
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: The Werewolf on June 26, 2010, 01:27:08 AM

Title: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: The Werewolf on June 26, 2010, 01:27:08 AM
does anyone have any ideas on how to save a black court vampire and turn them back?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Lash Dresden on June 26, 2010, 01:35:57 AM
There might be some way to turn them back into a dead corpse (I personally find this to be unlikely), but there's no way to turn them back into a living person.  Black Court vamps are dead. Or, rather, undead.  But not alive.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: The Werewolf on June 26, 2010, 01:39:30 AM
no i mean like human with a soul
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Lanodantheon on June 26, 2010, 01:48:50 AM
no i mean like human with a soul

Use of a plot-device powerful ritual, item or NPC(such as Queen Mab). That's my answer.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Redwulf25_ci on June 26, 2010, 01:50:15 AM
no i mean like human with a soul

Find a genie and use one of your three wishes?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: TheMouse on June 26, 2010, 01:55:58 AM
Transformation into a vampire of any stripe seems to be pretty permanent. I mean, Harry searched for years for a way to turn Red Court vamps back to human, and if memory serves he found one thing that might have worked. Black Courts are even more transformed than Reds, so I can only imagine that it'd be even harder than that.

We're basically talking direct action by the heaviest of the heavy hitters. This would be Archangels, one of the Faerie Mothers, or maybe an ancient and powerful god. Big, big mojo, in other words.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Tbora on June 26, 2010, 02:09:20 AM
Although such a thing would be great for a high concept "Ex Vamp Wizard of the Black Court."
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Lash Dresden on June 26, 2010, 02:53:42 AM
no i mean like human with a soul
I'm pretty sure that's not possible.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Josh_W on June 26, 2010, 03:27:37 AM
Kill their sire.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: JustinS on June 26, 2010, 05:01:30 AM
does anyone have any ideas on how to save a black court vampire and turn them back?
Swim against the streams of time and prevent them from being tuned?
Kill them, and bring them back to life as a human?
Get an Elder god from beyond to transform them into something closer?
Mind-swap them into a normal human body?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Enjorous on June 26, 2010, 05:04:08 AM
Bear in mind all of those things will more than likely end up with a characters head on the proverbial chopping block.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Archmage_Cowl on June 26, 2010, 05:05:29 AM
Swim against the streams of time and prevent them from being tuned?
Kill them, and bring them back to life as a human?
Get an Elder god from beyond to transform them into something closer?
Mind-swap them into a normal human body?

Ohhh I like these. So many role play opportunities  ;D

P.S. I'm the topic creators gm ;)
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: GoldenH on June 26, 2010, 05:15:31 AM
time magic to prevent them ever becoming a black court in the first place.

Use a paradox-performing ritual to keep their personality/memory the same at your option.

Possibly just drag them forward in time instead of seeing 'who would they be now if they were never a blampire'
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: EldritchFire on June 26, 2010, 01:27:30 PM
In Summer Knight,
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For those who haven't read SK yet, plot device :p

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: vultur on June 26, 2010, 06:43:41 PM
The Winter Mother's gift would have saved a *half-turned* Red. Not necessarily (probably not) a full Red ... much less a Blampire.

Time travel seems the only thing that would likely work. Possibly very powerful necromancy (like what Kumori did times a dozen), depending on what a Black Court transformation does to the soul (traps/imprisons it? sends it to the afterlife? destroys it?) and whether a sufficiently powerful necromancer could call back a soul that's gone all the way to the afterlife -- I kind of doubt it. So, massive Law violations and maybe disruption of the world...
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Deadmanwalking on June 26, 2010, 06:47:17 PM
Personally, I'd say that there is nothing left of the person in the Black Court Vampire. Their soul is in heaven (or wherever) while the Black Court walks around wearing their face...sorta, anyway. Which means that what you're talking about is ressurection without access to the body, and should be treated as such. That's not impossible, but it IS really hard.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: JustinS on June 27, 2010, 01:26:35 AM
I was in fact going down the laws as my mental checklist, otherwise I would have not thought about a body-swap.

Bear in mind all of those things will more than likely end up with a characters head on the proverbial chopping block.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Drulinda on April 19, 2011, 01:19:35 PM
assuming all it takes to turn a person black court is to die by another blampires bite or something similar it could be that necomancers like cowls apprentice can bring a freshly turned vampire back from to dead.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: InFerrumVeritas on April 19, 2011, 01:37:50 PM
The way I see it (which I recommend you take with a grain of salt as it doesn't necessarily have direct evidence in cannon) is that when the Black Court Vamp kills, it consumes the soul.  When the body rises, it is only physically the same person with shadows of memories, etc (the brain is intact and reanimated as well).  Thus, it's not an enchantment (and couldn't even be undone by the Fairy Mothers).

So, to turn a BCV back, I can think of one way: re-create the soul.  Not impossible, but very, very difficult and likely to not be taken well by various powers (including the capital G).  Also, likely to not go 100% correctly.

If the Vamp is significantly old enough (more than a few days of decomposition), you'd have to re-create the body too.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: tymire on April 19, 2011, 02:28:51 PM
Yep, and that is why a body swap would be best  ;D.

You don't have to worry about the existing decomposing thing.

Don't think Jim ever mentions what BCV do with souls or how it affects them.  Could could easly run with the fact that it's actually a curse (or supernatural dease) instead of the demon replacement that reds have.  There is a little bit of insight given in the short story with with Druila?, Dresden, his brother, and the brownies in the mall.  From that one it seems like she came out of the transformation pretty much intact mentally, except for her high on power and revenge thing, which easly could be from the fact that she could finally strike back at life.....
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: ways and means on April 19, 2011, 02:34:26 PM
The Blacks are dead, they have the living dead ability so either their soul is trapped in a fleshy prison or it has ascended. If the latter is true all you are dealing with is someone with the memories and intelect of a dead person not the person himself. If the soul is trapped in the body destroying the body would be the best way to save the soul.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 19, 2011, 03:44:39 PM
There is a little bit of insight given in the short story with with Druila?, Dresden, his brother, and the brownies in the mall.  From that one it seems like she came out of the transformation pretty much intact mentally, except for her high on power and revenge thing, which easly could be from the fact that she could finally strike back at life.....

She also had the desire to strike back, which she might not have had, or might not have had to the malicious extent she had once turned into the Bampire.

I like the "body swap" idea... but if the Soul has ascended, what of the new person you're "creating"?

Dead person's memories in a new body with a different soul?  There'd be some level of havoc to pay there, not only the outright murder of one person (the "host"), but you're dealing with the fundimental nature of a Soul.

Is the Soul just energy?  Or is it flavored and shaped by the body and mind?  Questions that must be answered if you're going that direction.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: ryanshowseason2 on April 19, 2011, 07:18:49 PM
I think you went wrong at "easiest"

From my meager understanding this kind of thing would be considered impossible or highly improbable, much like how modern science considers perpetual motion devices to be impossible or how concretely it believes that for every action there is equal and opposite reaction.

I feel like its right up there, you average peer wizard or lore knowledgeable entity would consider you crazy or obsessive. Like Dr. Frankenstein.

Authorities would likely consider both you and your creation too hazardous to exist.

If it were so easily possible to change people back it would be done far more often, as in the white council would probably be doing it all the time, but considering they dont...

I would be inclined to say that if it were possible the only way to make it happen would be from powers expressly closed off to wizards, namely outsiders. I wouldn't even say necromancy would do it that is still too easy and it would be done more often if it were possible.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Silverblaze on April 19, 2011, 08:15:52 PM
To answer this question properly another question must be first answered.

How are Blampires made?  I doubt anything in the Dresdenverse is so simple as saliva in the bite.  There must be some magic in it.  Maybe an Embrace like function from White Wolf?  Maybe a ritual?  If this is established in game cannon or in any of the books/WoJ...I missed it...

Once that is figured out, reversing it should be a smidge easier.  A huge thaumaturgy ritual with steps representing the creation of the BCV(blampire) in reverse?

barring that one can skip to Plot Device or similar powers?

I liked "Kill the vampire, then bring it back as a vanilla mortal".
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 19, 2011, 08:45:09 PM
When I see questions like this I mentally rephrase them to "How do you change a template's core concept?".

How do you save a Changeling from being a Changeling? Sure, he gets the choice, but if you think he's going to pick the wrong way and you want your half brother to be human, how do you do that?

How do you take the magic out of a wizard?

How do you make the choice for a White Court Virgin so they can become human?

How do you cure a Red Court Infectee? A Red Court Vampire?

The answers to all of these questions is that you don't, not using the rules as written.  Oh, there are dramatic ways of doing it using plot elements (one of the Mothers getting involved, an archangel showing up and unloading, as deal with THE (not "a", but "THE") Devil; that sort of thing) but the rules as written don't let you change another character's high concept - which in all the cases above include the template.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: ryanshowseason2 on April 19, 2011, 09:07:17 PM
Once that is figured out, reversing it should be a smidge easier.  A huge thaumaturgy ritual with steps representing the creation of the BCV(blampire) in reverse?

If only everything was that simple that you could just "do it in reverse".

I can follow directions in reverse to get back home but this logic just doesn't apply any old place, and I'd wager magic is complicated enough to constitute as one of those places it doesn't.

A lot of processes on this planet and in this reality simply don't work this way, you can't do fusion in reverse and hope to regain nuclear material, you can't do fire in reverse and reconstruct burned buildings, IMHO this is a very flawed interpretation of how anything is fixed.

The idea of killing and then raising also assumes death resets the soul, you could just as well be re raising the BCV and be back at square one again. Seems like too much of a shortcut to me.

Speaking as a GM it seems rather flippant to be able to just have plot points reversed at character/player whims. Whats the point of anything dramatic happening if it can be reversed? I'll leave that for "Days of our lives" or "General Hospital" to explore TYVM.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 19, 2011, 09:22:47 PM
When I see questions like this I mentally rephrase them to "How do you change a template's core concept?".

That *is* a good way to phrase it.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 19, 2011, 09:33:54 PM
How are Blampires made?

That is a good question and it can't be simple, regardless of how "easy" they are to supposedly dispatch by vanilla humans, if making more Bampires were easy, they could overrun whole towns, breed armies in a night....

Granted...  Drulinda did raise both rentacops within a radically short time period, so it's possible it is very easy, little more than drinking a human dry and letting the body get back up as a Bampire.  The low numbers could simply be that smart Bampires don't allow too many of thier victim's to raise, to keep their whereabouts more subtle and to reduce the competition.

But simplecreation does not indicate it would be simple to undo.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Silverblaze on April 20, 2011, 01:27:56 AM
Thaumaturgy is in theory what plot level characters use to achieve miraculous solutions, they are just WAY better at it...or have way more power to pump into it.

I agree it shouldn't be simple to reverse the process, but if it was something to the tune of getting blood/parts from the "master" vampire and using thaumatrgy to in some way render this part inert then one may be able to undo the blessing/curse/gift.

It may require
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.  I'd hate to reuse that, but it stands to reason a variation should/could work.

Perhaps a variation
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I'm not saying I think it is or should be possible.  I'm pretty much in the boat that claims "plot device only" but I do so enjoy playing devils advocate.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 20, 2011, 02:06:54 AM
Once you go black, you never go back.

Case closed.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Viatos on April 20, 2011, 10:08:42 AM
According to canon...this just hasn't been something Harry's had any interest in, and so there's no canon answer.

Harry devotes a lot of time and resources to searching for a cure for Susan without success. On the other hand, Harry is pretty lame in terms of Lore; he relies heavily on Bob and legwork, and he's just not an academician by nature. So let's not that count that against an interesting story possibility.

Bram Stoker's Dracula was weakened by sunlight and repulsed by holy icons; maybe nailing a Black Court vampire to holy ground under the open sky for one day for each life it has swallowed will cure it. Of course, first you have to beat it down, restrain it...and then find somewhere that fits the bill you can actually keep it without drawing attention. In the mean time, there's its brood/sire and any Renfields it created to deal with...

One thing that requires a little consideration is personality. Black and Red vampires are universally monstrous in the series. Reds are more literal monsters, and seem to have little if anything of themselves remaining; curing a Red might be like raising a dead man, with nothing of his time as a vampire remembered except perhaps in nightmare.

For Blacks, you could try Buffy-style: they retain the skeleton of who they were, but twisted to evil, akin to taking an Extreme Consequence or Lawbreaker for all their Aspects and tainting them with darkness. Curing them reverts their personality, but does nothing to erase the memory. They might no longer be able to understand why they were overcome with bloodlust at the sight of a helpless child, but they will certainly remember those feelings and what they did about them.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 20, 2011, 10:54:30 AM
Ummm. . . black court vampires are actually dead-dead people. They're not just twisted demons like the RCV are.

Not only would you have to somehow get rid of the taint and evil from a BCV, but you'd have to reanimate their dead corpse as well.

Yeah..  Not gonna happen.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BlackMage on April 20, 2011, 01:04:53 PM
According to Mother Winter, her
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can undo literally any enchantment or transformation.  She is the unmaker, after all.  Sure, she never comes out and says as much, but when Harry says those exact words she responds with a yes.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: ways and means on April 20, 2011, 01:46:40 PM
According to Mother Winter, her
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can undo literally any enchantment or transformation.  She is the unmaker, after all.  Sure, she never comes out and says as much, but when Harry says those exact words she responds with a yes.

does that include death ?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 20, 2011, 02:37:23 PM
According to Mother Winter, her
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can undo literally any enchantment or transformation.  She is the unmaker, after all.  Sure, she never comes out and says as much, but when Harry says those exact words she responds with a yes.

Sure, they stop being a Bampire and start being a corpse.

Not really a solution...    ;)
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: ryanshowseason2 on April 20, 2011, 02:39:11 PM
According to Mother Winter, her
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can undo literally any enchantment or transformation.  She is the unmaker, after all.  Sure, she never comes out and says as much, but when Harry says those exact words she responds with a yes.

I'm nearly ok with this, but it has to be within reason. What does this get her? why should she bother with the PC's petty wishes? She isn't a vending machine that you just pop a quest out for her and she does whatever you ask. In all likelihood if she did do this favor for a PC that PC will basically become an NPC from the debt incurred and what she would require of the PC in return for waving her near almighty hand.

Not to mention getting an audience with such a woman is not something even a white council member would just be able to do at a whim, that is to say if you're not *somebody* already forget it she probably won't even waste her time with you.

I do like the comment on "how do you change something's high concept?" Answer being you don't not for anything I've read in YS. The only things that come close are an extreme consequence which doesn't unmake your previous template it just adds bad stuff to it, and law breaking which doesn't apply to BCV, and lastly contracting some form of vampirism which is what you're trying to undo.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Ala Alba on April 20, 2011, 06:19:32 PM
That is a good question and it can't be simple, regardless of how "easy" they are to supposedly dispatch by vanilla humans, if making more Bampires were easy, they could overrun whole towns, breed armies in a night....

Granted...  Drulinda did raise both rentacops within a radically short time period, so it's possible it is very easy, little more than drinking a human dry and letting the body get back up as a Bampire.  The low numbers could simply be that smart Bampires don't allow too many of thier victim's to raise, to keep their whereabouts more subtle and to reduce the competition.

But simplecreation does not indicate it would be simple to undo.

As per canon, it IS really easy and quick. That's why, in Blood Rites, Harry is so quick to take out the BCV nest. That's why the WCVs got the mortal world involved with Dracula.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 20, 2011, 08:07:19 PM
It's easy for an existing Master Black Court Vampire to make another Black Court Vampire, but was it easy for the first Black Court Vampire to come into existence?

This could be thought of the ease of infecting someone with a custom designed germ and the difficulty of making that germ in the first place.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Viatos on April 20, 2011, 08:55:53 PM
Ummm. . . black court vampires are actually dead-dead people. They're not just twisted demons like the RCV are.

Not only would you have to somehow get rid of the taint and evil from a BCV, but you'd have to reanimate their dead corpse as well.

Yeah..  Not gonna happen.

Okay, two-step process. Purge the evil, get a resurrection. Given that this isn't what you'd call a cinematic resurrection - lost love, the character who gave his life to "hold them off", et cetera - it shouldn't be terribly difficult. Maybe the nature of becoming a BCV kicks their soul out early with nowhere to go, and it's as simple as restoring the soul to the body, reanimating the fallen with the time they have left as if they'd never been turned.

The thread title is a "How do I do this?". "You don't" isn't a very helpful answer, despite about half the replies here. Pretty much every book in the series has at least a few impossible events occur; in Changes, he answers the question
(click to show/hide)
and in the upcoming Ghost Story it looks like
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. There's no reason the short arcs of someone's game can't do the same, especially when there isn't even a canon barrier against it working in the worst place.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 20, 2011, 10:20:08 PM
Okay, two-step process. Purge the evil, get a resurrection. Given that this isn't what you'd call a cinematic resurrection - lost love, the character who gave his life to "hold them off", et cetera - it shouldn't be terribly difficult. Maybe the nature of becoming a BCV kicks their soul out early with nowhere to go, and it's as simple as restoring the soul to the body, reanimating the fallen with the time they have left as if they'd never been turned.

The thread title is a "How do I do this?". "You don't" isn't a very helpful answer, despite about half the replies here. Pretty much every book in the series has at least a few impossible events occur; in Changes, he answers the question
(click to show/hide)
and in the upcoming Ghost Story it looks like
(click to show/hide)
. There's no reason the short arcs of someone's game can't do the same, especially when there isn't even a canon barrier against it working in the worst place.

The problem is that being able to turn a BCV "back" has several problems with the principal.

1.  How can a good character with a pure heart kill even a monster like a BCV if they know they are just a victim and can be turned back?

2.  It really cheapens the monster.  Sure, Harry did an "impossible" thing with the red court, but he did not redeem them.  There is a big difference between reforming a rabid dog and putting it down.

3.  What if the BCV does not want to change back?  What if it likes its existence and likes being at the top of the food chain.  If that is the case, what right do you have to change them?  Kill them, sure  - you have the right to self defense and the preservation of other human lives, but to irrevocably change something into something else is against the laws of magic for a reason.

4.  What about all the evil the BCV has done?  This is not Angel.  If someone were a BCV and did all those terrible things, including make renfields, those memories would drive them insane if they became mortal again.  They could very well become a predator of another sort.

5.  If BCVs could be changed back, so could renfields - which would cause all of these moral issues with renfields as well.

It's a can of worms that I personally would not open up.  Sure, I am sure that some creature out in the DV /could/ do it, but at what cost?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Bruce Coulson on April 20, 2011, 10:25:56 PM
There has to be a reason why this hasn't been done before, or isn't done very often.

Otherwise, the suspension of disbelief necessary for a game goes away.  (imho)

So, perhaps in order for a BCV to live, someone else must die.  Or maybe several someones, depending on the age.  Willing sacrifices.  

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 20, 2011, 11:26:33 PM
4.  What about all the evil the BCV has done?  This is not Angel.  If someone were a BCV and did all those terrible things, including make renfields, those memories would drive them insane if they became mortal again.  They could very well become a predator of another sort.

Why would they remember?  The body is dead, the mind is no longer storing memories...

That to me is the second hurdle, restoring the body once the Bampire is "ousted".  The third is re-Souling it...

5.  If BCVs could be changed back, so could renfields - which would cause all of these moral issues with renfields as well.

Changed back from what?  Mind-shattered and mystically beefed up mortals?  Sure they could.

But that's an awful lot of effort just to have a mind-shattered mortal...

It's a can of worms that I personally would not open up.

Yup it is.  But then Laws of Magic violations are just a-waiting...
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Viatos on April 20, 2011, 11:54:00 PM
The problem is that being able to turn a BCV "back" has several problems with the principal.

1.  How can a good character with a pure heart kill even a monster like a BCV if they know they are just a victim and can be turned back?

They don't have Lore at Fantastic (+6)? That aside, there are tons of mindless or innately evil monsters in the Dresdenverse - adding some humanity to one of them doesn't need to turn the entire game into an angstfest. Unless you enjoy angstfests, in which case, game on.

2.  It really cheapens the monster.  Sure, Harry did an "impossible" thing with the red court, but he did not redeem them.  There is a big difference between reforming a rabid dog and putting it down.

It cheapens the monstrousness, not the monster. Moral complexity can be good as well as bad. Also, curing rabies is currently impossible past a certain stage, but instantaneously erasing the disease is a few orders of magnitude harder.

3.  What if the BCV does not want to change back?  What if it likes its existence and likes being at the top of the food chain.  If that is the case, what right do you have to change them?  Kill them, sure  - you have the right to self defense and the preservation of other human lives, but to irrevocably change something into something else is against the laws of magic for a reason.

It's no longer a mortal, unless it is thematic to argue that it is a mortal. It doesn't need to be given agency here. See also Angel.

4.  What about all the evil the BCV has done?  This is not Angel.  If someone were a BCV and did all those terrible things, including make renfields, those memories would drive them insane if they became mortal again.  They could very well become a predator of another sort.

Angel did go pretty nuts for a few decades, actually, as I recall. He's just had a lot of time to deal with it. These are certainly possibilities, and interesting ones. Some people might not like the grimdark and choose to declare that the returned soul is sufficiently distanced from the BCV's actions as to avoid such a fate. Some people might embrace it, and all it brings.

5.  If BCVs could be changed back, so could renfields - which would cause all of these moral issues with renfields as well.

Maybe. It could be argued that Renfields are a different kind of broken, one that is ultimately too mortal in nature to sort out with magic, but advanced psychiatry might do the trick. It could simply be argued that Renfields are more like zombies, their souls have already passed on to whatever awaits them.

It's a can of worms that I personally would not open up.  Sure, I am sure that some creature out in the DV /could/ do it, but at what cost?

Whatever cost is dramatically appropriate. I understand your perspective and probably would not personally give BCV redemption as an option to my players, but I am a firm believer that all options and game styles should be supported as long as they don't start damaging anyone's fun.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 21, 2011, 12:25:38 AM
Why would they remember?  The body is dead, the mind is no longer storing memories...

That to me is the second hurdle, restoring the body once the Bampire is "ousted".  The third is re-Souling it...

Have you read the short story where Harry goes to the mall to give Thomas a birthday present?

BCVs definitely still retain their personalities and memories they had in life.  They're just... more evil and a lot more powerful.

Based on how Mavra acts too, I really don't think that vampires are easily classified.

In fact, they could still have a warped kind of soul.

Perhaps the reason they are so powerful and so unnatural is that the process changing them damages and tears apart the soul itself.

Whatever cost is dramatically appropriate. I understand your perspective and probably would not personally give BCV redemption as an option to my players, but I am a firm believer that all options and game styles should be supported as long as they don't start damaging anyone's fun.

I am willing to concede that point.

I just think the notion is up there with letting a character perform a darkhallow

If I did allow this to happen in my campaign, once the BCV was "redeemed", I'd have the characters over time discover that the x BCV is even more evil than ever, learned some magic while still mortal, did things that a walking rotting corpse would not be able to do, and then got turned again.

After being turned again, the BCV comes after the party with a vengeance, looking for blood for what they did to it.


We can't even reform sexual predators who are still human.  I really don't believe it would be possible to redeem a BCV - even with magic.

WOJ is that Renfields are done, their fates irreversible.  Harry says so with great authority in the casefiles.  I believe him.

I have a hard time believing that in the last few thousand years, a BCV has not turned a wizard's family member into a renfield out of spite.  And just like Harry did for Susan, I have a hard time believing that said wizard would not turn every resource they had available to them to the cause of "curing" their loved one.

If thousands of years of wizards could not do it, I doubt PCs could.

A caveat

I would allow my PCs to "redeem" a BCV /IF/ they went to knowledge from the outer gates or killed other people to do it - especially innocents.

Something equally dark, staining the souls of the PCs in order to save a BCV from the darkness it has would be thematically appropriate imo.

Kind of like the debate about extreme consequences, allowing them to heal quickly really devalues the consequence.  Allowing PCs to "cure" ridiculously evil monsters with easily acquired magic or favors would really detract from the horror and relevance of said monsters.

I think for PCs to cure a monster, they'd have to become monsters themselves. :)
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 21, 2011, 12:34:09 AM
Turning a Black Court Vampire human is one thing, but making an Angel like Black Court Vampire is another.  The Dresden RPG is a game of snowflakes and if Thomas (a White Court Vampire) can have a conscience then why not a Black Court one?

Red Court Vampires - we know that they can't truly have human emotions, but there's not enough out there to say "it's against canon" for a moral Black Court Vampire to exist.  Maybe Master Black Court Vampires have positive refreshes and that's what makes them so dangerous?

But I think this thread has become another "It doesn't work in canon" verses "there's nothing in canon that says it doesn't work" debate - which means it's endless.  We have a better chance of stumbling over one of the scores of bodies of Harry Dresden's victims (nothing in canon says that he's NOT a serial killer) than reach consensus on this thread.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 21, 2011, 12:45:34 AM
Turning a Black Court Vampire human is one thing, but making an Angel like Black Court Vampire is another.  The Dresden RPG is a game of snowflakes and if Thomas (a White Court Vampire) can have a conscience then why not a Black Court one?


This is an excellent point... and one I have actually already used.

I /may/ have a BCV or two in my campaign who are are not completely evil...

And /maybe/ how the PCs choose to deal with them will have consequences down the road...

::evil laugh::
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 21, 2011, 02:56:57 AM
Have you read the short story where Harry goes to the mall to give Thomas a birthday present?

Yes.  That doesn't change a thing I've written.

BCVs definitely still retain their personalities and memories they had in life.  They're just... more evil and a lot more powerful.

They are also dead, reanimated, and possibly host to a malevolent spirit of some sort that has access to the deceased's memories.

Based on how Mavra acts too, I really don't think that vampires are easily classified.

Finally something we can definitively agree on here.   :D

WOJ is that Renfields are done, their fates irreversible.  Harry says so with great authority in the casefiles.  I believe him.

Not to argue this point... but I don't treat Harry Dresden's words as Gospel.  If I were to run a DF game I wouldn't even be treated Jim Butcher as Gospel, which is beside the point.

I have a hard time believing that in the last few thousand years, a BCV has not turned a wizard's family member into a renfield out of spite.  And just like Harry did for Susan, I have a hard time believing that said wizard would not turn every resource they had available to them to the cause of "curing" their loved one.

Again, who is to say they haven't.  Harry is an outsider to the White Council, pariah to other Wizards... when he's finally accept as one "one of the Godd Guys" by the Council, he doesn't have time to really get in any real study on these matters.

If thousands of years of wizards could not do it, I doubt PCs could.

Thousands of years of Wizarding couldn't wipe out the Red Court either...   ;)
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 21, 2011, 03:07:19 AM
Not to argue this point... but I don't treat Harry Dresden's words as Gospel.  If I were to run a DF game I wouldn't even be treated Jim Butcher as Gospel, which is beside the point.

Um. WoJ = Word of Jim.

As in the guy who writes the books sometimes explains how things work behind the scenes.  Since the dresdenverse comes from his thoughts him saying "this is how something works" is basically the final statement on that.

Which means more than Bob saying "The original Merlin and some Saints tried and couldn't do it" means less than Jim making an off hand comment during an interview.

A very nice person had organised most of the WoJs at one spot:,21772.0.html (,21772.0.html)

It's worth looking through.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Taran on April 21, 2011, 03:28:32 AM

I just want to remove my post...sorry.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BlackMage on April 21, 2011, 05:20:12 AM
I've seen a whole lot of "your table, your rules" type bits on many matters since I got here.  I personally agree, once I think about it, that even an Unravelling couldn't save a Blampire.  It would undo the enchantment exactly as described and leave a corpse as stated earlier.  If I was handling GM duties (ha!) that's how I'd run it on the off chance someone managed to get their hands on such an item.

But!  "Your table, your rules," and all.  If a GM is willing to go with it, then for the purposes of that game something could be worked out.  Even if a purist like myself would be loathe to go against WoJ.   ;D
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 21, 2011, 05:28:18 AM
I've seen a whole lot of "your table, your rules" type bits on many matters since I got here.  I personally agree, once I think about it, that even an Unravelling couldn't save a Blampire.  It would undo the enchantment exactly as described and leave a corpse as stated earlier.  If I was handling GM duties (ha!) that's how I'd run it on the off chance someone managed to get their hands on such an item.

But!  "Your table, your rules," and all.  If a GM is willing to go with it, then for the purposes of that game something could be worked out.  Even if a purist like myself would be loathe to go against WoJ.   ;D

This is how I feel.

But like I said, just putting myself into the shoes of a RL PC, I have a hard time believing that the real "good guys" would be ok with icing creatures that could revert back to humans.  That would make them victims, not monsters.

It would be the difference between exterminating a monster, and murdering a victim of magic so they could never be redeemed.


People can do what they want.  Shoot, we have a poster here in a game that includes a duck in a robo suit.

My argument is that if people are playing within the canon world, they should try to follow canon.

If people want to make their own world - great.  And if that is the case, they don't need to ask us how anything is done because they can make it up as they go along.

Just like the discussions in the spoilers section about redeeming Lash, I hate the idea because it would trivialize what a monster they are.

The neat thing about the DV is that while there are a lot of shades of grey, there /IS/ black and white.  The Fallen, BCV, and the Red Court are all far, far on the side of the black.  White court is definitely grey.  And the Knights of the Cross are white.

Sorry - I just realized I am rambling now.  I will gracefully bow out. lol
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: MijRai on April 21, 2011, 05:58:53 AM
Just like the discussions in the spoilers section about redeeming Lash, I hate the idea because it would trivialize what a monster they are.

Because that stuck out a little, I wanted to make a quick comment. There is a difference between Lash, the shadow of one of the Fallen, and Lasciel the Fallen Angel, one of the thirty strongest and smartest Fallen Angels.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BlackMage on April 21, 2011, 06:09:00 AM
Then a look of almost childish resentment came over her face, and she looked over one shoulder before
turning back to me. "I…" She shook her head and said, very softly, wonderingly,"She… doesn't deserve

Both Harry and Lash herself seem to accept that Lasciel and Lash are very separate beings.  Lash was supposedly as malleable as Harry himself, and gained free will (which makes perfect sense, she is after all not an Angel fallen or otherwise, but a shadow, and one who exists in a free willed being's mind at that).  So unless later events show this to be a lie/misunderstanding in some way, I am entirely fine with the idea that Lash was redeemed... or if not fully redeemed at least became a better being prior to the end.  But that is rather far afield of the original question this topic was meant for, so I shall now bow out until I have relevant thoughts again. 
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Tedronai on April 21, 2011, 06:19:56 AM
In this, and all similar matters, my opinion can be summed up with a simple 'Plot wins.'
If the plot of your game demands that such a thing be possible, then it will be possible.
If the plot of your game demands that such a thing occur, then it will provide the means, likely in the form of assistance of some sort from an extreme-'plot device' npc (be that a faerie Mother, archangel, minor god, or whatever is appropriate to the Plot).
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 21, 2011, 06:22:40 AM
Because that stuck out a little, I wanted to make a quick comment. There is a difference between Lash, the shadow of one of the Fallen, and Lasciel the Fallen Angel, one of the thirty strongest and smartest Fallen Angels.

I meant Lasciel.

I usually designate the two, "Lash", and "Shadow Lash".
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Viatos on April 21, 2011, 07:22:59 AM
But like I said, just putting myself into the shoes of a RL PC, I have a hard time believing that the real "good guys" would be ok with icing creatures that could revert back to humans.  That would make them victims, not monsters.

This to me is funny, not in a mean way - my laughter is a kind of hollow, envious thing. My "good guys" are generally okay with icing the receptionist at the hotel they think a Big Bad might have slept in if her Social defenses could be classified as "annoying" to overcome. And the rest of the staff, since they might as well while they're at it. That's a my table versus your table kind of distinction, but it serves as an introduction for an important point - morality is subjective. What if the "good guys" don't have magic of their own, or simply can't be bothered to dredge up massive plot-level rituals for every BCV mook? Are they evil because they choose the easier option in service of a higher good? Isn't that some ancient philosophical territory being strayed into?

I mean, take the Animorphs. Perfect example. The innocence of children, the wisdom of soldiers: their enemies frequently include Hork-Bajir (a Neutral Good race) and human Controllers (who run the gamut). If you capture a Controller and subdue it for three days, the Yeerk in its head dies. The Animorphs don't have three days for every Controller. They kill people. A lot of people. They have to, because everything is at stake, and they can't afford distractions.

Again, I don't think morally complex decisions necessarily "lessen" anything. You keep mentioning this, and I don't get it. Isn't it more horrible having to kill when you know you might be able to save? Isn't a creature that remembers what it means to be human more terrifying and insidious then one that can't get into your head, not really?

If thousands of years of wizards could not do it, I doubt PCs could.

This is another thing that varies widely according to taste. I personally don't believe in ever letting NPCs outshine PCs at something the PC wants to do. I am fine ruling that the thousands of years of wizards before the current party just weren't HARDCORE enough to get the job done. PCs are different, destined, special, they have "it", they have spirit or strength of will or some indefinable trait that allows them to succeed where everyone else failed. Because they're PCs.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 21, 2011, 03:17:19 PM
Are they evil because they choose the easier option in service of a higher good? Isn't that some ancient philosophical territory being strayed into?

Strayed?  I think it just mamboed right into the middle of Philosophy 301.

PCs are different, destined, special, they have "it", they have spirit or strength of will or some indefinable trait that allows them to succeed where everyone else failed. Because they're PCs.

Another way to look at it is so:

Modern PC have something many old and ancient NPCs wouldn't have had, modern scientific methodology imparted into them from their earliest school years.  Modern thinkers have a much more natural "out of the box" inclination to thought and reasoning than even people from 50 or 100 years ago.  This age has not just considered or thought about, but experienced rapid sweeping changes in every facet of life, fluidity of ideas must be kept up with...  every few years.  Not every few decades, or a few a century.  Multiple changes just within ones own childhood.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 21, 2011, 03:27:20 PM
Um. WoJ = Word of Jim.

I know.  Don't care.  Thanks for the link though, I've read it before but didn't save it.

Were Mr. Butcher to sit at my table he'd have to deal with how my table runs things, our consensus and my take on how things work.  His "authorship" would have little bearing.  ;)

As in the guy who writes the books sometimes explains how things work behind the scenes.  Since the dresdenverse comes from his thoughts him saying "this is how something works" is basically the final statement on that.

Sure and if you want to run that way, kudos.  Cold Iron is not the end all be all Anti-Fae device in my worlds.  I go by the olde myths a little more stringently than Jim does at my table, just for instance.

And we're not even going to get me started on his horrible mistreatment of the very honorable Hobgoblin.  Just don't.   ;D
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: sandchigger on April 21, 2011, 03:51:28 PM
I know.  Don't care.  Thanks for the link though, I've read it before but didn't save it.

So your real question is "how would you do something that's against canon?"

In that case, I'd get in my rocket ship, fly them out to Neptune and have them cured by the friendly aliens there.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 21, 2011, 04:06:41 PM
In that case, I'd get in my rocket ship, fly them out to Neptune and have them cured by the friendly aliens there.

Alright, to get that Rocketship, roll Contacts at a +2 Difficulty to know a pilot who won the lottery and owns his own rocket ship. Or Resources at a +1 Difficulty to rig a lottery so your pilot friend wins, and then convince him to buy a rocket ship.

Feel free to roll a few navel-gazing maneuvers if those are going to be too hard. ;)
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 21, 2011, 04:12:34 PM
Couldn't you roll Discipline to go to Imagination Land and ask the friendly neighbor for a magic potion?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 21, 2011, 04:18:21 PM
Couldn't you roll Discipline to go to Imagination Land and ask the friendly neighbor for a magic potion?

Or Athletics, to do the magical Imagination Land Dance.

Back to the discussion:

"Your table, your rules" is all well and good, and while it is good to get some peer review from time to time for one's ideas, one will always have to reconcile feedback from people who are advising in line with the canon of the game because *that* is what *we* all think we are playing in common.

That said, prefacing a question with a "I know it's not canon, but how would you [insert question]" goes a long way towards streamlining feedback. For awhile, any magical discussion eventually degenerated into a discussion about the Laws of Magic, so folks who want to prevent that started including in the question "this is not a thread about the Laws of Magic" when they wanted to discuss their Outsider magics and such. And I think it worked.

So, back to the original question:

Lets rephrase it as "easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human (barring canonical issues)" and say that a ritual with enough shifts to kill the BCV should be enough to return it to a human, and probably make it the entirety of a scenario to do it. With allies and enemies of the BCV sniffing around town, looking around for their missing ally/enemy, finally breaking in during the final phase of the ritual, with the other players holding them off while the spellcaster works the ritual.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 21, 2011, 04:26:05 PM

So, back to the original question:

Lets rephrase it as "easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human (barring canonical issues)" and say that a ritual with enough shifts to kill the BCV should be enough to return it to a human, and probably make it the entirety of a scenario to do it. With allies and enemies of the BCV sniffing around town, looking around for their missing ally/enemy, finally breaking in during the final phase of the ritual, with the other players holding them off while the spellcaster works the ritual.

I like this, and I think it would also be appropriate for the ritual to include the death of an animal or something to symbolize the transfer of life.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 21, 2011, 04:45:17 PM
I like this, and I think it would also be appropriate for the ritual to include the death of an animal or something to symbolize the transfer of life.

And perhaps one of the challenges can be a "spirit quest" to find a spirit willing to "sponsor" this redemption through the sacrifice of one of its animal kind.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 21, 2011, 06:10:02 PM
So your real question is "how would you do something that's against canon?"

Not at all.  Nowhere in canon or WoJ does it say Black Court Vampires are unable to be changed back.

Nowhere does it say how they are created for that matter, but we can surmise it's either via "Being Drained of Life By a BCV" or "Being Drained of Life by a BCV and Then Brought Back Using BCV Blood or Other Very Fast Methods" since Drulinda did it in under a few minutes (don't quote my time estimate).

We know how to kill them, what weaknesses they have, and generally what strengths they have.

We do not know if what is animating them is alien, if it simply mimicing the memories, or if it is the original person (sans soul?) returned to unlife.  Heck.. they might still have the original soul in there. (

So saying "But WoJ" or "BY CANON!" without those backing you up is, as I was trying to point out, pointless.   ;)
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 21, 2011, 06:14:27 PM
I know.  Don't care.  Thanks for the link though, I've read it before but didn't save it.

Were Mr. Butcher to sit at my table he'd have to deal with how my table runs things, our consensus and my take on how things work.  His "authorship" would have little bearing.  ;)

Sorry - most of my responses have been that this isn't canonical.  Now that I know we're using the rules in a non-DV world...

Simple transformation.  Change his body from a vampire's body to a human one.  That's a total takeout (averages about 23 shifts - might be more to handle thresholds and other problems).  Far fewer successes needed than most of the solutions mentioned.

It's allowed by the rules, not allowed by canon.  It would have worked with Susan too - transforming her just enough to pure the infection.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: tymire on April 21, 2011, 06:16:05 PM
Bah it shouldn't be a ritual death, it should be a ritual life as the goal is to bring the dead back to life....  Woot for nookie ;D  

This is another thing that varies widely according to taste. I personally don't believe in ever letting NPCs outshine PCs at something the PC wants to do. I am fine ruling that the thousands of years of wizards before the current party just weren't HARDCORE enough to get the job done. PCs are different, destined, special, they have "it", they have spirit or strength of will or some indefinable trait that allows them to succeed where everyone else failed. Because they're PCs.

Partly agree here, however imo you also have to follow the rule of "If you can do it I can do it also." or the setting isn't continuous.  Also depending on the game this may or maynot apply.

Folks should also remember ghosts themselves are just echos and THEY don't get brought back.  Wouldn't be surprised at all if Harry doesn't remember anything that happend during the ghost time unless he eats himself (as what happened with nightmare) when he gets raised....  Actually have to ask what happens to a ghost when someone is raised from the dead or was only dead a short time period, it should still be around.  Hehe bet ya that Harry was only dead for a couple mins before TWQ or one of her subjects went to go save him since after working that hard would be pissed if he slipped through her fingers.  At the end of the book his ghost probably meets him somewhere. ::)

Also per the white court, black vamps are probably created the dracula way as everyone knows.  Unless it would hurt them more why would they lie about it?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 21, 2011, 06:18:11 PM
Not at all.  Nowhere in canon or WoJ does it say Black Court Vampires are unable to be changed back.


So saying "But WoJ" or "BY CANON!" without those backing you up is, as I was trying to point out, pointless.   ;)

So Jim Butcher sitting down at your table and saying "It won't work" isn't something you would accept BUT if we quote a WoJ or part of a book that's canon enough?

Sorry, I meant "quote part of a book that you won't say 'Well, Harry was probably wrong there' and accept as canon" - that would trump Jim saying "Dude, it's this way."?

I can't determine what you would accept as valid argument, so I'll shut up now.  At least on this thread.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 21, 2011, 06:27:16 PM
So Jim Butcher sitting down at your table and saying "It won't work" isn't something you would accept BUT if we quote a WoJ or part of a book that's canon enough?

If you're in a debate and make an Appeal To Authority* then you should have the authority actually back you up.

And if JB sat at my table his voice would have as much weight as everyone elses.  Honestly probably more, most of group were unabashed squealing fans and would immediately side with him.   ::)


Sorry, I meant "quote part of a book that you won't say 'Well, Harry was probably wrong there' and accept as canon" - that would trump Jim saying "Dude, it's this way."?

No, no, no... I don't personally accept Harry as a Reliable Narrator because half the time he doesn't even know what he's doing (and Mr. Butcher butchered Hobs - but that's my opinion   ;)). I'll accept canon and WOJ as being those things though.  They have weight and measure.  I often wish things were more spelled out, but hey, we got what we got.

I can't determine what you would accept as valid argument, so I'll shut up now.  At least on this thread.

Anything other than "This is How it is and no you Can't do that".

Which is very pointless in a discussion dealing with "How do we do that?"
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 21, 2011, 06:35:37 PM
Bah it shouldn't be a ritual death, it should be a ritual life as the goal is to bring the dead back to life....  Woot for nookie ;D

Hmmm.  Something powerful enough to overcome even Death, itself?  Sure, I can see something like Woodstock being tapped for that...

Folks should also remember ghosts themselves are just echos and THEY don't get brought back.  Wouldn't be surprised at all if Harry doesn't remember anything that happend during the ghost time unless he eats himself (as what happened with nightmare) when he gets raised....

Pure speculation here:  I don't think Harry will end up as an actual Ghost type ghost.  I'm betting he's something more.  Or that we find out that What We Know About Ghosts is Wrong.

Can't.  Wait.  For.  June!   (
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: ryanshowseason2 on April 21, 2011, 06:39:47 PM
I know.  Don't care.  Thanks for the link though, I've read it before but didn't save it.

Were Mr. Butcher to sit at my table he'd have to deal with how my table runs things, our consensus and my take on how things work.  His "authorship" would have little bearing.  ;)

Then you're running in evileyoreverse. I assume since the original question was asked on the dresdenverse forum that I can assume that most if not all of the rules of it apply. Theres also a difference between improbable and unheard of.  Sure
(click to show/hide)
so if someone wanted to perform a spell that say crashed all windows pcs on the planet...ok maybe but it will take a while... but! doing something like dropping a template from a character is unheard of. It just hasn't happened. Hence....

Some of us are just saying, "Hey this doesn't make sense within this verse" , and for good reason. Has there ever been a character in it that has turned their entire being on a dime? Well actually yes there has and they can, Renfields, RC infected, WCVirgin and changelings can and it is part of their process. However! This has always seemed followed a few rules: (Please correct me if I'm wrong and tell me the example )

1. Mortals are flimsy and can be changed by more powerful creatures, adding to their template.
2. Supernatural templates are changed by their own will alone. And may have the chance to remove their own template, No outside influence can force them to drop a template.
3. Severely overwhelming force MAY be able to force a supernatural template to add to its own existing template, and not drop the old in the process.
(click to show/hide)

If my players asked for this I'd respond by asking them "Well whats stopping me from Unwizarding you?" or un(template)ing you? I cast lvl 100 plot magic unstunt/detemplate.

.... Actually it wouldn't be a bad tradeoff to force a player to give up their own powers in order to turn back an npc.... seems an appropriate sacrifice....
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 21, 2011, 06:45:44 PM
No, no, no... I don't personally accept Harry as a Reliable Narrator because half the time he doesn't even know what he's doing (and Mr. Butcher butchered Hobs - but that's my opinion   ;)). I'll accept canon and WOJ as being those things though.  They have weight and measure.  I often wish things were more spelled out, but he, we got what we got.

The bulk of the canon from the books is from unreliable Harry.  Murphy does one, Marcone does one, and Thomas does one - but virtually all we know of the DV is what Harry reports.  If him and Bob talking something out isn't enough then it isn't enough.

No, they didn't say that BCVs were unsavable, but when talking about Renfields, Bob said:
"The original Merlin couldn't undo it, and neither could any of the saints on record who have tried. A thrall can be freed, or recover over time. Renfields can't. From the moment their minds break they've got an expiration date."
- it's odd that he didn't add "Which is strange, because it's so easy to turn a Black Court Vampire back to a human" - unless that's impossible as well.

As for suggestions on how to do it - look up on the thread.  If it's not impossible because of canon it's a simple shape change.  As easy as turning turning someone to stone and back again.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Lash Dresden on April 21, 2011, 07:28:01 PM
I think we can always trust that Bob is right with his in-universe explanations, simply because Jim created Bob for the sole purpose of explaining to the reader how things work in-universe. 
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 22, 2011, 12:07:41 AM
Then you're running in evileyoreverse.
Yes, I am.  Not germaine to the conversation though.

So what do you think would be required if it were possible?

Theres also a difference between improbable and unheard of.  Sure
(click to show/hide)
Your "improbable" spoiler was "unheard of" till it happened as well.

So what do you think would be required if it were possible?

Some of us are just saying, "Hey this doesn't make sense within this verse"
Which is isn't a helpful answer.  Okay, it is, once.  Then you either leave the discussion or start helping.

So what do you think would be required if it were possible?

Has there ever been a character in it that has turned their entire being on a dime? Well actually yes there has and they can, Renfields, RC infected, WCVirgin and changelings can and it is part of their process.

So if it is possible (as part of a process) to change another's Template (Renfield, RCI, and BCV are all acted upon by outside forces), then it stands to reason others can have Templates added or removed as part of process.

Now we just need to figured out the process.

1. Mortals are flimsy and can be changed by more powerful creatures, adding to their template.
This can happen to non-Mortals as well, presumeably.

I don't think Changeling are immune to BCVing or RCVInfecting, for instance.

2. Supernatural templates are changed by their own will alone. And may have the chance to remove their own template, No outside influence can force them to drop a template.
This is unproven and possibly false.  I know there was talk of being able to uninfect an RCVI but that cost was too high?

Also taking away a Hexenwolf's hexitem will strip them of the Template.

3. Severely overwhelming force MAY be able to force a supernatural template to add to its own existing template, and not drop the old in the process.
(click to show/hide)
So your saying a Changeling couldn't be Hexenwolfed or RCVIed?

The Alphas couldn't be Hexenwolfed or RCVIed?

If my players asked for this I'd respond by asking them "Well whats stopping me from Unwizarding you?" or un(template)ing you? I cast lvl 100 plot magic unstunt/detemplate.

Presumably your desire to keep them at the table.  Also the rule of consensus.

.... Actually it wouldn't be a bad tradeoff to force a player to give up their own powers in order to turn back an npc.... seems an appropriate sacrifice....

Was that so hard? ;)

The bulk of the canon from the books is from unreliable Harry.
Sigh.  Yes.  I know.

Look, leave the Unreliable Narrator aside... we have "Canon", "Not Canon", and "Possibly Canon".  I'm willing to accept what Harry observes as "Canon", what Bob or higher authority Wizard says as "Canon", anything Harry (or anyone) is shown as doing as "Canon", and finally anything Harry says without any back up as "Possibly Canon".  Hell, for sake of most discussions on this board I'm willing to accept Hary's words as Canon.  What is or isn't Canon has no bearing on any conversation once you;ve decided to continue past the point of "This can't work in Canon".

But let's move away from Canon.  Too many canons, not enough powder...

No, they didn't say that BCVs were unsavable, but when talking about Renfields, Bob said:
"The original Merlin couldn't undo it, and neither could any of the saints on record who have tried. A thrall can be freed, or recover over time. Renfields can't. From the moment their minds break they've got an expiration date."
Ahah! I'll take this as Fact for now, but what book was that in?

So what do you think would be required to unRenfeild a Renfeild if it were possible?

My take is breaking the "Renfield Enchantment" maybe prolonged seclusion for the Master.

Which leaves with a broken minded mortal who is probably a vegetable.

I can easily understand the Merlin declaring them unsalvageable.  I would.

If it's not impossible because of canon it's a simple shape change.  As easy as turning turning someone to stone and back again.


That's extraordinarily unhelpful.

I understand you don't like the idea for some reason, but this isn't the "Slap down all ideas and anyone questioning the WoJ!" forum.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 22, 2011, 01:16:43 AM

Which is isn't a helpful answer.  Okay, it is, once.  Then you either leave the discussion or start helping.

You came looking for input.  You are getting input.  If people believe it's not possible, they are going to weigh in that it's not possible.

You didn't come into the thread asking us how we would model it in a non-canon game.  

Then when the majority felt it would not be possible or a bad idea, you've started getting all butt-hurt about it.

Presumably your desire to keep them at the table.  Also the rule of consensus.

Any player who would seriously leave the table over something like this is a b1tch and I would be happy to see them go.  It's not that hard to get new players usually. I found two in a week.

I understand you don't like the idea for some reason, but this isn't the "Slap down all ideas and anyone questioning the WoJ!" forum.

This also isn't the, "Try to act as petulant as possible and pull the victim card because other posters are discussing canon in a game with its own mythos".

The fact that you're being this defensive and passive aggressive about it now is not exactly ingratiating yourself with me.  For the most part, this is usually a very friendly forum but threads like this make marks on that overall "feel" for the boards.

My suggestion is to just let this thread die, and make a new thread rewording the OP to reflect that you're not interested in canon or WOJ.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 22, 2011, 01:18:09 AM
Double post
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 22, 2011, 01:32:12 AM
You came looking for input.  You are getting input.  If people believe it's not possible, they are going to weigh in that it's not possible.

It's probably not all that important a distinction, but evileeyore is just weighing in as well - he wasn't the original poster: that was The Werewolf.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: BumblingBear on April 22, 2011, 01:40:30 AM
It's probably not all that important a distinction, but evileeyore is just weighing in as well - he wasn't the original poster: that was The Werewolf.

Yeah I went back and checked.

I probably snapped a bit too much, but I'm sick right now and the tone that this thread was starting to take was beginning to bother me.

I'm going to go back to sleep before my claws get a chance to come out all the way.

Apologies to evileyore.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Sanctaphrax on April 22, 2011, 01:42:39 AM
I find this thread somewhat amusing and somewhat worrying.

It was started by a guy who doesn't post here anymore. Then it died, last year. It was reanimated, and suddenly it's a hot debate. And it constantly seems like it's about to turn nasty.

I honestly don't see the point of all this.

But here's my view anyway: it's impossible. But if I were to allow it in a game, I'd probably do it through something reincarnation like. Not with Thaumaturgy: actually dying, becoming a ghost, and coming back as human. Of course ghosts probably don't work like that in canon, but since I'm already making things up I don't have to care.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 22, 2011, 01:47:28 AM
It was started by a guy who doesn't post here anymore. Then it died, last year. It was reanimated, and suddenly it's a hot debate. And it constantly seems like it's about to turn nasty.

I didn't catch that! My apologies.

Ah, yes, here is the Entry of Resurrection:,19193.msg1079269.html#msg1079269
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 22, 2011, 01:55:15 AM
Apologies to evileyore.
No problem BB, I've been in a scrappy mood the last few days weeks forevers.

I got my snoot up over the "Canonness" issue and made it a fight about the idea of applying canon like a salve insttead of thinking outside the box.  Next time I'll phrase myself better.

It was started by a guy who doesn't post here anymore. Then it died, last year. It was reanimated, and suddenly it's a hot debate.
I... huh... well.  I didn't notice that either.  Here I am getting all scrappy over someone else's issue and they are long gone from probably caring.

That'll learn me to not check thread dates.

Except that thread I deliberately necroed.  But I had a good reason there.

At this point in this one I think we've come to notion it's ither A) Impossible or B) going to be very rough, probably require a character's sacrifice or at least the breaking of 5 out of 7 Laws of Magic, simultaneously.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Becq on April 22, 2011, 02:51:47 AM
My perspective:

I'm not in favor of forming a consensus that vampirism (and other similar monstrous forms) is reversible.  Yes, this is an oddly worded sentence.  By it I mean this: the question of whether or not it can (theoretically) be done isn't important to me.  What is important is that choosing to make it possible trivializes the condition in the first place.  A game-reality in which vampires can be (and are) "cured" is less interesting that one in which they struggle to be cured but fall short.  Once the first vampire finds a way to revert his vampirism, vampirism becomes a club, rather than a condition.

That said, here is my shot at throwing out a metaphysical justification for saying that reversion is impossible:

The Laws of Magic (the metaphysical aspect of them) consider most transformations to be tantamount to the murder of the target, because the soul/mind/self of the target typcially can't survive in the new form.  Such transformations are as non-reversable as death is.

The transformation of a person into a vampire is such a tranformation.  When it occurs, the mortal soul that was once the core of the victim is no more.  Such a change is as non-reversable as death or person-to-newt transformations.

We know that it's possible for a White Court Vigin to become fully human, and I would hazard a guess that it's theoretically possible for a Red Court Infected to recover.  But once that final transformation occurs, it's over.  You can try wearing trench coats, writing angst-filled poetry, and hang out at Goth clubs, but you can't ever go back to being human.

At least, that's my take.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Tedronai on April 22, 2011, 03:14:44 AM
and I would hazard a guess that it's theoretically possible for a Red Court Infected to recover. 

The rest of your post aside...
It is canonically, explicitly possible.  There are even multiple, canonical, paths to such a recovery.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Becq on April 22, 2011, 03:29:11 AM
The rest of your post aside...
It is canonically, explicitly possible.  There are even multiple, canonical, paths to such a recovery.
Really?  I must have missed that book.  The novels I've read have indicated that every such attempt has failed, thus leading to the creation of the Fellowship of St. Giles in an attempt to keep the curse at bay.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 22, 2011, 03:37:31 AM
It is canonically, explicitly possible.  There are even multiple, canonical, paths to such a recovery.

The only RCV recovery options I can see are:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

These two are guesses:
Take up a Denarian coin.
Become the Knight of a Fey Court.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 22, 2011, 03:40:08 AM
Ahah! I'll take this as Fact for now, but what book was that in?

It's from Blood Rites - when Harry is prepping for the "raid the Black Court Hideout" part.

So what do you think would be required to unRenfeild a Renfeild if it were possible?

I don't - simply because Mind Magic is one of the least developed fields in the books.  Maybe something on a godling's level could do it - but below that? No published wizard even comes close to having the knowledge to know where to start.

I say godling because the White God's power (as channeled by his Saints) couldn't heal the Renfeilds, so I'm thinking no mortal can do it.

I can easily understand the Merlin declaring them unsalvageable.  I would.

Not the current 'Merlin' - aka the head of the White Council, but the original Merlin (man who forged the White Council and handed out at least one of the Swords of the Cross).  He doesn't strike me as someone who would give up without exhausting all possibilities.

That's extraordinarily unhelpful.

Did you bother to read the second sentence? Seriously, what's the difference between turning a Vampire (an unliving thing) to a human if it works when you turn a human to unliving stone and back again?

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 22, 2011, 03:41:35 AM
The only RCV recovery options I can see are:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

A third way was hinted at in Changes, but Harry's Godmother wasn't to explain how it might work for anything that Harry was willing to pay.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Tedronai on April 22, 2011, 06:43:08 AM
Not the current 'Merlin' - aka the head of the White Council, but the original Merlin (man who forged the White Council and handed out at least one of the Swords of the Cross).  He doesn't strike me as someone who would give up without exhausting all possibilities.

All possibilities available to him and coming at a cost he would be willing to pay.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 22, 2011, 01:49:33 PM
I'm not in favor of forming a consensus that vampirism (and other similar monstrous forms) is reversible.  Yes, this is an oddly worded sentence.  By it I mean this: the question of whether or not it can (theoretically) be done isn't important to me.  What is important is that choosing to make it possible trivializes the condition in the first place.  A game-reality in which vampires can be (and are) "cured" is less interesting that one in which they struggle to be cured but fall short.  Once the first vampire finds a way to revert his vampirism, vampirism becomes a club, rather than a condition.
Not belittling you:  You never played White Wolf's Vampire : The Masquerade or Requiem, have you?

If becoming mortal again is flatly impossible, there is no reason to struggle for it.  If your Meta-premise for the character can never be realized, there is much less reason to really work at it, it becomes a side thing, that hobby the character pursues.  The character won't ever really sacrifice for it, because the player knows it's impossible.*

If it's possible, but horribly impractical and expensive, it becomes something worth fighting for.

Look at it like this:  If there were no way to stop a conversion to becoming an RCV there would never be any RCVInfected characters, or if there were they would the Guy With The Terminal Disease, a PC who is around for a few sessions and then blazes out before succumbing to his curse.  There is no struggle except to hold out as long as possible.  However since the Infected can hold out seemingly forever, they are instead more complex and more conflicted about their natures.  Sure, you can still play it as a Terminal Patient mindset, nothing stopping you, but you've got options.

Same with the BCV.  If a players loved one gets converted to get at him (Or Renfielded), telling the player "She's Dead Jim", means the player has only the two choices of Destroy My Love The Monster and Go Crazy And Join Her.  If the player thinks they're saveable, they have a third option, Fight To Save Them.

One of the reasons I'm really liking FATE is it's "Never Say No" attitude.

*Yes, I'm speaking in generalities, yes I know, every Player is different and some certianly will fight even if it is flatly impossible.
It's from Blood Rites - when Harry is prepping for the "raid the Black Court Hideout" part.
Thanks, I just re-read that section.

Did you bother to read the second sentence? Seriously, what's the difference between turning a Vampire (an unliving thing) to a human if it works when you turn a human to unliving stone and back again?
Seriously?  Cost.

The discussion (not our slapfest) was on how and how much cost.  Deciding "Sure, if it's possible it's as easy as killing someone" isn't really moving the discussion forward.  It's dismissing it.

Regardless, so if you think it's as easy as turning someone to stone and back, what would you consider to be necessary to Unstone someone?  Keeping in mind they've now been killed by becoming stone...

Saying nothing of the "Dark magics" the BCV are supposedly filled and animated with.

All possibilities available to him and coming at a cost he would be willing to pay.
Exactly.  We are told "It's impossible" by characters who likely have no reason to question Tradition. Or, whom have but haven't discovered a method (the case of Bob discussing Renfeilds).

I always question Tradition because it is so often inaccurate.  Even if there are good reasons to not do something, simply calling it impossible is erroneous to my way of thinking.

@ Richard_Chilton:  I consider there to be a vast difference between "impossible" and "incalculably/prohibitively expensive".  On Cannot Be Done, the other Should Not Be Done.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: zenten on April 22, 2011, 03:31:54 PM
I see the process as being something uncertain and in stages.  Like, after a huge amount of work (say at least a major milestone dedicated to it) you could taske a resisting BCV and make something human like out of it with the memories of that BCV.  You'd have to break some of the Laws of Magic to do it, and the human would in noticeable ways be different from what that person was before the change.  I'd also say it would be easier to turn a Wizard into someone that can't cast magic against their will.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Bruce Coulson on April 22, 2011, 04:16:23 PM
My opinions on the matter.

Black Court Vampires are described as undead; classic Dracula.  I wouldn't allow them to be 'cured', because essentially that's resurrection.  It also changes the entire tone and feel of the campaign.  If a table decides to allow this to be done, it should be very difficult, because if it was easy, it would happen more often.  (Hence my comment about making a cure dependent on, say, willing human sacrifices.)

Renfields are so mangled, mentally and spiritually, that they no longer qualify as human.  (Which does lead to the interesting question of how damaged a human being has to be to no longer be 'human' under the First Law...)  I actually do have a group that can, at considerable cost and risk, sort of recover a person from a Renfield.  (As described to a PC, "It's like glueing a Ming Vase back together; it may look much the same, but you can't make the person fully whole again.")  It takes a very long time, and since there's also some risk, the group doesn't normally bother.  And Renfields are still living beings.

Red Court is much the same as Black Court; they're a type of undead/demon cross, and there's nothing human left to bring back.  RCV Infected haven't quite crossed over...but again, if you allow a cure, then you're changing the tone of the universe.

White Court Vampires have all made a choice (consciously or not), so no, they don't get to 'come back'.  That would be altering the concept of actions having consequences.  They may feel very sorry afterwards that they killed someone; but they killed them.  (Now redemption AFTER death is in the hands of Someone Else, and would depend on how the WCV had conducted themselves in life; you might not be able to become human again, but you can chose not to become a monster...)  White Court Virgins explicitly can be cured.

Vampire: The Angst...err Masquerade/Requiem is a different game, with a different tone.  Even there, a cure was supposed to be very difficult and nigh-legendary; many NPC vampires didn't believe it existed.

For me, it's a question of what type of universe do you wish to play in?  What is the tone, the setting?  In the basic Dresdenverse, actions have consequences, and Bad Things Happen to Good People.  If you start changing that, you're starting to change what attracted us to the universe in the first place.

Again, all the above is my opinion, and should not be taken as a criticism or reflection of anyone's game or setting.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Wolfwood2 on April 22, 2011, 04:33:00 PM
No offense to Jim Butcher, but the Dresden Files isn't exactly a tightly crafted LotR style universe where every setting element has been developed to support a certain theme.  I suspect rather a lot of the setting elements are there simply because they supported whatever plot Jim was writing at the time.  (Which isn't to deny that he clearly had ideas for long term plots that have stabilized as the series continued.)

That's fine, there's nothing wrong with that.  But personally, when I'm playing or running DF, I make it clear to the group this is our universe to tell the plots that we want to tell.  If we find that we never end up wiping our butts with some Butcher-defined element of the setting, then we're probably doing it wrong.  Vampires, like any other setting element, are what we need them to be.

If it cheapens one of the themes of the setting, so what?  I guess we weren't all that invested in that particular theme for that particular game.  The Butcherverse is merely a convenient baseline to return from to decide how we will deviate for any particular game.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: MrobFire on April 22, 2011, 07:13:15 PM
I'm going to ignore the debate of canon versus "your table, your rules" which seems like maybe it should be split into a different thread and go back to the OP's question. Also note, comments on the laws of magic are there to explain some of my reasoning, not to start a discussion of the laws themselves. Feel free to interpret those bits how you will (or discard them all together).

I've been thinking about this for a day or so and I think I've come up with the (nigh impossible) way that I would pull this off while conforming to canon (I think) and (maybe) avoiding violating the laws of magic. Basically, the process would involve three truly epic rituals.

1) A fairly straightforward ritual that would take out the BC vamp with a massive mental attack, the specified result being that the central will and subconcious of the vamp is destroyed, probably leaving the animating magical influence intact. At a guess this would be something like a 35 to 40 shift effect but I don't think excercising mental effects on a BC vamp violates the laws of magic (but I don't have the book available and could be totally wrong on that). Edit: Note that I'm leaving whether or not this leaves memories in tact an open question. Personally, I would since that leaves all kinds of role playing on the table... although having no idea what kind of monstrous things "you" did is also pretty awesome story material.
2) Another "straightforward" ritual to take a corpse and return it to life (sans moral agency [i.e. no soul]). Call this something on the close order of 40 shifts. At this step it may be necessary to expell the animating magic of the black court vamp (although you could say that the mere act of bringing the body to life destroys the death magic or that the body is essentially infected and will revert to BC vamp'ness upon death [I like the second option]). If you have to expell the animating magic add.... say another 40 shifts of effect (Doing this would kind of obviate the need for the first ritual soo... just changing the first ritual would be a smarter way to do it).
3) Now, since I would argue that performing a true ressurection (i.e. bringing a sould back from the afterlife) would require -at least- archangel level magic, and probably WG level mojo, I'm going to do an end run around that with this ritual. Instead of bringing the soul back from the afterlife I would use chronomancy to provide a bridge from the moment of death to the present thus using the awesome power of time travel to allow the soul to never have gone to the afterlife in the first place. Note that in order for this bridge to be usable by a soul would also take some pretty serious necromancy. Also note that since the soul only moves forward in time (thus swimming with, not against, time) and since the soul isn't compelled to take the bridge as opposed to 'moving on' (so we're not compelling it, just providing it a choice) I think and argument could be made in game that the White Council's laws of magic haven't been broken and can be made that the 'physical' laws of magic (involving the stunts/change of aspect/whatever) also haven't been broken. This spell is kind of hilarious and I have no idea how to guess at the number of shifts it would take.

Sooo.... that's how I would go about "curing" a BC vamp while trying to not get my head chopped off (unlikely to work) and without driving myself insane (a debate that this board has established is pretty subjective and not really worth having).

P.S. I think this method establishes the morality of killing BC vamps since, bar time travel, the BC vamp is not savable. You can only change this fact by, kind of, changing the past. If you don't change the past then the BC still isn't covered by morality and is just an evil automaton (or something). But... that is also probably a different thread.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 22, 2011, 09:05:29 PM
Seriously?  Cost.

The discussion (not our slapfest) was on how and how much cost.  Deciding "Sure, if it's possible it's as easy as killing someone" isn't really moving the discussion forward.  It's dismissing it.

I gave the cost in the post where I initially mentioned this but I'll repeat it now.  The cost is the same as any other unwilling transformation  - a total takeout (including all consequences) + 4 (the max the defender can roll).  How many steps is that? Depends on the target.

I'm not pulled the "turn to unliving stone / turn to living person" thing out of my ass - it's a major part of one of the plots in Summer Knight.  The "turn back" thing would take a while to cast so the person doing decided on using what is basically a potion to do that - but the theory is the same: Stone girl used to be unliving stone and is now a living girl.  Black Court Vampire used to unliving Vampire and is now a living human.

I feel this is completely against canon, but if you do then you can use the rules as written and transform someone that way.

As for the "just say yes" bit of Fate - there are reasons why there is more than one Fate rulebook out there.  The rules are okay but it's how the rules mesh with the setting that matters.  The DV setting has some established rules and "saying yes" sometimes breaks those rules. 

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 22, 2011, 09:18:34 PM
Seriously?  Cost.

The discussion (not our slapfest) was on how and how much cost.  Deciding "Sure, if it's possible it's as easy as killing someone" isn't really moving the discussion forward.  It's dismissing it.

Regardless, so if you think it's as easy as turning someone to stone and back, what would you consider to be necessary to Unstone someone?  Keeping in mind they've now been killed by becoming stone...

Let me see if I'm clear:
You specifically want recommendations on *what* the players have to do in order to put this ritual together
 - a list of the actual tasks, Ritual Declarations, etc. that they have to come up with -
in order to power the 40+ shift Ritual :

(filling the entire consequence track 20
overcoming the largest stress track 5
matching a Superb Endurance skill 5
matching the best roll possible + 4
extra to overcome any additional Toughness, say another 6)

Those are going to be better if the players come up with them. It's their ritual, after all - they should come up with it. You can set a few benchmarks for them, a short checklist of elements they must incorporate, but ultimately, the players are going to tell the story of their own ritual. Even if you don't accept the DresdenVerse's "canon," this is still all in the RAW.

If one does not care about either the RAW, *or* the setting: why would such a one be participating in a forum and asking/answering questions which sort of imply that one at least care about either the RAW or the canon?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Becq on April 22, 2011, 09:54:33 PM
Not belittling you:  You never played White Wolf's Vampire : The Masquerade or Requiem, have you?

If becoming mortal again is flatly impossible, there is no reason to struggle for it.  If your Meta-premise for the character can never be realized, there is much less reason to really work at it, it becomes a side thing, that hobby the character pursues.  The character won't ever really sacrifice for it, because the player knows it's impossible.*
And if you set down a process by which the curse can be reveresed, then vampirism no longer poses a threat, because the player knows on behalf of his character that if he ever gets infected, all he needs to do is follow the 12-step program.  I *have* played the VtM, and know that there, like here, there is always rumors or hints that a cure might conceivably possible, but never any proof that it has been realized.  Well, until they ended WoD1.0, at least.

It's absolutely fine for the characters to long for and struggle for a cure.  This is good story material (see the novels for proof).  But actually finding the cure is boring.  Once it's done, vampirism loses it's teeth.

But, hey ... play it the way you want to.  The above is my opinion.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Tedronai on April 22, 2011, 10:20:17 PM
Once it's done, vampirism loses it's teeth.

If it's easily repeatable, sure.
If it, instead, requires the intercession of a higher being (a Faerie Mother, for instance), for whom you'd have to perform a minor quest just to receive an audience, that itself could end up being a major social conflict, just to have the opportunity to perform a major, extended quest for which the reward will provide only the key component of a ritual that will allow you to succeed on your own merits...
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Becq on April 22, 2011, 10:33:09 PM
Well, once you get into the realm of Faerie Mothers, you're basically talking about Divine Intervention (or at least Near-Divine Intervention).  Since there is definitively a God who is 'Almighty' in the Dresdenverse, Divine Intervention as a Plot Device can presumeably accomplish anything.  I generally think of something described as a 'cure' to be a formula or process, rather than a one-time miracle.

And frankly, given that the sorts of favors the Faerie Mothers might require in repayment could (and should) end up being more frightening that the original curse of vampirism, so that takes care of my argument about it becoming too easy.  Just make sure that the Mothers don't start posting a price list, regardless of how high it might be.  The cost should be tailored to the individual, and the the Mothers should rightfully get pissed if a line starts forming outside their door.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 23, 2011, 04:34:50 AM
Let me see if I'm clear:
You specifically want recommendations on *what* the players have to do in order to put this ritual together
 - a list of the actual tasks, Ritual Declarations, etc. that they have to come up with -
in order to power the 40+ shift Ritual :

(filling the entire consequence track 20
overcoming the largest stress track 5
matching a Superb Endurance skill 5
matching the best roll possible + 4
extra to overcome any additional Toughness, say another 6)

There's a way around the toughness.  Get someone who is happy to fill a handkerchief with sunlight and make garlic an important component of the spell.  I'm envisioning the ancient remedies combining in a cloud of vapor and light that washes over the target - driving out the evil as it transform him.

You could probably even tag the sunlight and garlic for steps in the prep step.

So 34 or so steps - if you're letting someone change another character's High Concept and template.

Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: InFerrumVeritas on April 23, 2011, 11:14:10 AM
There's a way around the toughness.  Get someone who is happy to fill a handkerchief with sunlight and make garlic an important component of the spell.  I'm envisioning the ancient remedies combining in a cloud of vapor and light that washes over the target - driving out the evil as it transform him.

You could probably even tag the sunlight and garlic for steps in the prep step.

So 34 or so steps - if you're letting someone change another character's High Concept and template.


Plus some breaking of the laws of magic.  This is important.  You are, at the very least, bringing someone back from the dead and violating there.  Lawbreaker for sure.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Richard_Chilton on April 23, 2011, 03:24:57 PM
Plus some breaking of the laws of magic.  This is important.  You are, at the very least, bringing someone back from the dead and violating there.  Lawbreaker for sure.

Is undead the same as dead? Shrug.
For this to work the vampire has to be considered as unliving as stone.  It's more of "take the vampire and put it in a living body" than "restore the vampire to life" as no part of the magic is explicitly returning him to life, just shifting the shape of his body.

(who can't believe he's debating something that breaks canon and twists the rules so much)
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 23, 2011, 03:51:48 PM
There's a way around the toughness.  Get someone who is happy to fill a handkerchief with sunlight and make garlic an important component of the spell.  I'm envisioning the ancient remedies combining in a cloud of vapor and light that washes over the target - driving out the evil as it transform him.

You're definitely right - my only goal was to get some numbers on the table. If one of the players takes the initiative to propose a way to bypass the Toughness, I consider that a small victory.

(who can't believe he's debating something that breaks canon and twists the rules so much)

No worries: people are allowed to run games that are close to - but not exactly - the DresdenVerse, so it is alright to debate such things, as long as everyone involved understands that we have no intention of ever allowing this in a canonical game, and have no desire to set a precedent. I'm certainly not judging you.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: evileeyore on April 23, 2011, 04:17:33 PM
No worries: people are allowed to run games that are close to - but not exactly - the DresdenVerse, so it is alright to debate such things, as long as everyone involved understands that we have no intention of ever allowing this in a canonical game, and have no desire to set a precedent. I'm certainly not judging you.

And as long as we agree our definitions of Canon do not all agree on all points.

/trying to not fan the flames of war, just sayins all.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: devonapple on April 23, 2011, 05:00:43 PM
And as long as we agree our definitions of Canon do not all agree on all points.

Oh, I think that is pretty clear already. ;)
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Roxy Rocket on April 23, 2011, 07:07:51 PM
Swim against the streams of time and prevent them from being tuned?
Kill them, and bring them back to life as a human?
Mind-swap them into a normal human body?

I like a nice Rube Goldberg machine as much as the next warlock.


Popping back to the title of the thread or a moment: Isn't the difficulty or complexity mostly about the effect? One method should be as hard as the next in for magic. Plus you're always going to annoy someone (...or something,) bigger than you for doing this.

The rest is just a choice between who you annoy and how long the thaumaturgy scene is. Or, you know, selling your soul to a trustworthy never-never-kin. I mean, unless your GM will give you a discount for violate multiple rules and making everything in the city angry with you.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: ryanshowseason2 on April 25, 2011, 01:51:28 PM
Wow didn't realize this was a necrothread, someone broke a law there  ;D

That being said though, a BCV, RCV and changeling walk into a bar. The RCV attempts to infect the changeling, The bcv renfields the RCV. The changeling makes his choice to go full fey.

What templates do you end up with?

My point being can anyone force anyone else to "drop" a template? Forcibly adding is debatable even. My understanding of the fey was that they aren't made of the same "stuff" as regular mortals. I've considered in my own mind that they'd be immune to being effected by certain blood curses.

An even more staggering question is
(click to show/hide)
WCV and changeling, they're all inherited by lineage so what if.... By some wacky orgy you had offspring capable of inheriting all those templates... Then what if they put on a hexenwolf belt?

Where is your god now?
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: Tedronai on April 25, 2011, 01:59:43 PM
Where is your god now?

Sleeping beyond the Outer Gates.
Title: Re: easiest way to save a black court vampire and return them to a human
Post by: tymire on April 25, 2011, 06:06:53 PM
Well betting you would lose the WC demon if the changeling ever chose, everything else should still work fine. =P

Just curious all this time you are using to change the BCV back to human you're just going to leave him in tool shed out back staked so he doesn't eat your face or tear you limb from limb right?  Hmm if the had chains strong enough you could even play games with him like they do at the end of Shawn of the Dead...