
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: BumblingBear on February 03, 2011, 12:09:28 PM

Title: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: BumblingBear on February 03, 2011, 12:09:28 PM
I just need a quick answer on this one.  I've looked through the books and I cannot find a thing.

I saw someone in the forums here say that at 5 stress physical stess boxes, a character gets an additional mild consequence.  This this true?  I believe they said it was 2 at 7 stress boxes.

Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: Tsunami on February 03, 2011, 12:55:01 PM
The maximum number of stress boxes you can have from skills alone is 4, which is reached ad a skill level of +3.

For each additional two levels in the relevant skill, you get one additional mild consequence.

Skill at +3  -> 4 Stress
Skill at +5  -> 4 Stress + 1 mild
Skill at +7  -> 4 Stress + 2 mild

See also: YS:68 & YS:130
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: BumblingBear on February 03, 2011, 04:47:12 PM
The maximum number of stress boxes you can have from skills alone is 4, which is reached ad a skill level of +3.

For each additional two levels in the relevant skill, you get one additional mild consequence.

Skill at +3  -> 4 Stress
Skill at +5  -> 4 Stress + 1 mild
Skill at +7  -> 4 Stress + 2 mild

See also: YS:68 & YS:130

Good to know - thank you.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: infusco on February 03, 2011, 05:45:13 PM
Yup. Don't forget the 'freebie' mild consequence you can clear away as a supplemental action one or more times per scene from Recovery powers.

Now if you really want to burn your brain, try this one: You get a Fate point for every consequence taken in a conflict, right? Does this include the additional mild consequences from skills and powers? What about those consequences that are downgraded after the fight so that some of them disappear entirely. Do you cash out and get Fate points from consequences you've actually taken during the fight, or just the ones that actually remain after the fight?
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: arete on February 03, 2011, 05:55:35 PM
It is also possible to get 1 stress box and/or 1 mild consequence from stunts.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: devonapple on February 03, 2011, 05:59:08 PM
Yup. Don't forget the 'freebie' mild consequence you can clear away as a supplemental action one or more times per scene from Recovery powers.

Now if you really want to burn your brain, try this one: You get a Fate point for every consequence taken in a conflict, right? Does this include the additional mild consequences from skills and powers? What about those consequences that are downgraded after the fight so that some of them disappear entirely. Do you cash out and get Fate points from consequences you've actually taken during the fight, or just the ones that actually remain after the fight?

I've been thinking about this one. People get those consequence slots through Refresh spent on Stunts and Powers, at the expense of being able to do other things.  My gut reaction is to say that you get the Fate Point for those consequences that would have gone away otherwise, but I think playtesting is a good idea, and I wouldn't argue with anyone who thought it was too Munchkin, as it could be seen as getting Fate Points back from the Refresh spent on those Stunts/Powers.

That said, racking up Consequences sounds like a fun game, but those Aspects can be Compelled or Invoked by the GM, so you really are adding more options for plot complication (most of which are also - you guessed it - earning new Fate Points).
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: infusco on February 03, 2011, 06:29:49 PM
I've been thinking about this one. People get those consequence slots through Refresh spent on Stunts and Powers, at the expense of being able to do other things.  My gut reaction is to say that you get the Fate Point for those consequences that would have gone away otherwise, but I think playtesting is a good idea, and I wouldn't argue with anyone who thought it was too Munchkin, as it could be seen as getting Fate Points back from the Refresh spent on those Stunts/Powers.

That said, racking up Consequences sounds like a fun game, but those Aspects can be Compelled or Invoked by the GM, so you really are adding more options for plot complication (most of which are also - you guessed it - earning new Fate Points).

Yup. Although the first invoke by the enemy does get a free tag and hence no Fate points.
My concern is how it would affect players' roleplaying their characters when they start metagaming their way to more Fate points.

A wizard, a mortal cop, and an experienced WCV with Supernatural Recovery are completely surrounded by 30 trained special forces guys carrying automatic rifles and rocket launchers.

Wizard: Sh*t! I surrender!
Cop: Okay, if the wizard is saying no way, then I'll take his side.
WCV: Bring it on, bitches! *automatic fire streaks out* Oh my arm, that freaking stings! Damn, my leg! Holy Jesus, there goes my liver! And spleen! Okay ... okay ... I surrender! Ooof ... I feel much better now. Yo, give me my 4 fate points, please! Thanks!
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: Ren on February 03, 2011, 06:35:24 PM
It occurs to me I need to look up how GM's can use fate Points. I know GM's get the fate points characters use up but do they then get to use them for NPC's? I'd guess so In any case how much fate does the GM get to begin with or is it by non-player character? In which case NPC's with negative Refresh are kind of boned...well except for the whole ultimate cosmic power thing.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: infusco on February 03, 2011, 06:41:52 PM
It occurs to me I need to look up how GM's can use fate Points. I know GM's get the fate points characters use up but do they then get to use them for NPC's? I'd guess so In any case how much fate does the GM get to begin with or is it by non-player character? In which case NPC's with negative Refresh are kind of boned...well except for the whole ultimate cosmic power thing.

Most NPCs don't have Fate points. The bigger baddies might have a couple. The Big Evil Bad Guy will have a boatload. I think the refresh rate bit is primarily aimed at player characters as a balancing measure between supernatural hard hitters and fragile mortals.

Also, remember that free tags don't need Fate points, so if you take a consequence, even Joe Red Shirt firing at you can tag it if he's the first to try.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: luminos on February 03, 2011, 06:51:05 PM
It occurs to me I need to look up how GM's can use fate Points. I know GM's get the fate points characters use up but do they then get to use them for NPC's? I'd guess so In any case how much fate does the GM get to begin with or is it by non-player character? In which case NPC's with negative Refresh are kind of boned...well except for the whole ultimate cosmic power thing.

GM's get to use as many fate points as they want to.  If you use fate points for an NPC, just make sure you set how many it gets.  How many you give any NPC to start with is as many as you need to in order to make them fulfill the role you need them to fill.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: devonapple on February 03, 2011, 07:16:58 PM
GM's get to use as many fate points as they want to.  If you use fate points for an NPC, just make sure you set how many it gets.  How many you give any NPC to start with is as many as you need to in order to make them fulfill the role you need them to fill.

GM Fate Point use can be pretty loose.
A) GMs can just work from a pile of Fae Points, assigning them to each NPC as desired, and those are usually being funneled back to the players anyway.
B) GMs can also run their NPCs like players, taking Fate Points from player Invokes/Compels and assigning them to the NPCs for use in later scenes, at which time they are usually being handed back to the players anyway.
C) The GM could do a combination of either. It may look like cheating, but if the players are still getting Fate Points for enemy Invokes/Compels, then the players are still benefiting. The only difference is how nasty things are getting.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: Moriden on February 03, 2011, 08:43:17 PM
It is also possible to get 1 stress box

can you get me the page number where that is, for th elife of me i cant find it.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: Sanctaphrax on February 04, 2011, 02:43:47 AM
I don't believe that there is a specific statement in the core book that says you can buy a stress box with a stunt.

However, many people think that it is appropriate. And it probably is, as long as you aren't a wizard taking an extra box of mental stress.

This idea might come from the fact that the difference between 3 stress and 4 stress is 2 skill points. Therefore, a stunt that can offer +2 to a single skill trapping might be able to add a stress box.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: BumblingBear on February 04, 2011, 03:56:52 AM
I don't believe that there is a specific statement in the core book that says you can buy a stress box with a stunt.

However, many people think that it is appropriate. And it probably is, as long as you aren't a wizard taking an extra box of mental stress.

This idea might come from the fact that the difference between 3 stress and 4 stress is 2 skill points. Therefore, a stunt that can offer +2 to a single skill trapping might be able to add a stress box.

Players can use stunts to get more mild consequences.  I don't understand why someone might not just do that.

There is a player in my campaign with a stunt that gives him two extra physical mild consequences.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: bitterpill on February 04, 2011, 04:05:57 AM
No Pain no Gain is only one mild physcial concequence now they retconned it.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: devonapple on February 04, 2011, 04:11:29 AM
No Pain no Gain is only one mild physcial concequence now they retconned it.

It's true.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: BumblingBear on February 04, 2011, 04:19:47 AM
No Pain no Gain is only one mild physcial concequence now they retconned it.


And the GM has approved this player's stunt so it's already working in the game.

I don't think it's OP either.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: BumblingBear on February 04, 2011, 10:18:07 AM
Oh yeah another question:

This rule goes for mental an social stress tracks too, right?
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: bitterpill on February 04, 2011, 10:27:46 AM
No mental stress has been nixed even worse the two mild concequences are now only for the result of torture, If your in a situation that your actually being tortured then you have already losts so I don't see much use in the stunt. There is a homebrew stunt which gives you the two mild mental concequences but only for spell casting purposes so you could take that instead. 
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: Tsunami on February 04, 2011, 10:37:51 AM
Oh yeah another question:

This rule goes for mental an social stress tracks too, right?

The rules are the same for any and all stress tracks.

As for stunts granting additional consequences:

A Stunt can grant one consequence of a particular type that be used in any circumstance.

A Stunt can grant two consequences of a particular type if their use is somehow restricted. Like maybe mental consequences that only work against torture and or attemts to extract information from you.
If the circumstance is enough of a restriction is up to the gm.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: BumblingBear on February 04, 2011, 10:45:31 AM
The rules are the same for any and all stress tracks.

As for stunts granting additional consequences:

A Stunt can grant one consequence of a particular type that be used in any circumstance.

A Stunt can grant two consequences of a particular type if their use is somehow restricted. Like maybe mental consequences that only work against torture and or attemts to extract information from you.
If the circumstance is enough of a restriction is up to the gm.

That's what I thought.  Good to know.

So what about the stunt giving 2 additional physical mild consequences?  Physical stress is physical stress.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: Tsunami on February 04, 2011, 11:03:07 AM
That's what I thought.  Good to know.

So what about the stunt giving 2 additional physical mild consequences?  Physical stress is physical stress.

It's a mistake.
The two consequence stunt ("No pain, no gain", YS:152) was an example stunt in the Early-Bird PDF of YS, it was changed in the final version of the game to granting only one consequence, bringing it in line with the stunt rules in general.

It should either be reduced to one consequence, or a restriction imposed upon the consequences. Like "only against blunt force trauma" or whatever you feel appropriate.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: BumblingBear on February 04, 2011, 11:17:02 AM
It's a mistake.
The two consequence stunt ("No pain, no gain", YS:152) was an example stunt in the Early-Bird PDF of YS, it was changed in the final version of the game to granting only one consequence, bringing it in line with the stunt rules in general.

It should either be reduced to one consequence, or a restriction imposed upon the consequences. Like "only against blunt force trauma" or whatever you feel appropriate.

Uh oh.  I didn't notice that before.  I just checked and you are absolutely right.

Hmm.  I will have to tell the player who has that ability and tell him to check out this thread.  If the GM okays it that is between them, but I should at least let the player know that he's using outdated stunts.
Title: Re: Additional mild consquences...?
Post by: Watson on February 04, 2011, 11:40:57 AM
Now if you really want to burn your brain, try this one: You get a Fate point for every consequence taken in a conflict, right? Does this include the additional mild consequences from skills and powers? What about those consequences that are downgraded after the fight so that some of them disappear entirely. Do you cash out and get Fate points from consequences you've actually taken during the fight, or just the ones that actually remain after the fight?

Yes, you get Fate points for all the consequences you have taken in the fight, as I see it (according to YS206), even thought some of them might have been removed as a result of some Supernatural Powers. But remember that you can only "cash out" in case you have lost the fight (i.e. not if you win).