
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: kertain on June 09, 2011, 07:47:38 PM

Title: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: kertain on June 09, 2011, 07:47:38 PM
Afternoon Folks,
I have a player who acquired the "Sickle of Light" and he wants it to be an cool.
He left if up to me how to build it and I thought it would be cool to have it be Uriels Sickle and him not know it right away.

Can you guys help me build it?
This is what I came up with:
+2 Sickel of Light (weapon 3)
-1 True Stike (+1 Weapon roll)
-1 Deaths blow (+2 Stress to darkness)

I want it to be juicy but am running into a mental block.
Edit: He is a combat heavy character with "Marked by Power" already. So something to compliment that would be cool.

Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: MijRai on June 09, 2011, 07:53:52 PM
maybe a -1 power for +2 damage to firstborn?
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: Khalis231 on June 09, 2011, 08:15:32 PM
How about:

Sickle of Light [-2]:
Counts as a Weapon:3
+2 Obvious IoP
-1 True Strike (+1 to Weapons rolls)
-1 Holy (counts as holy for the purpose of satisfying Catches)
-2 Your Time Has Come (spend a fate point to mark an enemy as wicked and deserving of death. For one scene, each time that enemy takes physical damage from any source, increase the stress dealt by 1. Damage dealt by the Sickle is instead increased by 2).
-0 Its Purpose is to Kill (when its wielder Takes Out an enemy with this weapon, the enemy dies in a gruesome fashion, even if the wielder's intent was not to kill. A blow intended as a light cut or flat-blade attack ends up severing a femoral artery, or something like that).
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: Samael on June 10, 2011, 12:43:28 AM
Holy is a part of its nature and is therefore apart of It Is What It Is trapping of IoPs, and does not cost any refresh.
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: Belial666 on June 10, 2011, 01:15:28 AM
No, it isn't. The Swords of the Cross cost an extra -1 refresh for being potent holy symbols in their own right. Thus the scythe should also cost extra.

The difference is simple; If a demon has a catch of True Faith, someone without true faith wielding a blessed sword against it or a cross or holy water does nothing. The same unbeliever wielding a weapon that is inherently a potent holy symbol (such as the Swords of the Cross) will satisfy the demon's catch. Sort of how Shiro's sword helped Harry against Anduriel despite Harry not being a True Believer to the "White God" on his own.

You pay the extra -1 for the sword/scythe/whatever to have holy power on its own rather than only work for True Believers.
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: Becq on June 10, 2011, 01:19:24 AM
Holy is a part of its nature and is therefore apart of It Is What It Is trapping of IoPs, and does not cost any refresh.
A sickle is intrinsically holy, completely independent of its supernatural nature?

"It Is What It Is. The item is often based on a mundane template—a sword, a shield, a suit of armor—and as such may have some armor or damage values completely independent of its supernatural nature. Swords will have damage bonuses like swords, armor will protect like armor. All the same, the item should be obvious as something unusual."

Any supernatural properties of an item -- that is, anything you wouldn't find on the shelves of the local WalMart -- is a power, and needs to be paid for.  So, for example, you can't say "It's a flaming sword" and claim that it does weapon:6 and inflicts the "On fire" aspect for free.  If you don't believe me or the text I quoted above, look at the entry for Swords of the Cross, and note that it has a separate line item for "Holy".
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: kertain on June 10, 2011, 10:19:23 PM
Thanks guys, gonna think about it some more.
My game is Sunday so any more suggestions would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: Tedronai on June 10, 2011, 10:38:20 PM
just remember that any IoP costs at least -1 refresh
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: Sanctaphrax on June 10, 2011, 10:56:15 PM
Guide My Hand might be appropriate if you want to have Uriel interfering subtly with his weapon's bearer.

A -0 power providing special effects would be cool. Somehow, I don't think that an Archangel's weapon would be so crude as to inflict ordinary wounds.

PS: You may or may not find something appropriate on the Custom Powers Master List. Regardless, I'd like to add the final product of this thread to said list. Do you mind?
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: Silverblaze on June 12, 2011, 11:02:45 PM

A melee weapon version of the stunt Killer Blow.

A sense of who will die or their fate (similar to Gard's)
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: ways and means on June 12, 2011, 11:08:57 PM
Killer Bow ?
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: Tedronai on June 12, 2011, 11:22:11 PM
Killer Blow
once per scene, spend a fate point to add 3 stress to a hit, iirc
Title: Re: Sickle of Light (Uriel's Sickle)
Post by: tetrasodium on June 12, 2011, 11:33:57 PM I dunno wikipedia mentions he's the angel of redemption & light with the key to hell and often depected guarding the gates to eden with a flaming sword... maybe it has the power to be all consuming light(i.e. deceased victim becomes incinerated in all consuming flames with just a nuke shadow behind or that it has the power to heal/bring back the dead...for a price)