The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Arcteryx on October 15, 2010, 04:31:26 AM
This is too awesome. I only wish I had thought of it myself.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm planning on doing another installment of it sometime in the next few hours. The campaign is actually going really well - at least from my angle as the DM.
The players might disagree...especially the one that got the death threat nailed to her door by the demigod...
Eh, minor details! I'm having a blast with it, but I actually just wanted to cross-post an earlier post that I had done regarding the specific challenges of trying to meld Buffy and Dresden.
Hope you guys enjoy. When I write the next installment, I'll throw a link up here.
That's a really awesome idea. Sounds like it's off to a pretty good start, too. :)
Yeah I'm looking forward to reading the next installment :)
I'd so want to play in that one!!!!!
Second installment is up, sadly a little later (and shorter) than I'd anticipated, but I've been pretty sick this weekend. Link down below!
More more!!
Third installment is up, with some of the major plot developments starting to loom on the horizon.
What *are* those five kids up to? Why doesn't one have a last name? What the hell is up with that school?
EDIT: And totally forgot the link!
So cool :) And the updates are coming fast & furious...
Um, which court is the whedoni strain? or is it one of the unrevealeds?
At the moment, I'm playing them as a mixture of Red and Black. Reds generally act as the grunts and the muscle, while some of the more notable spellcasting vamps - of the like of the Master and Dru - would be considered Black Court. I felt like this was the best way to capture both worlds.
do vamps splode in to dust?
Of course. It just wouldn't be Sunnydale without them going POOF with cheesy special effects.
I so want to play!!!!!!!!
I have a fien game forming up with a good GM
But Sunnydale!!!!
Next post is up!
Sorry for the delays. Had some backend issues. Should be more consistent now!