The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Warden Harry Dresden on October 01, 2010, 02:37:48 AM
Anyone at Purdue University looking to start a game?
Yep. I live about ten minutes from the University.
Well I have never ran any sort of game before so I don't think I would make a very good GM. i am fairly new to paper and pen rpg's in general but if we can get enough people I would be willing to play.
Good luck with that guys/gals etc@!!!!!
WHD, relax. I can't tell if DeathWombat is being sarcastic or genuine, but even if he is being rude as you suspect, name-calling is forbidden on the forum. Click "Report to Moderator" if you think someone is behaving inappropriately.
Sorry i got caught at a bad time read that and took offense you are right but I do feel that his post is inappropriate too.
I just scrolled through his recent posts, and I see no hint of sarcasm or wanton cruelty in his posting style. I may be mistaken, certainly, but I think he's honestly wishing you folks good luck. :D
I Never mind