To newtin: Dakota and Lakota are different. Don't forget the Nakota either. :) Souix definitely isn't a language, it is the perjorative name for a branch of the Lakota. The full name is 'little snake'. I lived just outside of Pine Ridge a few years back. You are perfectly correct. There are hundreds of languages covered by 'Native American' and 'African'.
To do tracking magic, you need time, and a part of the thing you are trying to track. Going back, finding some of their hair, blood, or saliva (while knowing it is theirs), then taking the time to do it would take too long. Have you read Changes? Knowing the language yourself makes a huge difference. For those who have read the latest book, the Red King uses a translator to make his deal with Harry. Then, because he did not make the deal, the translator did, he was 'technically' in the right and didn't have to do jack.
Long story short; translators lie, mess up, don't know the language that well, or are for some other reason unreliable.
Drachasor, go learn 58 languages. Is it that easy? There is a reason it is a world-record. Some person had the innate talent, the drive to do it, and how many decades of education to do it? A lot.
Languages aren't that expensive in this game. -1 refresh gets you 4 of them, plus whatever you get from scholarship. A linguist would know at least 9, with the cost of 1 refresh, given he has an original, 3 from Good scholarship (or more, even), and a single refresh spent on a Stunt for 4 more.
The point I made wasn't that sneaky things couldn't be done, it was that it is easier. Besides, you didn't have a word to say about the other failings of translators. Or perhaps there isn't one to be had?
A GM giving you a translator just to give you incorrect translations to screw you over is being a jerk.
You also ignored the part of tracking spells where you need something to track with. No connection, no spell.
Easier to get something to track with than it is to make torture work, honestly.
As far as 'torture' goes, he didn't torture anything when trying to find them. He kicked one in the face when it was trying to evade the question (which didn't hurt it) and said to the ghouls that if he got the kids back, he would let them live. Both of the twins were dead, and that was when he got creative with the OJ.
He did psychological threats and abuse and threatened to kill them if they didn't help. That's certainly essentially torture and again that sort of thing typically DOESN'T work.
But what you suggest is easy. Doubling it for every level in the skill gets really high, really fast. Which doesn't make sense. If they are so unimportant, why hand them out like candy? Just avoid it if you don't like it.
If they are relatively unimportant they shouldn't be handed out like candy? I don't follow your reasoning there. And yeah, it does get a lot of languages if you get to 4 or 5 scholarship, but it is a fact that learning a new language DOES get easier if you know a lot of other ones.
If having a larger number of languages is that important to the character, then s/he should cough up the one refresh to add 4 more to his repetoire.
There's a difference between something being an important bit of fluff about a character and something being really important as far as the game goes regarding characters. For instance, if you have 10 brothers and sisters, you don't need to spend refresh to have them, because that's not that important to how the game works (even if it could potentially come in handy). Languages, honestly, are a lot like that. In fact, even in the books, Harry knowing languages only actually helps him ONCE over the course of 12 novels. He could avoid problems with his crappy latin by having someone speak for him any time (people have volunteered) -- I imagine he's getting fate points in game mechanics by looking like an idiot. He didn't need to know Ancient Etruscan for the White Court as he had someone there ready for him. It only helped modestly with the ghouls -- really didn't help at all since the people were already dead.
So no, languages really aren't that big of deal....unless you decide you'd like to have a character that knows a lot of languages for which case it is actually rather difficult to do this without magic.
Honestly, I find it rather perverse that one could make a magical item for a quarter of a refresh that lets you handle any language, but if you want to know a half dozen languages you need to spend a whole refresh and if you want to know over 10 you'll need to spend two refresh. That really is NOT worth it. Don't get me wrong though, it's perfectly understandable why it is like this in the rules. Languages are such a minor thing they probably just tacked on something quick and dirty. Overall though, the White Wolf system (either going 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 extra languages or 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 total languages) seems like a better way to go. Enables more character concepts and really doesn't do any harm and again it is just as realistic as the other uses of scholarship, craftsmanship, or many other skills.