
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Smith on June 13, 2011, 07:35:34 AM

Title: Invoke, Tag, Declare... and all the other words that get thrown around.
Post by: Smith on June 13, 2011, 07:35:34 AM
Monday night I'm starting up my first Dresden Files game (where I'm GMing) and I have two new players. One has never heard of the Dresden Files or the Fate System and the other loves the novels but never used the system. Now, I'm hoping to make everything go as easy as I can for everyone involved and to help facilitate this, I was hoping to find the "Cheat Sheet" .PDF that was making its way around the forums a while back. It was just a simple write-up of all the terms most commonly used and their definitions.

I've already checked the resources section and didn't see anything there. If anyone could link me to where I could find it, I'd be extremely grateful... hell, maybe we could get it added to the resources section for other new GMs.  ^_^
Thanks in Advance!
Title: Re: Invoke, Tag, Declare... and all the other words that get thrown around.
Post by: InFerrumVeritas on June 13, 2011, 12:45:27 PM
Invoke: Using an aspect, either for effect or a +/-2.  Invoking for effect begins a GM driven compel.
Compel: Declaring that a character would do something because of an aspect.  Character accepts and gets FP or declines and spends FP.
Tag: A free invoke.
Declare: Either rolling a skill or spending a FP to say that something is true (thus laying an aspect, typically).  Such as "I think those floorboards are weak."
Title: Re: Invoke, Tag, Declare... and all the other words that get thrown around.
Post by: Smith on June 13, 2011, 02:12:41 PM
Thanks for the attempt, but I know what all the terms mean.

No, I was looking for the PDF that had all the terms and definitions on it, that was making it's rounds on the forum a while back. My intent is to hand each of my players one so they have a cheat sheet to use until they get used to all the terms that get thrown around the table.
Title: Re: Invoke, Tag, Declare... and all the other words that get thrown around.
Post by: EldritchFire on June 13, 2011, 02:21:39 PM
Google is your friend (

I'm not familiar with the sheet you're asking about, but this ( seems to fit the bill.

Title: Re: Invoke, Tag, Declare... and all the other words that get thrown around.
Post by: Smith on June 13, 2011, 08:15:32 PM
This does, thank you!