
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: KOFFEYKID on June 30, 2010, 11:37:25 AM

Title: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: KOFFEYKID on June 30, 2010, 11:37:25 AM
So, Im running a Hawaii based dresden files game for some peeps, and I was wondering if anybody had some cool ideas I can steal. :D? So, any ideas :D?

Here is what I've got so far in mind for the setting:

Ancient Gods Slumber in the Islands of Hawaii, and few remember the rites to worship, and appease them. This is a land of powerful magics and even more powerful creatures. A land steeped in history, where fire mountains roar their fury into a clear blue sky, and the Ocean rises up against the land in an effort to wipe clean the slate, and start anew.

Old Things are awakening, and new alliances are forming. Will you help bridge the gap, and hold the darkness at bay? Or will the storm roll over you, like all the others before?
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: Papa Gruff on June 30, 2010, 12:04:04 PM
Hawaii seems so cool for a campaign! If we ever do an US based one, it has to be in Hawaii when I'm concerned.

The first thing that comes to mind is volcanoes. As far as I know they are a pretty important in the local mythologies and are concerned places of power. The question is, on witch island are you setting it up? If it's Maui then Mount Haleakala could definitely be an interesting Theme or at least a focal point for the campaign. It's great because it's a dormant volcano that might be stirred up by dark powers or something.

If you are setting it up on Hawaii itself then you could do the same for Mt. Kilauea witch is the most active volcano on earth. That might be a bit more difficult though because of all the heat and lava and powers of fire and ... oh boy. Think giant well of fire elemental power here and what the Denariens or the Black Council could to with it ...  8)

Oh boy ... have to go there some day.
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: KOFFEYKID on June 30, 2010, 12:14:13 PM
We're doing the whole of Hawaii, Im planning on a decent amount of island hopping. Apparently they dont have a ferry that goes from island to island, but since I am GM (and therefore god) there will be such a service.

Heleakala has already been brought up, and I've got a beautiful picture of it to use in the game. Also, Im thinking there is going to be a rather large drug problem, since that seems to be a real life issue in the Hawaiian Islands. Im also thinking there is going to be allot of Faerie influence here, since weather is a big deal in hawaii.
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: Papa Gruff on June 30, 2010, 12:21:39 PM
Faeries are always good and you can go more heavy on summer then on winter because it just seems right. It gives you more freedom then winter witch we know more about altogether.

If I'd be you I'd try to look deeply into local superstitions and myths. I'm pretty sure you'll find tons of good stuff there. Just from googleing it I found what looks like a great site that might help you along nicely: (

I'd be glad to throw ideas around a bit more, as I'm pretty interested in what you finally come up with.
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: El Diablo on June 30, 2010, 12:43:51 PM
Well, there's that curse about the black sand - it would be nice to know what the curse is caused by.
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: Wyrdrune on June 30, 2010, 01:32:35 PM
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: Papa Gruff on June 30, 2010, 01:35:33 PM

And Haolies!!
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: KOFFEYKID on June 30, 2010, 02:12:14 PM
Faeries are always good and you can go more heavy on summer then on winter because it just seems right. It gives you more freedom then winter witch we know more about altogether.

If I'd be you I'd try to look deeply into local superstitions and myths. I'm pretty sure you'll find tons of good stuff there. Just from googleing it I found what looks like a great site that might help you along nicely: (

I'd be glad to throw ideas around a bit more, as I'm pretty interested in what you finally come up with.

Thanks so much Papa Gruff! That link is Excellent. Very good stuff there.
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: Papa Gruff on June 30, 2010, 04:12:11 PM
Thanks so much Papa Gruff! That link is Excellent. Very good stuff there.

Welcome. I thought the same ... just what you needed. Man ... I wish I had something similar for my campaign now :)
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: prophet224 on June 30, 2010, 05:50:14 PM
Well, on that subject this series should be helpful, though it doesn't hit every state (yet):

It is the "Weird <state name>" series.

Regarding Hawaii, sure there are ferrys, both wet (boats) and dry (air - helicopter or airplane). 

This gives some info:
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: JosephKell on June 30, 2010, 06:44:26 PM
There could be a Winter plot to invade Hawaii (since it is tropical and therefore, somewhat Summer leaning).  Beware the rip tide during next monsoon season.
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: Redwulf25_ci on July 02, 2010, 04:27:55 AM
If you can find them I recommend the "Hawaiian Dick" comic books for inspiration. They're about a PI in 1950's Hawaii whose cases keep stumbling into the realm of the supernatural. It's published by Image and the books so far are "Hawaiian Dick: Byrd in Paradise" (Byrd is the name of the PI), "Hawaiian Dick: The Last Resort" and "Hawaiian Dick: Screaming Black Thunder".
Title: Re: Dresden Files - Hawaii
Post by: ZachCarpenter on July 02, 2010, 04:58:40 AM
Also, Im thinking there is going to be a rather large drug problem, since that seems to be a real life issue in the Hawaiian Islands.

truth, I was stationed on Oahu for a few years, the local news referred to it is an "ice epidemic", crystal meth.. it's not exactly ThreeEye, but it might help your game :)