Would shooting someone with an enchanted bullet violate the 1st law?
Mordite seems to dissolve only living things by draining their life-force.(click to show/hide)
Mordite seems to dissolve only living things by draining their life-force.(click to show/hide)
We've seen magical stuff that's lasted for thousands of years (medea's bodkin, for instance). I'd say more that they're rare rather than nonexistent.
The real issue I think others will pounce on is that it sets your character up as a potential "warden sword crafter." I don't think this is a problem because you are making a consumable bullet while the warden swords have a uncharacteristic permanence to them (no "perpetual mojo machines" in DF).
the magic would probably kill the gunOn the contrary, Mordite would make the gun impossible to hex or otherwise affect with magic as it immediately drains all nearby magic except for very specific enchantments.