I have a question about the effects the nevernever would have on mortals over an extended period of time. Say there is a small pocket of mortals with wizards constitution. They have been exiled to an island in the nevernever for about 100 generations, without crossing through the way at any point.Realistic answer: A hundred generations isn't long enough for significant genetic drift unless the population is small. And then we're talking defects more often than not.
After all this time living in the nevernever, would the mortals have been altered or evolved in any way do you think?
I'm actually disappointed. I was hoping this would be a thread about wizards frustrated with the high prices of city housing who decide to just go ahead and live in the Nevernever.
Now I have an image of Fae realtors sending spam mail to wizards..."Easy terms; low money down!" "All loans approved; no one is turned away!" "Be living in YOUR dream sanctum TODAY!"
Neanderthals, for example, *would* look markedly different. - BecqSurprisingly little. Or at least not so much that they'd look nonhuman as opposed to just odd. But it would be interesting - maybe there's a "lost world" piece of Nevernever somewhere.
I'm actually disappointed. I was hoping this would be a thread about wizards frustrated with the high prices of city housing who decide to just go ahead and live in the Nevernever.