bet with a Sidhe Lady and it has been in the Nevernever since. Even though it is not the original, it conveys various powers of sight on the owner and over time it has acquired some magical power due to its connection to the Grey Witches.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Alertness, Investigation
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a false eye. Therefore, in order to make use of the Eye of the Graeae, a character must lose an eye and place the Eye of the Graeae in its stead. Like the original, you can use its power even when you hold it in your hand. However, to do this, it needs to be attuned to you by resting in your eye-socket. The eye does not grant standard vision - it is, after all, a false eye - and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often for situations requiring depth perception or mundane vision, depending on whether your other eye works properly or not. 
[-0] Unbreakable. The Eye of the Graeae, as an Item of Power, cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Eye of the Graeae is easily concealed. You could pop it out and hide it in you pocket, or you could just keep your eye closed.
[-1] The Sight. The purpose of the Eye was to help you see, and whatever you see with it is true and real. Needs to be activated, like the normal Sight power.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears. Because the Eye sees that which is true, it can sometimes see what will be as well as what is.
[-1] Supernatural Sense. The Eye of the Graeae lets you see magic, as if it were colour or heat. This lets you see auras, tell wizards from mundanes or spirits at a distance by their glow, read the patterns of spell residue and anything else the GM thinks reasonable.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Eye of the Graeae gives you the power to cast spells like a witch.
The One-Time Discount does not apply until there is at least a -2 cost of powers to link it to.
Thaumaturgy may be bought as Ritual first. If so, it is restricted to something traditionally witchy, like Craft Potion or Enthropomancy.
The Eye does not grant normal vision. You cannot read with it, tell what colour something is nor any number of little things that you need normal non-metaphoric vision to do.

edit: Don't know who the Graeae are? see here (
edit 2: Modified.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 23, 2012, 05:28:08 AM
If you want Thaumaturgy to be an add-on, why not make it one?

What skill do you use with the Supernatural Sense?

And if you can see through both it and your other eye, how do you not have binocular vision?

Otherwise looks good.

PS: Would you give the actual eye the same traits?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: eri on May 23, 2012, 07:29:45 PM
If you want Thaumaturgy to be an add-on, why not make it one?

What skill do you use with the Supernatural Sense?

And if you can see through both it and your other eye, how do you not have binocular vision?

PS: Would you give the actual eye the same traits?

Hm, actually, I think I'll make most of it apart from The Sight add-ons.
You use Alertness, Investigation and Lore as far as I can tell.
And you don't see through the eye. Not normally. You can use the sight, you can see magic, possibly, and you can see the future occasionally. Normal vision, however is not something it grants. It would be kind of like seeing normally with one eye and seeing only heat (in that thermography way) with the other. Not true binocular vision. I should specify that.
And no, I wouldn't. Except possibly The Sight, because that seems like something that you don't really use your eyes to see, but your soul or something. They're always describing it as opening your third eye.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 24, 2012, 03:12:59 AM
Makes sense.

Generally, Supernatural Senses are supposed to be classified as mystical (using Lore) or as physical (using normal perception skills). Which one is this?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: eri on May 24, 2012, 08:46:59 AM
Oh, right! I forgot that. Hm, not sure actually. I want to say physical, but it's magic, you know. That's usually something you sense mystically. And it doesn't actually correspond to a sense that humans normally have, but it basically translates as vision. Or heat vision, rather, where the more magical you are the more you glow. I'm gonna say physical, but this is one of those things a GM can easily change without much impact.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on June 03, 2012, 10:31:57 PM
Tactical Extreme Environment Battle Suit[-6 to varying]
Description: An advanced battle suit that was made to enable the driver to survive in inhospitable environments and situations;extreme heat and cold, underwater,poisonous gases, and even the vacuum of space for a limited time. Invented by Novatech in 2058 for 893,700,000 per suit, only 400 of the most elite soldiers in the United States Armed Forces are permitted usage.The main component is malleum, a protean, pseudo-biometal that reacts to the the hosts brainwaves. It's properties include cell amplification and multiplication of organic cells by injecting itself into the user's body,bending light waves, and increasing it's own density and durability.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:Weapons, Might, Fists, Endurance, Stealth.
[-0]It Is What It Is.It is a high tech battle suit that bonds to the host and almost impossible to remove. The carbon-titanium multi-weave provides a lightweight and durable armor (Armor:3 vs all).And the pressure gauntlets allow for a powerful weapon in hand-to-hand combat (Weapon:4).
[-0]Unbreakable.As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicted upon perverting it's purpose.
[+3]One-Time Discount.As it is a highly advanced, futuristic, full-body suit that is made up of several components that won't be discovered or invented for several decades. It is quite conspicuous.
[-2]Inhuman Toughness.Besides the suit's built-in armor, the malleum enters the driver's bones and incorporates itself into them increasing bone density and strength.
[-2]Inhuman Recovery.The malleum repairs the driver's body and the suit if any damage is sustained.
[-7]Modular Adaptations.the suit can switch from different modes to adapt to the situation at hand.Can switch in combat as a supplemental action.
Amp Mode:The malleum increases the muscle cells number, potency, and working speed enabling the driver to perform superhuman feats of strength and speed, Gains Supernatural Strength and Supernatural Speed.
Cloak Mode:The suit bends the light around itself allowing for a degree of invisibility. Gains +4 to Initiative,+5 to Stealth rolls, and +2 to accuracy rolls while stealthed.
Armor Mode:The malleum hardens greatly to a degree to defend against even some explosives.Gains Supernatural Toughness and increases suit armor to Armor:5 vs all (ignore the Superhuman Toughness armor bonus.
[+2]The Catch.Anti-Tank Weaponry

Charging. The maximum Charge is 300%, this can be spent on other things, but the way to recharge is by absorbing large amounts of energy be it magical, electrical, solar.
The first way is by taking stress from an energy-based attack, you get 10% for each 1 stress taken. The second way is through taking a basic action to charge from an large energy source (no batteries), the most common electricity, each source has a Charge rating
and if you charge from it you gain 10% per point of Charge rating (Charge:4 gives 40%). You also have Armor:2 against all energy-based attacks. You can only Charge from each energy source once.
Energy Overload. You can spend up to 60% Charge to make an energy-based attack. Roll Weapons to attack, and the Weapon rating is 1/10% ( 10% makes Weapon:1). This can also be a zonewide attack as long as you pay more then 30% Charge (Weapon:3 Zonewide) , It can also be range but only as long as you pay 40% ( Weapon:4 Range, maybe Zonewide).
Cellular Augmentation. By infusing the excess energy into your cells you can increase their growth rate, efficiency, and strength by enormus amounts. You can pay to increase any physical abilities (Strength, Speed, Toughness, Recovery) by one step for each payment, you can increase them from, Nothing to Inhuman-40%, Inhuman to Supernatural 70%, Supernatural to Mythic 120%. These abilities purchased only last for the duration of the scene unless canceled.
Dead Battery. You need at least 40% Charge to use this ability, if you have under 40% or 0% then you cannot use any of the abilities except Charging, if this is put on an Item of Power, the IOP or anything to do with it except Charging  won't function.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on June 03, 2012, 11:31:18 PM
I've edited it so when Charge goes to 0% it stops functioning. And added True Science as a upgrade.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on June 05, 2012, 01:11:24 AM
Aion, Immortal's Edge[-4]
Description: A sword crafted by the god Vulcan out of the metal from a meteor and blessed by Mars. It's purpose was to give a great warrior of Rome an edge against it's enemies of any shape and colour,protect the innocent and greater good. It's edge has been said to rival that of either Excalibur and Kusangi.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:Weapons
[-0]It Is What It Is.It is a incredibly sharp and intricately designed sword. Weapon:4
[-0]Unbreakable.As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken by any means except a magical ritual predicted upon perverted it's purpose.
[-0]Purpose.This weapons purpose is to protect the innocent and the greater good.
[+2]One-Time Discount.It is a beautifully made sword that was made to draw the attention of people.
[-1]True Aim.As long as it's wielder is using it in it's purpose they get a +1 to their Weapons skill.
[-2]Searing Edge.The blade is as hot as the volcano it was forged in. +3 to stress to attacks made with it, and it satifies any Catches that have to do with heat, fire, lava, or meteors.
[-3]All Creatures Are Made Equal.When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene. In essence, the Aion, Immortal's Edge may take the place of whatever it is that a creature has a weakness to (whatever “the Catch” is on their Toughness powers), on demand, so long as the wielder can spend that fate point .

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 05, 2012, 05:56:43 AM
Both are interesting but flawed.

The sword's base weapon rating is too high.

All Creatures... is a bit cheesy on something as damaging as the sword. It's more or less in accordance with the rules, though.

The armour's Modular Adaptations Power is way too strong.

The armour's It Is What It Is is pushing things a bit.

Connecting Catches directly to weapon ratings is rarely a good idea.

That Catch should probably be worth more.

The armour's One-Time Discount is too big.

Artificial Intelligence is just dull. Powers should generally not be +X to a skill.

Energy Purge is vastly too complex for a Power that only exists on an IoP. I suggest you post it to the Custom Powers thread first, it needs a real looking-at.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on June 05, 2012, 06:17:30 AM
How would you suggest I handle Modular Adaptations, Increase price , Lower some benefits?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 05, 2012, 06:24:03 AM
I'd just use ordinary Modular Abilities. Or maybe Quasi-Modular Abilities from the Custom Powers list.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on June 07, 2012, 02:15:53 AM
I changed Modular Adaptations cost to 7 because at it's most the powers cost 8 but Cloak and Armor cost 4 at average ( Armor with the armor:5 would be worth more I think). And adjusted Aion to make it a bit less strong.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 07, 2012, 02:19:42 AM
Modular Adaptations is still too strong. I don't see any way to balance a flat +4 to initiative +5 to Stealth +2 to accuracy. Generally, big straight numerical bonuses are bad news.

Weapon 4 on It Is What It Is is more than I'd be comfortable with, but some GMs will let you get away with it.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on June 07, 2012, 02:28:16 AM
What's the difference between Quasi-Modular Abilities and Modular Abilities, I couldn't find the former on Custom Powers list. I guess I'd have to make a power to represent Cloak Mode if I was to put Modular Adaptations as a Modular Abilities.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 07, 2012, 02:35:58 AM
What's the difference between Quasi-Modular Abilities and Modular Abilities, I couldn't find the former on Custom Powers list.

It's hard to find stuff, eh? That's why I'm trying to make a master list.

Anyhow, here's Quasi-Modular Abilities:

Description: You have the ability to alternate between multiple powersets.
Musts: You must "pre-pay" a number of refresh points equal to the total value of each set of powers that this power affects, plus a surcharge of one refresh.
Skills Affected: Varies.
Two Powersets. Pick out two sets of powers, each with a total refresh cost one less than the cost of this power. You may use either set of powers, although it takes a full action to go from using one to using the other. The GM decides what is and what isn't a valid choice for inclusion in the powersets provided by this power.
Item Of Power Collection [-0] You own multiple items of power. Design a number of Items Of Power equal to your Resources skill. At any given time, you may use or loan out items with a total refresh cost up to one less than the refresh cost of this power. You do not receive the Item Of Power discount. If you have the Tracing power, then you may summon and dismiss these Items Of Power out of and into thin air. If not, you must treat them as physical objects.

I guess I'd have to make a power to represent Cloak Mode if I was to put Modular Adaptations as a Modular Abilities.

Good idea.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: HobbitGuy1420 on June 24, 2012, 04:35:50 AM
I'm trying, and failing, to come up with a good writeup for the Dagger of Time for my Video Game RPG.  Wonder if brainstorming will help...

The powers it grants in the first game:
    The Power of Revival: The power to rewind time up to ten seconds, undoing almost everything that happened during that time (death, injuries, movement, etc.) Rewinding time cannot undo killing an enemy created by the Sands of Time, as doing so resets the timer.
-The hard one.  My first thought is that it just lets you reroll a failed roll, but that's something you can already do with a Fate Point.  I feel like the Power needs to be more impressive.   

    The Power of Delay: Time is slowed down for everything, with the Prince moving slightly faster than his enemies, allows for finer control and making attacks unblockable. It costs one sand tank to use.
-At its simplest, this could just grant bonuses (or negate penalties) to rolls, but once more this is way too simplistic an ability for the power it offers in the game.

    The Power of Restraint: Provided they don't block, most enemies stabbed by the Dagger of Time are frozen in time. Once knocked off their feet in this state, they can be killed in a single hit (the Prince's backflip move can do so instantly), the downside of which being that the Sands they possess cannot be absorbed by the Dagger. If left alone, the enemy returns to normal after a few seconds. It costs one power tank to use.
-A block against defense or motion?  Hard to balance an anti-mook power like this for a tabletop RPG

    The Power of Haste: A combination of Delay and Restraint, Haste freezes every enemy around the Prince and causes him to move instantly from one enemy to the next. Like with Restraint, enemies can be killed in a single hit if knocked off their feet. Use of this power consumes every sand tank.
-Another hard one for a tabletop RPG.  In the later games, this was replaced with an area attack which deals knockdown.  That might be a better option.

    The Power of Destiny: Shows the Prince visions of possible futures by standing in Sand Storms. These provide clues to how to proceed. These visions also act as save points, and cost nothing to use.
-The simplest power.  A pretty obvious Cassandra's Tears reskin.  Perhaps boost it to a -1 power and remove the penalty.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 25, 2012, 04:11:28 AM
The Power of Revival: The power to rewind time up to ten seconds, undoing almost everything that happened during that time (death, injuries, movement, etc.) Rewinding time cannot undo killing an enemy created by the Sands of Time, as doing so resets the timer.

You could just make it an Aspect.

Or you could write a really unusual custom power that lets you restart an exchange. Which would be cool, but might involve a lot of book-keeping.

The Power of Delay: Time is slowed down for everything, with the Prince moving slightly faster than his enemies, allows for finer control and making attacks unblockable. It costs one sand tank to use.

Inhuman Speed and an attack stunt, perhaps?

Or maybe just an Aspect.

The Power of Restraint: Provided they don't block, most enemies stabbed by the Dagger of Time are frozen in time. Once knocked off their feet in this state, they can be killed in a single hit (the Prince's backflip move can do so instantly), the downside of which being that the Sands they possess cannot be absorbed by the Dagger. If left alone, the enemy returns to normal after a few seconds. It costs one power tank to use.

Take-out narration.

The Power of Haste: A combination of Delay and Restraint, Haste freezes every enemy around the Prince and causes him to move instantly from one enemy to the next. Like with Restraint, enemies can be killed in a single hit if knocked off their feet. Use of this power consumes every sand tank.

Extra actions are a bugger to write. Maybe Extra Appendages would work, I dunno.

The Power of Destiny: Shows the Prince visions of possible futures by standing in Sand Storms. These provide clues to how to proceed. These visions also act as save points, and cost nothing to use.

If you make it a -1 Power, I suggest adding a Prophecy trapping to Lore or to some other skill so as to give the player more control over the power.

Anyway, I've been planning to write a generic prophecy power for ages. The master power list has a few different powers that could and should be replaced with one Prophecy power.

I'll probably write that power sometime over the next few days, now that I've been reminded.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ImpishMortal on July 09, 2012, 04:58:14 PM
Here's an IoP I devised for a campaign I'm about to run. The player wanted some help building a gun that might be quasi-sentient/evil/vampiric so this is what I came up with.

The Peacemaker of Jesse James [-3]
Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James to inherit the Peacemaker, represented as a high concept. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, others.
All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of the Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one shot (this effect may be extended to six shots if the wielder wishes to spend a fate point) that ignores that target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing. However, the wielder must make an immediate Discipline roll after the shot (or spend a fate point) to avoid going into a Shooting Frenzy (see below). This skill may be used multiple times per scene.
Debilitating Shot. Any time a creature is successfully wounded with this gun, the target experiences a supernatural loss of vitality. Subsequent shots made with this weapon against the same target gain a +1 on the roll for the remainder of the scene.
Killer's High. Once per scene, if this weapon inflicts enough stress and consequences to kill a living creature from a gunshot, the wielder may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear a stress track and minor consequence of the wielder's choice.
Shooting Frenzy. When outnumbered in combat, after receiving social stress, or after emptying the cylinder (six shots), the wielder feels an uncontrollable urge to kill the nearest living creature with this gun. The GM may call for Discipline rolls to resist this urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form as a compel against the wielder's high concept.
It's a Gun. The Peacemaker of Jesse James always takes the form of a single action revolver with a revolving cylinder holding six rounds.
Unbreakable. As an item of Power, this gun cannot be hexed and will never jam.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the gun already includes the one-time discount. If this is the second Item of Power carried by a character, the refresh cost is -5.

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on July 09, 2012, 07:08:25 PM
Discount seems too large. A pistol isn't that hard to conceal, is it?

I don't really like the mechanics for Shooting Frenzy. They seem to expect players to track bullets, which this game does not normally do, and taking social stress sometimes wouldn't logically lead to violence.

Also, the way it's implemented removes the FP cost from All Creatures... which seems dangerous to me.

A debt-Compel mechanic would be better, I think. It'd be more in keeping with the rest of the rules of the game.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ImpishMortal on July 09, 2012, 08:53:51 PM
I don't know why I messed up that discount part, you are totally right.

With regards to Shooting Frenzy, the bullet count was kinda iffy to me already, so I can scratch that. Also, I meant for that to read as a social consequence instead of social stress (oops). If the wielder gets unnerved or really intimidated they start shooting because it makes them feel better. I specified "living creature" in an effort to make the gun somewhat treacherous to use too much lest the wielder start shooting at their allies. Given that there will be lots of undead type creatures in my campaign, I saw that as an easy way to compel them against their nearby allies.

How would you suggest implementing a debt-compel mechanic?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: admiralducksauce on July 10, 2012, 07:47:07 PM
The Power of Haste: A combination of Delay and Restraint, Haste freezes every enemy around the Prince and causes him to move instantly from one enemy to the next. Like with Restraint, enemies can be killed in a single hit if knocked off their feet. Use of this power consumes every sand tank.

Isn't this just a zone-wide melee attack? Seems the easiest way to do it to me without digging too far into simulation.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on July 10, 2012, 10:33:29 PM
How would you suggest implementing a debt-compel mechanic?

Take a point of sponsor debt to activate the Toughness penetration for a scene. Later, that debt will be used to Compel you to shoot people.

Really, the Aspect system is perfect for this kind of thing.

The problem with triggering off of social effects is that it will only make sense most of the time. If the social attack is an attempt to ruin your reputation online, will you flip out and shoot your screen? What if you don't know about the attack?

What if the attack is a seduction attempt? Does the gun make people shoot then?

PS: Good idea, admiral.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ImpishMortal on July 11, 2012, 12:18:56 PM
Take a point of sponsor debt to activate the Toughness penetration for a scene. Later, that debt will be used to Compel you to shoot people.

Really, the Aspect system is perfect for this kind of thing.

The problem with triggering off of social effects is that it will only make sense most of the time. If the social attack is an attempt to ruin your reputation online, will you flip out and shoot your screen? What if you don't know about the attack?

What if the attack is a seduction attempt? Does the gun make people shoot then?

PS: Good idea, admiral.

Good point. I see what you mean. :)
I was trying to make it so that the weapon makes the character becomes unhinged over time (which works with the debt-compel), but there are social situations that I hadn't thought about that could make it silly to go crazy.

All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of the Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one shot (this effect may be extended to six shots if the wielder wishes to spend a fate point) point of Sponsor debt in order to ignore the target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing, for the duration of the scene. However, the wielder must make an immediate Discipline roll after the shot (or spend a fate point) to avoid going into a Shooting Frenzy (see below). This skill may be used multiple times per scene.
Debilitating Shot. Any time a target is successfully wounded with this gun, it experiences a supernatural loss of vitality. Subsequent shots made with this weapon against the same target gain a +1 on the roll for the remainder of the scene.
Killer's High. Once per scene, if this weapon inflicts enough stress and consequences to kill a living target from a gunshot, the wielder may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear a stress track and minor consequence of the wielder's choice.
Shooting Frenzy. When outnumbered in combat, after receiving social stress, or after emptying the cylinder (six shots), When the wielder's Sponsor debt gets too high, the wielder feels an uncontrollable urge to kill the nearest living target with this gun and will be compeled to do so. The GM may call for Discipline rolls to resist this urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form as a compel against the wielder's high concept. also activate this ability if the wielder is outnumbered and has any Sponsor debt.

Do you think Shooting Frenzy looks better now, or should I just make it an ability that can only be activated from the debt getting too high?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on July 12, 2012, 05:44:46 PM
I dunno about the "debt getting too high" thing. Why not just use normal debt Compel rules?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ImpishMortal on July 12, 2012, 06:38:28 PM
I wanted to leave a little leeway in there, but the ambiguity isn't really a good thing. Upon further consideration, I figured this needed more fleshing out, and a means to get out of the frenzy if the target is an ally and the wielder has no FP and the party does not want to kill them.

Shooting Frenzy. When the wielder has Sponsor debt equal to the refresh spent on it, they feel an uncontrollable urge to kill. The GM may compel the wielder to attack the nearest living target with this gun. This effect may be negated by paying an amount of Fate Points equal to the current level of debt. Otherwise, the wielder will attack only this target until it is dead, or until the wielder is disarmed of this gun. If the wielder does not kill the designated target, they will be unable to access the abilities of this weapon for a number of scenes equal to half of the debt used to compel them, or take an equivalent mental consequence.

Do you think the last sentence is unfair? I don't want the player to be able to cheat their way out of not having some sort of consequences for failing to achieve the compel.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on July 12, 2012, 06:41:18 PM
I seems unnecessarily weird and complicated.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: ImpishMortal on August 17, 2012, 01:35:37 PM
I'm currently running a game and one of the players wanted to play a weapons engineer who powers his gadgets with a magical artifact.

I came up with this IoP as a result.

Sphere of Unknown Origin [-3]
Energy Reroute. Tapping into a portion of the mysterious energies of this object, you are able to power a few abilities at a time. The combined cost of the abilities may not exceed the refresh cost of this item. You may take a full round action to change which abilities are powered. The powered abilities may be selected from the following: Guns Akimbo* [-1], Flight [-1], Inhuman Speed [-2], Inhuman Strength [-2], Inhuman Toughness [-2], Killer Blow [-1], The Whole Nine Yards** [-1], Supernatural Sense [-1 or -2], Target-Rich Environment [-1].
Untapped Power. With time and study, you may unlock access to more power from this object. You may add refresh points to this item to increase the Modular Abilities pool.
Energy Discharge. You may take a point of Sponsor Debt in order to unleash a powerful torrent of energy at one target for a Weapon: 4 attack.
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken, and any technology powered by this item gains is resistant to the effects of magic.

*Guns Akimbo: You have the ability to effectively wield a gun in each hand. When attacking a single target, you may add half of the second gun’s damage bonus on a successful hit (round up).
**The Whole Nine Yards: Your level of skill with your guns is such that you can fire quickly, creating a veritable hailstorm of rounds. You may use your Gun skill to make spray attacks (page 326) with your gun of choice against opponents up to one zone away. You may not combine the benefits of any other stunt with the effects of The Whole Nine Yards.

Given that the sphere shines with an unnatural light that can't be concealed, I gave it a rebate of +2.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on October 07, 2012, 08:52:38 AM
Aegis of Magahal [-6]
Description: The masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a set of plate armour forged from adamantium ( Armor:3)
[+2] Discount.
[-2] Twofold Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness.
[+2] The Catch, (Mythic Toughness) Chaotic Powers.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.
[-2] Forged From The Finest Metals. Increase the armour rating of this item by 2.

I'm doing a one-shot adventure with some friends over the weekend so I'll be posting any ideas that come to my head.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on October 07, 2012, 02:23:49 PM
Aegis of Magahal
Description: The masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a set of plate armour forged from adamantium ( Armor:5)
[+2] Discount.
[-2] Twofold Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness.
[+2] The Catch, (Mythic Toughness) Chaotic Powers.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.
[+2] The Catch, (Inhuman Recovery) Chaotic Powers.
[-3] Incite Emotion, Awe (Lasting, Potent).

I'm doing a one-shot adventure with some friends over the weekend so I'll be posting any ideas that come to my head.
The rebate on the Catch can't completely negate the cost of power it's attached to, and you only get the stacked catch bonus if one of those powers is Physical Immunity.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on October 07, 2012, 07:09:02 PM
The rebate on the Catch can't completely negate the cost of power it's attached to, and you only get the stacked catch bonus if one of those powers is Physical Immunity.

So you're saying i can only have one catch for either of the toughness powers?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on October 09, 2012, 03:59:28 AM
You can have one Catch that applies to both Toughness Powers.

Also armour 5 is way too much for It Is What It Is.

And it seems weird that the Incite Awe requires you to touch people.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on October 09, 2012, 05:24:54 AM
Does that Catch give a bigger rebate or same price and apply to both? I'm still a little iffy with Catches as I myself don't use toughness powers very often.

Do you think Armor:4 is acceptable considering it's forged from adamant?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on October 09, 2012, 01:37:26 PM
Same price, applies to both.

And no. If the armour is somehow more awesome than normal armour, you have to pay for that.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on October 09, 2012, 03:04:53 PM
Aegis of Magahal [-9]
Description: The masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a set of plate armour forged from adamantium ( Armor:3)
[+2] Discount.
[-2] Twofold Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness.
[+2] The Catch, (Mythic Toughness, Inhuman Recovery) Chaotic Powers.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.
[-2] Forged From The Finest Metals. Increase the armour rating of this item by 2.
[-1] Demesne (Grannash Territory).

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on October 09, 2012, 08:22:25 PM
2 Refresh for 2 armour, eh? Bit sketchy, but I'd probably allow it.

The Catch can't just be for the Mythic Toughness, though.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: KnightOrbis on October 09, 2012, 10:28:14 PM
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Arcane on October 27, 2012, 08:34:00 PM
Inspired from the one in Charlie Wiseman's (,33858.msg1620022.html#msg1620022) artifact collection.  This version is a little different from his because it has A Catch (Necromantic Magic), gives Supernatural Recovery as opposed to merely Inhuman, and has an offensive power also. 

Phoenix Feather
Description: A feather from the legendary fiery bird that dies only to be reborn from its ashes, it burns eternally with the Flames of Life.  It both has the power to restore as its flame nurtures the inner spark of Life within its wielder and destory by generating blasts of flame that burn those he wishes to harm.

Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Eternal Flame. It shall burn always, unquenchable.
[-0] The Flame Harms Not. The flame does not burn or harm beings and objects it touches
[-0] Brightly Burning. The flame brings light to dark places (Light Source as per Pixie entry on page 48 of Our World).
[-4] Blaze of Life. The feather feeds one's inner spark of Life, turning it into a blaze which grants one Supernatural Recovery
[+2] The Catch (Necromantic Magic). As a Phoenix Feather is an artifact of Life, the enhancement it grants one's life force can not aid in recuperation from injuries inflicted the unnatural magic of its opposition, Death. (Limited Class Of People: +1; Specific Research Material: +1).
[-2] Wrathful Blast. By a focused act of will, the wielder can direct a blast of flame as one would from a wand that does potentially inflict damage (Reskinned Breath Weapon that uses Discipline for the skill to hit).
[+2] Item of Power

Total Cost: 2 Refresh
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Arcane on November 05, 2012, 02:08:07 AM
Another item inspired by an artifact from the Charlie Wiseman (,31442.msg1347778.html#msg1347778) Collection.  This version differs from the original by giving Inhuman Strength in addition to all of the original benefits.

*Thirst (aka The Blade That Drinks)
Description: A claidheamh mor in which the spirit of a redcap was bound after it had offended a powerful sidhe noble.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Athletics, Rapport, Empathy, Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline,
[-0] Purpose. To imprison an impudent redcap and teach him to respect his betters, especially when his betters include powerful sidhe.
[-0] It Is What It Is.  A claidheamh mor, or basket-hilted broadsword (Weapon:3)
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose..
[-1] Channeling The Warrior Spirit. The wielder can draw upon the martial skills and experience of the redcap spirit.  However, the ferocity of the redcap's mindset means that while doing so one's ability to persuade and relate to people suffers.  (Reskinned Skill Shuffle trapping of Beast Change; Weapons and Athletics change places with Rapport and Empathy respectively).
[-2] Communion of Might The wielder can draw upon the strength of the redcap's spirit to augment his own. (Inhuman Strength)
[-4] Communion of Vitality. The wielder can draw upon the lifeforce of the redcap's spirit to enhance his recuperative capabilities (Supernatural Recovery).
[+3] The Catch (Cold Iron). Since the Redcap was a creature of Faerie, one who draws upon its vitality to enhance his recuperation must share in his Faerie vulnerability to Cold Iron (Easily Accessed +2; Specific Research Material necessary to realize the sword imprisons a redcap's spirit +1)
[+1] The Sword Must Drink. Though imprisoned within a sword, the spirit of the redcap still needs to drink its fill of blood to maintain its strength.  If deprived for too long it may weaken to the point that it might not be able to provide its benefit of enhanced vitality to its wielder (Feeding Dependency: Blood attached to Inhuman Strength and Supernatural Recovery).
[-1] Share The Feast. When the sword is sated the Communion of Vitality between it and the wielder allows him to receive a portion of the benefit.  The downside is that while Channeling The Warrior Spirit the wielder may have to resist the compulsions to feed (draw blood with the sword) experienced by the redcap spirit (Blood Drinker)
[+2] Item of Power

Total Cost: 2 Refresh
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on November 05, 2012, 05:43:53 AM
The Feeding Dependency isn't valid. With The Catch, Supernatural Recovery costs only 1. So Feeding Dependency can't cut the cost further.

Besides, Feeding Dependency is pretty broken if it's not attached to an appropriate number of Powers. Make it apply to Beast Change and Inhuman Strength too, I say.

That aside, I'd make it Weapon 3. It's a broadsword, and an Item of Power to boot.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Arcane on November 05, 2012, 08:46:38 PM
Edited it so Feeding Dependency was attached to both Inhuman Strength and Supernatural Strength and made it Weapon 3.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Arcane on November 06, 2012, 04:21:51 AM
Yet another item from The Charlie Wiseman (,31442.msg1347778.html#msg1347778) Collection.  This differs from the original by the addition of Inhuman Speed.

The Winged Sandals of Perseus
Description: Winged sandals given to the Greek hero Perseus by Hermes that allow one to fly.
Skills Affected: Athletics
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] One Size Fits All. These sandals adjust to fit any foot size.
[-1] Flight.  These sandals allow the wearer to fly.
[-2] The Swiftness of Hermes.  Inhuman Speed.
[+2] Item of Power

Total Cost: 1 Refresh
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 03, 2013, 03:10:24 AM
I haven't updated this list in almost a year...I'd better get on that.

First, I'll collect all the items not on the list in this post and maybe the next one.

Had to hunt a bit to find some of these, and there's no guarantee I found everything. Please let me know if there's an item I missed.

Description: There are many lucky charms in the world. Most of them do nothing. But when one of them is used by many people, many times, to do very important things, it can acquire power. Such is the case with Mythbane, a magical ring that protects against the supernatural.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. Furthermore, you must be a human being. A real human, not a half-human or another such edge case.
Skills Affected: Fists, Endurance, Conviction, other skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring, the kind you wear on your finger.
[-0] Unbreakable. The ring cannot be broken save through a dedicated magical ritual that contradicts its nature.
[+1] One Time Discount. Gloves and pockets, 'nuff said.
[-2] Ward against the Weird. Mythbane grants a subtle but potent protection to the wearer, granting them armour 2 and four additional stress boxes against physical or mental attacks. Nonmagical attacks bypass this protection.
[-1] Mythbreaker. The ring is violently incompatible with inhuman entities, and inflicts 1 point of physical stress to anything of supernatural ancestry that touches it. This adds 1 to the stress inflicted to such beings by attacks using it. Furthermore, any such being that owns or carries Mythbane will suffer this stress repeatedly until it relinquishes possession of the ring.

Description: There are some societies where the body parts of slain animals are used to make supposedly-magical charms. Generally, the animal chosen is dangerous and the body part used is symbolic of them somehow. At some point in the past, some psycho tried something similar using Wardens Of The White Council and their famous Cloaks. This is what that psycho made.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. And realistically, you're probably pretty damn evil if you've got this.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other skills
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a cloak made of Wardens' grey cloaks, woven together and soaked through with the blood of their former owners.
[-0] Unbreakable. The cloak cannot be broken save through a dedicated magical ritual that contradicts its nature.
[+2] One Time Discount. It's a cloak covered, and still wet, with blood. People are going to notice.
[-8] Physical Immunity. The Bloodied Cloak offers complete and total protection from the swords of the Wardens of the White Council.
[-1] Unseverable Spells. No spell cast by or on the wearer of this cloak may be countered by the effect of a Warden's sword.
[+6] The Catch. Anything other than a Warden's blade will not be affected by the cloak's protection. Also, the cloak must be kept wet with blood or it will become powerless.

Volendrung [-3]
It is what it is, A 5ft Glowing magic hammer created by a god of war. Weapons 5 [-1]
+2 Extremely Obvious item of power
Drains Stamina [-3] Upon a successful attack with this weapon as well as doing stress this item places the 'drained stamina' aspect on the target.
[-1] Daedric Artefact, the hammer counts as holy and as true magic for the purpose of creature catches.

The Glaive [-2]
Description: A 5 point throwing star with retractable blades Weapons 2
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. A 5 pointed throwing star with retractable blades it is about a foot in diameter. [+1]
[-0] Unbreakable.
[-1] Boomerang - The Glaive will always return to the owners hand after being thrown.
[-2] Slayer of Monsters: +4 Weapons Rating vs Non-Humans

Red Marble Sword [-1]
Description: A sword that chooses a good knight to carry out justice, following him till his death. The sword deals great misfortune to those other than the chosen knight who dare to wield it.
Musts: Must dedicate an aspect to being the chosen wielder of the sword. This aspect must reflect the wielders relationship with the sword. This aspect may be compelled when acting against the sword's morality, at which point it may jump from its wielders grasp, draw his own blood or similar effects. This aspect may also be invoked if another grasps the sword, at which point the sword will ensure it strikes to make the scoundrel regret his choice.
[-0] Purpose: To seek justice, in the hands of a worthy knight.
[-1] It is what it is: Longsword made of red marble, weapon: 5
[-1] Never Strike In Anger. The wielder of the blade receives +1 to his defense on a Full Defense.
[-1] Riposte. As per the Weapons Stunt.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is hard to hide.

Ranger Morpher [-4]
It is what it is?
The ranger morpher is a portable device like a mobile phone which allows you to turn a superhuman ranger.
+1 Item of Power
Ranger Transformation (-1) Like Beast change for rangers
Human Form (non ranger form) +1
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed   [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Catch of Plot Devices [+0]

[-4*]Mustache of Authority
Description: A well-groomed mustache, with the style varying from person to person.
[-0] Purpose: To give the wearer the utmost authority and leadership.
[-0] It is what it is: A mustache.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. However, when shaved, the powers recede until it grows back.
[-0] One-Time Discount: Varies. Adult males will get no discount. Boys clearly too young for a mustache get +1. Females--or creatures that should by no rights have facial hair--get +2.
[-1] Because the 'Stache Says So: With such glorious facial hair, it's clear that you're a natural born leader. Bearers of the Mustache of Authority get +2 to their Presence scores to establish themselves as an authority figure.
[-1] Marked by the 'Stache: Such a magnificent mustache gives you an obvious advantage in social conflict. All social rolls are made at +1 when made toward those who recognize the power of the 'stache.
[-2] The 'Stache Bows To No One: Few have the ability to get the better of you when you have such gravitas as conferred by this item. The bearer has Armor:1 against all Social attacks, and has 2 extra Social stress boxes.

Sentient Sword Amos [-2]
Description: A two handed great sword, inlay-ed with guilt with a name inscribed in its handle. This sword serves as the prison of the demon Amos bound to a sword because of a wizard who just didn't get the joke.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: To enjoy itself and to be the best sword ever (a matter of professional pride).
[-0] It is what it is: Weapons 5 Incredibly Sharp Great Sword (-1)
[+2] Obvious Item of Power
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[-1] Ancient Knowledge: Amos is an ancient demon and has pretty good lore and scholarship (equal to the wielders Weapons skill) if he feels like it he may share that knowledge with his owner. (you can use his lore or scholarship for a point of sponsor debt).
[-1] Sentient Sword: As a sentient sword Amos can supplement his owners weapon skill when they are lacking. Add 1 to weapons skill when Amos is in a good mood (such as when you are killing things or burning down villages).
[-1] Parry the  unparry-able : Amos can be used to parry anything physical including physical magic and sun stroke.

Marci's Roller Skates [-0]
Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift to a powerful wizard's spoiled neice.
[-0] Purpose: To punish the person who wear's the skates.
[-0] It is what it is: A set of magical roller skates
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] Removing Skates: Before the skates can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in public fountain that is consecrated with a coin from the year and country the skates were made, 1972 America, and they need to be dried off with werebear fur.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A set of roller skates
[-2] Magical Skating: The rollerskates add +3 to athletics rolls when used to determine number of zones moved, and negates difficult terrain.
[-1] Skate Pro: The wearer recieves +2 to any performance check regarding advanced techniques, or tricks on roller skates.

The Eye of God [-3]
Description: An eye that when surgically implanted, can give true sight, seeing through all veils, and lies.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: To see things for what they really are.
[-0] It is what it is: An eyeball that looks vaguely human.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easily concealed. Just keep it closed.
[-3] True Seeing: The owner receives a +5 bonus to perceive veils, shapeshifts, and glamours.
[-1] Added Insight: Gives a +2 bonus to empathy when trying to discern the truth.

The Staff of Phibus [-3]
Description: A powerful staff once belonging to an ancient but powerful politician and buissnessman. A man who was said to at one time own all the farms in the world, but that was a myth, or was it?
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
[-0] Purpose: The staff is known for it's accelerated growing properties, and for spiritual enhancement.
[-0] It is what it is: A six foot tall staff made of a distinct but unique type of wood.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A staff is rather large and un-hideable.
[-4] Staff of Growth: All Plants in the zone the staff occupies and all adjacent zones increase rate of growth multiplied by the wielder's conviction score, and if concentrated on the rate of growth can increase by 20 times the wielder's conviction roll.
[-1] Nature Channel: Gives a +2 bonus to any spells used to interact with or enhance nature.

Eye of the Graeae from [-1] to [-4]
Description: A false eye made of amethyst that grants the user the power to use The Sight. With use, a wielder of the Eye can awaken other powers in it. It is not in fact the actual Eye of the Graeae, but a clever imitation made by a scion of Hephaestus who intended it as a gift to the Grey Sisters, but he was killed before he could give it to them and his killer picked it up. He in turn lost it in a bet with a Sidhe Lady and it has been in the Nevernever since. Even though it is not the original, it conveys various powers of sight on the owner and over time it has acquired some magical power due to its connection to the Grey Witches.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Alertness, Investigation
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a false eye. Therefore, in order to make use of the Eye of the Graeae, a character must lose an eye and place the Eye of the Graeae in its stead. Like the original, you can use its power even when you hold it in your hand. However, to do this, it needs to be attuned to you by resting in your eye-socket. The eye does not grant standard vision - it is, after all, a false eye - and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often for situations requiring depth perception or mundane vision, depending on whether your other eye works properly or not. 
[-0] Unbreakable. The Eye of the Graeae, as an Item of Power, cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Eye of the Graeae is easily concealed. You could pop it out and hide it in you pocket, or you could just keep your eye closed.
[-1] The Sight. The purpose of the Eye was to help you see, and whatever you see with it is true and real. Needs to be activated, like the normal Sight power.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears. Because the Eye sees that which is true, it can sometimes see what will be as well as what is.
[-1] Supernatural Sense. The Eye of the Graeae lets you see magic, as if it were colour or heat. This lets you see auras, tell wizards from mundanes or spirits at a distance by their glow, read the patterns of spell residue and anything else the GM thinks reasonable.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Eye of the Graeae gives you the power to cast spells like a witch.
The One-Time Discount does not apply until there is at least a -2 cost of powers to link it to.
Thaumaturgy may be bought as Ritual first. If so, it is restricted to something traditionally witchy, like Craft Potion or Enthropomancy.
The Eye does not grant normal vision. You cannot read with it, tell what colour something is nor any number of little things that you need normal non-metaphoric vision to do.

Tactical Extreme Environment Battle Suit[-6 to varying]
Description: An advanced battle suit that was made to enable the driver to survive in inhospitable environments and situations;extreme heat and cold, underwater,poisonous gases, and even the vacuum of space for a limited time. Invented by Novatech in 2058 for 893,700,000 per suit, only 400 of the most elite soldiers in the United States Armed Forces are permitted usage.The main component is malleum, a protean, pseudo-biometal that reacts to the the hosts brainwaves. It's properties include cell amplification and multiplication of organic cells by injecting itself into the user's body,bending light waves, and increasing it's own density and durability.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:Weapons, Might, Fists, Endurance, Stealth.
[-0]It Is What It Is.It is a high tech battle suit that bonds to the host and almost impossible to remove. The carbon-titanium multi-weave provides a lightweight and durable armor (Armor:3 vs all).And the pressure gauntlets allow for a powerful weapon in hand-to-hand combat (Weapon:4).
[-0]Unbreakable.As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicted upon perverting it's purpose.
[+3]One-Time Discount.As it is a highly advanced, futuristic, full-body suit that is made up of several components that won't be discovered or invented for several decades. It is quite conspicuous.
[-2]Inhuman Toughness.Besides the suit's built-in armor, the malleum enters the driver's bones and incorporates itself into them increasing bone density and strength.
[-2]Inhuman Recovery.The malleum repairs the driver's body and the suit if any damage is sustained.
[-7]Modular Adaptations.the suit can switch from different modes to adapt to the situation at hand.Can switch in combat as a supplemental action.
Amp Mode:The malleum increases the muscle cells number, potency, and working speed enabling the driver to perform superhuman feats of strength and speed, Gains Supernatural Strength and Supernatural Speed.
Cloak Mode:The suit bends the light around itself allowing for a degree of invisibility. Gains +4 to Initiative,+5 to Stealth rolls, and +2 to accuracy rolls while stealthed.
Armor Mode:The malleum hardens greatly to a degree to defend against even some explosives.Gains Supernatural Toughness and increases suit armor to Armor:5 vs all (ignore the Superhuman Toughness armor bonus.
[+2]The Catch.Anti-Tank Weaponry
Charging. The maximum Charge is 300%, this can be spent on other things, but the way to recharge is by absorbing large amounts of energy be it magical, electrical, solar.
The first way is by taking stress from an energy-based attack, you get 10% for each 1 stress taken. The second way is through taking a basic action to charge from an large energy source (no batteries), the most common electricity, each source has a Charge rating
and if you charge from it you gain 10% per point of Charge rating (Charge:4 gives 40%). You also have Armor:2 against all energy-based attacks. You can only Charge from each energy source once.
Energy Overload. You can spend up to 60% Charge to make an energy-based attack. Roll Weapons to attack, and the Weapon rating is 1/10% ( 10% makes Weapon:1). This can also be a zonewide attack as long as you pay more then 30% Charge (Weapon:3 Zonewide) , It can also be range but only as long as you pay 40% ( Weapon:4 Range, maybe Zonewide).
Cellular Augmentation. By infusing the excess energy into your cells you can increase their growth rate, efficiency, and strength by enormus amounts. You can pay to increase any physical abilities (Strength, Speed, Toughness, Recovery) by one step for each payment, you can increase them from, Nothing to Inhuman-40%, Inhuman to Supernatural 70%, Supernatural to Mythic 120%. These abilities purchased only last for the duration of the scene unless canceled.
Dead Battery. You need at least 40% Charge to use this ability, if you have under 40% or 0% then you cannot use any of the abilities except Charging, if this is put on an Item of Power, the IOP or anything to do with it except Charging  won't function.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 03, 2013, 03:28:11 AM
Aion, Immortal's Edge[-4]
Description: A sword crafted by the god Vulcan out of the metal from a meteor and blessed by Mars. It's purpose was to give a great warrior of Rome an edge against it's enemies of any shape and colour,protect the innocent and greater good. It's edge has been said to rival that of either Excalibur and Kusangi.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:Weapons
[-0]It Is What It Is.It is a incredibly sharp and intricately designed sword. Weapon:4
[-0]Unbreakable.As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken by any means except a magical ritual predicted upon perverted it's purpose.
[-0]Purpose.This weapons purpose is to protect the innocent and the greater good.
[+2]One-Time Discount.It is a beautifully made sword that was made to draw the attention of people.
[-1]True Aim.As long as it's wielder is using it in it's purpose they get a +1 to their Weapons skill.
[-2]Searing Edge.The blade is as hot as the volcano it was forged in. +3 to stress to attacks made with it, and it satifies any Catches that have to do with heat, fire, lava, or meteors.
[-3]All Creatures Are Made Equal.When facing an opponent, the wielder may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene. In essence, the Aion, Immortal's Edge may take the place of whatever it is that a creature has a weakness to (whatever “the Catch” is on their Toughness powers), on demand, so long as the wielder can spend that fate point .

The Peacemaker of Jesse James [-3]
Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James to inherit the Peacemaker, represented as a high concept. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, others.
All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of the Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one shot (this effect may be extended to six shots if the wielder wishes to spend a fate point) that ignores that target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing. However, the wielder must make an immediate Discipline roll after the shot (or spend a fate point) to avoid going into a Shooting Frenzy (see below). This skill may be used multiple times per scene.
Debilitating Shot. Any time a creature is successfully wounded with this gun, the target experiences a supernatural loss of vitality. Subsequent shots made with this weapon against the same target gain a +1 on the roll for the remainder of the scene.
Killer's High. Once per scene, if this weapon inflicts enough stress and consequences to kill a living creature from a gunshot, the wielder may take an immediate "free" recovery period equal to an extra scene. This will clear a stress track and minor consequence of the wielder's choice.
Shooting Frenzy. When outnumbered in combat, after receiving social stress, or after emptying the cylinder (six shots), the wielder feels an uncontrollable urge to kill the nearest living creature with this gun. The GM may call for Discipline rolls to resist this urge. In some cases, the urge may take the form as a compel against the wielder's high concept.
It's a Gun. The Peacemaker of Jesse James always takes the form of a single action revolver with a revolving cylinder holding six rounds.
Unbreakable. As an item of Power, this gun cannot be hexed and will never jam.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the gun already includes the one-time discount. If this is the second Item of Power carried by a character, the refresh cost is -5.

Sphere of Unknown Origin [-3]
Energy Reroute. Tapping into a portion of the mysterious energies of this object, you are able to power a few abilities at a time. The combined cost of the abilities may not exceed the refresh cost of this item. You may take a full round action to change which abilities are powered. The powered abilities may be selected from the following: Guns Akimbo* [-1], Flight [-1], Inhuman Speed [-2], Inhuman Strength [-2], Inhuman Toughness [-2], Killer Blow [-1], The Whole Nine Yards** [-1], Supernatural Sense [-1 or -2], Target-Rich Environment [-1].
Untapped Power. With time and study, you may unlock access to more power from this object. You may add refresh points to this item to increase the Modular Abilities pool.
Energy Discharge. You may take a point of Sponsor Debt in order to unleash a powerful torrent of energy at one target for a Weapon: 4 attack.
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken, and any technology powered by this item gains is resistant to the effects of magic.
*Guns Akimbo: You have the ability to effectively wield a gun in each hand. When attacking a single target, you may add half of the second gun’s damage bonus on a successful hit (round up).
**The Whole Nine Yards: Your level of skill with your guns is such that you can fire quickly, creating a veritable hailstorm of rounds. You may use your Gun skill to make spray attacks (page 326) with your gun of choice against opponents up to one zone away. You may not combine the benefits of any other stunt with the effects of The Whole Nine Yards.
Given that the sphere shines with an unnatural light that can't be concealed, I gave it a rebate of +2.

Aegis of Magahal [-9]
Description: The masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts:You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a set of plate armour forged from adamantium ( Armor:3)
[+2] Discount.
[-2] Twofold Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness.
[+2] The Catch, (Mythic Toughness, Inhuman Recovery) Chaotic Powers.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.
[-2] Forged From The Finest Metals. Increase the armour rating of this item by 2.
[-1] Demesne (Grannash Territory).

Phoenix Feather
Description: A feather from the legendary fiery bird that dies only to be reborn from its ashes, it burns eternally with the Flames of Life.  It both has the power to restore as its flame nurtures the inner spark of Life within its wielder and destory by generating blasts of flame that burn those he wishes to harm.
Skills Affected: Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Eternal Flame. It shall burn always, unquenchable.
[-0] The Flame Harms Not. The flame does not burn or harm beings and objects it touches
[-0] Brightly Burning. The flame brings light to dark places (Light Source as per Pixie entry on page 48 of Our World).
[-4] Blaze of Life. The feather feeds one's inner spark of Life, turning it into a blaze which grants one Supernatural Recovery
[+2] The Catch (Necromantic Magic). As a Phoenix Feather is an artifact of Life, the enhancement it grants one's life force can not aid in recuperation from injuries inflicted the unnatural magic of its opposition, Death. (Limited Class Of People: +1; Specific Research Material: +1).
[-2] Wrathful Blast. By a focused act of will, the wielder can direct a blast of flame as one would from a wand that does potentially inflict damage (Reskinned Breath Weapon that uses Discipline for the skill to hit).
[+2] Item of Power
Total Cost: 2 Refresh

*Thirst (aka The Blade That Drinks)
Description: A claidheamh mor in which the spirit of a redcap was bound after it had offended a powerful sidhe noble.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Athletics, Rapport, Empathy, Endurance, other physical skills, Discipline,
[-0] Purpose. To imprison an impudent redcap and teach him to respect his betters, especially when his betters include powerful sidhe.
[-0] It Is What It Is.  A claidheamh mor, or basket-hilted broadsword (Weapon:3)
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose..
[-1] Channeling The Warrior Spirit. The wielder can draw upon the martial skills and experience of the redcap spirit.  However, the ferocity of the redcap's mindset means that while doing so one's ability to persuade and relate to people suffers.  (Reskinned Skill Shuffle trapping of Beast Change; Weapons and Athletics change places with Rapport and Empathy respectively).
[-2] Communion of Might The wielder can draw upon the strength of the redcap's spirit to augment his own. (Inhuman Strength)
[-4] Communion of Vitality. The wielder can draw upon the lifeforce of the redcap's spirit to enhance his recuperative capabilities (Supernatural Recovery).
[+3] The Catch (Cold Iron). Since the Redcap was a creature of Faerie, one who draws upon its vitality to enhance his recuperation must share in his Faerie vulnerability to Cold Iron (Easily Accessed +2; Specific Research Material necessary to realize the sword imprisons a redcap's spirit +1)
[+1] The Sword Must Drink. Though imprisoned within a sword, the spirit of the redcap still needs to drink its fill of blood to maintain its strength.  If deprived for too long it may weaken to the point that it might not be able to provide its benefit of enhanced vitality to its wielder (Feeding Dependency: Blood attached to Inhuman Strength and Supernatural Recovery).
[-1] Share The Feast. When the sword is sated the Communion of Vitality between it and the wielder allows him to receive a portion of the benefit.  The downside is that while Channeling The Warrior Spirit the wielder may have to resist the compulsions to feed (draw blood with the sword) experienced by the redcap spirit (Blood Drinker)
[+2] Item of Power
Total Cost: 2 Refresh
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 03, 2013, 03:29:05 AM
The Winged Sandals of Perseus
Description: Winged sandals given to the Greek hero Perseus by Hermes that allow one to fly.
Skills Affected: Athletics
[-0] Unbreakable.  As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] One Size Fits All. These sandals adjust to fit any foot size.
[-1] Flight.  These sandals allow the wearer to fly.
[-2] The Swiftness of Hermes.  Inhuman Speed.
[+2] Item of Power
Total Cost: 1 Refresh

Lore:  A powerful staff rumored to have been crafted by the Goddess Hecate and stolen by her daughter Circe in her greed for power.  The Archmage Staff is an extremely potent focus item which infuses the owner with magic.
Arcane Recovery: The infusion of magic into the Wizard enhances his Wizard's Constitution ability to the levels of Supernatural Recovery.  The Catch is mundane electricity, which interferes with the magic infusing the wizard (doesn't quite fit I know, but best I could come up with so far).
-I chose this option because I wanted a bit of 'oomph' to the staff beyond just saying "it gives you refinement slots for cheap", since Wizard's Constitution is a result of the magic the Wizard channels I felt that upgrading that effect would be an interesting spin.  I'm really not sure about the catch, I was trying to think of a decent one and it was either this or Cold-Iron, which is already overdone with the Fae.  I'm interested in more ideas though.
Arcane Power: The staff grants the wizard enhanced power, granting him 3 Refinement skills worth of bonuses which can only be utilized for the first two options (New Elements or Specialties).  Though the staff adapts itself to the wielder and they can choose their specialties (one time only, not changing except perhaps as part of a milestone) but they must use points to gain access to any Evocation element they don't yet have.
-Using the staff to gain different focus items or enchanted items didn't make much sense, so I limited it to new evocations types and specialties (which can apply to Thaumaturgy).  I considered allowing focus item slots and making them bound to the Staff, but in the end I decided that Specialties better suited the theme of the Staff since they aren't as easily stacked and tend to be more spread out.  The 'Archmage' ideal is someone who is very good at all types of magic after-all.  This is also why I required that points first be spent to purchase elements.   To simplify this, a new element or a specialty costs 0.5pts, buy new evo elements first, then specialties, to a total of 3.
Attunement: The staff attunes itself to the wielder, consuming two focus slots.  These slots can still be used as normal but are bound to the staff.
-I felt the staff needed a bit more 'investment' from the character beyond refresh levels so I added in this, it also fits in nicely with the alternatives listed below.
Law Abiding: The staff will not allow it's owner to intentionally break one of the Laws of Magic.  Attempting to do so automatically results in backfire for the full effect of the spell and severs the bond until the end of the next session.
-The staff needed a bit more non-refresh based lore and restrictions attached to it.  Being crafted by the Goddess of Magic (I chose Hecate, but you can choose any) I felt that having the rules of magic 'built-in' was a nice touch.  However I made it 'intentional' uses only since I didn't want to overly restrict characters freedom.  This is sort-of a play on the Sword of the Cross restriction, never mind a nasty surprise for a villain who gets his hands on it.
Now for the point break-down:
When wielded by a Wizard:
Item of Power: +2
Supernatural Recovery: -4
Catch: Mundane Electricity +3
3x Refinement -3
Refresh Total: -2
Which brings up the question of, what if a non-Wizard grabs the staff?  On the one hand, I think I prefer that mortals can't use the staff.  However, it also might be interesting try to apply it's effects to a mortal, so I created the alternate version for non-Wizards which follows the same rules and even has the same refresh level.  I actually sort of like it because while it's powerful, it's not quite as potent as it would be in the hands of a true-wizard.  And, of course, it's still limited by that player's Discipline and Conviction.
When Wielded by a Mortal (or someone without Evocation):
Item of Power: +2
Evocation -3 (two free focus item slots are automatically attuned to the staff)
Refinement -1 (Grants access to the two other elements without any specialization bonuses)
Wizard's Constitution -0
Refresh Total: -2

Deck of Tricks [-3]
It is what it is: And that's an old deck of 52 playing cards plus jokers.
One Time Discount [+1]: A deck of cards is a small item.
Luck of the Draw[-4]: As a standard action, you may draw a card from the deck. You are granted the powers attributed to the card. The powers last for 1 scene.
You've got to know when to hold 'em...: You may spend a fate point to have your current card last for one more scene.
...know when to fold 'em: Once per scene, you may spend a fate point to immediately draw a new card from the deck, after you just drew a card as a standard action.
Luck of the draw is modeled after modular abilities. Since you can't choose your power, I reduced the modular base cost by 1 point of refresh. You'd have to have powers worth approximately 3 refresh on any card, but not all of them have to be very useful or work together very well.
Example cards:
Well... you get the idea. You can easily change the 3 refresh, if you want more or less refresh on those powers. The superb skills are based on the mimic abilities power and can be replaced by higher or lower skill levels if you like, but I would always grant the maximum skill level your campaign allows. And of course those skills are not subject to the pyramid, they are extra.

(-?) Silver Strings:
Description: The Silver Strings are a set of musical strings made of pure, untarnished silver that glitter faintly with a holy light.
Skills Affected: Performance
Protective Muse: ***This needs to be cleaned up.*** The Strings are a subtle weapon against evil. By playing an instrument using the strings, their bearer can use Performance to ward off malign supernatural influence. The bearer spends a fate point, and for the scene can use Performance to create blocks against psychomancy, possession, incite emotions, or similar mind-affecting or physically controlling supernatural abilities at GM discretion. This can be done as a supplemental action to other uses of Performance.
Divine Purpose: ***This needs to be cleaned up.*** They're a less aggressive item than the Swords, but still have a purpose. That purpose is to spread peace and to protect the innocent from supernatural evil. The weilder can use them for personal gain (IE, playing for money), but they cannot be used in a deceptive manner, or be used to harm someone who has not harmed an innocent in the bearer's sight (including, say, using Pointed Performance to hurt someones' reputation). Also, the bearer cannot use them to forge a mortal contract (so no recording deal). If the bearer uses them in a manner against their purpose, they immediately produce a discordant twang, the Performance roll fails, and they unstring themselves but do not break. The bearer will not be able to restring them until he proves his faith again.
Holy: The Strings are a powerful holy symbol. The touch of a weapon strung with them is like a cross, holy water, or other symbol of faith backed by the belief of their wielder.
They're Strings: The Silver Strings always take the form of a set of strings for a musical instrument. Their number, length, and the exact key of each string vary, but always fit the chosen instrument of their current wielder.
Good Vibrations: The Silver Strings are of exceptional quality. When played in keeping with their purpose, they add +1 to any Performance roll made using an instrument stringed with them.
Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, the strings cannot be broken except through a specific ritual dedicated to subverting their purpose. This protection extends to the instrument they are currently in.

Jabir ibn Hayyan’s Grimoire [-1]
Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity.  Tread lightly on when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power.
Skills Affected: Lore, Varies.
Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age.  The Grimoire contains extraordinary alchemical insights.  Gain 2 Specializations which must be spent on crafting (strength or frequency).  These are subject to all normal limitations applied to Specialization bonuses.  Enchanted items lose these bonuses if you don't have the Grimoire available.
Methods of Madness.  You may boost the power of an enchanted item or potion upon use.  This bonus may not exceed your Lore skill.  When doing so, you must roll Discipline against the total power of the item, as if you were defending against an attack.  Failure to do so results in mental stress as if from an attack plus additional mental stress equal to the bonus from this effect.  Psychological consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.
The Mind of a Madman.  You gain +1 on any skill roll made in keeping with Jabir’s agenda (often having to do with seeking out knowledge and magical power at all costs).  When doing so, you must roll Discipline against the result, as if you were defending against an attack. Failure to defend results in mental stress as if from an attack; psychological consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.
Keep a second specialization pyramid "Without Grimoire" for reference incase you lose it.
Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, it cannot be broken, save through dedicated magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
It’s a Book. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
Discount Already Applied. As an Item of Power, the Grimoire already includes the one-time discount (YS167). This means that if you possess more than one Item of Power, the one-time discount will not apply on that second item. If Jabir ibin Hayyan’s Grimoire is the second or subsequent artifact the you gain, the refresh cost is -3.

Item of Power: Eye of Vengeance
Cost: -1
Description: A highly polished black spheroid made of some sort of gemstone the size of a human eye.
Must: Must have a high concept or template appropriate to being chosen by Nemesis.
- Bypasses Inhuman Recovery, preventing more than mortal healing.
So... if i understand this correctly. The overall Possible catches....

Item of Power: Sword of Justice
Cost: ?
Description: Each bearer of the sword finds that when he or she first touches it, it conforms to the bearer's tastes, skills and aptitudes but it is still a finely made sword at least the size of a gladius and no longer than a claymore.
Must: Must have a high concept or template appropriate to being chosen by Nemesis
That brings me to the last two powers Cloak of Shadows and Inhuman Agility. For lack of a better idea I just attached them to the sword. Frankly though I'm not sure they fit the sword itself. Should I internalize those powers? Or would something like Modular Powers make sense: like the sword grants X points of abilities that vary based on the wielder to make the job he is going to do possible?
1Inhuman Agility - Just made this one up based on the other Inhuman X traits. Effectively this would give you Peter Parker level agility.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 04, 2013, 01:20:55 AM
And now for step two of the update: reformatting items that don't need any editing.

If it's not in this post, either it's already formatted for inclusion in the list or I'm considering making some changes to it.

Actually I made some changes to some of these. Didn't plan that...but there were some math errors and some weird rules issues. Plus I tried to clean up the wording wherever possible.

If you object to anything I've done here, please say so.

Description: A gigantic glowing magical hammer. It was created by a god of war, and its impact drains the vitality of those it strikes.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a hammer. A really really big hammer. If you include the handle, it's 5 feet long. If it weren't magical, it'd be essentially impossible for a human to use. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Voldenrung is not concealable. You probably can't even fit it in your car.
[-1] Daedric Artifact. Voldenrung counts as holy and as True Magic for the purpose of fulfilling Catches.
[-3] Drains Stamina. Any character hit with an attack made with Voldenrung acquires the DRAINED STAMINA sticky Aspect if they don't already have it. If they already have that Aspect, it can be tagged an additional time.

Description: A two handed great sword, inlaid with gold. A name is inscribed in its handle. This sword serves as the prison of the demon Amos.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] Purpose. Amos wants to have fun, and to be the greatest sword in the world. He won't work for anyone who gets in the way of those goals.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a two-handed sword with an unbelievably sharp edge. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. Amos is too big to be hidden easily.
[-1] Ancient Knowledge. Amos is occasionally willing to share the knowledge that he's picked up over his incredibly long life. By taking a point of sponsor debt, you may replace your Lore or Scholarship skill with your Weapons skill for a single roll. (Amos shares information more willingly with more skilled wielders.) Sponsor debt taken this way is debt to Amos. This ability cannot be used to benefit rolls made to operate computers or to do anything else that a demon logically wouldn't be able to help with.
[-1] Sentient Sword. As long as Amos is in a good mood (violence makes him happy) he adds 1 to your Weapons skill by helping you fight.
[-1] Parry The Unparryable. Amos can block anything, and as such allows you to defend against all physical attacks with your Weapons skill as long as you're holding him.

Added a sensible restriction to Ancient Knowledge here.

Description: A device that looks like a cell phone. It can transform you into a superhuman being known as a Ranger.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a little thingamabob that looks like a cell phone. You can't call people with it, though.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Ranger Morpher is easily concealed in one's pocket.
[-1] Ranger Transformation. The Ranger Morpher allows you to transform into a garishly dressed being called a Ranger. This Power is identical to Beast Change.
[+1] Human Form. Most of the Powers of the Ranger Morpher are unavailable unless you use Ranger Transformation.
[-2] Inhuman Strength. While in Ranger form, you are stronger than a human should be.
[-2] Inhuman Speed. While in Ranger form, you are faster than a human should be.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. While in Ranger form, you are stougher than a human should be.
[+0] The Catch. The Toughness provided by the Ranger Morpher does not apply against Plot Devices. That is to say, anything deemed sufficiently important by the GM may ignore the Toughness provided by the Ranger Morpher.

I edited this one, but all I did was correct a math error in its cost. Dunno if that counts.

Description: A suit of plate armour. It's the masterpiece of the dwarven forgemaster Magahal Gluldein, crafted for the Orcish chieften Zorc nor-Grannash.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline.
[-2] It Is What It Is. It's full plate armour made of adamantium. Armour 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A suit of plate armour is essentially impossible to hide.
[-2] Twofold Strength. This Power is identical to Inhuman Strength.
[-6] Mythic Toughness. Like all good armour, the Aegis Of Magahal increases its wearer's ability to take damage.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery. The magic of Aegis fixes the wounds of anyone wearing it.
[+2] The Catch. The magical protections of the Aegis are ineffective against the Powers of Chaos.
[-1] Demesne. The wearer of the Aegis holds mystical dominion over the territory Grannash in the Nevernever, by right of inheritance from the Aegis' first owner Zorc nor-Grannash.

Description: A powerful staff rumored to have been crafted by the Goddess Hecate and stolen by her daughter Circe in her greed for power. The Archmage Staff is an extremely potent focus item which infuses the owner with magic.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: The effects given here assume that the wielder of the Archmage Staff has the Wizard Template. Wielders without Wizard's Constitution gain Wizard's Constitution instead of Supernatural Recovery, and wielders without Evocation gain Evocation with a Refinement granting access to all five standard elements instead of Arcane Power. Adjust the Refresh cost of the Archmage Staff accordingly.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore.
[-0] Law-Abiding. The Archmage Staff is bound to the Laws of Magic. If its user intentionally breaks a Law, it will inflict backlash equal to the spell's full power and its connection to its user will be severed.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a wooden staff. Weapon 1.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Archmage Staff is several feet long and rather difficult to hide.
[-4] Arcane Recovery. The infusion of magic into the staff's wielder enhances their Wizard's Constitution ability into Supernatural Recovery.
[-3] Arcane Power. The staff grants its wielder enhanced power, giving them 3 Refinements' worth of new elements and specialities. If the wielder does not have access to every Evocation element, they must use these to gain that access.
[-0] Attunement. The wielder of the Archmage Staff must invest at least two focus slots into it.
[+3] The Catch. For some reason, mundane electricity interferes with the flow of magic from the Archmage Staff and as such injuries inflicted with it heal no faster than they would for a normal wizard.

Description: Winged sandals given to the Greek hero Perseus by Hermes. They allow their wearer to fly.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics.
[-0] One Size Fits All. The Winged Sandals Of Perseus adjust their own size to fit anybody who puts them on.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a pair of sandals with seemingly-ornamental wings.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Sandals are easily concealed. With baggy enough clothes, you can even hide them in your pockets.
[-1] Flight. This Power is identical to Wings.
[-2] The Swiftness Of Hermes. This Power is identical to Inhuman Speed.

Had to make a slight edit here...sandals are not large enough for a +2 rebate.

Description: A claidheamh mor in which the spirit of a redcap who long ago offended a powerful sidhe noble is bound. Also known as Thirst.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Might, Endurance, Discipline.
[-0] Purpose. This sword was created to imprison an impudent redcap and teach him to respect his betters, especially when his betters include powerful sidhe.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a claidheamh mor, or basket-hilted broadsword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A full-sized sword is rather difficult to hide.
[-1] Channeling The Warrior Spirit. While wielding this sword, one can draw upon the martial skills and experience of the redcap spirit. However, the ferocity of the redcap's mindset means that while one is doing so one's social skills will suffer. As a supplemental action, you may swap the ratings of your Weapons and Athletics skills with those of your Rapport and Empathy skills respectively. If your unmodified Rapport is higher than your unmodified Weapons, don't swap those skills. Likewise with Empathy and Athletics.
[-2] Communion of Might The wielder can draw upon the strength of the redcap's spirit to augment his own. This Power is identical to Inhuman Strength.
[-4] Communion of Vitality. The wielder can draw upon the lifeforce of the redcap's spirit to enhance his recuperative capabilities. This Power is identical to Supernatural Recovery.
[+3] The Catch (Cold Iron). Since the Redcap was a creature of Faerie, one who draws upon its vitality to enhance his recuperation must share in his Faerie vulnerability to Cold Iron.
[+1] The Sword Must Drink. Though imprisoned within a sword, the spirit of the redcap still needs to drink its fill of blood to maintain its strength. If deprived for too long it may weaken to the point that it might not be able to provide its benefit of enhanced vitality to its wielder. This Power is identical to Feeding Dependency (Blood) attached to The Communion Of Might and The Communion Of Vitality.
[-1] Share The Feast. When the sword is sated the communion between it and its wielder allows its wielder to receive a portion of the benefit. This Power is identical to Blood Drinker.

Description: A highly polished black spheroid made of some sort of gemstone. It's the size of a human eye.
Musts: You must have a High Concept or Template appropriate for a being chosen by Nemesis.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Lore, Discipline.
[-0] Purpose. The Eye Of Vengeance was created to aid the chosen one of Nemesis, Goddess of Vengeance. It will function only as long as its user works faithfully towards Nemesis's goals.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a small black sphere. Put it in an empty eye socket to use its powers.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easy to conceal. Just keep it closed.
[-2] Your Purpose Is Not Yet Fulfilled. The Eye Of Vengeance will keep its wearer healthy as long as Nemesis needs them alive. This Power is identical to Inhuman Recovery.
[-1] The Guilty Cannot Hide. This Power is identical to The Sight.
[+1] Penitence Is Thy Bane. Penitence is the bane of Nemesis, and as such the attacks of any character who has truly repented for their sins ignore the effects of Your Purpose Is Not Yet Fulfilled.

Description: An eye that, when placed in somebody's skull, allows that person to see through all veils and all lies.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Alertness, Investigation, Empathy.
[-0] Purpose. The Eye exists to help its user see things as they really are.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a vaguely human-looking eyeball. It works just as well as a normal eyeball if placed in one's eye socket.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. An eye is easy to conceal. Just keep it closed.
[-3] True Seeing. The Eye Of God adds five to any skill used by its wearer for the purpose of seeing through a veil, glamour, shapeshifting-based disguise, or other supernatural deception.
[-1] Added Insight. The Eye Of God adds two to the Empathy skill of its wearer for the purpose of detecting lies.

Description: A false eye made of amethyst that grants the user the power to use The Sight. With use, a wielder of the Eye can awaken other powers in it. It is not in fact the actual Eye of the Graeae, but a clever imitation made by a scion of Hephaestus. He intended it as a gift to the Grey Sisters, but he was killed before he could give it to them and his killer picked it up. He in turn lost it in a bet with a Sidhe Lady and it has been in the Nevernever since. Even though it is not the original, it conveys various powers of sight on the owner and over time it has acquired some magical power due to its connection to the Grey Witches.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore, Discipline, Alertness, Investigation.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a false eye. In order to use it you must lose an eye and place in the empty socket. Once you've done so you can use its power even when you hold it in your hand. The eye does not grant standard vision and thus the Aspect associated with this Item will be compelled quite often in situations where being able to see through the replaced eye would be useful.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Eye of the Graeae, as an Item of Power, cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Eye of the Graeae is easily concealed. You could pop it out and hide it in you pocket, or you could just keep your eye closed. If the rebate from this effect would reduce the cost of the Eye to 0 Refresh, the Eye costs 1 Refresh instead.
[-1] The Sight. The purpose of the Eye was to help you see, and whatever you see with it is true and real.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears. Because the Eye sees that which is true, it can sometimes see what will be as well as what is.
[-1] Supernatural Sense. The Eye of the Graeae lets you see magic, as if it were colour or heat. This lets you see auras, tell wizards from mundanes or spirits at a distance by their glow, read the patterns of spell residue and anything else the GM thinks reasonable. The sense is used with Alertness and Investigation, not with Lore.
[-3] Thaumaturgy. The Eye of the Graeae gives you the power to cast spells like a witch. At the GM's discretion, it might be possible to gain a "witchy" variant of Ritual rather than full Thaumaturgy.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 04, 2013, 04:55:25 AM
First batch of edited items.

I explained my changes under each item's writeup.

Feedback would be lovely.

Description: A feather from the legendary fiery bird that dies only to be reborn from its ashes, it burns eternally with the Flames of Life. It both has the power to restore as its flame nurtures the inner spark of Life within its wielder and destroy by generating blasts of flame that burn those he wishes to harm.
Skills Affected: Endurance, Discipline.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a feather made of flames. The flames cannot be extinguished, and though they emit light equivalent to that of a flashlight they are harmless to those who touch the feather. But if the feather's owner wants, the feather can launch a bolt of fire that is very dangerous indeed. Mechanically, these bolts are equivalent to rifle shots. Weapon 3, range 3 zones.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's made of fire. Hiding a fire is not easy.
[-4] Blaze of Life. The feather feeds one's inner spark of Life, turning it into a blaze. This Power is identical to Supernatural Recovery.
[+2] The Catch (Necromantic Magic). As a Phoenix Feather is an artifact of Life, the enhancement it grants one's life force can not aid in recuperation from injuries inflicted the unnatural magic of its opposition, Death.
[-1] Wrathful Blast. The bolts of fire launched with the feather are not aimed the way bullets are. They are guided mentally. Attacks made with a Phoenix Feather use the Discipline skill.

You shouldn't have to pay to use an item as a weapon. You can do that for free with mundane items, and so it can be covered with It Is What It Is.

Description: A sword crafted by the god Vulcan out of the metal from a meteor and blessed by Mars. Its purpose was to give a great warrior of Rome an edge against Rome's enemies and to protect the innocent and the greater good. Its edge has been said to rival that of either Excalibur or Kusanagi.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a incredibly sharp and intricately designed sword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken by any means except a magical ritual predicted upon perverting its purpose.
[-0] Purpose. This weapon's purpose is to protect the innocent and the greater good. It will rebel if used against that purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a beautifully made sword that was made to draw the attention of people. As such it is hard to conceal.
[-1] True Aim. As long as the wielder of Aion is using it in accordance with its purpose they add one to their Weapons skill.
[-2] Searing Edge. The blade is as hot as the volcano it was forged in. Attacks made with Aion against targets not immune to fire inflict three additional stress, and Aion satisfies any Catches that have to do with heat, fire, lava, or meteors.
[-3] All Creatures Are Made Equal. When facing an opponent, the wielder of Aion may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily) and mundane armour for the duration of the scene.

Knocked the base weapon rating down to 3 and corrected some stylistic stuff. Those apostrophes were awful, let me tell you. I also made it so that Searing Edge's bonus damage doesn't apply against fire-immune foes.

Description: An ancient and powerful magic weapon. It's a 5 point throwing star with retractable blades, and it looks awesome in a ridiculous way.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a five-pointed throwing star with retractable blades. With the blades extended, it's about a foot wide. Weapon 2, range one zone.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Once the blades are retracted, The Glaive becomes fairly easy to conceal.
[-1] Boomerang. The Glaive will always return to the owners hand after being thrown. Furthermore, it can be used to make spray attacks.
[-2] Slayer of Monsters. Add four the weapon rating of The Glaive when attacking a non-human character with it.

I added the spray attack thing because I didn't think it was fair to charge for re-usability alone. Slayer Of Monsters seemed a bit iffy, but the specific-ness balanced out the bonus-stacking in my mind.

Description: A sword that chooses a good knight to carry out justice, following him till his death. The sword deals great misfortune to those other than the chosen knight who dare to wield it.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to being the chosen wielder of the sword. This aspect must reflect your relationship with the sword.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose. The purpose of the Red Marble Sword to seek justice in the hands of a worthy knight. It cannot be used against this purpose, and it will turn on its wielder if they are unworthy or if they use it immorally.
[-1] It Is What It Is. It's a supernaturally-effective longsword. Weapon 5.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is hard to hide.
[-1] Never Strike In Anger. When the wielder of the Red Marble Sword takes a full defence action, they add four to all of their defence rolls instead of the normal full defence bonus. This bonus adds to all defence rolls, not just Weapons defence rolls made with the Red Marble Sword. You may include this bonus in your "attack" roll when using Riposte.
[-1] Riposte. On a successful defence with the Red Marble Sword, you may sacrifice your next action to turn your defence roll into an attack against the person who attacked you (if they're in range). Treat your defence roll as the attack roll, and the roll made to hit you as the defence roll.

Never Strike In Anger was weak, now it is less so.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 04, 2013, 08:51:13 AM
Okay, feedback:

On Aion: Do you think Holy is a -1 power? I seem to recall you saying it wasn't which case All Creatures Are Equal is almost certainly -4. Searing Edge also seems a trifle expensive (though not a full Refresh's worth), IMO.

On the Red Marble Sword: What if someone who already has Riposte picks up the sword? Some sort of guideline seems warranted, especially since that seems a likely scenario. Never Strike In Anger is also a bit...odd, it effectively adds +2 defense and +4 attack situationally, and that seems a bit much for -1 Refresh, even with only being able to do it every other round, just due to that being almost unstoppable compared to other abilities/characters at the same level.

The others look good.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 04, 2013, 06:53:23 PM
First up, thanks for the review. I really appreciate having somebody looking over what I post to make sure it's sane.

On Aion: Do you think Holy is a -1 power? I seem to recall you saying it wasn't which case All Creatures Are Equal is almost certainly -4.

There's really no way to know for sure what the right costing is. The list so far has assumed Holy costs 1, though, so I'm going with that.

I'm going to add a disclaimer to the start of the list to that effect.

Searing Edge also seems a trifle expensive (though not a full Refresh's worth), IMO.

I tend to be harsh when bonuses start stacking. 1 stunt gives +2, 2 give +3.

On the Red Marble Sword: What if someone who already has Riposte picks up the sword? Some sort of guideline seems warranted, especially since that seems a likely scenario. Never Strike In Anger is also a bit...odd, it effectively adds +2 defense and +4 attack situationally, and that seems a bit much for -1 Refresh, even with only being able to do it every other round, just due to that being almost unstoppable compared to other abilities/characters at the same level.

Same thing that happens whenever somebody picks up an item granting a Power they already have, whatever that is.

I made Never Strike In Anger way stronger because

a) it has to compete with True Aim and with a flat +2 Weapons defence bonus,

b) people hardly ever use Full Defence, and

c) people can perfectly negate the deadly Riposte defence by not attacking you. They can just maneuver, maneuver, maneuver until they have +20 to an attack and you can't stop them because you're spending your actions doing nothing.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 04, 2013, 07:15:08 PM
First up, thanks for the review. I really appreciate having somebody looking over what I post to make sure it's sane.

No problem.

There's really no way to know for sure what the right costing is. The list so far has assumed Holy costs 1, though, so I'm going with that.

I'm going to add a disclaimer to the start of the list to that effect.

Cool. As long as consistency is preserved.

I tend to be harsh when bonuses start stacking. 1 stunt gives +2, 2 give +3.

That seems to make that second point of Refresh a really shitty investment. It's reasonable, but if doing that, I'd almost never make an item that used -2 Refresh explicitly for that.

Same thing that happens whenever somebody picks up an item granting a Power they already have, whatever that is.

Usually, they stack to some degree. But that's not exactly viable in this case...and I bring it up because I'd expect something well over 50% of characters who grab that sword to want to be able to Riposte (an excellent Stunt) without it

I made Never Strike In Anger way stronger because

a) it has to compete with True Aim and with a flat +2 Weapons defence bonus,

True...that +4 just seems excessive. Nothing else gives that big a bonus on attacks for only a single Refresh, no matter how conditional.

b) people hardly ever use Full Defence, and

They certainly will with that power.

c) people can perfectly negate the deadly Riposte defence by not attacking you. They can just maneuver, maneuver, maneuver until they have +20 to an attack and you can't stop them because you're spending your actions doing nothing.

If they know about it (by no means a sure thing, most enemies you'll get at least one chance to pull this trick on) and you're an idiot, yeah. Really, as soon as they don't attack (certainly if they don't for two or three rounds), you know the jig is potentially up and make an attack or maneuver of your own.

And I noted how conditional it just still strikes me as off. Not exactly too powerful, just wrong on some level. Too specific and too powerful within its specialty at the same time...making it either gamebreaking or useless. I hate powers like that, or at least ones like this that are active as opposed to passive, since the PCs can then apply them in the moments when they're gamebreaking, and ignore them the rest of the time at little disadvantage.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 05, 2013, 02:18:45 AM
That seems to make that second point of Refresh a really shitty investment. It's reasonable, but if doing that, I'd almost never make an item that used -2 Refresh explicitly for that.

I would, if the thing being boosted was important to my character.

Sometimes you just really want to hit hard, or research well, or whatever. And then it can be worthwhile to to invest deeply in something that offers diminishing returns.

Usually, they stack to some degree. But that's not exactly viable in this case...and I bring it up because I'd expect something well over 50% of characters who grab that sword to want to be able to Riposte (an excellent Stunt) without it

I get where you're coming from, but this is a systemic issue that needs a systemic fix. No point providing a special solution just for this one item.

True...that +4 just seems excessive. Nothing else gives that big a bonus on attacks for only a single Refresh, no matter how conditional.

An IoP wand that grants 2 Refinements can give +4 offensive (element) control as long you have the wand. That's actually less conditional. So there's something else that gives that big a bonus, though I admit it's a cheap example.

And the flat +2 bonus would give +2 to Riposte attacks. This ought to be better than that.

If they know about it (by no means a sure thing, most enemies you'll get at least one chance to pull this trick on) and you're an idiot, yeah. Really, as soon as they don't attack (certainly if they don't for two or three rounds), you know the jig is potentially up and make an attack or maneuver of your own.

Attacking people using full defence is generally a losing game anyway when you can just navel-gaze/attack other people until they stop it.

Honestly, I don't expect this ability to get much use. Full defence isn't good. It takes a really huge boost to make it worthwhile.

And I noted how conditional it just still strikes me as off. Not exactly too powerful, just wrong on some level. Too specific and too powerful within its specialty at the same time...making it either gamebreaking or useless. I hate powers like that, or at least ones like this that are active as opposed to passive, since the PCs can then apply them in the moments when they're gamebreaking, and ignore them the rest of the time at little disadvantage.

Fortunately, this isn't an active ability. It's a reactive ability, at least in part. So players don't really get to decide when they use it.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 05, 2013, 07:19:59 AM
Having thought about it some more...regardless of balance issues, I don't like Never Strike In Anger much. Suggestions for improving/replacing it would be appreciated.

That aside, here's the second batch of edited items.

Description: The Silver Strings are a set of musical strings made of pure, untarnished silver that glitter faintly with a holy light.
Musts: You must have excellent moral character and an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Performance.
[-0] Purpose. The Silver Strings exist to spread peace and to protect the innocent from supernatural evil. They cannot be used deceptively, or to harm anyone who has not harmed an innocent within the sight of their current bearer. Furthermore, they cannot be used to forge a mortal contract. If the bearer violates the purpose of the Silver Strings, the strings immediately produce a discordant twang (causing any Performance roll using them to fail) and unstring themselves. The bearer will not be able to restring the Silver Strings until he proves his faith again.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a set of strings for a musical instrument. Their number, length, and the exact key of the strings varies, but is always appropriate to the chosen instrument of their current bearer.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose. This indestructibility extends to the instrument the strings are in, if they're in an instrument.
[+1] One-Time Discount. The Silver Strings are easy to hide, especially when not strung.
[-1] Protective Muse. The Silver Strings are a subtle weapon against evil. By playing an instrument strung with the strings, their bearer can use Performance to perform maneuvers and blocks opposing supernatural mental influence.
[-1] Holy. The Strings are a powerful holy symbol. The touch of an item strung with them is like the touch of a cross, holy water, or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of its wielder.
[-1] Good Vibrations. The Silver Strings are of exceptional quality. When played in keeping with their purpose, they add two to any Performance roll made using an instrument stringed with them.

Doubled the bonus from Good Vibrations to bring it in line with a stunt. Removed Protective Muse's ability to violate the action economy, which let me remove the FP cost. Then did a bunch of reformatting.

Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift for Marci, the spoiled neice of a powerful wizard. They're cursed to torment their wearer in humiliating ways, because Marci's uncle was incredibly petty.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. It's going to be compelled in curse-related ways. A lot.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Performance
[-0] Purpose. The skates were created to punish their wearer. As such, they move around (bringing their wearer with them) in whichever way is most likely to hurt and humiliate the wearer. The skates also resist removal; before they can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in a public fountain consecrated with an American coin from 1972 (since they were made during 1972 in America) and dried off with werebear fur.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a set of roller skates. You can skate with them.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. These roller skates might be easy to hide if they were removable. But they're not, so they're really obvious.
[-2] Magical Skating. When sprinting, the wearer of Marci's Roller Skates adds three to their Athletics and may rollerblade over all terrain, including water, as though it were flat smooth concrete.
[-1] Skate Pro. The wearer adds two to their Performance skill when using it to rollerblade.

The "punishment" and the non-removability seemed like value-neutral Aspect things to me, so I made them that way. I increased the one-time discount, though, because wearing rollerblades is pretty obvious to everyone. I also clarified that Magical Skating lets you move over water, because that seemed cool and balanced to me.

Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity. Tread lightly when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power and an Aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a really big book. In fact, it probably wouldn't fit in a backpack.
[-1] Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age. The Grimoire contains extraordinary alchemical insights. It grants two Thaumaturgy specializations which must be spent on Crafting strength or frequency. These are subject to all normal limitations applied to Specialization bonuses, and the resulting set of specializations must be legal both with and without the specializations from the Grimoire.
[-1] The Mind of a Madman. This Power is identical to Demonic Co-Pilot. The demon is Jabir, and his agenda is the acquisition of unlimited knowledge and power.
[-1] Methods of Madness. You may boost the power of an enchanted item or potion upon use. This bonus may not exceed your Lore skill, but may increase the power of the item beyond your Lore x2. Doing this allows the Grimoire to make a mental attack against you, with an accuracy equal to the total power of the item and a weapon rating equal to the amount you added to its power. Mental consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.

I considered altering Methods Of Madness, but I couldn't think of anything good so I left it more-or-less as-is. I let people pick their own consequences from The Mind Of A Madman because I didn't see why The Mind Of A Madman should be worse than Demonic Co-Pilot.

Description: A powerful staff once belonging to an ancient but powerful politician and businessman. A man who was said to at one time have owned all the farms in the world.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Note: Depending on the Powers of the character wielding it, the Refresh cost of The Staff Of Phibus may vary.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore.
[-0] Purpose. The staff is known for it's accelerated growing properties, and for spiritual enhancement.
[-0] It Is What It Is. Its a six foot tall staff made of a distinct but unique type of wood. Weapon 1.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A staff is rather large and difficult to hide.
[-4] Staff of Growth. The Staff Of Phibus grants access to the Plant Magic Sponsored Magic Power.
[-1] Nature Channel. The Staff Of Phibus is a +2 Plant Magic control focus. It applies to offensive and defensive evocations and to thaumaturgy. This effect consumes the focus slots from Plant Magic. If the wielder of the staff doesn't get all four focus slots from Plant Magic, they must invest their own focus slots in The Staff Of Phibus to replace them.

Since this game doesn't include rules for plant growth and I really doubt most people know what multiplying growth rates by 100 would do, I replaced Staff Of Growth with Sponsored Magic. This had the added benefit of making Nature Channel easier to stat.

And here's Plant Magic:

Description: You draw upon the power of the world's plant life. It's a pretty simple form of magic, but a powerful one.
Sponsor: The collective ur-mind of all plants everywhere.
Agenda: Plants are not smart enough to have an actual agenda, but as a general rule plants like growing and dislike dying.
Evocation: Plant evocations work by creating and manipulating plants. Surprise!
Thaumaturgy: Plant Magic can be used to cast rituals that have to do with plants. It can make plants grow, give plants magical properties, create plant matter out of nowhere, turn people into plants, and so on.
Evothaum: Spells that make plants grow can be cast with Evocation's speed and methods using Plant Magic.
Extra Benefits: You get the Echoes Of The Beast Power, with plants as your beast. This adds one to your Alertness and Survival skills in plant-rich areas and lets you talk to plants.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 05, 2013, 10:13:59 AM
Third batch.

Two items left. Not coincidentally, they're the ones that I don't think I have any real chance of fixing.

Description: The magical sword of Nemesis's Emissary. Each bearer of the sword finds that when he or she first touches it, it transforms to fit their tastes, skills and aptitudes. It is always a finely made sword no smaller than a gladius and no larger than a claymore.
Musts: You must have a High Concept or Template appropriate for a being chosen by Nemesis.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Stealth, Athletics.
[-0] Divine Purpose. This sword was created to bring balance to the scales of justice and therefore can only be wielded against creatures that have seriously wronged someone. The sword will not harm an innocent at all and if the 'wrongs' inflicted by a character do not merit death (as determined by the Goddess herself), the sword will not kill them.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a sword. It's currently a beautiful swept hilt rapier, but that could change if somebody else picks it up. Regardless, it is and will remain weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is a tricky thing to conceal.
[-3] All Creatures Fear Justice. When facing an opponent, the wielder of the Sword Of Justice may spend a fate point to ignore that opponent’s defensive abilities (Toughness based ones, primarily), as well as any mundane armor the foe has, for the duration of the scene.
[-1] Holy. While the deity that created the sword may not be the Christian one, this weapon is none the less a holy artifact. Its touch is like that of holy water or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of the wielder.
[-1] Cloak Of Shadows. Vengeance, even holy vengeance, is often best performed under cover of darkness. As such, the Sword Of Justice makes its wielder at home in the night.
[-2] Inhuman Agility. This Power is identical to Inhuman Speed.

Increased the weapon rating to 3, because an IoP should be among the best mundane weapons available. Made Inhuman Agility into Inhuman Speed because they're almost exactly the same anyway.

Description: A well-groomed moustache, with the style varying from person to person. It radiates pure commanding authority.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Presence, other social skills.
[-0] Purpose. The moustache exists to grant its wearer authority and leadership.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a moustache.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an item of power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. If shaved, it is simply detached from its owner's body and can then be attached to any vacant upper lip.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The moustache commands attention. You'd have to be some sort of ninja to hide it.
[-1] Because the 'Stache Says So. With such glorious facial hair, it's clear that you're a natural born leader. Bearers of the Moustache of Authority get +2 to their Presence skill for establishing themselves as authority figures.
[-1] Marked by the 'Stache. Such a magnificent moustache gives you an obvious advantage in social conflict. All social rolls are made at +1 when made toward those who recognize the power of the 'stache. Which is pretty much everybody "in the know". Concealing the Moustache is difficult, and all attempts to do are restricted by Discipline. Any stressful activity will cause the concealment to fail.
[-2] The 'Stache Bows To No One. Few have the ability to get the better of you when you have such gravitas as conferred by this item. The bearer of the Moustache of Authority has armour 1 against all Social attacks, and has 2 extra Social stress boxes.

Given the effects of Marked By Power, there's no way a bonus of less than 2 was appropriate. Also an Item of Power must be an actual item, not a body part. Abused my position as list editor to impose Canadian spelling.

Description: A very mysterious sphere. Glows brightly and appears to be a source of infinite energy.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a small glowing sphere.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. Since it's not clear what its nature is, it would be difficult to perform such a ritual.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The sphere glows brightly and as such is essentially impossible to conceal.
[-5] Energy Reroute. Tapping into a portion of the mysterious energies of this object, you are able to power a few abilities at a time. The combined cost of the abilities may not exceed the refresh cost of this item. You may take a full round action to change which abilities are powered. The powered abilities may be selected from the following list: Guns Akimbo (a Guns Stunt that lets you wield a second gun in order to add half its weapon rating to that of your first gun) [-1], Wings [-1], Inhuman Speed [-2], Inhuman Strength [-2], Inhuman Toughness [-2], Killer Blow [-1], The Whole Nine Yards (a Guns Stunt that lets you make spray attacks with any gun) [-1], Supernatural Sense [-1 or -2], Target-Rich Environment [-1], Potent Ranged Natural Weaponry [-3].
[-varies] Untapped Power. With time and study, you may unlock access to more power from this object. You may add refresh points to this item to increase the amount of Powers you may use at once with Energy Reroute.

Couldn't find a good way to model the energy blast so I just folded it into the Energy Reroute ability. Removed some pointless-seeming restrictions from The Whole Nine Yards, and removed the note about the sphere toughening up technology since that seemed like the kind of effect that shouldn't be given for free.

Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James, represented as a high concept, to inherit the Peacemaker. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, Discipline.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a six-shot revolver. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. Furthermore it cannot be hexed and will never jam.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A revolver is fairly easy to hide.
[-3] All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of the Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one point of Sponsor debt in order to ignore the target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing, for the duration of the scene. Debt taken this way will generally be discharged by Compels to shoot someone.
[-1] Shooting Frenzy. This Power is identical to Blood Drinker except that it works at range and that whether you feel the urge to attack someone has nothing to do with blood and everything to do with whether somebody looks like an easy target.

The mechanics for this thing were basically a more complicated version of ACaEBG and Blood Drinker. I removed some of the extra complexity.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 05, 2013, 11:32:49 AM
Okay, I'm actually pretty happy with this one. Surprised myself with that.

Modular Adaptations is a maybe-too-powerful application of Variable Abilities, my Modular Abilities expansion.

Energy-Purge is just Human Form attached to four Inhumans and some It Is What It Is stuff.

This edit was a broad nerf of a bunch of stuff that was overpowered or not compatible with the rules or both.

Description: In the year 2058, a powerful mechanized battle suit will be invented by Novatech. They'll sell it for 893,700,000 per suit, and only 400 of the most elite soldiers in the United States Armed Forces will be allowed to use it. Its main component will be malleum, a quasi-miraculous protean biometal that reacts to human brainwaves. For some reason, one of those suits has travelled back in time and is present in the present.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Might, Fists, Endurance, Stealth.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a high-tech battle suit that bonds to the host and almost impossible to remove. It weighs little and provides both excellent protection and deadly integrated melee weaponry. Armour 3, weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a highly advanced, futuristic, full-body suit that is made up of several components that won't be discovered or invented for several decades. As such it is quite conspicuous.
[-2] Inhuman Toughness. The malleum in the suit incorporates itself into its operator's bones, increasing bone density and strength.
[-2] Inhuman Recovery.The malleum in the suit repairs both the operator's body and the suit if any damage is sustained.
[+2] The Catch. The suit is very tough, but its protection is ineffective against anti-tank weaponry.
[-7] Modular Adaptations. The suit can operate in three different modes. Changing between modes requires a full action.
-Amp Mode The malleum in the suit flows into the operator's muscles. This mode grants Supernatural Strength and Inhuman Speed.
-Cloak Mode: The suit bends light around itself as the malleum in the suit flows into the operator's nerves. This mode grants Inhuman Speed, Enhanced Invisibility, and True Aim.
-Armour Mode: The malleum in the suit hardens greatly, enhancing the suit's protective qualities. This mode grants Supernatural Toughness and makes the suit armour 5.
[-6] Energy-Purge. The suit grows even more powerful when upgraded and charged with massive amounts of energy. As long as the suit was plugged into a major energy source (an industrial electrical socket will do) for at least an hour since the last time this effect was used, the suit's operator can choose to activate this ability. Doing so increases their Strength, Speed, Toughness, and Recovery by one level. Furthermore, it grants them access to energy weapons built into the suit which are mechanically equivalent to assault rifles and grenade launchers.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 05, 2013, 11:51:04 AM
This might not be balanced, but I think it's the best I can do.

I'm tempted to use Sponsor Debt for the deck instead of FP...thoughts?

Description: A deck of cards. Drawing one causes you to gain abilities both magical and mundane. This is pretty useful, but since there's no way to predict what abilities drawing a card will give you it's not the most reliable item.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's an old deck of 52 playing cards plus jokers.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A deck of cards is a small item and an easy one to hide.
[-4] Luck Of The Draw. Every card in the deck, including the jokers, has a unique set of abilities attached to it. The abilities of a card always cost 3 Refresh total, if a skill at your skill cap is worth 1 Refresh. As a standard action, you may draw a random card from the deck. You are granted the abilities attached to the card you draw for the rest of the scene. Drawing a second (or a third, or a fourth, etc...) card in the same scene costs a Fate Point and erases any abilities a previous card may have given you. At the end of a scene in which you drew a card, you may spend a Fate Point to retain the granted abilities for an additional scene.

Example cards:

Anyway, that's all of the items. I'll leave these up for a couple of days and then if there are no problems to address I'll update the list.

I would greatly appreciate it if you were to read over these items to see if there are any issues with them.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 06, 2013, 11:15:22 PM
I'm planning to update the document tomorrow, but I'd really like to get some input from somebody else first.

Deadmanwalking, do you feel up to doing another review?

That aside, here's another item:

Description: When the old wise king Solomon passed from the land of the living, the guardian angel that protected him set aside its sword, its duty complete. The sword did not join its master in retirement but instead appeared to those who shared its purpose, to protect and serve. Solomon's Guard, also known as the Shining Blade, is a short sword of angelic make. Its blade is slightly longer than a man's forearm and made of a silvery material flecked with gold that is as strong, if not stronger, than steel. Three words are inscribed in Latin on both sides of the blade: 'Duty, Honour, Sacrifice'.
Musts: You must have a calling or destiny to inherit Solomon's Guard, one that coincides with its purpose. This is usually represented by a High Concept.
Skills Affected Alertness, Conviction, Empathy, Lore, Weapons.
[-0] Divine Purpose. Solomon's Guard may only be swung with true selfless purpose in mind and heart. When swung without such purpose, the blow does not land (any attack roll automatically fails), the bond between sword and wielder is immediately broken until the wielder repents with an appropriate trial of faith, and the sword falls from the wielder's hand. Basically, you and your GM should look at the description above as a guideline for how to compel the high concept attached to the sword - your character might be tempted to use the sword for selfish reasons, and could receive a fate point to wither stay their hand or succumb to the temptation and lose the sword temporarily. If another takes up the sword and swings it selfishly, your character is still responsible for how the sword is used.
[-0] It Is What It Is. Solomon's Guard always takes the form of a sword, though the precise type of sword may change through the ages. Regardless of type, it's weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. A sword is a tricky thing to conceal.
[-1] Angelic Origin. This blade was wielded by an angel and shared in that angel's nature, making this weapon a powerful holy symbol in its own right. Its very touch is like that of holy water, a cross, or another symbol of faith backed by the belief of the possessor.
[-0] Divine Light. Solomon's Guard is lit from within by a soft white light. It provides a diffused glow that is sufficient in strength to illuminate one zone of mundane darkness.
[-1] Duty. While wielding this weapon, you cannot be turned from your duty. When swung in keeping with its purpose, Solomon's Guard adds one to its wielder's Weapons skill.
[-1] Honour. The honour of this blade illuminates the wielder's path. In the presence of acts this blade finds to be dishonourable, it glows fiercely, alerting the wielder to danger. It provides you with a +1 bonus to Empathy when detecting lies, +1 to Alertness while Avoiding Surprise, and +1 to the Mystic Perception trapping of the Lore skill.
[-2] Sacrifice. When you wield Solomon's Guard in defence of others, the blade hardens your convictions into a brilliant aegis. This Power is identical to Supernatural Toughness with the Catch that you only benefit from it while defending others.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 07, 2013, 12:05:33 AM
Well, since you ask...

General disagreement on Holy costing anything noted here. Any items not mentioned below look good to me except possibly for that.

MARCI'S ROLLER SKATES: I'm...not really following how (based on their description of being as embarrassing as possible) they add to Performance. I mean, athletics, sure, but...from description they're the opposite of impressive looking in the conventional sense. Unless you're using Performance for all rollerblading, not just perform-y which case I disagree profoundly with that choice, as most rollerblading's clearly more Athletics than Performance.

JABIR IBN HAYYAN'S GRIMOIRE: I'm...slightly unclear on what Methods of Madness does. Does it add up to your Lore to a Potion or Item's Strength or what? The wording's just...less than clear. If it works how I think it does, it's probably significantly underpowered, actually, but I can't be sure sans clarification.

MOUSTACHE OF AUTHORITY: So...fake moustache, I guess? Assuming it really is an item.

THE PEACEMAKER OF JESSE JAMES: Blood Drinker interacts oddly with ranged attacks (specifically 'Drink Blood' one of it's more useful components fails to interact with them at all)...the item notes that its version works at range, but neglects to talk about using Guns instead of melee skills, or discuss whether it still works in close as well, and doesn't talk about whether it still helps with grapples, or, if not, if it gets anything to replace that trick. Additional clarification of some sort seems useful.

DECK OF TRICKS: Is odd, though I love the idea. I'm...not sure if that cost is right. I'd personally argue that three points of random powers are worth about -3 Refresh, not -4, with the basic Modular Abilities cost counteracted by the 'completely random'  drawback (which seems worth +2 to me). Matter of opinion to some degree...but I can easily see this power's downside being as big a downside as the +2 version of Human Form under many circumstances. A Tarot version would also be cool. And such a version's existence might be noted. Also, the Evocation card should grant 2 Focus Items if the Fire Channeling version grants 4.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on January 07, 2013, 12:32:36 AM
MOUSTACHE OF AUTHORITY: So...fake moustache, I guess? Assuming it really is an item.
Nah, real one. Read Dr. McNinja, that's where I nicked it from.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 07, 2013, 12:42:59 AM
Nah, real one. Read Dr. McNinja, that's where I nicked it from.

I'm familiar with Dr. McNinja...but if it's not an item, it's not an Item of Power, just a power. Y'know?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 07, 2013, 05:41:17 AM
Again, thanks.

General disagreement on Holy costing anything noted here.

I more or less agree with your disagreement, for whatever it's worth.

MARCI'S ROLLER SKATES: I'm...not really following how (based on their description of being as embarrassing as possible) they add to Performance. I mean, athletics, sure, but...from description they're the opposite of impressive looking in the conventional sense. Unless you're using Performance for all rollerblading, not just perform-y which case I disagree profoundly with that choice, as most rollerblading's clearly more Athletics than Performance.

I'm not totally sure how that works myself. I didn't write the skates originally...

Apparently the skates are supposed to punish you, but they nonetheless give you awe-inspiring rollerblading tricks.

It's possible that I misinterpreted how the punishment is supposed to work, but if so I don't really think I can correct that.

I think I'll just add a note saying that the skates work beautifully most of the time and only occasionally torment their wearer.

JABIR IBN HAYYAN'S GRIMOIRE: I'm...slightly unclear on what Methods of Madness does. Does it add up to your Lore to a Potion or Item's Strength or what? The wording's just...less than clear. If it works how I think it does, it's probably significantly underpowered, actually, but I can't be sure sans clarification.

Yes, that is what it does. I'll reword for clarity. It might be underpowered, but I'm inclined to err on the side of caution where Crafting is involved.

MOUSTACHE OF AUTHORITY: So...fake moustache, I guess? Assuming it really is an item.

Yeah, this one isn't really an item. I had to change the write-up a bit so that it would be mechanically identical to a fake moustache and therefore acceptably item-like.

THE PEACEMAKER OF JESSE JAMES: Blood Drinker interacts oddly with ranged attacks (specifically 'Drink Blood' one of it's more useful components fails to interact with them at all)...the item notes that its version works at range, but neglects to talk about using Guns instead of melee skills, or discuss whether it still works in close as well, and doesn't talk about whether it still helps with grapples, or, if not, if it gets anything to replace that trick. Additional clarification of some sort seems useful.

Yeah, that was crappily worded. The revised Power has nothing to do with blood, it just uses the same mechanics. It provides bonuses when its user wounds or kills people.

Forgot about the grapple thing, as it happens.

I'll try and fix that.

DECK OF TRICKS: Is odd, though I love the idea. I'm...not sure if that cost is right. I'd personally argue that three points of random powers are worth about -3 Refresh, not -4, with the basic Modular Abilities cost counteracted by the 'completely random'  drawback (which seems worth +2 to me). Matter of opinion to some degree...but I can easily see this power's downside being as big a downside as the +2 version of Human Form under many circumstances. A Tarot version would also be cool. And such a version's existence might be noted. Also, the Evocation card should grant 2 Focus Items if the Fire Channeling version grants 4.

Good point about the Evocation card. Will fix.

I really have no idea what the correct cost for the random Powers is. I guess I'll go with your suggestion unless somebody argues otherwise.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 07, 2013, 08:35:59 AM
Again, thanks.

No problem. Happy to help.  :)

I really have no idea what the correct cost for the random Powers is. I guess I'll go with your suggestion unless somebody argues otherwise.

My thought process is (at least partly):

1. Having to activate Modular Abilities every scene and not being able to shift them more than once per scene without FP is totally a +1 disadvantage. That removes a lot of their utility.
2. Getting random powers is also clearly a +1 disadvantage (since that's the minimum level of meaningful disadvantage available).

These have both downsides, which makes their particular form of randomness at least +2 as downsides go.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on January 07, 2013, 06:01:00 PM
I'm familiar with Dr. McNinja...but if it's not an item, it's not an Item of Power, just a power. Y'know?
Eh, I don't see a problem with it--it's something that can be removed, after all, even if it grows back. I've constructed a couple characters who have, for example, a transplanted arm as an Item of Power.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 07, 2013, 11:43:12 PM
Alright then, here are the last four edits. If nobody posts a complaint, the list will be updated before I go to sleep tonight.

Explanations after statblocks, as usual.

In ascending order of edit size:

Description: A deck of cards. Drawing one causes you to gain abilities both magical and mundane. This is pretty useful, but since there's no way to predict what abilities drawing a card will give you it's not the most reliable item.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Many.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's an old deck of 52 playing cards plus jokers.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A deck of cards is a small item and an easy one to hide.
[-3] Luck Of The Draw. Every card in the deck, including the jokers, has a unique set of abilities attached to it. The abilities of a card always cost 3 Refresh total, if a skill at your skill cap is worth 1 Refresh. As a standard action, you may draw a random card from the deck. You are granted the abilities attached to the card you draw for the rest of the scene. Drawing a second (or a third, or a fourth, etc...) card in the same scene costs a Fate Point and erases any abilities a previous card may have given you. At the end of a scene in which you drew a card, you may spend a Fate Point to retain the granted abilities for an additional scene.

Example cards:

Changed cost and explained more of what the Evocation card does. Boring, I know.

Description: A pair of pink and white rollerskates created as a gift for Marci, the spoiled neice of a powerful wizard. They're cursed to torment their wearer in humiliating ways, because Marci's uncle was incredibly petty.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item. It's going to be compelled in curse-related ways. A lot.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Performance
[-0] Purpose. The skates were created to punish their wearer. As such, they occasionally move around (bringing their wearer with them) in whichever way is most likely to hurt and humiliate the wearer. The skates also resist removal; before they can be taken off they first must be soaked for 2 hours in a public fountain consecrated with an American coin from 1972 (since they were made during 1972 in America) and dried off with werebear fur.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a set of roller skates. You can skate with them.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. These roller skates might be easy to hide if they were removable. But they're not, so they're really obvious.
[-2] Magical Skating. When sprinting, the wearer of Marci's Roller Skates adds three to their Athletics and may rollerblade over all terrain, including water, as though it were flat smooth concrete.
[-1] Skate Pro. The wearer adds two to their Performance skill when using it to rollerblade, thanks to the awe-inspiring skate tricks enabled by the magic of the rollerblades. Of course, a curse-related Compel could easily turn any performance into a humiliating fiasco.

Tried to resolve the contradiction between embarrassing curse stuff and awesome skate tricks. Tell me if I failed.

Description: You possess the grimoire of the mad artificer Jabir ibin Hayyan who sought knowledge at the cost of his sanity. Tread lightly when retracing his path to knowledge, lest it plunge you into the same madness which took him.
Musts: You must have the Thaumaturgy power and an Aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Lore.
[-0] It Is What It Is. The Grimoire is a large, ancient tome.  A caster may spend Focus Item slots to use the Grimoire as a focus item.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a really big book. In fact, it probably wouldn't fit in a backpack.
[-1] Greatest Artificer of Merlin’s Age. The Grimoire contains extraordinary alchemical insights. It grants two Thaumaturgy specializations which must be spent on Crafting strength or frequency. These are subject to all normal limitations applied to Specialization bonuses, and the resulting set of specializations must be legal both with and without the specializations from the Grimoire.
[-1] The Mind of a Madman. This Power is identical to Demonic Co-Pilot. The demon is Jabir, and his agenda is the acquisition of unlimited knowledge and power.
[-1] Methods of Madness. Whenever you use an enchanted item or potion, you may choose to increase its strength (for that one use) by any amount equal to or less than your Lore. (This bypasses the normal limit of Lore x2 on enchanted item strength). Doing this allows the Grimoire to make a mental attack against you, with an accuracy equal to the total power of the item and a weapon rating equal to the amount you added to its power. Mental consequences that result are set by the GM, in line with Jabir’s agenda.

Tried to clarify Methods Of Madness. Again, tell me if I failed.

Description: You possess the Colt .45 of the infamous Jesse James. This weapon was cursed by an unknown hoodoo doctor after Jesse James killed his father. This gun is cursed to be passed on to the firstborn of each successive generation of his bloodline.
Musts: You must be a firstborn descendant of Jesse James, represented as a high concept, to inherit The Peacemaker. If any other creature wields this weapon, it functions as a normal gun.
Skills Affected: Guns, Discipline.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a six-shot revolver. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature. Furthermore it cannot be hexed and will never jam.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A revolver is fairly easy to hide.
[-3] All Creatures Are Meant To Die. This is the truest purpose of The Peacemaker, to make sure that its target is deader than dirt. When facing an opponent, the wielder may take one point of Sponsor debt in order to ignore the target's defensive abilities (it may satisfy whatever "the Catch" is), as well as any mundane armor it may be wearing, for the duration of the scene. Debt taken this way will generally be discharged by Compels to shoot someone.
[-1] Shooting Frenzy. If The Peacemaker inflicts a consequence on a character, subsequent attacks against that character get +1. Once per scene, when the Peacemaker kills a character, the wielder may clear any stress track and erase a mild consequence. If the Peacemaker runs out of bullets or is used against foes that outnumber the wielder, the wielder must roll Discipline against a difficulty of the GM's choice to avoid shooting the nearest person uncontrollably.

Hosed this one up on the first pass, I admit. I undid some of my changes, hopefully making the item work properly. Read it and tell me what you think.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 08, 2013, 12:49:56 AM
Those all look good to me, though Methods of Madness still looks a bit weak. Maybe reverse it, with an attack equal to shifts added at a weapon rating of the original item's effectiveness? That'd let you add just a little fairly often, while still being risky as hell to use on big items.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 08, 2013, 01:55:32 AM
Hm, maybe. That'd be pretty cool...but I think I'll leave it as-is for now.

I'm kinda paranoid when it comes to breaking the Lore x2 cap, honestly. Even if doing so is mostly suicidal...
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 08, 2013, 05:52:25 AM
Update complete.

Twenty-six items were added in this update, bringing the total list length to 62 items spread over 47 pages of text. 96408 characters not including the new title and introduction.

Which might be a problem, since I'm not sure I can fit that much text in the five posts I reserved at the start of this thread.

I'll try, at least. But from here on out the text document is probably a better place to look for items than the start of this thread.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 08, 2013, 06:10:07 AM
Okay, I actually fit every item into the first five posts. Somehow.

That's the limit, though. Each of those posts has more than 19000 characters, and the forum rejects posts that approach the limit of 20000 too closely.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on January 10, 2013, 12:11:32 AM
A Blinker Stone from Gunnerkrigg Court, which is meant to focus one's latent magical ability. It's meant for use by wizard's apprentices who are having trouble with Channeling or Evocation, and is meant to be taken with either Channeling or Evocation. Always At Hand might be overpriced and empirical evidence suggests i'm horrible at Limitation rebates, so take it with a grain of salt.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on January 10, 2013, 03:51:07 AM
Ignoring the usual Lore limitation on foci both makes it overpowered, and breaks the fluff you appear to be going for - if it were the case, even the greatest wizard would want a blinker stone, not just their apprentices.

Astral Sight - I'm assuming that as per the rules for The Sight, someone with the blinker stone would be able to get Soulgaze for free as well?

Always At Hand - based on Santacphrax's Item of Power Collection and Tracing, I'd say [-2] is right. Still, I'd personally price it as [-1].

Item Limitation - I'm not quite sure how it works either, but if you get the ability to summon it back whenever you want, I'm not sure it's worth [+2]

Btw, I should note that there may be balance issues with IoPs granting foci slots.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 10, 2013, 04:07:27 AM
Hey, Gunnerkrigg Court. You earn points for trying that, in my book.


It's not really very fair to have both an IoP rebate and an Item Limitation rebate. They both do the same thing.

What's the condition for lending or stealing the stone? Just holding onto it? How does that work with Always At Hand? And how does Always At Hand interact with the stone's rebate Power anyway?

Also, what skill do you use when trying to call the stone past a ward?

I don't think it's wise to let the stone bypass ordinary focus limits.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on January 10, 2013, 05:17:39 AM
I really need to stop using limitation like it's a thing i'm good at. I was not at all aware it's meant to replace that. Stealing a stone requires a really simple ritual involving a circle, some candles, and possibly some blood. It just cuts the Stone's user off from it, Mechanically represented as a "duel of wills" similar to Harry and Duke Ortega- a couple of opposed Discipline or Conviction rolls. Because the stone basically becomes an extension of your will, you can will it to someone in order to lend it to them. Conviction is the skill used to bypass wards and circles. The Stone is meant to be used as a control focus. Hrm. Perhaps it could act as a +4 Control Bonus to the element of one's choice, with all the similar caveats? It drops the Refinements to 2 and makes it more playable as an apprentice wizard.

What is the issue with IoPs granting focus slots, sensei?
*lotus position*

Here's the edited version.

Description: Blinker Stones are essentially "blank slate" focus items, meant for use by apprentices or wizards who have problems with Evocation.
Must: You must have an aspect relating to your posession of a Stone, or an aspect related to your difficulty with combat magic.
Skills Affected:Discipline, Conviction
It Is What It Is: A gemstone of any type, color, or cut, that can easily fit in a palm.
Crystalline Focus [-2] Power resonates through the stone. It turns a flamethrower into a laser, a lightning bolt into an arc welder. Gain a +4 bonus to the control roll of one element, chosen upon receiving the stone. This does not stack with Specializations-those are meant to replace a blinker stone.
Astral Sight [-2] You may peer into the Nevernever and see spiritual beings while projecting your consciousness through the Stone. Treat as The Sight and Ghost Speaker.
Always At Hand [-2] You can return the blinker stone to your hand from any distance, no matter where it is. A sufficiently powerful Circle or Ward turns this into an attempt to generate shifts equal to the Ward strength, using Conviction as the key skill.
Item Limitation [+2] Spells of the element affected by the blinker stone can only be cast while the stone is in your posession. the Stone can be lent with a simple effort of will. It can be stolen in a Conviction vs. Conviction duel of wills with the attempted thief (Represented as an extended contest.).
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on January 10, 2013, 05:23:58 AM
The problem is that focus items come with a drawback - they can be lost or stolen. Ditto for IoPs. So by combining the two, you're essentially mitigating some of the downsides.

Btw, it should be noted that I personally do not have a problem with it. It's just that I have observed quite a few who do.

Also, Crystalline Focus - Maybe if it only boosted the control roll, but does not add to accuracy of an attack. Right now, it's very... weird. And probably overpowered, given how it grants a flat linear bonus (Which the system discourages and is rather boring, to boot), and ignores the pyramid for specializations, and stack with foci and specializations. Also, all the fluff issues I mentioned earlier still apply, thought I'm not sure how much you care about that.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on January 10, 2013, 05:36:07 AM
Eh. The fluff is flexible. And i can see some of the problems, now. Changing it to a flat control roll bonus.

Oh, and on a secondary note, thinking about Gunnerkrigg Court in the context of the DFRPG is interesting. Reynardine is easily stattable, Ysengrin is weird, and Coyote is a heavyweight.

(Jones is not a robot.)
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 10, 2013, 09:03:18 AM
Statting Gunnerkrigg Court characters actually seems kinda hard to me, since Tom tends to leave a lot of stuff vague.

Given the free-form nature of Limitation, I think you could fold Always At Hand and Item Limitation into a single Item Limitation.

Something like "The attached Powers are lost if the character is unable to call the stone to their hand, which generally only occurs if they willingly give the stone up or if it is stolen by a character who defeats them in a contest of will. (The stone must first be stolen in a mundane sense for such a contest to occur). Taking the Powers of the stone on is as easy as picking the stone up after the original owner has lost control of it."

That's a pretty small limitation, but it could definitely be worth +1 in some games.

Does Crystalline Focus stack with normal foci?

PS: I'm not totally sure if Ghost Speaker and The Sight involve peering into the Nevernever or not. I think they might, but I figured I ought to mention my uncertainty.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 10, 2013, 09:04:52 AM
Also, before I forget:

I completely forgot about the price discount on Soul Fire. I just associate it with the reduced cost, being that it seems like that's how it's used in play most often. I've made those changes that you suggest, as well as updated the Skills that are affected by the staff.

I'd also like the Seid Stones to do something different but I'm not sure what they could do at -1 that's both fluffy and any better than a level of Refinement for a Wizard who no longer has a Warden Sword.

Description: An irregularly shaped staff, set with runed stones, banded with Orichalcum and capped with a ruby lens. Created by Ex-Warden Allister Leclair, the staff is an amalgamation of artifacts and magical fragments he has gathered over the past several years.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your use of this item. You must also have Evocation and Thaumaturgy.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore
[-0]It Is What It Is:A wooden staff. It serves as a Weapon: 1 in combat.
[-0]Purpose: The Void Staff was created to destroy power magical beings (Outsiders, Denarians, powerful Fae ect.) made manifest in the mortal world.
[-0]Unbreakable: The Void Staff is unbreakable except by the use of a ritual designed to bind it in the service of powerful supernatural beings.
[+2]One Time Discount: It's a 6 and a half foot long staff. Good luck hiding that.
[-4]Supernatural Toughness: Carved from the wood of the Tree of Life, the staff provide the wielder vitality far beyond that of normal mortals.
[+3]The Catch: Running Water. With so multiple magical fields at work, the Staff is very susceptible to grounding out.
[-1]The Seid Stones: Nine stones each containing the essence of one of the spells Odin learned during his Vigil on Yggdrasil. This grants the wielder an additional level of refinement, usable in any way he sees fit.
[-3]Banefire: This acts as the Sponsored magic Soulfire as found in YS.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on January 10, 2013, 10:27:41 AM
Before you forget what?  ???

Eh. The fluff is flexible. And i can see some of the problems, now. Changing it to a flat control roll bonus.

Oh, and on a secondary note, thinking about Gunnerkrigg Court in the context of the DFRPG is interesting. Reynardine is easily stattable, Ysengrin is weird, and Coyote is a heavyweight.

(Jones is not a robot.)

Yeah, that would probably be for the best.

Never read Gunnerkrigg Court, so this's probably all I can do for you.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 10, 2013, 11:18:16 PM
Before I forget to add that item to this thread.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Lavecki121 on January 23, 2013, 09:49:26 PM
Just now seeing this thread. Here are some of my own creation:

Description: This is one of the bats that George Herman Ruth, Jr. used to break one of his many records with the New York Yankees.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is a nice sturdy wooden bat. It was made to hit things. Weapon 2
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except when hitting Bambino’s Shutout Baseball. Side note: If the two are together for any amount of time they will repair themselves.
[+ 2] One-Time Discount: It is a baseball bat; it is hard to conceal.
[- 2] Inhuman Strength: While swinging this bat, wielders gain Inhuman Strength.
[-1] True Aim: When swung in keeping with its purpose, the Bat of the Bambino grants a +1 bonus to the wielder’s Weapons skill.
[-1] Guide My Hand: Spend a fate point to guide the bat to hit its true target

Description: This is one of the baseballs that George Herman Ruth Jr. used in his 9 game shutout pitching career with the Boston Red Sox.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is an old and weathered baseball. It was made to be thrown.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except if hit by Bat of the Bambino. Side note: If the two are together for any amount of time they will repair themselves.
[+1] One-Time Discount: It is a baseball; it can easily be slipped into a pocket
[-2] Ability: When the wielder throws the ball they are granted Inhuman Strength to put behind the throw.
[-2] Swift Transition: As a special ability the Thrower may cause the ball to apparently blink through space, when it reality it is traveling through the Never-Never.
[+1] Mortal Compatriot: Bambino’s Shutout Ball wants to be with Bat of the Bambino. Whenever the Thrower uses the Swift Transition ability they must make a discipline roll to keep the ball from seeking its compatriot.

SOUL RENDER [-Varies (Min -1)]
Description: A pair of gauntlets that appear demonic though one is red and the other is blue. They feel like they weigh nothing to the wearer, created by Nikola Tesla.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is a pair of glowing gauntlets, one red, one blue, grants Weapon 1 to Fists.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[-0] Till Death do us Part: The person who puts the gloves on cannot take them off until he dies, no matter what! (This includes if his hand or arm gets severed. They stay attached to the hand until the user dies.)
[+2] One-Time Discount: They are glowing gauntlets that can’t be removed, hard not to notice.
[- Varies] Mimic Ability: Wearers lose an amount of cost that they choose (minimum of 4), these become his Mimic Points.
[+1] Designated User: While the wearer of these gauntlets can take abilities from others, he can’t actually use them; instead he is able to transfer them to others, acting as an intermediary of sorts.

Description: A staff that used by the spirit Mesingw to communicate to the people of the Lenape Native American tribe
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: *Conviction*
[-0] Purpose: The staff may only be wielded by someone with a deep love of nature. If the staff is ever used in a way adverse to its purpose it will overpower the wielder and change them into an animal form.
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is a five foot tall staff with a turtle shell rattle on the end.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount: It is a large staff that rattles; it’s hard to keep hidden.
[-2] Telepathy: Holders of the staff gain telepathy as a form of communication.
[-1] Soulgaze: Holders of the staff also gain soulgaze; however the soulgaze they get only works on animals, instead of the normal human only soulgaze.

Description: It is a small token used to access the New York City subway.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Discipline
[-0] It Is What It Is: A small token used to access the New York City Subway System, the first one ever made.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Spark of Knowledge: When someone picks up the token, they get a small electric discharge. When this happens they immediately know what the token is and what it allows them to do. (This may cause mental stress if they are not “clued-in”)
[+1] One-Time Discount: It is a small token, no larger than a quarter, very easy to hide.
[- 4] Supernatural Speed: Having the coin on your person grants the user supernatural speed and all the effects that go along with it.
[+2] Speed Trap: The only place that this coin works is inside the subway system; anywhere else and it is just a NYC Subway Token.
[-8] Physical Immunity: While traveling through the subway you are immune.
[+6] The Catch: The physical immunity is only applicable to electricity, and only works in the subway of NYC.

Description: A Sword wielded by the knight of a Fairy Court
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose: The staff can only be wielded by a knight of a court. If anyone who is not a knight tries to wield the sword, it will return to its designated realm.
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is a long sword, it grants weapon 2 when used as such (Catch modified as applicable).
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount: It is a large sword; it’s hard to keep hidden.
[-2] Breath Weapon: Depending on the sword, it can shoot a weapon in congruence with its nature.
[-2] World Walker: Holders of the sword are able to open portals with it at any time to enter their respective realm.
[+1] No Mortal Home: The sword wants to be in its own realm. Holders must follow the rules as is stated by this fact, however they can choose to either go with the sword or let the sword go on its own if they fail.

All were created in my first days of discovering this game and without knowing about the custom powers list. Input would be appreciated. I also understand that some of the powers used are outdated.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 23, 2013, 10:21:27 PM
Huh, neat.

But there some issues.

Guide My Hand can't be used for attacks. And it's unlikely that the bat's holder will have Conviction > Weapons anyway.

Strength that only works for throwing a ball isn't worth full cost. Swift Transition doesn't let you send weapons through the Nevernever, it lets you travel personally.

Till Death Do Us Part seems to defeat the purpose of the IoP Power, and I'm not sure how the Power lending is supposed to work.

The Staff and the Token look fine.

The sword should probably be weapon 3. Also Breath Weapon is pretty weird on an item. And No Mortal Home is for Swift Transition, not for Worldwalker.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Lavecki121 on January 23, 2013, 10:40:53 PM
I think when I was making the item i didnt fully read what Guide my hand actually did. The effect is basically to make a definite connection with its target but that seems like an odd effect. I think I was trying to make it like the SoTC's ATaEBG thing but meh.

Not having full cost makes sence. The swift transition thing isnt something that it grants the user its something that the ball inherently has, which is why it does what it does. Though that may be streaching the rules of the game.

Till Death Do Us Part sort of does defeat the IoP power purpose, however the player would be unable to use it if his hands were cut off. Just his hands wont come out of the item. Not that it really matters he cant use the power for himself. The power lending works by forcibly taking a power from someone else and giving it to someone else who will willingly accept it.

I think the sword was supposed to have had swift transition to be honest.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 23, 2013, 10:45:16 PM
Using Swift Transition like that doesn't stretch the rules, it ignores them completely.

Being able to lose your Powers through mutilation isn't a weakness. More or less all Claws work like that.

Still don't understand the power-lending.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Lavecki121 on January 24, 2013, 04:52:57 PM
Right. Which is why im saying it doesnt work.

Yea but I could easily implant any IoP (well maybe not any) into my skin or swallow it kind of like the denarians do with their coins.

Sorry then. I dont really know how else to explain it
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 25, 2013, 10:14:57 PM
Incorporating Items of Power into your body to make them un-lose-able is pretty basically removes the rationale for the IoP rebate.

Might be technically rules-valid, but if so that really shouldn't be used as precedent for determining what the rules should do.

Personally, I'd rather avoid the entire issue by using Item Limitation.

As for the power-stealing, I don't think I made the things I was confused about clear enough. Here, lemme try again:

-How do you steal Powers from people? Do you have to rend their soul, as the name implies?
-What happens to people whose Powers are stolen? You'd think they'd lose those Powers, but Mimic Abilities doesn't normally work like that.
-How do you lend out Powers? Do you just touch the lend-ee?
-How long do lent Powers last? Can you make them disappear at will?
-If you steal the maximum Refresh total of Powers and lend them out, can you steal more? Because it seems like maybe you can, but that's pretty broken.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 25, 2013, 10:23:50 PM
Yea but I could easily implant any IoP (well maybe not any) into my skin or swallow it kind of like the denarians do with their coins.

Denarian coins are explicitly not Items of Power for basically this reason (well, mostly because you can magically call them)...they can't be readily taken away, so they don't count.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Lavecki121 on January 26, 2013, 05:19:53 AM
Incorporating Items of Power into your body to make them un-lose-able is pretty basically removes the rationale for the IoP rebate.

 Yea it really doesn't bother me enough to argue for it. Was just an idea

As for the power-stealing, I don't think I made the things I was confused about clear enough. Here, lemme try again:

-How do you steal Powers from people? Do you have to rend their soul, as the name implies?
-What happens to people whose Powers are stolen? You'd think they'd lose those Powers, but Mimic Abilities doesn't normally work like that.
-How do you lend out Powers? Do you just touch the lend-ee?
-How long do lent Powers last? Can you make them disappear at will?
-If you steal the maximum Refresh total of Powers and lend them out, can you steal more? Because it seems like maybe you can, but that's pretty broken.

What my thought for them to actually rend their souls. When I play tested I had the character actually getting tics or mannerisms from people he stole powers from. Stealing a power requires basically a battle where the person has to have the glove on either the brain or heart. The person who has power stolen has it stolen. You don't actually lend powers out, you give them to the next person, this freeing up your refresh. I had an issue where losing the battle wasn't consequential enough so I made it so that you could get negative traits and possibly even aspects. But that's why I put it here, to get opinions.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 26, 2013, 06:25:33 AM
Yeah, that doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Kill something and you can hand out all of its Powers to your mates. That could easily be 20 Refresh from a single fight. Obviously overpowered.

Unless the recipients actually have to pay for the abilities?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Lavecki121 on January 26, 2013, 06:46:18 AM
It would be per fae deals possibly. The recipient can't take it from the guy holding the gauntlets. There may need to be a restriction that the power dissipates back to its original owner when the gloves are removed if the power is still in it.s The character that inspire this item was a power broker. He would buy (or steal) powers then sell them or trade them for favors.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on January 29, 2013, 08:27:49 AM
I was actually working on a similar power a while back - basically, you had to maneuver a certain aspect onto your target, then you had to keep it on them until they die. The aspect in question was also an empowered circle, so it wasn't as hard as it seemed, but even so. When you finally killed them, you incidentally destroy their soul/essence/whatever, meaning if they were immortal they could no longer reincarnate (Note: I wrote this long before Cold Days, and before I learned how the Dragonborn in Skyrim worked).

Anyway, for every consequence that you inflicted on the target while the aspect was on it, you gained a Shadow Point. Basically, a Fate Point, but you could only spend it on temporary powers. In addition, you could only spend it on powers your previous victims had, so, for example, if no one you killed through this method had Mythic Strength you couldn't get it, either. This also had the benefit that if you maneuvered the aspect onto someone and then they died without taking consequences, you would at least gain access to their abilties. I priced it as a [-1] upgrade to a Sponsored Magic power based off Soulfire.

So, what do you think?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 29, 2013, 08:53:59 PM
I dunno, maybe it could work. Seems exploitable to me though. I'd worry about including it in one of my games.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on January 30, 2013, 07:40:00 AM
I dunno, maybe it could work. Seems exploitable to me though. I'd worry about including it in one of my games.

My thoughts when writing it up was still greatly influenced by Mage and Exalted - basically, I wanted a way for a character to potentially be immensely powerful and do almost anything - but not simply by sitting back and pressing an I Win button, and most certainly not without major ramifications. Worst come to worst, there was an inbuilt GM limiter - only the GM decides how many consequences a particular enemy has, and concession is still a possibility. Which raises problems on it's own, yes, but GMs always have the option of screwing players over anyway.

Besides the potential for abuse, any other specific criticisms?

Anyway, assuming that this power goes as I mentioned, what cost would you say was fair?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 30, 2013, 10:40:40 PM
Can't say what cost I think would be fair without seeing a proper writeup. What you've said so far leaves too much open to interpretation.

It'll probably still be hard to cost even with a rigorous write-up, though, because of the way that effect scales. Depending on the game, the power of that Power might vary greatly.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on March 03, 2013, 12:15:21 AM
My first IoP. Made after reading the Bartimaeus prequel "The Ring of Solomon". It's inarguably overpowered, especially depending on which set of summoning rules you're using.

Description: A simple ring of gold, inlaid with one band of obsidian.
Musts: A high concept related to the possession of the Seal. Some way of summoning and binding supernatural creatures, whether via full Thaumaturgy, Sponsored Magic, or Ritual:Summoning.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Presence, Intimidation

INDESTRUCTIBLE: To the annoyance of many a demon.
THE SUMMONS OF SOLOMON: [-1]  The ring's main power is to grant the ability to use diabolism at Evocation's speed and methods.
THE TERROR OF SOLOMON: [-1] Demons are mortally terrified of the Ring and it's wielder. Gain a +4 on Intimidation and Presence when using them on a demonic entity.
THE POWER OF SOLOMON [-5]: This is why the Ring is so coveted by every wizard and sorcerer in the world. Gain an automatic +10 to Control and Complexity when using the Ring to summon and bind demons. Also applies to the Evothaum, with Control and Complexity replaced with Control and Power.
THE CURSE OF SOLOMON [+2]: And this is why nobody is much willing to wear it. Actually using the Power of Solomon requires taking a mild consequence and 1 additional stress than would be normally gained from spellcasting. Even touching the ring is a Superb attack against Endurance-actually wearing the ring automatically applies the Extreme consequence of UNIMAGINABLE PAIN, which is only removed when the Ring is removed. The Ring also cancels out the Wizard's Constitution ability.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 03, 2013, 03:27:05 AM
Eh. If you want to make an overpowered item, give it a silly Refresh cost. Don't give it overpowered Powers.

The Terror Of Solomon is like 4 Stunts with full stacking. That's way too good for 1 Refresh.

The Power Of Solomon is like 10 Refinements. Since it costs 5 it should be more like 5 Refinements. Which, conveniently, brings it within the focus cap for a Lore 5 character.

Not sure whether the drawback is balanced.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on March 03, 2013, 03:33:49 AM
I thought the Terror to be sufficiently narrow to only cost one, maybe two, as it only governs demons. Would increasing it to two be reasonable?

The Power is meant to represent the Ring as a perfect focus item, and 10 focus item slots costs 5 refinements. I'm aware that it ignores both the pyramid and the focus limit. Would it be reasonable to up the cost to reflect this.

The drawback is supposed to be a really terrible drawback. Rereading that, it should probably have a thing like Addictive Saliva where there's at least one compel on it per scene where you don't get a FP, or it can be tagged for free.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Lavecki121 on March 03, 2013, 03:53:49 AM
The Power is meant to represent the Ring as a perfect focus item, and 10 focus item slots costs 5 refinements. I'm aware that it ignores both the pyramid and the focus limit. Would it be reasonable to up the cost to reflect this
I think because you have control and complexity you unintentionally doubled the focus item cost.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on March 03, 2013, 03:57:39 AM
You multiply the bonus total and the element total, not the bonus total and the specialization total. a Fire evocation foci granting +2 to control and power only costs 4 slots, but adding Earth to that would cost 8.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Lavecki121 on March 03, 2013, 04:14:52 AM
Right and you were giving +10 to control and complexity which would cost 20 focus item slots and as such 10 refinements
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on March 03, 2013, 04:16:18 AM
So i've apparently gone spiraling off into the mountains of madness, because that just hit me. Wow.

I'll change that presently.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 03, 2013, 08:07:36 AM
I thought the Terror to be sufficiently narrow to only cost one, maybe two, as it only governs demons. Would increasing it to two be reasonable?

I'd make it cost 3, personally. But I might be playing it too safe.

The drawback is supposed to be a really terrible drawback. Rereading that, it should probably have a thing like Addictive Saliva where there's at least one compel on it per scene where you don't get a FP, or it can be tagged for free.

Hm, okay. No idea what a fair cost would be.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on March 03, 2013, 04:29:52 PM
I would say that lowering the bonus to +2, maybe a +3, would be sufficient. A [-2] cost would also work, though.

Ignoring focus and pyramid limits, IMO, should have a scaling cost, say... equivalent to the usual cost. So maybe a [-2] cost for every +1 to control, power and complexity.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 04, 2013, 03:58:03 AM
I would say that lowering the bonus to +2, maybe a +3, would be sufficient.

If you let people do stuff like that, then why should they ever buy Stunts?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on March 04, 2013, 05:00:19 PM
If you let people do stuff like that, then why should they ever buy Stunts?

I balance powers against powers, and stunts against stunts.

Edit: Though on reflection, I've always been against supernatural powers that boosted social capabilities, so I can certainly see an argument for just making it a pair of stunts.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 04, 2013, 08:48:59 PM
You can't just balance things in silos like that. You have to keep Stunts and even Skills in mind when balancing Powers, because otherwise you can accidentally introduce traps to the system.

It's all interconnected, you know? Can't just change one thing without considering everything.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on March 07, 2013, 04:46:56 AM
Well, I'll write the Ring of Solomon off as a plot device.

Hmm. I'd at least consider doing one of the Dark Icons of the Conqueror's Shadow, by Ari Marmell. Is anyone else familiar?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 07, 2013, 10:29:21 PM
I'm not familiar, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Hick Jr on March 07, 2013, 11:10:38 PM
Brief rundown in DV terms- bind a demon lord into a jewel of some sort. It has to obey the wielded, following a battle of wills. You win, the demon provides you with magic and advice. You lose, it eats your soul. Being cut off from Hell means that it uses souls to fuel all it's stuff.

Mechanically, it's an IoP granting Evocation, Hellfire, a bunch of Refinements, Demonic Co-Pilot, an Incite Effect or the like that lets you eat the souls of the unwary, and some kind of power that transfers all the spell casting and ability stress to the Hunger track. Ill work on the preliminary writeup.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 18, 2013, 03:22:26 AM
A recent thread about Tengu Magic reminded me of something from ages ago that I never added here.

This, specifically:

Here's an rewritten version of Sword of the Great Tengu,hopefully that makes more sense
Sword Of The Great Tengu [-3]
Description: This an exquisitely made katana traditionally used by the Tengu Clan’s current prince or chosen emissary as a symbol of their authority and grants the wielder access to a small measure of the king’s sword skills while in combat.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Great Tengu was crafted by the Tengu for the use of a skilled warrior in an effort to stave off the decline of swordsmanship in the world. This Item of Power may only be used in defense of one’s self, one’s comrades or one’s lord .If the user ever leaves the path of the sword behind as defined by the Tengu this item will not work for them in a mundane or a magical sense
[-0] It Is What It Is. An extremely well made Katana. It is treated as Weapon: 2 when used in one hand and Weapon: 3 when used with two hands.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Great Tengu is not easy to conceal, because it's a sheathed Katana
[-3]  Tengu’s Guiding Hand: The sword is possessed by the Tengu King via a mind meld, who guides their sword at need. The user gains the full effect of these abilities provided they are physically holding the blade:

True Aim: When swung in keeping with its purposes, Sword of the Great Tengu grants a +1 to the wielder’s Weapons skill.

Always at hand : The sword appears, drawn and in its wielder's hand, as combat is initiated.  If the wielder is surprised, the sword will defend at Good automatically.  If the wielder is initiating combat, this forces an Avoiding Surprise roll even if the victim was aware of the wielder.  (Note:  This only works once against any given target.)

Unnatural Edge: The sword treats Toughness powers as if they were one step weaker (Mythic becomes Supernatural, etc.),and deals a +1 bonus to hit and inflicts two additional stress.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 08, 2013, 06:45:31 AM
Dunno if this list really needs an update, but I'm updating other lists so maybe I'll update this one.

Even if I don't update any time soon, I know I'll eventually need to gather up the stuff that's been posted since last update. Might as well do that now.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 08, 2013, 07:04:24 AM
Note: I lost the formatting of this post in an editing error.

Description: An irregularly shaped staff, set with runed stones, banded with Orichalcum and capped with a ruby lens. Created by Ex-Warden Allister Leclair, the staff is an amalgamation of artifacts and magical fragments he has gathered over the past several years.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your use of this item. You must also have Evocation and Thaumaturgy.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore
[-0]It Is What It Is:A wooden staff. It serves as a Weapon: 1 in combat.
[-0]Purpose: The Void Staff was created to destroy power magical beings (Outsiders, Denarians, powerful Fae ect.) made manifest in the mortal world.
[-0]Unbreakable: The Void Staff is unbreakable except by the use of a ritual designed to bind it in the service of powerful supernatural beings.
[+2]One Time Discount: It's a 6 and a half foot long staff. Good luck hiding that.
[-4]Supernatural Toughness: Carved from the wood of the Tree of Life, the staff provide the wielder vitality far beyond that of normal mortals.
[+3]The Catch: Running Water. With so multiple magical fields at work, the Staff is very susceptible to grounding out.
[-1]The Seid Stones: Nine stones each containing the essence of one of the spells Odin learned during his Vigil on Yggdrasil. This grants the wielder an additional level of refinement, usable in any way he sees fit.
[-3]Banefire: This acts as the Sponsored magic Soulfire as found in YS.

Description: Blinker Stones are essentially "blank slate" focus items, meant for use by apprentices or wizards who have problems with Evocation.
Must: You must have an aspect relating to your posession of a Stone, or an aspect related to your difficulty with combat magic.
Skills Affected:Discipline, Conviction
It Is What It Is: A gemstone of any type, color, or cut, that can easily fit in a palm.
Crystalline Focus [-2] Power resonates through the stone. It turns a flamethrower into a laser, a lightning bolt into an arc welder. Gain a +4 bonus to the control roll of one element, chosen upon receiving the stone. This does not stack with Specializations-those are meant to replace a blinker stone.
Astral Sight [-2] You may peer into the Nevernever and see spiritual beings while projecting your consciousness through the Stone. Treat as The Sight and Ghost Speaker.
Always At Hand [-2] You can return the blinker stone to your hand from any distance, no matter where it is. A sufficiently powerful Circle or Ward turns this into an attempt to generate shifts equal to the Ward strength, using Conviction as the key skill.
Item Limitation [+2] Spells of the element affected by the blinker stone can only be cast while the stone is in your posession. the Stone can be lent with a simple effort of will. It can be stolen in a Conviction vs. Conviction duel of wills with the attempted thief (Represented as an extended contest.).

Description: This is one of the bats that George Herman Ruth, Jr. used to break one of his many records with the New York Yankees.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is a nice sturdy wooden bat. It was made to hit things. Weapon 2
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except when hitting Bambino’s Shutout Baseball. Side note: If the two are together for any amount of time they will repair themselves.
[+ 2] One-Time Discount: It is a baseball bat; it is hard to conceal.
[- 2] Inhuman Strength: While swinging this bat, wielders gain Inhuman Strength.
[-1] True Aim: When swung in keeping with its purpose, the Bat of the Bambino grants a +1 bonus to the wielder’s Weapons skill.
[-1] Guide My Hand: Spend a fate point to guide the bat to hit its true target

Description: This is one of the baseballs that George Herman Ruth Jr. used in his 9 game shutout pitching career with the Boston Red Sox.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is an old and weathered baseball. It was made to be thrown.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except if hit by Bat of the Bambino. Side note: If the two are together for any amount of time they will repair themselves.
[+1] One-Time Discount: It is a baseball; it can easily be slipped into a pocket
[-2] Ability: When the wielder throws the ball they are granted Inhuman Strength to put behind the throw.
[-2] Swift Transition: As a special ability the Thrower may cause the ball to apparently blink through space, when it reality it is traveling through the Never-Never.
[+1] Mortal Compatriot: Bambino’s Shutout Ball wants to be with Bat of the Bambino. Whenever the Thrower uses the Swift Transition ability they must make a discipline roll to keep the ball from seeking its compatriot.

SOUL RENDER [-Varies (Min -1)]
Description: A pair of gauntlets that appear demonic though one is red and the other is blue. They feel like they weigh nothing to the wearer, created by Nikola Tesla.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is a pair of glowing gauntlets, one red, one blue, grants Weapon 1 to Fists.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[-0] Till Death do us Part: The person who puts the gloves on cannot take them off until he dies, no matter what! (This includes if his hand or arm gets severed. They stay attached to the hand until the user dies.)
[+2] One-Time Discount: They are glowing gauntlets that can’t be removed, hard not to notice.
[- Varies] Mimic Ability: Wearers lose an amount of cost that they choose (minimum of 4), these become his Mimic Points.
[+1] Designated User: While the wearer of these gauntlets can take abilities from others, he can’t actually use them; instead he is able to transfer them to others, acting as an intermediary of sorts.

Description: A staff that used by the spirit Mesingw to communicate to the people of the Lenape Native American tribe
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: *Conviction*
[-0] Purpose: The staff may only be wielded by someone with a deep love of nature. If the staff is ever used in a way adverse to its purpose it will overpower the wielder and change them into an animal form.
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is a five foot tall staff with a turtle shell rattle on the end.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount: It is a large staff that rattles; it’s hard to keep hidden.
[-2] Telepathy: Holders of the staff gain telepathy as a form of communication.
[-1] Soulgaze: Holders of the staff also gain soulgaze; however the soulgaze they get only works on animals, instead of the normal human only soulgaze.

Description: It is a small token used to access the New York City subway.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Discipline
[-0] It Is What It Is: A small token used to access the New York City Subway System, the first one ever made.
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Spark of Knowledge: When someone picks up the token, they get a small electric discharge. When this happens they immediately know what the token is and what it allows them to do. (This may cause mental stress if they are not “clued-in”)
[+1] One-Time Discount: It is a small token, no larger than a quarter, very easy to hide.
[- 4] Supernatural Speed: Having the coin on your person grants the user supernatural speed and all the effects that go along with it.
[+2] Speed Trap: The only place that this coin works is inside the subway system; anywhere else and it is just a NYC Subway Token.
[-8] Physical Immunity: While traveling through the subway you are immune.
[+6] The Catch: The physical immunity is only applicable to electricity, and only works in the subway of NYC.

Description: A Sword wielded by the knight of a Fairy Court
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected:
[-0] Purpose: The staff can only be wielded by a knight of a court. If anyone who is not a knight tries to wield the sword, it will return to its designated realm.
[-0] It Is What It Is: It is a long sword, it grants weapon 2 when used as such (Catch modified as applicable).
[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount: It is a large sword; it’s hard to keep hidden.
[-2] Breath Weapon: Depending on the sword, it can shoot a weapon in congruence with its nature.
[-2] World Walker: Holders of the sword are able to open portals with it at any time to enter their respective realm.
[+1] No Mortal Home: The sword wants to be in its own realm. Holders must follow the rules as is stated by this fact, however they can choose to either go with the sword or let the sword go on its own if they fail.

Description: A simple ring of gold, inlaid with one band of obsidian.
Musts: A high concept related to the possession of the Seal. Some way of summoning and binding supernatural creatures, whether via full Thaumaturgy, Sponsored Magic, or Ritual:Summoning.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Presence, Intimidation
INDESTRUCTIBLE: To the annoyance of many a demon.
THE SUMMONS OF SOLOMON: [-1]  The ring's main power is to grant the ability to use diabolism at Evocation's speed and methods.
THE TERROR OF SOLOMON: [-1] Demons are mortally terrified of the Ring and it's wielder. Gain a +4 on Intimidation and Presence when using them on a demonic entity.
THE POWER OF SOLOMON [-5]: This is why the Ring is so coveted by every wizard and sorcerer in the world. Gain an automatic +10 to Control and Complexity when using the Ring to summon and bind demons. Also applies to the Evothaum, with Control and Complexity replaced with Control and Power.
THE CURSE OF SOLOMON [+2]: And this is why nobody is much willing to wear it. Actually using the Power of Solomon requires taking a mild consequence and 1 additional stress than would be normally gained from spellcasting. Even touching the ring is a Superb attack against Endurance-actually wearing the ring automatically applies the Extreme consequence of UNIMAGINABLE PAIN, which is only removed when the Ring is removed. The Ring also cancels out the Wizard's Constitution ability.

Sword Of The Great Tengu [-3]
Description: This an exquisitely made katana traditionally used by the Tengu Clan’s current prince or chosen emissary as a symbol of their authority and grants the wielder access to a small measure of the king’s sword skills while in combat.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Great Tengu was crafted by the Tengu for the use of a skilled warrior in an effort to stave off the decline of swordsmanship in the world. This Item of Power may only be used in defense of one’s self, one’s comrades or one’s lord .If the user ever leaves the path of the sword behind as defined by the Tengu this item will not work for them in a mundane or a magical sense
[-0] It Is What It Is. An extremely well made Katana. It is treated as Weapon: 2 when used in one hand and Weapon: 3 when used with two hands.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Great Tengu is not easy to conceal, because it's a sheathed Katana
[-3]  Tengu’s Guiding Hand: The sword is possessed by the Tengu King via a mind meld, who guides their sword at need. The user gains the full effect of these abilities provided they are physically holding the blade:
True Aim: When swung in keeping with its purposes, Sword of the Great Tengu grants a +1 to the wielder’s Weapons skill.
Always at hand : The sword appears, drawn and in its wielder's hand, as combat is initiated.  If the wielder is surprised, the sword will defend at Good automatically.  If the wielder is initiating combat, this forces an Avoiding Surprise roll even if the victim was aware of the wielder.  (Note:  This only works once against any given target.)
Unnatural Edge: The sword treats Toughness powers as if they were one step weaker (Mythic becomes Supernatural, etc.),and deals a +1 bonus to hit and inflicts two additional stress.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: S1C0 on May 08, 2013, 10:17:28 PM
at Sanctaphrax

I noticed Nikola Tesla on the gloves soul render any lore on it that you know off...

me and my group were going to look for his first tesla coil and so far we all have no idea what an iop of that would do

i think something involving shifts of power to craft stuff and perhaps channeling..? any ideas let me know :-\
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 08, 2013, 10:38:17 PM
I don't know much about Tesla, but going with the lightning theme...maybe you could channel the energy from the coil into yourself to become faster and stronger.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: S1C0 on May 08, 2013, 10:48:28 PM
at Sanctaphrax

True, speed and strength are always use full...

i kindof was thinking it would work more like an artificer-like tool works for both magic and science a super conducter of power

the reason was that at the time electricity was treated like magic due to the fact only a select few with the natural talent

and the workable knowledge to use it with out dying...

just saying he was more like Merlin than Herakles, i am not shooting you down just sayin thats my opinion.   
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 09, 2013, 04:26:09 AM
In that case, maybe the coil could grant access to the Super-Science! Sponsored Magic.

It's on the list.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mrmdubois on May 09, 2013, 06:05:50 AM
Tesla was a beast at moving and generating energy and way ahead of his time.  Granting the Super Science Sponsored Magic could fit really well.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 10, 2013, 02:56:45 PM
Okay. Edited the various items to get the mechanical kinks out. Hopefully I didn't change anything that shouldn't have been changed.

Not totally happy with Soul Render, the Sword Of The Great Tengu, or the Fairy Court Knight Sword. The former two contain Powers that I'm not confident in the quality of, and the third ought to have another point of Powers.

I would appreciate feedback. Particularly suggestions for a Power to add to the Fairy Court Knight Sword, comments on the unusual Powers of Soul Render and the Sword Of The Great Tengu, and checks to make sure that the edited items are true the spirits of the original items.

Description: An irregularly shaped staff, set with runed stones, banded with Orichalcum and capped with a ruby lens. Created by Ex-Warden Allister Leclair, the staff is an amalgamation of artifacts and magical fragments he has gathered over the past several years.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your use of this item. You must also have Evocation and Thaumaturgy.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore
[-0] It Is What It Is. A wooden staff. It serves as a Weapon: 1 in combat.
[-0] Purpose. The Void Staff was created to destroy power magical beings (Outsiders, Denarians, powerful Fae ect.) made manifest in the mortal world.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Void Staff is unbreakable except by the use of a ritual designed to bind it in the service of powerful supernatural beings.
[+2] One Time Discount. It's a 6 and a half foot long staff. Good luck hiding that.
[-4] Supernatural Toughness. Carved from the wood of the Tree of Life, the staff provide the wielder vitality far beyond that of normal mortals.
[+3] The Catch. Running Water. With so multiple magical fields at work, the Staff is very susceptible to grounding out.
[-1] The Seid Stones. Nine stones each containing the essence of one of the spells Odin learned during his Vigil on Yggdrasil. This grants the wielder an additional level of refinement, usable in any way he sees fit.
[-3] Banefire. This acts as the Sponsored magic Soulfire as found in YS.

Description: Blinker Stones are essentially "blank slate" focus items, meant for use by apprentices or wizards who have problems with Evocation.
Musts: You must have an aspect relating to your possession of a Stone, or an aspect related to your difficulty with combat magic.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is. A gemstone that can easily fit in a palm.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[-0] Always At Hand. You can return the Blinker Stone to your hand from any distance, no matter where it is. A sufficiently powerful Circle or Ward may be grounds for a Compel that deprives you of the Blinker Stone or prevents you from calling it without a successful Conviction roll.
[+0] One-Time Discount. Since it's impossible to lose a Blinker Stone without a Compel, it does not give a Refresh rebate.
[-2] Crystalline Focus. Power resonates through the Stone. It turns a flamethrower into a laser, a lightning bolt into an arc welder. The Stone is a +2 offensive and defensive control focus for a single element of your choice. Choose when you acquire the Stone.
[-2] Astral Sight. You may peer into the Nevernever and see spiritual beings while projecting your consciousness through the Stone. Treat as The Sight and Ghost Speaker.

Description: This is one of the bats that George Herman Ruth, Jr. used to break one of his many records with the New York Yankees.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a nice sturdy wooden bat. It was made to hit things. Weapon 2.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except when hitting Bambino’s Shutout Baseball. And if the two are together they will gradually repair themselves.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a baseball bat; it is hard to conceal.
[-2] Inhuman Strength. Babe Ruth was a very strong man, and those who wield his bat may add his strength to their own.
[-1] True Aim. The owner of the Bat Of The Bambino adds 1 to their Weapons skill when wielding either the bat or Bambino's Shutout Baseball.
[-1] Guide My Hand. The Bat Of The Bambino isn't actually a holy relic, but it provides a sort of guidance nonetheless.

Description: This is one of the baseballs that George Herman Ruth Jr. used in his 9 game shutout pitching career with the Boston Red Sox.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-1] It Is What It Is. It is an old and weathered baseball. It was made to be thrown. And so it grants magical strength to those who throw it, giving it a range of 2 zones and a weapon rating of 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except if hit by Bat of the Bambino. And if the two are together they will gradually repair themselves.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It is a baseball; it can easily be slipped into a pocket.
[-1] Blink Ball. When throwing the ball, you may have it travel through the Nevernever on its way to its target. This makes it look as though the ball is teleporting, and allows the throw to ignore a wide variety of physical Blocks and obstacles. Sometimes when this Power is used the ball will leave its wielder to return to the Bat Of The Bambino; treat this as a Compel.

Description: A pair of glowing gauntlets created by Nikola Tesla. One is red and the other is blue, but both appear demonic. They feel like they weigh nothing to the wearer.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a pair of glowing gauntlets, one red and one blue. Weapon 1 with Fists.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a certain powerful magical rituals.
[+2] One-Time Discount. They are glowing gauntlets that can’t be removed, hard not to notice.
[-3] Transfer Ability. The gauntlets may absorb the abilities of others. This is similar to the Mimic Abilities Power (with 3 mimic points), except that the wielder of the gauntlets can't use the absorbed abilities. Instead, the wielder may transfer the Powers to other characters. Transferred Powers last until the wielder chooses to reclaim them, and count against the wielder's mimic point supply. Transferring or reclaiming Powers is a full action.
[-varies] Extra Capacity. The wielder of the gauntlets can buy more mimic points with Refresh. 1 Refresh buys 1 mimic point.

Description: A staff that used by the spirit Mesingw to communicate to the people of the Lenape Native American tribe
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Empathy
[-0] Purpose. The staff may only be wielded by someone with a deep love of nature. If the staff is ever used in a way adverse to its nature it will overpower the wielder and change them into an animal form. Treat that as a Compel.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a five foot tall staff with a turtle shell rattle on the end.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a large staff that rattles; it’s hard to keep hidden.
[-2] Telepathy. Holders of the staff gain telepathy as a form of communication.
[-1] Soulgaze. The Soulgaze granted by the staff is a little different from the ordinary Soulgaze Power; it affects animals, not humans.

Description: It is a small token used to access the New York City subway.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Stealth, Endurance
[-0] It Is What It Is. A small token used to access the New York City Subway System, the first one ever made.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Spark of Knowledge. When someone picks up the token, they get a small electric discharge. When this happens they immediately know what the token is and what it allows them to do. (This may cause mental stress if they are not “clued-in”)
[+1] One-Time Discount. It is a small token, no larger than a quarter, very easy to hide.
[+3] Speed Trap. None of the token's Powers function outside of the New York City subway system.
[-4] Supernatural Speed. Having the coin on your person makes you faster. A lot faster.
[-8] Physical Immunity. While travelling through the subway you are immune to electricity.
[+6] The Catch. But only to electricity.

Description: A Sword wielded by the knight of a Fairy Court. It is attuned to the home realm of the Court that it was made by.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Investigation, Lore, Survival
[-0] Purpose. If anyone who is not a knight of the Court tries to wield the sword, it will return to its designated realm.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a long sword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It is a large sword; it’s hard to keep hidden. But it doesn't grant enough Powers for a full rebate.
[-1] Elemental Weapon. The sword emits elemental energy appropriate to its court, allowing it to be used to attack from up to three zones away.
[-2] Swift Transition. The wielder of the sword may enter the sword's home realm freely from any point in the material world.
[+1] No Mortal Home. The sword wants to return to its home realm and may occasionally drag its wielder there.

Description: A simple ring of gold, inlaid with one band of obsidian. Obviously, it once belonged to the legendary Solomon. There is a very powerful entity sealed inside of it.
Musts: You must have a High Concept related to your possession of this item and some way of summoning and binding supernatural creatures, whether via full Thaumaturgy, Sponsored Magic, or Ritual (Summoning).
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Presence, Intimidation
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot normally be broken. Many a demon has found this endlessly frustrating.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Rings aren't hard to hide.
[-1] The Summons Of Solomon. The ring's main power is to let its wearer cast summoning and binding rituals with Evocation's speed and methods.
[-2] The Terror Of Solomon. Demons are mortally terrified of the Ring and its wielder. It adds 2 to your Intimidation and Presence when you use them on demonic entities.
[-5] The Power Of Solomon. The ring is a +5 complexity and control focus for summoning and binding. It ignores the normal limitations on focus item size, but its bonus is still limited by its user's Lore.
[+2] The Curse Of Solomon. The ring drains the vitality of its wearer. Even touching it is excruciatingly painful. Making use of The Summons Of Solomon or The Power Of Solomon fills in the user's lowest physical or mental consequence slot with a consequence related to pain or exhaustion. The Ring also cancels out the Wizard's Constitution ability, and the Aspect associated with it will often receive pain-related Compels.

Sword Of The Great Tengu [-4]
Description: This an exquisitely made katana traditionally used by the Tengu Clan’s current prince or chosen emissary as a symbol of their authority. It grants the wielder access to a small measure of their king’s sword skills.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Great Tengu was crafted by the Tengu for the use of a skilled warrior in an effort to stave off the decline of swordsmanship in the world. This Item of Power may only be used in defence of one’s self, one’s comrades or one’s lord. If the user ever leaves the path of the sword behind as defined by the Tengu this item will not work for them in a mundane or a magical sense.
[-1] It Is What It Is. An extremely well made katana with an unnaturally sharp edge. It is weapon 4 when used with one hand and weapon 5 when used with two hands.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Great Tengu is not easy to conceal because it's a sheathed katana.
[-1] True Aim. When you use it in keeping with its purposes, the Sword of the Great Tengu adds 1 to your Weapons skill.
[-1] Always At Hand. Drawing the sword does not take a supplemental action. It is instantaneous, and you may do it during someone else's turn. If you are ambushed and would defend at Mediocre, you may have the sword spring into your hand and defend at Good instead.
[-1] Sudden Slash. You may attempt to ambush people without hiding. When not in combat you may roll your Weapons skill to prepare, with other characters rolling Alertness against your result to detect your intentions. If you're still not in a fight after that, you may then make an attack against any character who didn't notice your intentions. This attack ignores the normal initiative rules, and the target must roll Alertness against a difficulty of your original Weapons roll or defend at Mediocre.
[-2] Unnatural Edge. Attacks with the sword ignore one level of Toughness.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Jebm on May 10, 2013, 07:29:19 PM
I'd almost forgotten about that which is odd considering it was my first post on this forums, but I'm still glad you added it in and the edits you've made to it . I had a newer edited version that I've been using due to the game being at a lower level that might fit in better with the items shown here. Your version has so many cool abilities, though I'm on the fence about what would work best with my version of it.

Here's the new edited version

Sword Of The Great Tengu [-1]
Description:This ancient katana is crafted from a fusion of wootz and tamahagane steel and has real ray skin on its grip, as well as the image of a three-legged crow hand-carved into it's pommel. It is traditionally used by the Tengu Clan’s current emissary as a symbol of their authority and grants the wielder access to a small measure of the king’s sword skills while in combat allowing them to cleave through almost anything. Mysteriously any wound dealt by this weapon simply leaves a bloodless yet extremely painful cut.

Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose: The Sword of the Great Tengu was crafted by the Tengu for the use of a skilled warrior in an effort to stave off the decline of swordsmanship in the world. This Item of Power may be used to assist in the destruction or subjugation of opposing Youkai clans and courts or for engaging worthy opponents in general combat or in a one on one duel.

[-0] It Is What It Is: A well-forged Katana with a supernaturally sharp edge. It deals Weapon: 3.

[-0] Unbreakable: As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.

[+2] One-Time Discount: The Sword of the Great Tengu is not easy to conceal, because it's a sheathed Katana.

[-2] Unnatural Edge: The sword treats Toughness and Recovery powers as if they were one step weaker (Mythic becomes Supernatural, etc.). In addition it may ignore 2 points of an armor rating.

[-1] Blade Caster: The sword grants +1 to either offensive control or power of a single thematic element of Tengu magic and replaces Discipline with Weapons for controlling a spell while doing so.

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 13, 2013, 05:14:52 AM
I guess I'll put both versions on the list.

Unfortunately, your new version also uses Custom Powers of uncertain balance. And one of those Powers is strictly superior to a Power on the other version. At least one version of Unnatural Edge is going to have to change.

Well, we'll work something out.

Anyone have any ideas?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 16, 2013, 12:07:01 AM
Well, I edited the Tengu swords a bit. And I gave the Fairy sword a zone attack option.

I think the items as they stand now are probably list-ready. But of course I could be wrong; please tell me if I am. Especially if you're the original writer of one of these items.

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Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 17, 2013, 05:13:54 AM
Looks like the update might be delayed a bit.

I just found an old thread full of items. (,17490.0.html)
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 19, 2013, 05:48:08 AM
Okay, I revised the items from that thread for inclusion in the list.

I had to take some liberties, unfortunately.

If these pass muster with the community, I'll update the list tomorrow evening.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 20, 2013, 05:13:22 AM
Description: This Celtic-style torc is made from an unidentifiable silvery-blue metal. It has several celtic knots running along its length chased in green and gold that look like cresting waves. It has supposedly been in the O'Reilly family for a very long time, and it bestows power on any member of the family who is aware of the supernatural.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item, and it must reference being part of the O'Reilly family. You must also have the ability to make water-based enchanted items in order to use this item's Refinement ability; if you can't make such items, ignore that ability.
Skills Affected: Lore, Fists, Endurance, Athletics
[-0] Purpose. The torc belongs to the O'Reilly family and will not work for anyone outside of it.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a torc. That is, it's a neck ring.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It's pretty small. Concealing it shouldn't be too hard.
[-1] Aquatic. The torc's wearer can breathe underwater.
[-1] Swift Currents. The torc gives its user Supernatural Speed as long as they are submerged in water. The cost of this Power assumes that the torc's wielder will rarely be submerged, and in some games it may be advisable to increase it.
[-1] Refinement. The torc contains four enchanted item slots. Two have been spent on a physical armour effect that works by using ambient moisture to bend light in order to conceal the wearer's true location. One has been spent on a ranged attack aimed with Fists, which works by launching a spear of frozen water. The last has been spent on a zone-wide protective physical block that works by freezing water vapour into a shield. All have a strength equal to the wearer's Lore. The armour item has three uses per session, while the other two items have one use per session.

Description: A cloak crafted from moonlight and shadows, with a little help from the Fae.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Deceit, Athletics
[-0] It Is What It Is. With the Glamours deactivated it looks like an black silk cloak with silver ornaments.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a full-sized cloak, and as such it's difficult to hide without the use of magic.
[-2] Glamours. The cloak was created in part by faeries, and so it gives its user the ability to use faerie illusions.
[-1] Flight. The cloak serves a pair of wings for its wearer, allowing them to fly.

Description: This sword is given to the Emissary of the Phoenix, whose task is to guard the Phoenix when it reverts to an egg and is reborn. It was forged from the ashes of the previous Phoenix, and it looks as though it is made out of fire.
Musts: You must have the Emissary of the Phoenix Template and an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Lore, Athletics
[-0] Purpose. The blade may only be wielded by the Phoenix's protector. If anyone else tries to wield it it will shatter into pieces and remain shattered until the protector asks it to repair itself.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a longsword that glows with a flickering red and orange light. Its guard is shaped like the wings of the Phoenix, and its hilt can be opened to reveal a small golden dagger. The sword is weapon 3 and the dagger is weapon 1.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken through normal means. However, it will shatter temporarily if someone other than the Phoenix's protector tries to wield it and permanently if the Phoenix's protector dies.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big sword and it glows. Not exactly easy to hide.
[-1] Riposte. When you successfully defend against a melee attack with the sword, you may sacrifice your next action to turn your defence roll into an automatically successful attack with the sword.
[-1] The Blade Wants To Protect Me. You may defend against ranged attacks using your Weapons skill.
[-1] Refinement. The sword contains four enchanted item slots. The first has been spent on a ranged fireball attack aimed with the Weapons skill. The second has been spent on a movement spell that transforms you into fire that travels a short distance before reforming. The third has been spent on a fire-based counterspell that burns away magic. The fourth has been spent on a healing spell which attempts to transform a consequence into a BURNED consequence that heals as though it were one step less severe. Those spells all have a strength equal to your Lore and may each be used once per session.
[-1] Increased Speed. You may spend a Fate Point to gain the Inhuman Speed Power for the rest of the scene.
[-1] Knight's Refuge. You have the Demesne Power, giving you control over a portion of the Phoenix's domain in the Nevernever.

Description: The sword of Sir Antonio Alighieri, a Knight Templar who once commanded the Wardens of the White Council. He was a famous explorer of the Nevernever, and his slaying of the monstrous Jabberwocky inspired a famous poem that gave a name to his sword.
Musts: You must have the Wizard Template and an aspect related to your possession of this item. You must be in good standing with the Council.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Lore, Investigation
[-0] Purpose. The sword exists to uphold the Laws of magic, to protect the innocent under the charge of the Council, and to serve the White Council of wizards. In that order. It can only be used by a Warden or deputized wizard in good standing with the Council.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a sword of the type once used by the Knights Templar. It's weapon 3 before taking its magic into account.
[-0] Unbreakable. This item cannot be broken except by using it as part of an action that breaks one of the Laws.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a four-foot sword. Not easy to conceal.
[-3] All Creatures Die The Same. This Power is identical to All Creatures Are Equal Before God, except there's nothing holy about it.
[-2] Worldwalker. The sword is sharp enough to cut through the fabric of worlds. The Alighieris loved to traverse the Nevernever.
[-1] Refinement. The sword grants four enchanted item slots, all of which are spent to make the sword into a Warden Sword with 7 uses.

Description: An irregularly shaped staff, set with runed stones, banded with Orichalcum and capped with a ruby lens. Created by Ex-Warden Allister Leclair, the staff is an amalgamation of artifacts and magical fragments he has gathered over the past several years.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your use of this item. You must also have Evocation and Thaumaturgy.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Endurance, Lore
[-0] It Is What It Is. A wooden staff. It serves as a Weapon: 1 in combat.
[-0] Purpose. The Void Staff was created to destroy power magical beings (Outsiders, Denarians, powerful Fae ect.) made manifest in the mortal world.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Void Staff is unbreakable except by the use of a ritual designed to bind it in the service of powerful supernatural beings.
[+2] One Time Discount. It's a 6 and a half foot long staff. Good luck hiding that.
[-4] Supernatural Toughness. Carved from the wood of the Tree of Life, the staff provide the wielder vitality far beyond that of normal mortals.
[+3] The Catch. Running Water. With so multiple magical fields at work, the Staff is very susceptible to grounding out.
[-1] The Seid Stones. Nine stones each containing the essence of one of the spells Odin learned during his Vigil on Yggdrasil. This grants the wielder an additional level of refinement, usable in any way he sees fit.
[-3] Banefire. This acts as the Sponsored magic Soulfire as found in YS.

Description: Blinker Stones are essentially "blank slate" focus items, meant for use by apprentices or wizards who have problems with Evocation.
Musts: You must have an aspect relating to your possession of a Stone, or an aspect related to your difficulty with combat magic.
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is. A gemstone that can easily fit in a palm.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[-0] Always At Hand. You can return the Blinker Stone to your hand from any distance, no matter where it is. A sufficiently powerful Circle or Ward may be grounds for a Compel that deprives you of the Blinker Stone or prevents you from calling it without a successful Conviction roll.
[+0] One-Time Discount. Since it's impossible to lose a Blinker Stone without a Compel, it does not give a Refresh rebate.
[-2] Crystalline Focus. Power resonates through the Stone. It turns a flamethrower into a laser, a lightning bolt into an arc welder. The Stone is a +2 offensive and defensive control focus for a single element of your choice. Choose when you acquire the Stone.
[-2] Astral Sight. You may peer into the Nevernever and see spiritual beings while projecting your consciousness through the Stone. Treat as The Sight and Ghost Speaker.

Description: This is one of the bats that George Herman Ruth, Jr. used to break one of his many records with the New York Yankees.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Conviction
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a nice sturdy wooden bat. It was made to hit things. Weapon 2.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except when hitting Bambino’s Shutout Baseball. And if the two are together they will gradually repair themselves.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a baseball bat; it is hard to conceal.
[-2] Inhuman Strength. Babe Ruth was a very strong man, and those who wield his bat may add his strength to their own.
[-1] True Aim. The owner of the Bat Of The Bambino adds 1 to their Weapons skill when wielding either the bat or Bambino's Shutout Baseball.
[-1] Guide My Hand. The Bat Of The Bambino isn't actually a holy relic, but it provides a sort of guidance nonetheless.

Description: This is one of the baseballs that George Herman Ruth Jr. used in his 9 game shutout pitching career with the Boston Red Sox.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-1] It Is What It Is. It is an old and weathered baseball. It was made to be thrown. And so it grants magical strength to those who throw it, giving it a range of 2 zones and a weapon rating of 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except if hit by Bat of the Bambino. And if the two are together they will gradually repair themselves.
[+1] One-Time Discount. It is a baseball; it can easily be slipped into a pocket.
[-1] Blink Ball. When throwing the ball, you may have it travel through the Nevernever on its way to its target. This makes it look as though the ball is teleporting, and allows the throw to ignore a wide variety of physical Blocks and obstacles. Sometimes when this Power is used the ball will leave its wielder to return to the Bat Of The Bambino; treat this as a Compel.

Description: A pair of glowing gauntlets created by Nikola Tesla. One is red and the other is blue, but both appear demonic. They feel like they weigh nothing to the wearer.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Fists
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a pair of glowing gauntlets, one red and one blue. Weapon 1 with Fists.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a certain powerful magical rituals.
[+2] One-Time Discount. They are glowing gauntlets that can’t be removed, hard not to notice.
[-3] Transfer Ability. The gauntlets may absorb the abilities of others. This is similar to the Mimic Abilities Power (with 3 mimic points), except that the wielder of the gauntlets can't use the absorbed abilities. Instead, the wielder may transfer the Powers to other characters. Transferred Powers last until the wielder chooses to reclaim them, and count against the wielder's mimic point supply. Transferring or reclaiming Powers is a full action.
[-varies] Extra Capacity. The wielder of the gauntlets can buy more mimic points with Refresh. 1 Refresh buys 1 mimic point.

Description: A staff that used by the spirit Mesingw to communicate to the people of the Lenape Native American tribe.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Empathy
[-0] Purpose. The staff may only be wielded by someone with a deep love of nature. If the staff is ever used in a way adverse to its nature it will overpower the wielder and change them into an animal form. Treat that as a Compel.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a five foot tall staff with a turtle shell rattle on the end.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a large staff that rattles; it’s hard to keep hidden.
[-2] Telepathy. Holders of the staff gain telepathy as a form of communication.
[-1] Soulgaze. The Soulgaze granted by the staff is a little different from the ordinary Soulgaze Power; it affects animals, not humans.

Description: It is a small token used to access the New York City subway.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Stealth, Endurance
[-0] It Is What It Is. A small token used to access the New York City Subway System, the first one ever made.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken.
[-0] Spark of Knowledge. When someone picks up the token, they get a small electric discharge. When this happens they immediately know what the token is and what it allows them to do. (This may cause mental stress if they are not “clued-in”)
[+1] One-Time Discount. It is a small token, no larger than a quarter, very easy to hide.
[+3] Speed Trap. None of the token's Powers function outside of the New York City subway system.
[-4] Supernatural Speed. Having the coin on your person makes you faster. A lot faster.
[-8] Physical Immunity. While travelling through the subway you are immune to electricity.
[+6] The Catch. But only to electricity.

Description: A simple ring of gold, inlaid with one band of obsidian. Obviously, it once belonged to the legendary Solomon. There is a very powerful entity sealed inside of it.
Musts: You must have a High Concept related to your possession of this item and some way of summoning and binding supernatural creatures, whether via full Thaumaturgy, Sponsored Magic, or Ritual (Summoning).
Skills Affected: Discipline, Conviction, Presence, Intimidation
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a ring.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot normally be broken. Many a demon has found this endlessly frustrating.
[+1] One-Time Discount. Rings aren't hard to hide.
[-1] The Summons Of Solomon. The ring's main power is to let its wearer cast summoning and binding rituals with Evocation's speed and methods.
[-2] The Terror Of Solomon. Demons are mortally terrified of the Ring and its wielder. It adds 2 to your Intimidation and Presence when you use them on demonic entities.
[-5] The Power Of Solomon. The ring is a +5 complexity and control focus for summoning and binding. It ignores the normal limitations on focus item size, but its bonus is still limited by its user's Lore.
[+2] The Curse Of Solomon. The ring drains the vitality of its wearer. Even touching it is excruciatingly painful. Making use of The Summons Of Solomon or The Power Of Solomon fills in the user's lowest physical or mental consequence slot with a consequence related to pain or exhaustion. The Ring also cancels out the Wizard's Constitution ability, and the Aspect associated with it will often receive pain-related Compels.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 20, 2013, 05:16:50 AM
Description: A Sword wielded by the knight of a Fairy Court. It is attuned to the home realm of the Court that it was made by.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons, Investigation, Lore, Survival
[-0] Purpose. If anyone who is not a knight of the Court tries to wield the sword, it will return to its designated realm.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It is a long sword. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It is a large sword; it’s hard to keep hidden.
[-2] Elemental Weapon. The sword emits elemental energy appropriate to its court, allowing it to be used to attack from up to three zones away. It may also be used to make zone-wide attacks, which the wielder is not immune to.
[-2] Swift Transition. The wielder of the sword may enter the sword's home realm freely from any point in the material world.
[+1] No Mortal Home. The sword wants to return to its home realm and may occasionally drag its wielder there.

Description: This an exquisitely made katana traditionally used by the Tengu Clan’s current prince or chosen emissary as a symbol of their authority. It grants the wielder access to a small measure of their king’s sword skills.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Great Tengu was crafted by the Tengu for the use of a skilled warrior in an effort to stave off the decline of swordsmanship in the world. This Item of Power may only be used in defence of one’s self, one’s comrades or one’s lord. If the user ever leaves the path of the sword behind as defined by the Tengu this item will not work for them in a mundane or a magical sense.
[-1] It Is What It Is. An extremely well made katana with an unnaturally sharp edge. It is weapon 4 when used with one hand and weapon 5 when used with two hands.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Great Tengu is not easy to conceal because it's a sheathed katana.
[-1] True Aim. When you use it in keeping with its purposes, the Sword of the Great Tengu adds 1 to your Weapons skill.
[-1] Always At Hand. Drawing the sword does not take a supplemental action. It is instantaneous, and you may do it during someone else's turn. If you are ambushed and would defend at Mediocre, you may have the sword spring into your hand and defend at Good instead.
[-1] Sudden Slash. You may attempt to ambush people without hiding. When not in combat you may roll your Weapons skill to prepare, with other characters rolling Alertness against your result to detect your intentions. If you're still not in a fight after that, you may then make an attack against any character who didn't notice your intentions. This attack ignores the normal initiative rules, and the target must roll Alertness against a difficulty of your original Weapons roll or defend at Mediocre.
[-2] Unnatural Edge. Attacks with the sword Toughness and Recovery Powers as if they were one step weaker.

Description: This ancient katana is crafted from a fusion of wootz and tamahagane steel and has real ray skin on its grip, as well as the image of a three-legged crow hand-carved into it's pommel. It is traditionally used by the Tengu Clan’s current emissary as a symbol of their authority. It grants its wielder access to a small measure of the Tengu king’s sword skills, allowing them to cleave through almost anything. Mysteriously, wounds inflicted by this weapon never bleed yet are extremely painful.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Weapons
[-0] Purpose. The Sword of the Great Tengu was crafted by the Tengu for the use of a skilled warrior in an effort to stave off the decline of swordsmanship in the world. This Item of Power may be used to assist in the destruction or subjugation of opposing Youkai clans and courts or for engaging worthy opponents in general combat or in a one on one duel.
[-0] It Is What It Is. A well-forged katana with a supernaturally sharp edge. Weapon 3.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Sword of the Great Tengu is not easy to conceal, because it's a sheathed katana.
[-2] Unnatural Edge. Attacks with the sword treat Toughness and Recovery Powers as if they were one step weaker.
[-1] Blade Caster. If the wielder of the sword possesses the Tengu Magic Power, then they may use their Weapons skill in place of their Discipline skill to cast Tengu Magic spells. In addition, the sword contains a free focus slot that must be spent on Tengu Magic offensive control or power.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on May 20, 2013, 05:22:07 AM
Update complete.

Current list length is 58 pages, 19617 words, 119 553 characters, and seven posts. That's too big for the space I reserved when I started this thread, so I've continued the list on a later page. That is, this page.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 05, 2014, 11:09:04 PM
Somebody posted a new item to the wiki. It looks like this...

(click to show/hide)
Obviously it has problems. The cost of 0, for one. And Mercy Kill doesn't seem like a fair 1-Refresh Power to me.

Anyone got any suggestions on what to do with it?
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on March 14, 2014, 05:57:30 PM
Bump up the cost of Mercy Kill to [-2]. IMO that'll pretty much fix it. For flavour, though, I'll remove the stress hit the user takes and the limitations on use, but add that the power can only be used on someone who already has a consequence inflicted by the user. Mercy kill, after all.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Mr. Death on March 14, 2014, 06:16:52 PM
Adding that much stress is not a -1 or a -2 power. You're talking about a Weapon:10 gun, for 1 refresh? That's plain ridiculous. I'd disallow it entirely.

The only alternative I can see is making it ignore armor and/or toughness, similar to the Swords, though the full power of it isn't something I'd necessarily give. Or have it reduce the toughness of whatever you're shooting at.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: narphoenix on March 14, 2014, 07:41:52 PM
Adding that much stress is not a -1 or a -2 power. You're talking about a Weapon:10 gun, for 1 refresh? That's plain ridiculous. I'd disallow it entirely.

The only alternative I can see is making it ignore armor and/or toughness, similar to the Swords, though the full power of it isn't something I'd necessarily give. Or have it reduce the toughness of whatever you're shooting at.

I'd actually allow it for three Refresh (it's basically an enchanted item with extra stress, so that's what I based the cost off of: I assumed a Guns of Superb (+5)).
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 14, 2014, 11:47:51 PM
Yeah, it's basically an enchanted item. That's a good point.

Ritual (Crafting) plus 1 Refinement gets you 8 item slots. Spend 1 on the base effect, 5 on extra strength, and 2 on extra uses and you've got a 5-use weapon 10 item. So maybe with the stress cost and only 3 uses with no stress-for-additional-uses option, 2 Refresh would be fair. But that requires Superb Lore, and it's kinda munchkin-y.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on March 15, 2014, 08:01:50 PM
Adding that much stress is not a -1 or a -2 power. You're talking about a Weapon:10 gun, for 1 refresh? That's plain ridiculous. I'd disallow it entirely.

Two refresh, actually. And considering the limitations on use per session, and the stress hit for using it, and I see +7 stress as a more or less fair benefit. After all, the attacker still has to roll to hit, and it's likely that the target will do anything - like spending fate points, to dodge it.

Yeah, it's basically an enchanted item. That's a good point.

Ritual (Crafting) plus 1 Refinement gets you 8 item slots. Spend 1 on the base effect, 5 on extra strength, and 2 on extra uses and you've got a 5-use weapon 10 item. So maybe with the stress cost and only 3 uses with no stress-for-additional-uses option, 2 Refresh would be fair. But that requires Superb Lore, and it's kinda munchkin-y.

Except, even if you build it this way you don't actually get Ritual (Crafting). You can't make any more enchanted items, meaning that the better part of two refresh goes down the drain. Not actually requiring Superb Lore isn't sufficient to counter balance that.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on March 16, 2014, 03:41:36 AM
Good point.

Though that only matters between sessions/at milestones, when people are changing power selections and item loadouts. During sessions, it's irrelevant. How that affects balance is a touch unclear.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: timorzo on June 06, 2014, 11:39:05 PM
Hi it has been awhile since I have posted anything, but a player asked me to put together an item designed for a researcher, I put together this and I wanted to hear your thoughts.

Book of Knowledge [-5]
Description: A large old book that when opened describes in detail information regarding items, people, or objects in its presence. This item isn't as famous as other items of power, but the few rumors about this object state that it includes the combined knowledge of all life throughout the world. 
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Scholarship, Lore, Empathy, Investigation.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a large reference book.
[-0] Purpose: although it is not explicitly known the book seems to try and impart expert knowledge to those who choose to read it. It never shows itself writing but seems to always have written on the page exactly what the viewers were curious to learn.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big reference book not really intended to travel. It is concealable within a large backpack or a duffle bag, but it is really bulky when travelling.
[-2] Worldly Knowledge. This book contains vast amounts of information regarding any non magical items and gives +2 to scholarship to anything within its presence including those which are absurd or mundane.
[-2] Supernatural knowledge. This book also contains vast amounts of information regarding any magical items and creatures thus it gives +2 to lore to anything within its presence.
[-1] People knowledge. This book even contains vast amounts of information regarding any people thus it gives +2 to empathy in regards to discerning aspects of people in its presence.
[-1] Psychometry. when purposefully touching the book to a particular item, the book may project visions to any viewer.
[-1] Tool of investigation. When using this book to analyze a clue or interpret its meaning get a +2 to investigate

Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Locnil on June 07, 2014, 06:32:18 AM
A bit boring, but yeah that seems more or less balanced.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 08, 2014, 05:25:33 AM
The wording is a bit iffy, I think. I'm not sure exactly what rolls are boosted by this.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: idirex on June 08, 2014, 09:45:51 PM
 ;D Hi . I really appreciate all your collective efforts to improve a fantastic game . Thnx .
This is one of my favorites... please comment .
Catalyst (IoP)
Description: The Catalyst is a Platinoid alloy consecrated by a forgotten Sun God . It was unearthed as part of a treasure in a Burial Mound (Tumulus) . Remnants of its conscience are still present and you can connect to it by means of a ritual . If successful you exchange your vital energies for Magical Power.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore ... others...( the user chooses how he will aim his effects , usually with Discipline )
[-0] Purpose . In using the Catalyst you ally yourself with humanity and those who protect it . You are forbidden to kill humans , ( you lose your attunement to the catalyst ) , and should uphold the laws of magic ( Chop-chop from the council if found out )
[-0] It Is What It Is . The user Must fashion an item out of it ( jewelery , gauntlets , watch , weapon , gun ...) and it must be of exceptional craftsmanship . The item starts devoid of decorations or sigils of any kind and is filled up as the user is attuned to it . This will determine its potency .
[-0] Unbreakable.The actual item of power is the metal itself and is therefore impossible to destroy , unless by means of a specific ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1 / +2] Discount. The dimensions of the item depend upon the form the user chooses . It will always be easily detectable my the supernatural unless specifically shielded. If the item is a  weapon then its effects will be "on strike / hit" . It cant be loaned .
[-4] Blessed by Blood , Fire and Shadow : The Catalyst transforms your Life energy into Magical energy .
Evocation : Take physical stress in order to cast that many shifts of power in obvious and direct effects ( fire , light , heat...) . Take mental stress for shifts for subtle and indirect effects ( Veils , shadow summoning , mind magic...) . Summoning requires the user to tale at least a mild consequence and is usually handled by evothaum . No control roll is required but if power is greater than attack/aim roll , the difference is treated as fallout .
Thaumaturgy : Take physical and mental stress to power your ritual . At least 1 appropriate stress and at least 1 mild consequence must be taken. No control roll is required . The maximum shifts allowed are twice the complexity of the ritual itself . Base complexity equals your Lore . You can increase it by offering your blood as sacrifice (consequences) .
Evothaum: The user is allowed thaumaturgy with the speed and methods of evocation . Maximum complexity is capped at your Lore .
Extra Benefits: By spending a fate point , the user can request a meeting with any major " pro humanity " force ( including the Sidhe Courts ) and have the opportunity to temporarily wield their power . Their respective restrictions will apply and can sometimes lead to conflicting situations .
[-X] Refinement / Attunement slots : By increasing the power , the user gets fixed bonus in shifts (evocation and thaumaturgy ). At least 1 appropriate stress must be taken . By increasing accuracy , the user gets a bonus at "aiming" the effect with his  chosen skill . The item plays the role of all focus items and is limited by Lore .
[-X] Enchanted Item slots . Anything goes here , but you must still uphold the Purpose . If another uses your items against the Purpose you are held responsible ...( clean the mess quest)
The user can be granted inhuman speed , strength and toughness powers each major milestone . their cost must be paid normally . These powers are susceptible to Necromancy (catch)
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 09, 2014, 01:44:39 AM
The item itself looks pretty solid apart from a few formatting issues. I like the idea that the item is the material, and that what you make out of it is secondary.

But the Sponsored Magic has some issues. I'll address them in the other thread.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: timorzo on June 10, 2014, 12:06:00 AM
I tried to clear a few things up, please let me know if I need to clarify further.

Book of Knowledge [-5]
Description: A large old book that when opened describes in detail information regarding items, people, or objects in its presence. This item isn't as famous as other items of power, but the few rumors about this object state that it includes the combined knowledge of all life throughout the world. 
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Scholarship, Lore, Empathy, Investigation.
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a large reference book.
[-0] Purpose: although it is not explicitly known the book seems to try and impart expert knowledge to those who choose to read it. It never shows itself writing but seems to always have written on the page exactly what the viewers were curious to learn.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+2] One-Time Discount. It's a big reference book not really intended to travel. It is concealable within a large backpack or a duffle bag, but it is really bulky when travelling.
[-2] Worldly Knowledge. This book contains vast amounts of information regarding any non magical items and gives +2 to scholarship to discovering knowledge about anything within its zone including those which are absurd or mundane.
[-2] Supernatural knowledge. This book also contains vast amounts of information regarding any magical items and creatures thus it gives +2 bonus to lore when learning information about anything within its zone.
[-1] People knowledge. This book even contains vast amounts of information regarding people thus it gives +2 to empathy in regards to reading people in its zone.
[-1] Psychometry. when purposefully touching the book to a particular item, the book may project visions of significant events to any person who can see its pages.
[-1] Tool of investigation. When using this book to analyze a clue, examine or interpret its meaning get a +2 to investigate when said clue is in the same zone as the book.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 10, 2014, 12:11:42 AM
Much clearer.

Now that I understand what you're going for, I think you could get away with knocking a point or two off the Refresh cost. Worldly Knowledge and Supernatural Knowledge are pretty darn weak for 2 Refresh Powers.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: idirex on June 11, 2014, 10:25:07 PM
 :oThis will be the final version of this Item of Power . It would be fantastic if you could include this item to the list :P

Catalyst (IoP) [-3 / -2]
Description : The Catalyst is a complex alloy of precious metals consecrated by a forgotten Sun God . It was unearthed as part of a treasure in a Burial Mound (Tumulus) . Remnants of its conscience are still present and you can connect to it by means of a ritual . If successful you can exchange your vital energies for Magical Power.
Musts : You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected : The user chooses how he will control and aim its power . ( This applies only to the Evocation and Evothaum part . Thaumaturgy uses the standard rules )
[-0] Purpose : In using the Catalyst you ally yourself with humanity and those who protect it . You are forbidden to kill humans . In doing so you will lose your attunement to the catalyst , but are not obliged to save them .
[-0] It Is What It Is : The user must fashion an item out of it ( jewelery & accessory , armor , weapons ...) and it must be of exceptional craftsmanship . The item starts devoid of decorations or sigils of any kind and is filled up as the user is attuned to it . This will determine its potency . (This item will be the only focus you can have though this is just for "flavor" . All the focus effects you want can be housed inside , as if they were in different items)
[-0] Unbreakable : The actual item of power is the metal itself and is therefore impossible to destroy , unless by means of a specific ritual predicated upon perverting its purpose.
[+1 / +2] Discount : The dimensions of the item depend upon the form the user chooses . It will always be easily detectable my the supernatural unless specifically shielded . Beware of confiscation or theft .
[+1] Bloodthirsty : Other people must accept a consequence in order to use this item and will get a further use for each additional consequence that they cause to themselves or others . You will be held responsible for their actions . This item must be recovered before the end of the current scenario , or you will lose your attunement to it .
[-1] Marked by Power : This power is always active unless special measures are taken to prevent it . The extra effects are granted only to the rightful owner of this item .
[-4] Blessed by Fire , Shadow and Blood
Description: You have earned the blessing of an ancient Sun God .
Sponsor: The remnants of this ancient being are faded but it is an immortal after all . It deals in Power and its preferred currency is blood . All power granted to you must be employed in accordance with its agenda . Failure to do so will incur its wrath .
Agenda: Its agenda seems to be "pro humanity" and will aid you in your efforts to uphold it . Its sworn enemies are Dark Beings and Necromancy . Its servitors are Fire Elementals and Shadows .
Evocation: In accordance with Its dual nature , you have access to  Sunfire (active during day) and Shadowheart (active during night) . These powers do not originate directly from you , so you have superficial understanding of their working , obliging you to use well rehearsed spells (Rote reliance: -2 power penalty to non rote spells) .
Sunfire : Fire light and heat can be generated  by offering your physical energies to this ancient being .(These spells are cast with your physical stress track)
Shadowheart : Subtle and insidious powers (veils , mind magic and spirit manipulation) can be accessed by offering your mental energies to this ancient being .(These spells are cast using your mental stress track)
Thaumaturgy: Rituals cast by the power of this ancient being reflect its dual nature . Effects that can be employed are :
Fire , light , heat , fire-elemental summoning , biomancy and healing . These are active during day .
Mind magic , illusions , veils and shadow summoning are active during night .
Divination (summoning based) , wards(thematic) and crafting(thematic) are also dependent on the day-night cycle . All items must be hand-crafted by you using natural materials , bronze and precious metal alloys . They can be used by anyone by default but gain the Bloodthirsty ability . Other people must accept a consequence in order to use them . These items will get a further use for each additional consequence that they cause to themselves or others .
Effects not stated above can be achieved only by doing quests for It and by contacting Its allies . Both physical and mental stress tracks can be employed but the final results will depend  on their participation .
Evothaum: Blood-magic : By using your blood (accept a consequence) , you open a channel to Its mind and Power.
You can now cast thaumaturgy with Evocation's speed and methods. For as long as this power is active (that consequence stays in place) all of your spells and rituals are free from their day-night and power penalties .
Extra Benefits: By spending a Fate point , the user can request a meeting with any major " pro humanity " force ( including the Sidhe Courts ) and have the opportunity to temporarily wield their power . Failure results in your Fate point being lost , if successful you can spend additional Fate points and extend this privilege further . Their respective restrictions will apply and can sometimes lead to conflicting situations . If you are also Marked by Power you will represent not only It but also the allies whose favor you currently have .
The owner can be granted inhuman speed , recovery , strength and toughness powers each major milestone . Their cost must be paid normally and are independent from the item itself . These powers are susceptible to Necromancy and Dark Powers (catch) . They will be revoked if you loose your attunement to it .
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: jftravis on February 21, 2016, 06:15:38 AM
Looks like it's been a while since anything new has been posted here, so I thought I'd put something from my own game here for other folks to use.

Yata no Kagami - The Mirror of Amaterasu [-4]
History: Yata no Kagami is a sacred mirror that is part of the Imperial Regalia of Japan. It is said to be housed in Ise Grand Shrine in Mie Prefecture, Japan, although a lack of public access makes this difficult to verify. The Yata no Kagami represents "wisdom" or "honesty," depending on the source. Its name literally means "The Eight Hand Mirror," a reference to its octagonal shape. Mirrors in ancient Japan represented truth because they merely reflected what was shown, and were a source of much mystique and reverence (being uncommon items). Japanese folklore is rich in stories of life before mirrors were commonplace.
   In the Japanese mythology this mirror and the Yasakani no Magatama were hung from a tree to lure out Amaterasu from a cave. They were given to Amaterasu's grandson, Ninigi-no-Mikoto, when he went to pacify Japan along with the sword Kusanagi. From there, the treasures passed into the hands of the Imperial House of Japan.
   In the year 1040 (Chokyu 1, 9th month), the Sacred Mirror was burned in a fire. Whether that mirror was irrevocably lost or not, the current government claims that there are three sacred relics, each held at a different Shinto shrine: one is in Meiji Shrine in Tokyo, one in Ise Grand Shrine, and one in Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya.
Musts: An aspect justifying your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Empathy, Lore
[-0] Purpose: To illuminate and purify things - darkness, lies, inner natures, dark desires, etc.
[-0] What it is: It's a mirror.
[-0] Unbreakable: Okay, it's an unbreakable, mythically empowered mirror.
[+2] Item of Power discount: It's not big (about 8" in diameter), but you can't hide it in your shoe, especially when you're using it.
[-1] Amaterasu's Gift: With a brief thanks to the Sun Goddess and a symbol of your faith in her, you can roll Conviction to place the aspect "bathed in Divine Sunlight" on the zone you're currently in.
[-1] Insight: +2 Shifts when using Empathy to determine another sentient being's High Concept or Trouble.
[-2] Purification: Roll Conviction to inflict a Weapon 2 attack on your current zone, capable of damaging ONLY targets that have the Catch "Divine Sunlight" (or similar) on their Toughness powers.
[-3] True Sight (Supernatural Senses): Use Lore to detect lies, hidden things, the presence of beings masked by veils, glamour, shapeshift or flesh masks.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: whitelaughter on November 30, 2017, 07:52:33 AM
A few ideas

The rainbow[-1]
This is constantly crossing the globe, inspiring people. Some fortunate individuals may trigger the rainbow more than once in their life. It counts as an 'unowned' item, so those affected have their refresh drop by 1 while being influenced by the Rainbow, but this is immediately restored an exchange later.

[-0] Purpose: To inspire and protect mortals
[-0] What it is: a...the rainbow
[-0] Unbreakable: Well, you can split the light, but it'll still be a rainbow.
[+2] Item of Power
[-1] Soulgaze Any two people who can be soulgazed and are looking at a rainbow are drawn into a Soulgaze; however rather than seeing each other, they see the rainbow, and rather than inflicting mental stress, a successful attack places a 'inspired by beauty' manoeuvre on the other gazer, unless
[-0] The Catch: if a gazer either has or intends to drown somebody, they take mental stress instead of the manoeuvre. The Rainbow can and will attack a murderer multiple times, using a different other human each time.

Seelie Police Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of new police officers, and to help them keep the oath.
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: cover is dimpled from a bullet shot.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by the Seelie; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-0] The Catch: Officers who violate their oath will be constantly Compelled to confess and/or resign. An officer who makes the legally appropriate restitution will no longer suffer this Compel.

Unseelie Changeling Courtroom Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of witnesses in the law courts, and to enslave those who lie under oath
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: Owners have been know to break weapons on the Bible when challenged to combat over an enslavement, to demonstrate that oaths are more powerful than violence.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by an Unseelie Changeling; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-3] Changeling Nature Those holding the Bible can - and if oathbroken, must - take Powers from the owning Changeling's power package, limited to those permitted by the possessing Changeling and to a maximum of 3 points. Typically the owner loads oathbreaker up with any Creature Stunts, to make them more useful minions, and (by reducing their refresh) reduce their ability to defy their new master. (The Changeling need not yet have taken the Stunts, merely have inherited them).
[-0] The Catch: If the oathbreaker can somehow confess to the courts their lies, they can 'choose' to once more be vanilla mortal, shedding the Stunts. Owners frequently add the Claws Power to their new minions so that they can no longer speak nor write - and even if oathbreaker can manage to confess, they will then face the legal consequences of lying to the law courts.

Healing Spring [-1]
[-0] Purpose: To heal the suffering
[-0] What it is: a natural spring
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-6] Mythic Regeneration Anyone bathing in the spring is healed of nearly any injury, so long as the owner spends a Fate point on their behalf.
[-3] The Catch: Holy items [+1], immediately obvious to anyone who has ever heard of the spring [+2]

As inspired by the Chronomancy thread

 Crystal Ball[-1]
[-0] Purpose: To know the future
[-0] What it is: a crystal ball
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Cassandra's Tears
[-3] Lawbreaker 2nd, 4th and 6th Laws, providing +3 shifts to all - including getting more information from the Cassandra's Tears Power, and to persuading other to believe the prophecy. Using this item will rapidly earn any mortal spellcaster Lawbreaker stunts.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: Sanctaphrax on December 01, 2017, 08:26:32 PM
Neat ideas. Some mechanical issues, though.

The rainbow[-1]
This is constantly crossing the globe, inspiring people. Some fortunate individuals may trigger the rainbow more than once in their life. It counts as an 'unowned' item, so those affected have their refresh drop by 1 while being influenced by the Rainbow, but this is immediately restored an exchange later.

[-0] Purpose: To inspire and protect mortals
[-0] What it is: a...the rainbow
[-0] Unbreakable: Well, you can split the light, but it'll still be a rainbow.
[+2] Item of Power
[-1] Soulgaze Any two people who can be soulgazed and are looking at a rainbow are drawn into a Soulgaze; however rather than seeing each other, they see the rainbow, and rather than inflicting mental stress, a successful attack places a 'inspired by beauty' manoeuvre on the other gazer, unless
[-0] The Catch: if a gazer either has or intends to drown somebody, they take mental stress instead of the manoeuvre. The Rainbow can and will attack a murderer multiple times, using a different other human each time.

This doesn't really seem like an Item of Power. If you wouldn't write it on your character sheet between sessions or at character creation, the IoP mechanics are probably going to fit awkwardly.

For example, in this case, we have Refresh changing from exchange to exchange. What does that mean? How does Refresh even matter when you're not refreshing your FP?

Seelie Police Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of new police officers, and to help them keep the oath.
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: cover is dimpled from a bullet shot.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by the Seelie; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-0] The Catch: Officers who violate their oath will be constantly Compelled to confess and/or resign. An officer who makes the legally appropriate restitution will no longer suffer this Compel.

Likely better as an Aspect. You're not getting anything for your Refresh here, after all, and the effects can all be cleanly handled with Invokes and Compels.

Unseelie Changeling Courtroom Oath Bible [-1]

[-0] Purpose: To witness the oaths of witnesses in the law courts, and to enslave those who lie under oath
[-0] What it is: A King James Bible (still legally required in some parts of the British Commonwealth)
[-0] Unbreakable: Owners have been know to break weapons on the Bible when challenged to combat over an enslavement, to demonstrate that oaths are more powerful than violence.
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Sidhe item Oaths sworn on the Bible are witnessed by an Unseelie Changeling; they can be compelled as Aspects, and the swearer can spend Fate points on actions taken to fulfill their oath.
[-3] Changeling Nature Those holding the Bible can - and if oathbroken, must - take Powers from the owning Changeling's power package, limited to those permitted by the possessing Changeling and to a maximum of 3 points. Typically the owner loads oathbreaker up with any Creature Stunts, to make them more useful minions, and (by reducing their refresh) reduce their ability to defy their new master. (The Changeling need not yet have taken the Stunts, merely have inherited them).
[-0] The Catch: If the oathbreaker can somehow confess to the courts their lies, they can 'choose' to once more be vanilla mortal, shedding the Stunts. Owners frequently add the Claws Power to their new minions so that they can no longer speak nor write - and even if oathbreaker can manage to confess, they will then face the legal consequences of lying to the law courts.

Neat. But Claws doesn't stop people from speaking or writing; if you want to disable people like that, Aspects are the way to go.

Healing Spring [-1]
[-0] Purpose: To heal the suffering
[-0] What it is: a natural spring
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-6] Mythic Regeneration Anyone bathing in the spring is healed of nearly any injury, so long as the owner spends a Fate point on their behalf.
[-3] The Catch: Holy items [+1], immediately obvious to anyone who has ever heard of the spring [+2]

Huh. Clever use of the IoP lending rules. Maybe too clever; as a GM, I'd be reluctant to allow this.

Given that needing to bathe reduces the power of the effect significantly, it might be best to treat that as a Catch or Limitation.

Also, why is it obvious to everyone that the spring is ineffective against the holy?

Crystal Ball[-1]
[-0] Purpose: To know the future
[-0] What it is: a crystal ball
[-0] Unbreakable:
[+2] Item of Power
[-0] Cassandra's Tears
[-3] Lawbreaker 2nd, 4th and 6th Laws, providing +3 shifts to all - including getting more information from the Cassandra's Tears Power, and to persuading other to believe the prophecy. Using this item will rapidly earn any mortal spellcaster Lawbreaker stunts.

Lawbreaker doesn't really work like that. It only applies to spells, and must be bought individually for each Law.
Title: Re: Item Of Power Master List
Post by: whitelaughter on January 16, 2018, 09:23:50 AM
Thanks for your responses, sorry only just noticed them.

The rainbow wouldn't be on a PCs character sheet; more like Uriel's, or another AAngel.

The purpose of the Seelie Bible is to ensure that the Seelie can compel misbehaving police officers, and justify honest coppers spending more Fate.

Good catch on Claws!

Hmm, you're right, the need to bathe is a better limitation for the healing spring.

So, the crystal ball would work if it was a spell duplicating a power, but not as a power? [shrugs] Then it becomes a power creating a spell duplicating a power. Actually, that works better since it then costs mental stress.

Thanks again.
Title: Faith, Hope and Charity
Post by: whitelaughter on January 25, 2019, 12:46:09 PM
For two desperate weeks during WWII, the only planes defending the island of Malta were a trio of aging Gloster Gladiator biplanes: against the full might of the Axis air power. No one knows who first starting refering to the planes as Faith, Hope and Charity...except those who realise that the Swords of the Cross can be reforged into radically different forms when needed.
Faith, Hope and Charity - reforged Swords of The Cross
All creatures are equal before God, Divine Purpose, Holy: these powers as normal for the swords. "All creatures are equal before God" was particularly effective for reducing an opponents engine to a colander though.

Other powers are modified slightly during the siege:
[-0] Purpose: To protect the home of the Knights Hospitaller
[-0] What it is: each Sword is, for the duration of siege of Malta, a  Gloster Sea Gladiator biplane.
[-0] Unbreakable: The planes can be shot down, but enough of the plane will limp home with the pilot.
Item of Power discount: you are not carrying plane, it carries you.
True Aim: When flown in defence of Malta, the plane grants a +1 to the pilots "Driving" skill.

The Swords left Malta after the most desperate part of the siege had been survived, and returned to their usual forms.

Title: Harry Dresden's Hat
Post by: whitelaughter on April 20, 2019, 12:41:11 PM
Harry Dresden's Hat [-0]

Harry Dresden's Hat is the most iconic of part of his wardrobe, even more so that his duster, but sadly did not survive a clash with He How Walks Behind. It was not merely destroyed, but now has never existed; fortunately, as an Item of Power it has managed to work around this problem and continues to fight the good fight.

[-0] Purpose: To battle the Outside
[-0] It Ain't What it is: The Hat no longer has any material form
[-0] Unbreakable: well, sort of. It's not broken, it just doesn't exist.
[-0] Item of Power
[-0] All Powers neutralised due to non-existence.
[-0] The Catch: The Hat renders some actions impossible; frex it is physically impossible to completely search the 'wearer' of the Hat, as you cannot search the Hat. This allows the 'wearer' to exploit many perfectionist Compels - any variant of "do X action thoroughly" can become a negative Compel; the victim knows that they've missed something, but it is impossible for them to work out what.
Also, the Hat is useful against thieves; frex anyone taking all of the original wearers' clothing will end up 'owning' the Hat (which for a mundane is going to drop their Refresh by 2) until it is somehow discarded, or until the end of session (at which point the Hat will return to the previous owner).
Title: Permanent Troll Stabilizing Device
Post by: whitelaughter on February 27, 2025, 03:03:36 AM
PTSD are...unpleasant. They are very common at the Gates; created from Trolls Mab considers to valuable to be put down but too insane to continue fighting. Somehow, she carves their traumas out of them, to create a tool that can help new recruits survive longer.
The derangements caused by long term service at the Gates aren't Lawbreaking, but they function on mortals in a similar fashion.

[-0] Purpose. PTSD are created to restablize veterans of the war against the Outside, and given to new recruits to help them survive.
[-0] It Is What It Is. These are usually scales or horns, physically carved from the troll, along with their madness.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with a magical ritual that opposes its nature.
[+2] One-Time Discount. This is sometimes enough to let the Troll continue functioning; more often the discount is being used for a weapon so cannot be applied, and the Troll will not return to sanity until a rookie buys the item.
[-2] Lawbreaking/3. Always the 5th Law; Usually the 1st; plus either 2nd, 3rd or 4th.
[-0] Cassandra's Tears. Any
[-0] Wizard's Constitution

If one of these is found anywhere except at the Gates, something has gone horribly wrong. The most likely scenario is that Unseelie forces have pursued an Outsider into the physcial world, and then lost the resulting fight. So if you find one, you are in trouble. Still, it might help you survive the Outsider!
Mab, of course, will want it back. You can either hand it over; no problems. Or you could buy the item...
if you buy this item, then you have volunteered to serve in the war against the Outside. You will be drawn into the Nevernever, and find yourself at the Gates. A kindly GM might let you play out your first, and probably last, engagement...

PTSD have a minimum of two aspects, one for being an item and the other for Cassandra's Tears. In the original Troll these replace the aspects inflicted by the Lawbreaking. Once every 3 adventures, a Refresh gained from Cassandra' Tears can heal a mental Extreme Consequence caused by battle at the Gates.