The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: DesertCoyote on July 22, 2010, 02:08:12 PM
I didn't see anything against it in the rules, but I was wondering what the rest of you thought of a focus item that also holds a few charges of a spell. It would still take up the appropriate number of slots in both categories. The rules cover items of either type taking up more than one slot, but not items that take up both types of slots.
Just as a hypothetical example (because my players read this forum):
Bob the Wizard's Staff
+1 Air Attack Complexity/Control
2 Charges of Air Shield at Power 4 for 2 rounds
This takes up 2 focus item slots, and two enchanted item slots.
The actual combination I'm planning fits the mythos of the character, but there's not exactly a canon example of this type of item... except maybe the blackstaff, but we don't really know how that works. In any case, I'm going to roll with it anyway. I was just curious as to what the rest of you thought.
If it takes the same required slots, then it really only works against the character since, if they lose the item, they lose access to all of those abilities, I would have no problem with it whatsoever.
Looks fine to me :)
I'd allow it too, as it's mainly flavor and has the obvious drawback that Doc Nova has mentioned. You even could go as far and say that one of the effects is represented by a small quartz crystal that can be set into the staff when need be.
Yep, I'd be okay with that too.
it specifically states this is okay, as it provides it as an option for the Warden Sword.
really? What page? I just re-read the YS 278-280 and the write up for Warden Swords on YS 303. None of it lists them as foci.
really? What page? I just re-read the YS 278-280 and the write up for Warden Swords on YS 303. None of it lists them as foci.
Its in Our World, Page 177.
A Warden Sword uses two enchanted
item slots of the Warden that adopts it.
Individual Wardens may also expend one or
more focus item slots in order to “attune” his
sword as a focus item for his evocations—
though many prefer instead to rely on other
foci for that task, given the Warden Sword’s
strong anti-magic enchantment.
Sounds like a good idea. However, one has to remember the restrictions in item slots different sized items have.
The chart at the upper right corner of page #281 suggests that a focus item slot = 2 enchanted item slots, so the item given in the original post as an example might be able to fit into something as small as a rod, a staff should have the "space" to handle that many slots with ease. Though a wizard would have to be careful to never lose or break it...
Cool, thanks