The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Arcteryx on February 21, 2011, 05:02:58 PM
We see this rule all the time in other systems - the bad guys are outnumbered, their leader has been taken out, most of the group has taken damage and it looks like its going to be a rout - roll vs X or scatter and retreat!!!
How is that simulated in the context of FATE? Does a player make a declaration? Does the GM plunk a new aspect on the scene? Is it just "common sense" and lo, therein goes the rascals, hither thee go?
You could give them all an Aspect or two and compel it in the proper circumstance. Maybe something like Barely Holding It Together or Entirely Dependent On My Leader.
But would it be something the GM slaps on the scene to reflect what's going on, or would a player set it up via a declaration/assessment type move? Or maybe a manuever?
You could do it through any of those methods; IMO common sense or a maneuver makes the most satisfying conclusion. Either just have them run off or at least put some effort into it, you know? :) Declaring that all the bad guys are scared now just seems kind of lame to me. I'd be inclined to lessen the difficulty for a maneuver vs. a declaration.
For that matter you might be able to compel their personal aspects instead of aspects placed upon them. If they have any aspects like "Mercenary" or "Hired Goon" then it makes total sense to compel that to have them scatter when their meal ticket goes down. I'm sure there are other kinds of aspects that would work too.
I could see it done as an Intimidate maneuver (placing the "Crap, we're dead" aspect on the scene), which is then Invoked for Effect to say that the remaining baddies scatter.
OK... thanx for the input folks :)