The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: jybil178 on February 09, 2011, 02:17:03 AM
Basically, I have a player who was wanting to know if this is potentially possible. I'll be running the game to start at Chest-Deep, so she has 8 refresh to play around with... The refresh is enough.
Now the only real question is, could this actually happen?
Sure, why not?
Umm... ok... wow. I suppose this is possible, but it makes me wonder: what will the character be like, coming from two races as manipulative as them... and who was tricking who in that union. This might be a better idea in a submerged game though.
That sounds awesome from a gm perspective. You can compel both societies on the character, and it could a really weird character. Besides what wc couldn't use summer magic?
Interesting concept. What's the matchup, I wonder? A nixie/Raith or ogre/Malvora mix sounds like a one-night stand gone horribly right...
It should be a really weird mix like a troll/Raith
I direct you to the tale of Thor Badass McAwesome (;topic=18030.0) ;)
I direct you to the tale of Thor Badass McAwesome (;topic=18030.0) ;)
If I didn't know it was a joke, and a player asked... I would slap them >.< Hahahaha
If I didn't know it was a joke, and a player asked... I would slap them >.< Hahahaha
I know what you mean, those aspects he picked don't look very good to me. Very hard to see how they can be compelled (or even invoked in some cases). He'd definitely have to get something more evocative.
I know what you mean, those aspects he picked don't look very good to me. Very hard to see how they can be compelled (or even invoked in some cases). He'd definitely have to get something more evocative.
A few of the aspects are a little confusing as to what and how they would be applicable in game.
But I feel the rest are pretty evocative. I mean "My Middle Name is Badass" is about as evocative as they come.
A few of the aspects are a little confusing as to what and how they would be applicable in game.
But I feel the rest are pretty evocative. I mean "My Middle Name is Badass" is about as evocative as they come.
"Badass" by itself is a fairly generic term. It's like "My Middle Name is Awesome." Ok, you're great...but what does that MEAN? Hard to see how "My Middle Name is Badass" can be compelled, for instance.
IMHO, "You can all go to hell" is ok given the context, as is perhaps the last one about being sensitive (though I wonder if the player would intend that to mean he can be compelled to kill someone by accident).
"Badass" by itself is a fairly generic term. It's like "My Middle Name is Awesome." Ok, you're great...but what does that MEAN? Hard to see how "My Middle Name is Badass" can be compelled, for instance.
Do Aspects need to mean something specific? Or could they be applicable in many situations in different ways?
It could be a generally positive Aspect that can be easily invoked with very few situation where the GM will compel it. Or maybe the GM can compel it to force the character to be badassed (however the group interprets that word).
Hmmm ... as a GM, I'm always a bit hesitant to mix and match two different templates, but I not only have no problem with this, I personally think it's a wicked idea.
Mind you, in the case of both a White Court Virgin and a Changeling, a decision needs to be made somewhere down the line which direction you're going, although in this case, we now three possible outcomes instead of two! Human (playable), White Court Vampire (playable), Full Fae (not quite so playable).
Let us know how it goes :)
White Court Vampire (playable), Full Fae (not quite so playable).
Are we in any way certain that a full blood fae "wcv" isn't possible? there are plenty of vampiric fae out there.
Are we in any way certain that a full blood fae "wcv" isn't possible? there are plenty of vampiric fae out there.
Nope. Could very well be possible. Still wouldn't be playable, though.
but a Full WCV-Changeling should be as long as they have the refresh to pay for it.
but a Full WCV-Changeling should be as long as they have the refresh to pay for it.
A changeling-WCV, yes. Full fae-WCV, no.
Anyways, a Changeling-WCV would be kinda redundant since a WCV would already have all those supernatural powers, but now they strike at his hunger track if he pushes them too hard.
And yes, they would indeed be covered by his Feeding Dependency, otherwise it would just be an excuse to play a character with all the benefits of a WCV and none of the drawbacks.
I don't think it would be redundant being a Changeling gives you access to Seelie/Unseelie Magic, Glamours, Claws, Wings, Cloak of Shadows (if you can come up with a shadowy fae to be your parent), and so many other options. Changelings don't have to all be descended from ogres and trolls.
Do Aspects need to mean something specific? Or could they be applicable in many situations in different ways?
It could be a generally positive Aspect that can be easily invoked with very few situation where the GM will compel it. Or maybe the GM can compel it to force the character to be badassed (however the group interprets that word).
That sort of thing, judging from my group, is something to be careful about. In general the aspects of that character don't have good ways to compel them, and that's problematic. "Badass" isn't necessarily a problem at all, of course, though personally I'd be a bit wary about something that's open to a lot of interpretation. Sure, it is fine if the group all knows what it means, but that can be a bit crazy if everyone has a bunch of aspects that require special understanding to know what they stand for (technically fine, of course, but probably problematic in practice to remember the meanings). That's all I meant.
Hmm, two ways to go with the catch, I think. Either WCV catches or Iron or require Iron that's a WCV catch as well (which would probably be a +0 catch...something that represents True Love and is made of iron is going to be very, very hard to find and that will probably take knowing the person to figure out...though possibly you could research it so it might be +1).
Some wedding bands are made of polished steel these days.
Some wedding bands are made of polished steel these days.
Some, but then finding ones that are that AND represent true love is doubly difficult -- though I disagree with the cynicism of the books that true love is super, super hard to find. It's not something you can go to a store or website and order.
true love is hard to find for yourself, personally.
But finding items of true love simply requires research. One of my PCs (who is fighting being recruited as a minion of a WCV) did some legwork and bought (at an estate sale) the engagement ring worn by a widow who was devoted to and loved her late husband. It won't work as well as, say, 'holy stuff' vs a Black Court vampire, but it will provide a measure of protection.