
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: bibliophile20 on June 09, 2011, 07:57:18 PM

Title: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 09, 2011, 07:57:18 PM
Hey all, I'm back.  Whew, talk about the month from hell.  Finals, my desktop self-destructing, and other interesting--in the Chinese curse sense--things all going on.  Saying more might tempt Murphy, so...  *shrug* 

So, I'm running a campaign for the summer for some of my friends, and I'm statting out one of the long-term villains and I need some advice.

Said bad guy is a human businessman and backroom politico with a misogynistic streak (he misses the '90s.  The 1890s, and the idealized vision of that time when "everyone knew their place" that was passed down to him from his grandfather) with an Item Of Power--a family ring--that enables him to manipulate people and create fine thralls. 

Thus, I am currently debating on what suite of powers would work most effective and with the greatest degree of stealth. 

Right now, debating between either Domination [-2 refresh] or Incite Emotions Greed, Lust and Fear [-3 refresh], or possibly Ritual: Psychomancy [-2], or some combination thereof (not to exceed -5 refresh), as well as how, mechanically, enthralling someone would work and what are the limits of each approach (the Thralls entry in Our World (pg 82-3) indicates that Incite Emotion would work for short term fine thralls, Psychomancy for long term fine thralls, and that Domination is only good for rough thralls and Renfields).

And no Law Talk please; since this is via an IoP, it is technically not a violation of the Laws, but I doubt the Wardens would see it that way, and that's how I'm going to run it.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Bruce Coulson on June 09, 2011, 08:15:00 PM
I would go with Incite Emotions, with the various additions to make them ranged and lasting.

Why?  Because people who want to do something are better at it, and more creative, than those you command.  Someone who not only 'knows their place', but agrees that that is 'their place' will not only obey you, but will work towards having other people accept that as normal.  It would be a better method to re-create 'Our Town'.  Also, it can mean more red herrings; converts who accepts your antagonist's world view, but has never been influenced directly by his power.

It also means that there can be minor antagonists who might be aware (vaguely) of what's going on, but support it for completely selfish reasons.

If you give your antagonist high levels of Rapport, Empathy, and Presence, he's capable of persuading people without even resorting to his powers; even better.  (High Resources is nice, but you can only bribe so many people...)

For added angst, make your antagonist genuinely concerned about the welfare of the city and its residents.  Noblesse Oblige, as it were; he donates to charities, promote civic projects, that sort of thing.  Make his eventual removal something that will cost the town; in Resources, in good will, in general benefits.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: sinker on June 09, 2011, 08:29:00 PM
I would also go with incite emotion, and take ritual if you want him working at a distance or throwing around more nebulous workings.

As far as mechanically, we had a thread earlier where we talked about the different ways to enthrall someone and I think we had a pretty comprehensive and cogent method. Really it depends on the duration of the enthrallment. If you want someone to do what you want for a few minutes then a maneuver (which one then invokes for effect/compels) gives one a simple aspect that would work for a bit before they shook it off. After that attacks (with ensuing consequences, which you would then invoke/compel as above) give a slightly longer term enthrallment, lasting as long as it takes them to recover from the consequence (obviously extreme consequences could last quite a long time). Finally if you want the thrall to last you can simply take them out, redefining them as your thrall forever.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: devonapple on June 09, 2011, 08:32:22 PM
I was thinking about Rituals, too, but that would oblige this character to go about things like a Wizard: gathering links, finding obscure components, etc. That seems a little out of idiom for the character described.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 09, 2011, 08:43:06 PM
Welcome back.

I'd probably go with Domination here. The other two powers have too much baggage, and besides they both give him capabilities beyond simple thrall-making. Allowing Domination to make fine thralls won't break anything.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Belial666 on June 09, 2011, 09:02:12 PM
Incite Emotion only has baggage if you are a vampiric creature with it. I.e. if you also take Feeding Dependency / Emotional Vampire.

For -5 refresh, give him Incite Obedience, At Range, Lasting plus Domination. That way he can quickly enthrall people in non-permanent ways and command them without destroying their minds (unless he wants to) and in addition he can also Dominate people long-term and make permanent thralls with a bit of extra effort.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: UmbraLux on June 09, 2011, 09:02:20 PM
I'd go with Domination and possibly a stunt giving you a bonus on Presence maneuvers.  That would give the character both temporary influence (a Presence maneuver) and permanent domination.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: InFerrumVeritas on June 09, 2011, 09:03:26 PM
Personally, I'd go a Sponsored Magic route.  Example:

Grandaddy's Ring [-3]
Enthrallment Magic: You are able to draw upon magic which twists and commands the minds of others.  You are able to do rituals related to Psychomancy with evocation's methods and speed.  You gain +1 to the Complexity of such rituals.

I would model your thralls in different ways.  Short term thralls not completely dominated by you would be maneuvers to place aspects tagged for effect.  In combat, I'd treat dominating someone like a mental grapple where for every round you win you get to dictate the opponent's action.  Long term thralls would be taken out with ritual for each aspect changed (starting with High Concept becoming My Thrall of a Bartender, etc).

And no Law Talk please; since this is via an IoP, it is technically not a violation of the Laws, but I doubt the Wardens would see it that way, and that's how I'm going to run it.

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Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: MijRai on June 09, 2011, 09:19:01 PM
I would go with Domination, and just add a bit of time to the process if you want to make them fine thralls.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 09, 2011, 09:21:42 PM
Welcome back.

I'd probably go with Domination here. The other two powers have too much baggage, and besides they both give him capabilities beyond simple thrall-making. Allowing Domination to make fine thralls won't break anything.
Thanks.  It's good to be back.

As for the ring-IoP, my original thought for this guy is slightly more mature, more subtle version of Pavel Young of the Honorverse, if Pavel had gone into politics instead of the navy; distinct sociopathic tendencies (in the "I'm the only real person, everyone else are cardboard cutouts to play with and manipulate" sense), a member of an old, powerful family with extensive blackmail files, and thinks that the only appropriate place for an attractive woman is in his bed.  In this guy's case, he didn't have the humbling encounter that Pavel did with Honor Harrington, and did have a hereditary artifact that his family has been using to generate consent (both political and other) for generations.   (highly recommend the Honor Harrington series (, btw; freely and legally available to read at the link).  

With that in mind, I needed something subtle, that could produce fine thralls, and Domination is specifically capable of neither by description, unless I just re-skin it as such, maybe like this:

Hypnos [-2]
Description: There is the blatant mental attacks of the Black Court, as direct and overpowering as a firehose and then there is the subtle workings of Hypnos.  Hypnos allows the user to make subtle adjustments to a victim's personality and general mental state that will often go unnoticed and unremarked unless activated or pushed against.
Skills affected: Discipline
Psychic Manipulation: Given some time and appropriate measures--typically an hour or so of quiet social interaction, like a date, dinner or other similar period/situation--you may make a covert psychic attack against an unsuspecting or helpless target, dealing mental stress and consequences or setting up a mental maneuver until the degree of manipulation desired has been achieved.  The target can defend with Discipline, but cannot counter-attack, leaving them to eventually be worn down.  
Create Fine Thrall: Inflicting consequences and Taking Out a victim allows them to be finely enthralled; triggers and compulsions can be implanted, ranging from the subtle to the overt.

how's that look?

Clarification: By default, even if it is an IoP, if you go the Ritual route you are still using mortal magic (not sponsored magic) and thus still violating the Laws.  That being said, if you want to run it this way at your table, that's perfectly acceptable.  Just remember that a player taking evocation in a boom stick has the same argument when it comes to killing.  Sponsored magic is free of this restriction (usually).  Incite emotion and domination aren't magic and thus don't apply to the laws anyway.
Point.  Forgot about that.  I think what you posted with the Sponsored Magic was closer to what I originally had in mind anyway, so no worries.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: devonapple on June 09, 2011, 09:22:07 PM
How subtle does this enthrallment need to be?
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 09, 2011, 09:33:52 PM
How subtle does this enthrallment need to be?
Enough that a pair of mid-level (17-21 refresh) wizard NPCs who have lived in this city for the past century could have legitimately missed what was going on with this family  (admittedly, this isn't too terribly hard; one's a shut-in female ward expert who has a binding circle to babysit,
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; while the other is a African-American doctor, so they don't exactly move in the same social circles as the baddie).  

Or, for comparison's sake, if Molly's phobia insertions were done with a 8-gauge needle ( (in Harry's Sight metaphor), the markings (and comparative subtlety) from this guy are in the 20-30 gauge range.  I.e. it's perfectly legit for the coroner to overlook them when there's any other trauma.  
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Bruce Coulson on June 09, 2011, 10:53:28 PM
Definitely Incite Emotion, with lasting.

Less likely to be noticeable, especially when the person who benefits already has high social skills.  If noticed, easily mistaken for White Court manipulation (and hence not Council business).  Combined with operating in entirely different social circles...

I hope you're planning on making him a bit more intelligent than Pavel; his father was the real brains of the family, clearly.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 09, 2011, 11:31:41 PM
Definitely Incite Emotion, with lasting.

Less likely to be noticeable, especially when the person who benefits already has high social skills.  If noticed, easily mistaken for White Court manipulation (and hence not Council business).  Combined with operating in entirely different social circles...

I hope you're planning on making him a bit more intelligent than Pavel; his father was the real brains of the family, clearly.
Okay, after some thought, I think I'll go with the following setup:

Ring of Dominion [+1]
Incite Emotions [Greed, Lust, Fear, Lasting, -4]
Hypnos [-2]

Incite Emotions is used for short term thralldom and relatively coarse manipulation (appeals to the gonads, wallet or fight/flight), Hypnos is used for longer-term thralldom and implantation of more detailed programming and manipulations.  

Oh, and he'll be smarter than Pavel--this is not hard--but he'll be almost as petty and self-serving, I think.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Tedronai on June 09, 2011, 11:40:20 PM
 The target can defend with Discipline, but cannot counter-attack, leaving them to eventually be worn down.

I'm wary of the latter 2/3rds of this clause, as it would seem that those in-the-know, and with the means to do so, should not be shut down in such a way without so much as a roll to resist.  What happens when he, hypothetically, attempts to enthrall a Corpsetaker-esque psychomancer who happens to be fully aware of what he's attempting?
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 09, 2011, 11:47:28 PM
I'm wary of the latter 2/3rds of this clause, as it would seem that those in-the-know, and with the means to do so, should not be shut down in such a way without so much as a roll to resist.  What happens when he, hypothetically, attempts to enthrall a Corpsetaker-esque psychomancer who happens to be fully aware of what he's attempting?

That clause is taken from the Domination power (I mostly just reskinned it), so...  *shrug*

As for him trying to whack a wizard or other spellcaster, they could retaliate, just not via that fragile "channel" of sociability that he used (I'm visualizing the power as giving psychoactive "weight" to words and ideas that are implanted slowly over time; i.e. brainwashing over dinner); once the jig is up, it's time to switch to the much less subtle option of Incite Emotion. 

As for trying to enthrall a psychomancer?  If he was really, really good and got good rolls and kept the psychomancer's guard down long enough to slip in a few suggestions, yeah, it could work.  It would be about as likely to happen as a mouse managing to outmaneuver Mister, though.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Becq on June 10, 2011, 12:05:42 AM

I'd go with Incite, but use a customized version of it: Incite Subservience.  Same idea, but different flavor on the aspects generated.  As to making things permanent, consider that if you deal enough damage to take the target out (either all at once or over time) you now have the power to, for example, rename aspects.  This is not a trivial thing, and might be a better fit for your NPC.  A Renfield is a mindless drone, but someone with the aspect "Loyal subject of Mr. Jones" is a free-thinking person who *wants* to do what Mr. Jones asks of him.  (And given that most 'generic' people won't have much in the way of consequences, taking them out with Incite/Lasting/Potent is fairly trivial.)

I'm wary of the latter 2/3rds of this clause, as it would seem that those in-the-know, and with the means to do so, should not be shut down in such a way without so much as a roll to resist.  What happens when he, hypothetically, attempts to enthrall a Corpsetaker-esque psychomancer who happens to be fully aware of what he's attempting?
Answer: if the target is able to fight back, then Domination doesn't work.  For it to work, the target must be rendered helpless, which means they can resist, but can't counterattack, as noted in the power description.

Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 10, 2011, 12:12:56 AM

I'd go with Incite, but use a customized version of it: Incite Subservience.  Same idea, but different flavor on the aspects generated.  As to making things permanent, consider that if you deal enough damage to take the target out (either all at once or over time) you now have the power to, for example, rename aspects.  This is not a trivial thing, and might be a better fit for your NPC.  A Renfield is a mindless drone, but someone with the aspect "Loyal subject of Mr. Jones" is a free-thinking person who *wants* to do what Mr. Jones asks of him.  (And given that most 'generic' people won't have much in the way of consequences, taking them out with Incite/Lasting/Potent is fairly trivial.)
interesting point.  Thing is, subservience is a pretty complex emotion and whacking someone with that would be pretty blatant. (imagine someone that's arguing with him suddenly getting a whammy of that; the discontinuity would be jarring enough to be noticeable).  The more basic emotions--greed, lust, fear--are easier to slip under the radar, methinks.

Answer: if the target is able to fight back, then Domination doesn't work.  For it to work, the target must be rendered helpless, which means they can resist, but can't counterattack, as noted in the power description.
And for Hypnos, "helpless" means "constrained from full action by the social contexts of conversations, meals and social intercourse and a lack of overt hostility".  So he couldn't use Hypnos against a debate partner--or the PC who suspects he's a rapist--but he can use it against the mayor over a nice political dinner. 
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Becq on June 10, 2011, 01:09:22 AM
interesting point.  Thing is, subservience is a pretty complex emotion and whacking someone with that would be pretty blatant. (imagine someone that's arguing with him suddenly getting a whammy of that; the discontinuity would be jarring enough to be noticeable).  The more basic emotions--greed, lust, fear--are easier to slip under the radar, methinks.
Who says it has to be a 10-second combat round style of attack?  After all, clubbing someone over the back of the head is a physical attack ... but so is putting a slow-acting airborne toxin into the ventilation systems.  And the basic form of Incite requires a mental attack via seduction (or the equivalent) which is nothing like instant, so I imagine that an Incite Subservience attack could take place over the course of ... oh, say a staff meeting.  Or a dinner.  Or whatever is appropriate.  Not only that, but the character has control over the results of the take-out, so the change needn't be as dramatic as going from "I have two
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-- I sit on one while the other tells me how to do my job" to "I'd bear my boss' babies, if given a chance".  You're right, that would be too obvious.  But it could be much more subtle, with a series of minor tweaks over the course of days, weeks, or months.

Of course, he'd still be able to do a more sudden whammy when the situation called for it...
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Tedronai on June 10, 2011, 01:29:02 AM
That clause is taken from the Domination power (I mostly just reskinned it), so...  *shrug*

Answer: if the target is able to fight back, then Domination doesn't work.  For it to work, the target must be rendered helpless, which means they can resist, but can't counterattack, as noted in the power description.

Hypnos, then, needs to contain (a modified version of) Domination's helplessness clause.  The version on the previous page currently does not.  And at that point, the clause I pointed out is redundant.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 10, 2011, 02:44:45 AM
Hypnos, then, needs to contain (a modified version of) Domination's helplessness clause.  The version on the previous page currently does not.  And at that point, the clause I pointed out is redundant.
Inserted a "against an unsuspecting or helpless target" clause in the power description. 
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Tedronai on June 10, 2011, 03:22:41 AM
Even an unsuspecting target might be engaged in attacks of their own
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 10, 2011, 03:27:45 AM
Even an unsuspecting target might be engaged in attacks of their own
Yes; social combat is certainly an option here, but the key is that they don't suspect that the guy that they're chatting with is brainwashing them.  Therefore, their attacks are resolved on a different level than these mental attacks, and does not qualify as a "counter-attack".  Or, in short, he can brainwash his victims while having a pleasant debate on the current political issue, inflicting mental stress on them.  However, while their rebuttals to his points might cause social stress, they cannot use the same channel to fight back and inflict mental stress upon him. 
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Tedronai on June 10, 2011, 03:38:59 AM
I suppose my issue, then, is that 'the same channel' already cannot be used to counter-attack unless the target has the ability to do so independently, and that if they do independently possess such ability, there is no reason inherent in the power as written why they should not be able to do so

To put this in perspective:
Me shooting at (attacking) you with a gun does not grant you the ability to return fire despite not having a gun of your own, but if you do have a gun, it doesn't stop you from doing so, either (unless I change from attacking to placing an offensive block...but then I'm not attacking)
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: bibliophile20 on June 10, 2011, 04:32:31 AM
I suppose my issue, then, is that 'the same channel' already cannot be used to counter-attack unless the target has the ability to do so independently, and that if they do independently possess such ability, there is no reason inherent in the power as written why they should not be able to do so

To put this in perspective:
Me shooting at (attacking) you with a gun does not grant you the ability to return fire despite not having a gun of your own, but if you do have a gun, it doesn't stop you from doing so, either (unless I change from attacking to placing an offensive block...but then I'm not attacking)
*shrug*  Okay, point.  I was mostly going off of the Domination power description, where that is the general wording.  Maybe the writers were just trying to avoid having people try to reverse the polarity ( ;)
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Tedronai on June 10, 2011, 05:48:45 AM
Domination requires a completely helpless victim and uses weasel words in it's version of that clause.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Becq on June 10, 2011, 05:41:53 PM
Yes; social combat is certainly an option here, but the key is that they don't suspect that the guy that they're chatting with is brainwashing them.  Therefore, their attacks are resolved on a different level than these mental attacks, and does not qualify as a "counter-attack".  Or, in short, he can brainwash his victims while having a pleasant debate on the current political issue, inflicting mental stress on them.  However, while their rebuttals to his points might cause social stress, they cannot use the same channel to fight back and inflict mental stress upon him. 
In the power description, "counter-attack" just means the equivalent of "return fire" in general, not necessarily immediately as one or two talents allow.  So if I shoot you on my turn, then you shoot me back on your turn, that's a counter-attack.  If the guy you are using Domination on can return fire with a mental attack ... or a gun shot ... or a knife slash ... or by calling an orbital bombardment, etc, then he is not 'helpless' and can therefore not be the target of dominate.  I take this to mean that unconcious targets are prime subjects, and ones who are chained to a wall marginally less so (unless they have some capability to attack while chained, in which case they are unsuitable).  Even someone trapped in a cage (but otherwise free to move around in the cage) would probably qualify, unless they had a way to attack the Dominator.

But I don't see Domination being a subtle attack in the slightest.  You are trying to strip the target of all free will, and they will feel that the instant you begin doing so.  So I don't see it as in any way suitable for slipping into a pleasant chat over dinner, as would the more subtle Incite-style attacks.
Title: Re: The Art Of Enthrallment For Fun And Profit--How To. [No Law Talk, please]
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 12, 2011, 05:31:50 AM
Hypnos seems more or less fine to me. I might remove the bit about helpless targets, so that it only works on unsuspecting people. That way, defending against it is easy even if he has you chained to a wall. But it works great at parties, which seems to fit the character.

Really, I don't think it's worth worrying about. For this to ruin a game by accident seems to be almost impossible. And you certainly aren't going to abuse it on purpose. So it probably won't be a problem.